I was born when you kissed me. I died when you left me. I lived a few weeks while you loved me.


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:: 2005 3 March :: 7.11 pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: Cirque Du Soliel- Saltimbanco

this is frustration
so what do you do when people are on your ass about college, your best friend doesnt even understnad your lonlienss an you have to hurt some guy cuz you dont even know how to handle relationships anymore?

you sit.

you're sick of losing friends, but used to it and its almost to the point where you would just accept it when it happens, as you know it's going to. you've come to the realisation that in three months, all friendships will be obsolete anyway. and that boyfriend you had, he's still just as dumb, and there's no chance of holding anyone tha close for a long, long time. you now understand love and the lack thereof. you are hating your parents currently because they arent even trying to understand where you are from, but expecting you to pull your life together easily. what do you do when everyone else has someone to tie the knot at the end of the stitches, but you are holding the fabric and trying to tie with your teeth. what do you say to yoruself when you find out you arent needed in even your own life?

you sit.

you wait.

say hello to nothing.

because nothing is there.


:: 2005 22 January :: 7.40 pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: bzz

i hate parents friends everyone
my mother is so mean. she came up to give me something from elaine and steve (so of course, she was drunk) and she started bitching about how my rooms a fucking disaster and all that shit.

well great, i said. if you dont like it then get out of it. you dont have to come in here, and neither does anyone else. its like that story nipple jesus. not to mention the fact that i dont like that she talks to herself, yet she continues to do so, saying "if you dont like it, dont listen." so i told her that. i also asked what, other than my room being a mess, what else is she not proud of me for.

she said my grades, which ill let you know is the thing that pissed me off the most. i really went ape after that. how could she say that? all shes ever wanted was B's and now i have B's and now "it's too late". how could she ever say that. what a great encouragement to get me wanting to succeed in college.

once i go away, i will not send her my grades. i will not tell her how i am doing. in fact, i doubt that i will do much talking to her at all unless she is sober.

the other things that have been pissing me off is her with gail. okie great she has friends. she spends loads of time on the phone with gail and then she hangs up and goes over to elaines. okie thats all fine and whatever, even though its a pain to wait for dinner sometimes. but the other day i came home after spending two whole hours with jen (and mushroom) and she asked where i was and i told her. "god you're always with jen....jen, jen, jen". where the hell does she get off saying that now?!? i havent hung out with jen in forever and she's supposed to be my best friend! not to mention the fact that shes allowed to but im not? what the hell.

oh. and another thing about gail. well they talk so often that now their kids lives are like trading cards and they compare everything. so shaun got a job at a pet store; shaun got a $4,000 scholarship; shaun got put up a rank in his ROTC; shaun got all A's this semester; shaun thinks latin's hard; shaun got a 26 on his ACT.

oh thats nice shaun. seeing as you are clearly prouder of shaun than of me, how about you go live with him. ill live by myself, which, by the way, i am not mature enough to do according to her. oh, im also not expirienced enough to drive in the snow, but mother how can i get expirience if im not allowed out of the house when it snows?!?

all i wanted for christmas was a coat and shoes and shampoo and conditioner.

they told me to ask for more and got me an mp3 player and now i cant get my wisdom teeth pulled. im mad taht im such a burden money-wise, but i would think two jobs could help that. i dont ask for money to eat out; i dont ask for money for anything petty. i asked for it for all state but i wont ask for this show shirt. i wont ask for anything that i cant handle. im trying to buy a new computer before graduation. ill ask for a college education if they ask me what i want. that and my wisdom teeth pulled.

oh, damn. im complaining again.

you'd think the people who supposedly love you would be a tad more supportive.

i hate people. hermitism it is for me.


:: 2005 19 January :: 8.53 pm
:: Mood: not so happy
:: Music: bzzz

so i dont know whether i want to put this in or not now.

im excited for brian to respond. i just asked him if he was busy on the twelvth, but still, my question depends on his answer...funny how that works.

so im mad. first of all the highlight of my day, as ive told many people, is the fact that on the consumer management final i knew what per capita meant because "caput" means "head" in latin. so therefore, per capita means per person, or literally, per head. sad really, that it was the most exciting part of my day.

i realised that my parents are ridiculously irresponsible with their money. i cant get my wisdom teeth pulled until april (they really hurt) because my mum has to wait for tax returns. my dad said i cant go to a college that costs much cuz we cant afford it.

all good and well i would say...if only our house wasnt worth so much...and we didnt have a BMW in the garage next to the motorcycle. he has a company car that he's been driving because he fired the guy who used to drive it. so why in the world are we not using that money? gah. last time we got a big tax return, instead of using it to cover the bills and stop complaining about stuff, my parents painted the fucking house!

i think they need to take the consumer management class.

i also realised thats its odd how easily one is replaced.

i think its odd. i try to think of one item that i wouldnt give up for my friend's life. no items come to mind. i would give my own life even for someone who i dont know that well. how odd it is to say "you have made it to that level where you are more important than my guitar/all worldly possessions". i would think that friendship includes that, but then again, thats probably just me.

i also found out that im whiny, and annoyingly opinionated. somehow, that feeling that brian gave me a couple a weeks ago when he said that i was "tiny" as in width-wise is all gone now cuz hearing your friends say that.....its....well its kinda tough to take. i figure ill shut up about much now.

oh i dont know im just not doing so well. i cant stop eating which just makes me feel huge and then i weighed myself and the whole five pounds i lost a couple of weeks ago (at all state) are back and they brought five of their friends.

yes...no pity...am telling you all. i hate that. "oh im sorry...." i hate that...dont bother.

1 three drinks behind | martini?

:: 2005 18 January :: 3.36 pm
:: Mood: envious
:: Music: "the nightmare before xmas"

so...twice now ive been told that im more important than worldly possessions. doesnt that make me feel good? hmm...


:: 2005 2 January :: 3.50 pm
:: Mood: artistic
:: Music: incubus

finally on!
woo. my computer downstairs isnt working and ive been wanting to write in here but too lazy to come upstairs.

so...finishing portfolio. tmro is loading day and then i leave yay!

new years sucked. just like xmas. neil was drinking....yea la de da cuz im not with him. but i have a feeling he was lying to me when he was at school.

so that sucked.

and i didnt do anything...that sucked too

oh well...

you know those time when you feel like you just need a week away from it all.

i actually get it this time.


okie...portfolio so i can get into college time.


:: 2004 26 December :: 12.45 pm
:: Mood: sad

we broke up.

4 three drinks behind | martini?

:: 2004 25 December :: 12.54 pm

So this Christmas eve hasn’t been all that bad. It really was….not so much that I hate it. I suppose it could have been a lot worse. Had I not spent the day with jen, I would have liked to see neil more than I did, you know, as if he were my boyfriend rather than seeing him less than campy. Not that I don’t like campy, just…oh if you don’t get it now don’t worry about it.

I did a lot of thinking today. Im going to talk to neil and tell him how I feel….i hope the response is not “I hate when you get yourself so upset about this.” Or “don’t be mad at me.” I don’t think I could feel any sadder than I am in this situation, and so if the worst should happen in our relationship, then I don’t think I could feel much worse.

I think ill regret it no matter what I do though.

Oh well. Nothing good could be enjoyed if nothing bad was suffered.


:: 2004 24 December :: 4.36 pm

so merry christmas eve.

i hate christmas.


:: 2004 24 December :: 12.52 pm

yay for my dad!

he went theatre college searching and found this funniness.

if you are not involved in the techie half of theatre, i fear you will not understand...

The Tech's Files


:: 2004 24 December :: 12.06 pm
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: Mannheim Steamroller Christmas Extrodinare

christmas eve eve
i want to go back to writing. i miss it. and drawing.

i saw finding neverland tonight with the sandy kim and trixy. it was really good. i cried.

i love spending time with them. they made the day not crappy, which, had i gone to festivus, it would have been. but instead we went to stunkels and movie and made cookies and opened presents. it was a party! really, it was the bestest "festivus" minus wrestling and confessions ever!

everyone got me zim stuff! yay! i love this show.

two minutes before christmas eve.

and the incubus dvd "alive at red rocks".

apparently, im predictably obsessive.

im going to drop neils present off in his mail box.

then leave a message.

no need to see him apparently.

so much for ice skating.

he's upsetting. i hate how you can have the most wonderful days and then come home and all the bad stuff rushes back to your head as if tomorrow will never come with more time to think about it. you dont get the opportunity to bask in the goodness of one day.

i hate home.

i'm going to re-read this journal some time from now and realise how odd my life went. how much i changed and what went wrong in things.

ill remember what i never wrote because i didnt need to; still having photographic evidence in my brain.

yay for not caring to scrapbook. scrapbooking captures only good times. people always are smiling in the pictures. they make you miss people because you remmeber how funny they are/were. but a journal remembers your emotions toward that person at certain times, and correctly dates (sometimes) the events, therefore organizing them chronologically.

im going to go to bed. goodnight and sweet dreams of a person you know you cant have.


:: 2004 22 December :: 11.33 pm
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: who cares?

there are so many of those moods that i am. very indifferent to all the presents people are giving me. i love them but then the situation's still the same so its like a momentary high. im frustrated with my mum. i just want to be left alone because its not something anyone understands apparently. they tell me to talk to him but how am i supposed to talk to someone who tells me "dont be mad at me"? so im angry at that and sad cuz he's not being a boyfriend. ive seen him three of the six days he's been home, which hasnt been since thanksgiving. festivus is clearly more important than getting his gift. i promise i wont call him until after christmas, except to say merry christmas to him and his family.

my lips are dry and hurt. my body hurts and im exhausted. i just want to sleep, but the more i think about neil, the more prospective all the above (or below) listed guys sound. i want to persue jeramiah, even if only for a week in january (he lives in rockford). stunkel'd be fun too, but i wouldnt want to leave him at home. it's too tough of a situation. matt smith is by far the hardest to pass up.

today i went to his house and he's so comfortable and gentle, yet playful and not nervous. he leaned over me to look at the cd that i asked him a question about cuz it was on the table, and i just wanted to kiss him. im really having difficulty.

neil didnt even try to get me to the door to say goodbye. i dont think he cares that im being distant. either that or he hasnt noticed.

hm...where'd that come from? i think i drooled on my pants.

goodnight. im going to work tmro. i sort of like not having a life. relationships dont change in your head if you dont keep up with them.

2 three drinks behind | martini?

:: 2004 21 December :: 3.51 pm
:: Mood: working
:: Music: was Nightmare b4 xmas

im bored. shonsky's fixing the vcr-reciever-tv-cd connection. not for me to do. yay...cheerleaders...

its a video from two years ago. a senior video.

so last night i sort of flipped out and stunkel, mushroom, and campy were there. i feel bad but my mum was being super bitch again. she wouldnt believe that i was at the mall. she thought i meant that i had been there from ten in the morning until eleven at night. had she looked at the book that i gave her of all the things i have planned, she would have known that. also, had she just asked, she would have understood. i originally got mad cuz i have never done anything to give her a reason not to trust me. i dont drink, smoke or drugs, i dont steal, i havent gotten a speeding ticket, im doing better with my grades.

so now it's 1:26am on 22 december. im no longer at work. im even more exhasted now. i went to allstate, and then worked....and worked, oh and guess what? worked while other people were partying where i work. this is the second time im typing this cuz i hit something and it all went away.

i spent the day with stunkel on monday. he is so fun, he makes you feel good. he makes you laugh so much you forget everything else in your life. now that i think about it, thats why i want to go back to allstate. i am so busy, within three straight days, i thought about my family and shitiness for a whole ten minutes. thats 10/2160 minutes. matt smith makes me feel good about myself. he knows the right thing to say and he's not afraid to be close. jeremiah is at allstate. he's sooo cool. i almost wish i didnt have neil just so i could flirt and joke and not feel bad about it. i actually dont that much anymore. angela and laura killed the ultra flirtiness; now its just fun. all these guys are smart and can figure out that girls dont want to be ditched for certain stuff, other things of which they could be taken to and be included. or even be ignored.

btw, i think neils ignoring me. granted, he's sick. but when im sick, (and everyone i know), i want to be around someone special, just to be held. but he told me not to come. and he didnt come to my show. and he wont come to the other. he wont come to stunkels because he's going to festivas. so ive seen my boyfriend 2/5 of the days he's been home, when i havent seen him since thanksgiving.

jens sort of getting the point, but i know she still has more interesting things to think of. i should have been telling her all my frustrations last night, but shes never there for me anymore...not that she was ever easy to talk to.

my horoscope today said basically that because ive been "doggedly persueing my future", a get-together would "make [me] realise how much [i] really mean to people."

it makes sense. i still feel sad though. i dont want to be like YKW.

i want to go ice skating. i wanted to go with neil, but i dont know if that'll happen. i dont want to finish his xmas present because i got him and i matching rings. i want to get frames for our homecoming and prom pictures. maybe ill just get an xbox controller (used) and be done.

im exhausted. g'night. sweet dreams of "the one hiding under your stairs with fingers like snakes and spiders in [his] hair!"


:: 2004 20 December :: 1.00 am
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: nightmare before xmas

so today was not all that bad...a few things went wrong on the show but eh, what can you do? hopefully downstate, stage left will know whats going on...

People Who Were Supposed to Come:


i was really upset
neil didnt come. jen didnt comment on much
neil most likely wont go to the performance in champaign
i figured jen'd forget, but im proud of her for not
but i have to say that im sad she didnt even critisize, almost as if she fell asleep.

it's something thats really important to me. like normal shows are important, but i would hope that my closest friends and neighbours and such would care enough to come. oh well though.

one good thing came out of it.

my dad said that we have to talk about this school thing next year. he said "you cant go to CLC and actually go somewhere. you arent going to be focused on theatre, you're going to be too involved in other things. you know how you are."

I'm sort of happy about that.

i dont know.

the ISU kids were sorta mean about my portfolio. i have to redo pretty much everything, and the things that took the most work and i was most proud of just went ::woosh:: while they fell off the page.

neils sick

elaines sick

dorthea threw out her back

dogs still in pain from her "removal"

and jeramiah is perfect; a secret obsession, i guess.

if you care to ask, ill let you know...

or if im in the mood, ill tell you anyway...

sleep now...work tmro.....and the next day.

this break sucks so far and we're three days in.

