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¨…‘can't resist lookin'‘…¨

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:: 2004 2 June :: 9.47 pm
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: pieces 0f me // ashlee simps0n

today didn't turn out s0o great. but 2morrow will.

i had plans t0o g0o to the jason mraz concert. BUT j0nah mentioned g0ing 2 the m0vies. s0o i figured my m0m w0uld be nice enough t0 take me. s0o i went t0o ask her & she said, "yeah" and then followed s0mething i did n0t wanna hear. "but i'm n0t driving u 2 b0ynt0n." ir0nically... the m0vie theater was in b0ynt0n. s0o that was a n0o, n0o. by then, it was 2 late 2 grab $3o outta my wallet and get t0o danielle's h0use 2 catch a ride 2 jason mraz, cause it was ar0und 5:50pm. s0o then i called daddy... asked him if he w0uld take me driving cause he said "bri, this summer i plan t0o give u a lotta practice, and by the end 0f summer, u can get a car." well... he said he WOULD take me, but instead when he got home.... he sat 0n the c0uch & entertained himself with sh0ws 0n the discovery channel. g0o fish.

2morrow i've g0tta g0od plan th0. alex is gettin' dr0pped off & we're g0nna chill @ my c0mmunity p0ol & get o0o s0o tan til' like 3pm. theN... idk what i'm d0in' fr0m there. but yeah. @ least i'll be 0utta my house.

friday aftern0on, jackie & i g0t planz 2 hit up the mall. then h0pefully since m0mmy is OFF she will let me see mister j0nah. i miss him s0o much. 1o dayz til' 0ur 8 m0nth anniversary. phew. l0ng time.

but anyways. i'mma head 0ff t0 d0o... nothing i guess. lol well maybe change w0ohu cause i really d0n't agree with the summer background thing. s0o ttyl xoxo

are oUT rAge OuS

:: 2004 31 May :: 10.15 pm
:: Mood: amused

summer has been treating me g0od since the last update.

sunday i worked. it sucked tho.
then at 11pm i decided to sleep over danielle's house. s0o many laughs, & talks. g0od times.

today - (monday) - woke up at 12pm. went to the pool with danielle & ryan. left at 2pm. then i went home. showered. was a cam whore... took pictures cause i was bored. talked to jonah. then ryan came over. and then we waited for danielle. then danielle & i got ryan's car keys. unfortunately we couldn't keep them because he stole my house key. fuckerz. then we walked to mike's house... got his lazy ass up & went to the pool again. swam, hung out, had fun... being our retarded selves that we used to be like last summer. hopefully it will be fun.

anyways... now i am on the phone with jonah. holler if u wanna do something this week. <3

5 sEx DriVEs | are oUT rAge OuS

:: 2004 29 May :: 10.07 pm
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: bills bills bills // destiny's child

updating woohu for summer. <3
more details... later. xoxo


today was harsh. went to bed at 4am after being on the phone with jonah & spending the last night with my kitty. woke up at 9:30am & said my final goodbye. cried myself to sleep & then woke up around 3pm. ate some cereal. went back to be til' 6pm. went to the seafood store & publix. came home, baked cookies, muffins, and a cake. ate dinner... talked with jonah... took a shower, redid woohu... now i wanna get some sleep. its been a long day. i miss my kitty.... crawling on my back & head to fall asleep. clawing me everytime i walked passed her... knowing that i would never pass her up without petting her. bringing home dead birds & snakes & lizards. eating my pizza or sticking her nose in my cereal. making my bed & making her part of the bed by putting the sheets over her. dancing & hugging her. meowing back at her like i knew how to speak her language... she always seemed to meow back at me...? when she used to nudge my hand while i was writing & she would draw pictures. when she would run away from my sister and come to me. her waking me up on christmas eve cause she knew she smelt her treats under the tree. sharing the same birthday. she was 17. i've spent my whole life with her. its so unusual not seeing her around my house. =`(

r.i.p. 5.29.04 -- mookie. i love u with all my heart. xoxo ur the world's greatest kitty.

mommy is sleeping... i have no shoulder to cry on anymore & i don't want to bother anybody about my whining. s0o.... off to bed i go, but enjoy my new woohu. xoxo

4 sEx DriVEs | are oUT rAge OuS

:: 2004 28 May :: 11.07 pm
:: