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My name is....JayZulla, the micrula....

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:: 2007 2 July :: 11.34 am

Why do people compare themselves with others? Why dont you just live your life for yourself and let other people do their own thing without your two cents? If people want your opinion, give it to them. If not, shut the fuck up. Pull your head out of your ass and open your eyes.

Shoot the shit

:: 2007 20 June :: 8.56 am

I hear on the tv "A Might Heart is truly the first greatest film of the year"

ummmmm, 300.

4 shots | Shoot the shit

:: 2007 19 June :: 12.15 pm

celica and focus > avenger

edit: also think about reverting to the total ass i was. to everyone except my crew. some of you might think that that never really ended. you dont even know what ass means if thats the case. bout' to get down and dirty.

4 shots | Shoot the shit

:: 2007 15 June :: 12.36 pm

penDUBS says "pistol grip pump on my lap at all times. they can be fucking with other doggys shit but they cant be fucking with mine. i think ill take out all you motherfuckers without dely"

1 shot | Shoot the shit

:: 2007 13 June :: 12.30 pm

Yeah, 98% of you should go fuck yourselves. Then put on a black jump suit and run into oncoming traffic. Yeah, I'm not joking.

I wish I didnt care about anyone so spraying my brains all over to escape stupidity and hypocricy would seem like a rational plan. Dont ask what my problem is, because chances guessed it, you're the problem.

3 shots | Shoot the shit

:: 2007 8 June :: 3.58 pm

My mom says to my father - " our damn bathroom sink has been leaking for 2 years, and you lay around and watch Paris Hilton go back to jail?" my dad - "It had shades of the OJ Simpson chase"

Shoot the shit

:: 2007 16 May :: 11.46 am

yeah, so um....sorry to everyone who tried to get ahold of me when my phone was dead. uh, yeah.

6 shots | Shoot the shit

:: 2007 25 April :: 7.50 pm

200 dollars later. Timmy has Virtue and a Superfly en route. Bitch better stop leaking, i dont want to break her down.

Shoot the shit

:: 2007 17 April :: 5.54 pm

Aunt Kim almost had a fatal reaction to her insulin(sp). Thank god for Fernando. If he was being serious with me, I might be looking into a passport and a trip to Kosovo for 6 months. We'll see.

1 shot | Shoot the shit

:: 2007 16 April :: 3.50 pm

Fable 2 is going to be amazing.

1 shot | Shoot the shit

:: 2007 15 April :: 3.26 am

I think.... nevermind.

edit: This is why I have ice water for blood, and have a hard time opening up.

Fuck it.

3 shots | Shoot the shit

:: 2007 12 April :: 2.11 pm

Im so sick of hearing about kids wanting God to be involved in public schools. Go to a fucking private school if you want God to be a part of it. Seperation of church and state, bitch. Isnt EVER going to happen.

BTW, God damnit.

Have a nice day.

2 shots | Shoot the shit

:: 2007 11 April :: 7.02 am

I fucking hate this state. They thought that I would really like it if they held 300 dollars worth of checks i sent them anywheres from a week, to a month and a half ago, and cash them all when i had 400 dollars in my checking. YAY. Thank god its fucking pay day.

Drive respon. fee is a total fucking joke. "Hmmm, the states broke. I know, let screw the people even more other then cutting government jobs that dont do us any good."

Burn in hell you fucking bitch. I call first inline to shove a pineapple up her ass when I get there.

1 shot | Shoot the shit

:: 2007 6 April :: 11.48 pm
:: Mood: Feel like putting up my dukes
:: Music: Clutch - 10001110101

FTP - Comment if you know what this means.

Timmy = New bolt and techna on the way.

E-Cocker = Dont know. You're a moody bitch. Well try putting paint through and seeing what happens.

Celica = Gold digging bitch. 250 bucks last week, 600 bucks in two weeks and you'll be as sexy as ever.

Grey Goose L'Orange = Makes Jay feel good.

Penny Lyane (thats my dogs full name incase your inept(sp lol)) = The shit.

My homeboys = The only reason I am still here.

The Goose b0mbs got me feeling teech.

Maybe two people will get this. R.I.P. to Teech, and Unit.

I guess I'll explain. Way back in the day Bizz found two baby bunnies at Team Alpine (FFS) and he named them Teech and Unit, together you should be able to put that together. They both died liked a week later.

Grey Goose is excellent. Now I know why I paid 30 bucks for it. Its got me feeling human again.

If you dont like me, go fuck yourself.

5 shots | Shoot the shit

:: 2007 6 April :: 1.38 pm

So some dude with a bible just came to our door and penny went crazy. When my dad saw the bible he yelled at penny to go bite him. The dude turned around and left. The dogs got the magic eye i tell you.

Edit: I wanted to put penny on her leash and let her run out after him and scream out the window "PENNY KILL!" and watch his ass run to the car.

3 shots | Shoot the shit | Random Journal