1 three drinks behind | martini?

:: 2004 17 December :: 8.38 am
:: Mood: restless
:: Music: ::type, type, type:: of patrices computer

Friday morning in the library
In a much better mood today. Patrice made me laugh. Shes good at that. The kid sitting in front of me has a duck on his shirt¡Kthat¡¦s weird for a boy. I suppose it depends what it says though. He¡¦s looking at cars online. And typing something. Then there¡¦s people who are writing papers and this is one of the few times I can stretch out and say ¡§ahh¡Kno papers to do.¡¨ It¡¦s freeing really. You should try it.

Today is the last school day for a while. I have to leave early for allstate. It scared me this morning when Christine came to my door and rung the doorbell.

I don¡¦t want to leave. Im going to miss frouny. And I kinda like school. ƒ¼

Oh well I guess. Preview of summer I suppose.

Neils coming tonight too. Which I should be excited about, but oddly enough, im not. In fact, im only scared and extremely nervous. Look my arms shaking¡Koh¡Knevermind¡Kthat would be the fact that it hurts from typing.

Patrice is typing in an orange box.

Last night I called neil, which I know I shouldn¡¦t do. I think ill take his name off my phonebook just so that I don¡¦t. I know it by heart though¡Kits okie I can second guess myself if I don¡¦t just press four.

I did my best not to complain. He told me I wont have a life if I work all the time but I told him its okie cuz id just be bored otherwise. I don¡¦t think he knows what its like to be idling in between friendships and stages of life. He¡¦s a boy who doesn¡¦t do too much paying attention. I feel like a car¡Kidling.

Yay¡Kone minute.

Happy holidays to the school¡K


:: 2004 16 December :: 4.14 pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: the furnace

I'm in latin. i want to write this to jen, but i9 know it is something so futile to her that she won't care. She is enveloped in herself and mushroomness.

Today, at lunch, we had a "family meeting". We discussed my needing to clean, tyler's unspecified grocery list, mum's patience, and the family's drinking habits. We were pretty objective through the most of it; it was a meeting to tell mum we are worried about her drinking. I began by saing how i dilike drinking so much and how it's embarressing that even my friends dont respect her through all her drunkenness. She says shell cut down. Who believes her but herself? Tyler proposed extracting all alcohol from the house. Dad offered an appointement with this counsler with whom he had to sort out his D.U.I. She denied it all and said she'd figure it out on her own. She said she needs a month to sx weeks. By 16 Januar, we will be rid of alcohol, if all goes accordingly. It wont through. But i think im the only on who kmnows that.

Th other uncoverd issue of my pathetic exhistence is my fear of neil breaking up with me. i think he's sick of dealing with me...

then again, in the bathroom i was just thinking how jen had me to care for her and now that something new has come in, she forgot about what i might need in return from her. and then thinking neil doesnt want me.

its odd, because both my brother and my pasts were very independent, at least mine anyway. we dont know what its like to have soemone genuinely care about us and the things we do. So the slightest bit of not paying attention lands me in exactly the same spot i hate people when they're in.

i've been talking to patrice which is good...i dont have to depend on neil, the kid who would rather talk to his floormates and play video games, or hope to talk to jen in the next week. not that patrice is a last resort. i try to leave people alone as much as i can. patrice hates being left out too and so id rather hang out with her than someone who is included and doesnt care to talk about depressing subjects, or rather, listen to me at all.

i figure ill be in trouble for this one, too. but then i figure i'd rather than not say antyhign. i think ill just write in this from now on because its a hell of a lot easier than trying to incorporate emotion into a conversation.

jen is no fair and i dont l,ike it. some best friend i guess...

2 three drinks behind | martini?

:: 2004 5 December :: 4.00 am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: 90.1

1.) Copy and paste this into your journal:
<*font color="yourusername"> <*b>yourusername<*/b> <*/font>
2.) (Eliminate the asterisks)
3.) See what color you are



woo funness...

today i went to caribou with patrice...

my plan for today was
1) buy slippers for mum for xmas
2) go to caribou, get coffee, work on paper
3) babysit

but patrice called as i pulled into target and i picked her up from her three hour "break" and i got slippers and we spent an hour in caribou, then i babysat...the paper worked itself out of it...

we talked about a lot...im glad too...

i know im going to be in trouble for this one, but she has this connection that i miss having. i had/have it with jen, but its rare i talk to her. same with sandy. and patrice. but it felt good today just to spill, and listen to her spill. with everyone else, its either one or the other, or just laughs and games. i could talk to patrice forever though. so many late nights.

babysitting was soo fun. the girls were the next door neighbours of the first people i babysat since i moved here in seventh grade. they recommend me. yay. ive never babysat just one child. two is the lowest and its gone up to five, which isnt as much as jen...but still never just one. there were two girls, both very imaginative and active. three and five and a half ( i remember when you were "five and a quarter", it was so exciting; life gets boring when you get old). they were fun. the parents were surprised that i made them clean up. they said i might possibly be the best babysitter they've ever had.

ama go sleep now.



:: 2004 14 November :: 7.20 pm
:: Mood: bored

so im going through my away messages...

Andrew Warhola was born into a blue-collar family in Pittsburgh. He grew up, moved away to New York, became a graphic artist, and pretty much gave birth to the Pop Art movement. He made a name for himself painting Campbell's soup cans. He might be best known as being the guy who predicted: "In the future everybody will be world-famous for 15 minutes."

Would you like to meet this hot guy? Click HERE.

There are so many, many bad things in the world, but for some weird visceral reason, cannibalism is considered just about the worst. Depending on your point of view, it rises above even such criminal abominations as pedophilia, Rape and Genocide, but in the final analysis, it's what's for dinner.
Then again, we live in a culture in which people would run vomiting to the bathroom if they saw what went into making their McDonald's hamburgers, in which a cow is brutally killed with blunt-force trauma, its innards are outered, and then the whole thing is ground up into a mealy paste, intestines, feces, bones and all.

For more on this fascinating topic, click HERE.

...his insistence of removing portions of patients' bowels that he thought aided in spreading disease (due to rotten food overstaying their welcome within a body) and an amusing procedure wherein yogurt was given to both ends of the digestive system simultaneously.

His Cornflake idea, one of several "health foods" he developed over time, was taken by his brother Will and formed the base of the Kellogg's cereal empire. Dr. Kellogg wanted nothing to do with this bastardization of his invention and naturally went bazoo when the Kellogg's company started sugar-coating the flakes. A lawsuit ensued and the two brothers never spoke again. For some reason, neither the Kellogg's Cereal Company or the historical keepers of the name of Dr. Kellogg like to mention this.
~for more info on this appetizing topic, click HERE.

Dr. Jack Kevorkian, the Suicide doctor, should be getting more attention from the mainstream media. Instead, he rots in a prison cell, his only crime was to end the suffering of those who wanted to die. Perhaps he should not have flaunted his methods by videotaping the process and distributing the result.

Think of love as air...it surrounds you, but unless it blows in your face, or destroys soemthing close to you, like your house, or your friend, or you head, You dont know its there...and despite all the evidence we can produce in our minds to prove it non-existent, it is there.

In 1914, veteran conman Henri Landru hatched his all-time greatest "get rich quick" scheme. He placed a singles ad in the Paris newspapers.
He planned to seduce a wealthy respondent, con her out of her fortune, and kill her. It worked like a charm, and proved to be extremely lucrative. Over five years, Landru received more than 300 inquiries from interested women, out of which he pursued ten.

All told, the enterprise necessitated the deaths of 10 women, a young boy, and two dogs. He used poison to kill them. Then he cut up the bodies with a handsaw, incinerated the pieces in his stove, and dumped the ashes in his garden.
Landru's story later became the basis for a number of films, including Charlie Chaplin's 1947 dark comedy Monsieur Verdoux.

Want more on this lovely "widower"? click HERE.

"There was a machine designed for shredding plastic," she told the group." Men were dropped into it, and we were made to watch. Sometimes they went in head first and died quickly. Sometimes they went in feet first and died screaming. It was horrible. I saw thirty people die like this. Their remains would be placed in plastic bags and we were told they would be used as fish food. On one occasion, I saw Quesay (a son of Saddam) personally supervise these murders."

For more on this wonderful way to die, click HERE.

There was a mother who had a little boy who was very loveable and she worshipped him above everything. It happened that he became ill and died and she could not be comforted and wept day and night. Soon afterwards wehn the child had been buried it appeared in the places where it had played; and if the mother wept it wept also and when the morning came it disappeared. However the mother would not stop crying it came one night in the little white shroud in which it had been laid in its grave and with its wreath of flowers round its head and stood on the bed at her feet and said "Mother do stop crying or I shall never fall asleep in my coffin for my shroud will not dry because of all thy tears" The mother wept no more. The next night the child came. "Look, my shroud is dry" He then slept peacefully in his grave.

its snowing...its snowing...its snowing...its snowing...its snowing...its snowing...its snowing...its snowing...its snowing...its snowing... make a song and sing it when it snows...bounce around your house waking everyone up!

If you so must leave, %n, then i wish you chocolate-covered, candy-coated, cotton candy flavoured, bubblegummy sweet dreams!

dont cry, heres why:
~1 beautiful people dont cry
~2 its only for emotional show
~3 it wont make things better
~4 it might dehydrate you
~5 it only makes your cheeks wet anyway

"A hidden truth is more dangerous than a spoken lie." ~Frounfelter~

What makes the Walt Disney World theme park so interesting is not so much the park itself, with many extensions of the original plans of Disneyland and its incredible popularity as a destination spot, but all the amazing aspects of the Reedy Creek Improvement District, the government set up by Disney (which continues to this day) that was originally intended to govern EPCOT (the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow) and give it the ability to live out Disney's dream of a perfect society.

Hm...continuing your deep thoughts, yes....


~look outside....is it:





doesn't matter.

~the time is %t...

~kinda sux that time rules our lives, eh?

1 three drinks behind | martini?

:: 2004 13 November :: 1.56 am
:: Mood: thoughtless

Outgoing (E) 72.22% Withdrawn (I) 27.78%
Imaginative (N) 51.22% Realistic (S) 48.78%
Emotional (F) 52.63% Intellectual (T) 47.37%
Improvised (P) 57.89% Organized (J) 42.11%
Your type is: ENFP
You are an Inspirer, possible professions include - conference planner, speech pathologist, HR development trainer, ombudsman, clergy, journalist, newscaster, career counselor, housing director, character actor, marketing consultant, musician/composer, artist, information-graphics designer, human resource manager, merchandise planner, advertising account manager, dietitian/nutritionist, speech pathologist, massage therapist, editor/art director.
Take Free Career Test
personality tests by similarminds.com

Global Personality Test Results
Stability (67%) moderately high which suggests you are relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
Orderliness (45%) medium which suggests you are moderately organized, hard working, and reliable while still remaining flexible, efficient, and fun.
Extraversion (68%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
Take Free Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com


:: 2004 12 November :: 4.23 pm
:: Mood: bored

so not much is happening now...erm...yup



:: 2004 8 November :: 7.25 pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: Shrek II music in my head

sick, again
so now i want the soundtrack to shrek II.

im sick again.......how odd...ear infection i think. i think i can sense it and the doctors dont see it until its actually an infection. i wish they'd see it the first time.

i also wish the nurse at school would be nice and let me in just to check my ears. no. "you need a pass."

so my throat hurts and my ears and it hurts...

um all is well....im sooo excited to see the noo noo...he's coming on thanksgiving. i have to work tmro and wednesday.

i have a trig test tmro and have to pick my author for contemp fiction.

i think ill do E.L. Doctorow. he wrote ragtime which im supposed to read anyway. if not ill see if i can do gregory mcquire, but i think he's just a novelist. if i can do neither, ill pick one from the list. i have an idea because of stories we've read in class already.


im liking the lazy week, although im slacking off more...oh, bad jorie. it's okie cuz once things start up again, ill do more homwork. :).

makes no sense eh?

now off to do forty five minutes of trig and read two more chapters of ragtime....

adios to all!!!

2 three drinks behind | martini?

:: 2004 4 November :: 12.17 pm
:: Mood: distracted
:: Music: dryer ::woosh,woosh, clank::

aw...i love the soothing sounds of the dryer...as sarcastic as that sounds, im being sincere. it used to annoy me and wake me up but now its calming.

i miss home sometimes.

the shows over now. its sad. i miss it, despite how incredibly hectic it was. yay set go up in a week....set come down in a day. i agree with patrice...this show was awesome especially backstage.

i hopped over the running crew, helped fill a rat with his intestines and other bloodiness, crushed on a guy for the first in a long time, havenized with costumes, took notes on the third day of the show, ate candy, ate blood, took in the show for one of my last at vhhs, enjoyed myself, super-stressed (which ultimately cleaned me) and over-all loved the show.

i should be writing my paper now but im really distracted. neil called and left a message with i miss you exactly a month ago (17 minutes since it became the fourth) and played "i miss you" on his guitar. i sent him a sweetest day card that said "if you ever forget that im stuck on you" on the outside and "then here's a reminder" with a magnet that says i love you on the inside. then he sent a card that arrived on our seventeenth month (1 nov) that said a bunch of stuff like "when i cant hug you, wehn i cant share with you, when i cant talk to you..." and beside every one he wrote "kiss you" and on the inside said simply "i miss you". the next day i got a potted miniture rose and they are so pretty and i can keep them alive. i sent him red cupcakes the same day in the shape of a heart with a letter. so right now neil and i are doing fine.

right now is fun because i sort of still have a tad of a crush on zak which is weird. it was more during the show when i saw him a lot because for some reason in the dark his long powerful cape and height and fangs and it was overwhelming. i liked it. i miss it too. (Note to self: add to list) neil needs fangs and a long black flowy cape but an attitude like i have soemthing to do im not trying to show off cuz he would try to show off instead of just be hot about it.

okie i should be done. i need to be cuz the more i think about it, the more i want the picture in my head.

i need to finish this paper.

g'night all

sweet dreams.

1 three drinks behind | martini?

:: 2004 16 October :: 8.13 pm
:: Mood: pessimistic
:: Music: the soothing sounds of the dryer

can i just give up?
Recently, everything's been frustrating to the point where i just want to give up. The easiest would be Chuck E. Cheese. It takes more time than i have and im not planning on going anywhere near food service when im older, hence the pointlessness.

I also want to submit to jen. i hate being swept around but she wont see my side (which is not to spend more time with me than mushroom) and i feel like ive lost her already, which, i guess is good. i t wont be as hard when she leaves for college and i get stuck at CLC.

Neil would be the hardest. It'd be easier to get over rather than a sort of withering away. It seems like hed rather just get on with his life there rather than worry about my critisisims and hesistations. he wouldnt have to hold himself back on anything for me. yet i love him so much. i actually feel like he cares for me as much as i do him, all the while feeling as if he cant wait to get rid of me. i suppose even a tree grows attached to moss that decays it.

1 three drinks behind | martini?

:: 2004 16 October :: 12.32 am
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: volume one on the tv

oh, how horrible this hallmark holiday!
Today i took mushroom and campy to get sweetest day gifts for their girls. Not only are the two incredibly innovative, they are just plain cute. watching them ponder everything from the simple, generic yet romantic gifts to ironing the creases out of original ideas that would make any girl feel special and still make her laugh.

Hopefully ryan isnt an idiot and remembers the day. patrice deserves so much. Oh damn it! i have chocolate on my shirt...grr!

today really wasnt that great of a day. again, i dont feel that well, but i got through the day. I just wanted to go home and lose myself in the sims and the new downloads from yesterday...and campy and mushroom wanted to do stuff...cuz they were bored. We decided to eat but my gas light went on so i wnet home for the card. not there...i called my dad so that he could meet me at the gas station (halfway between our current locations). got gas; forgot gas cap. went to jewel. no details. jen might read. no present yet. the basic back and forth for money was frustrating. jealously...holy jealousy.

am lucky to get neil to stay on the phone with me for twenty minutes, never mind spend four hours on a project just to make me smile. come to think of it, ive only recieved cards on holidays nad birthdays....stuffed animal on christmas and birthday...poster and book...also holidays. oh and fucking flowers for dances, which after twice i told him to stop: they just die. Why cant anything be just because. im not asking for three hundred dollar stuff here.i dont know. the most creative thing hes done was just recently. he recorded "i miss you" on my voicemail played by his guitar.

odd that someone who misses me would take his video games and football games over his girlfriend on the other end of the phone or in the hotel down the street.

so theres this part of me that says, "break up. whats the point?"

Pro: sweet wehn i actually see him
Con:It's rare. two weeks turned into a month, which will soon be more.

Pro: someone ive built a relationship with who i feel actually cares for me in return.
Con:i wonder if he cares as much as i think...or am i trying to convince myself. what proof do i have?

Pro: there is none to this.
Con:video games, friends, football games more important.

Pro: says "i miss you" and "i love you"
Con:has also said "i cant miss you"

Pro: i wonder, is he also trying to convince himself that its not that bad, distracting himself?
Con:why cant he just show me he cares!?

Pro: cried before he left.
Con:for family, friends? most likely not jsut me.

to breaking up:

Pro: it'd be a hell of a lot easier to deal with. i'd get over him quicker. otherwise he's slowly ripped away...like a bandaid...less painful the faster.
Con:oh my god it makes me cry to think about it.

so my conclusion=none.

i dont know im lost and i wish someone would help me.

but then i just sound like im complaining. and who's going to listen? jen is having too many issues with mushroom to care. patrice is going to be too stressed with dracula by time i get to her and i dont even know hwo to explain it. sandy's good but i always feel bad cuz i get the answer "i wouldnt really know". Q just depresses me when i try to ask him a question like that. jill sort of forgets i asked a question and continues talking/thinking about whatever preceeded the question.

oh i love being lonely.

im just going to go play sims now

after i walk the dogs

they're the coolest people.

1 three drinks behind | martini?

:: 2004 11 October :: 7.54 pm
:: Mood: accomplished

i smell clean.

after a weekend of hell-like painting (or painting like hell),i can finally relax

oh and another good thing is that this is never read so i dont have to put it private.

and sweetest day is the sixteenth.

im gonna go buy neil a card.

i hope jen continued exercising while i was gone. i couldnt wake her up; i could hardly get up.

i miss neil...

good news: incubus is in november and i get to go down to see him!

bad news: that's over a month away. and he's not coming to see dracula. :(

my face itches...im gonna go find lotion and buy a card and hopefully get ahold of jen. i wrote her a letter and i want to know what she thinks. ill post it in here.


2 three drinks behind | martini?

:: 2004 11 October :: 12.09 am
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: Disturbed- "Believe"

i might die if i see more gray.

there is too much gray in steel "ironworks" for ragtime.

i shall murder it.

i made this font gray but i wont look at it after i write it cuz i have to fix my resume.

no one told me that we were done and could go home so i was la de daing (cleaning brushes) and christine walks up. i guess ti was time to go. yea.

oh. goli pisses me off. she probably doesnt read this, no one does, but if she does then she can know.

i hate when people lie to you by saying that you are one of their good friends and that...and complain wehn you dont invite them to things even though you dont consider them "good friends". they are just those people who you say hi to in the halls, know a few things about, and could talk to for a few hours if need be.

i dont mind that she does that; whatever. but then, we get to allstate and now she just ignores me entirely. which, by itself, doesnt bother me at all. its the combination.

thats all now.

g'night...fixing resume now!

1 three drinks behind | martini?

:: 2004 24 September :: 6.33 pm
:: Mood: frustrated

i just told my mum how frustrating it is when she walks out when someone says something or plugs her ears or starts yelling back. she yelled but even you guys who dont live here know she doesnt really listen but she wants us to listen.

she started telling me to go do my homework. i cant believe she had the nerve to tell me to do that when everyday ive come home and said i cant talk i have to go do my homework. how can she say that when i come home and tell her how much i love school.

how can either of my parents tell me to clean my room or say its too messy when im doing more things than both of them put together.

i try to be so patient with them but i get yelled at for not being home for dinner.

on the other hand, i think im losing weight, but im sort of worried about it. i havent been sleeping adequetly enough nor have i been eating much...im always hungry and when i do eat, its not healthy. neil said i looked thinner and my pants are much loser than normal.

i really want to go run because ive been meaning to...but im too tired now although i still might...and in the morning i dont get up early enough. normally i dont have a moment at home. im awake here only about two and a half hours any way...and most of it is getting ready for school or work.

im really happy with how well my life has been going lately, contrary to how i was feeling the last month and a half or so. i hated myself and idndt want to do anything. now im fine but no matter how much i want to clean my room (its difficult to walk through), i dont have time or energy. i dont understand why my parents care so much, in fact, i figure they dont care. i think they have nothing else to complain about and so figure that its the only imperfection. im not sitting at home like mum, im not asking for significant amount of money to spend on nothing like tyler, im successful in what i want unlike my dad...and so i figure they dont know what else to say. im not around enough for them to pick apart my character and dont give them the opportunity to critique my life. all they know is that i am doing better than any of the rest of all my family did in high school, regardless of my lack of grades.

im feeling better now...this is a good destresser.

1 three drinks behind | martini?

:: 2004 22 September :: 12.54 am

Your Dream: job interview squirrel goose geese car

Words like job: Work on fulfillment. Frustrated or satisfied with life.

Words like squirrel: To see squirrels in your dream foretell you will acquire a few new friends and there is happiness in the home.

Words like geese: They might bring an extensive journey surrounded by good fortune.

Words like car : Personal power. Ego.

i think thats good...


:: 2004 13 September :: 1.12 pm
:: Mood: crappy

i was going to put this under friends only...and then private...but i figure no one reads this anyway...not only that, but maybe everyone should read this.

a few days ago i meant to post a letter i wrote to everyone. i just forgot to bring my notebook with me. it apologized because im taking opportunities from my friends and people around me that deserve them more than i do. and so for that i apologize. i dont feel as bad any more because those opportunites are coming around to them.

last night i upset neil, again. as well as sandy. and for that im sorry too.

just dont listen to me.

i dont think ill visit neil this weekend. i promised i wouldnt call him all this week. he watns to miss me.

you probably shouldnt talk to me this week either...because i can almost guarentee i wont be in a good mood.

so im sorry for all of that and whatever else i should be.

1 three drinks behind | martini?

:: 2004 8 September :: 10.05 pm
:: Mood: calm

so tonight i went to the BEAT (Bringing Education About Tobacco) meeting today.

it was fun actually. im really starting to be able to get out ideas so that'll be a help in those horrible officer meetings where i cant come up with any good ideas.

erm...i didnt bring my notebook...i wrote what i wanted to post next in here...ill go get it.


:: 2004 6 September :: 10.22 pm
:: Mood: angry/exhasted/sad/tired/rushed/accomplished/sick/

i just finished a three day, non-stop working weekend.

building and painting...

im not trying to do my homework and find time to go get my work clothes for tmro, my first day of work.

wed. we start crew and thurs. im training.

i have a job, im in all-state, im an officer, im trying to do my homework, im making friends, im not a total idiot, im in two anti-drug programs...

this is better than anyone on either side of my family, yet im not good enough.

im still getting yelled at for my room...

who the fuck cares? no one sees it, not even me!

all i wanted to do this weeked was see neil because i miss him so much.

but all i go to do was use ten gallons of paint in ten hours.


im tired and i want to sleep.
i have a headache.
my gums/teeth hurt. (wisdom teeth are moving in)
i wasted my weekend with people i dont know.
i have so much to do.
and have done so little of it.
my voice is gone.
and my body hurts.

all i want to do is sleep.

but this is just my break and then hello to another day with only a few hours of sleep

so if i look tired tmro.

that's why.



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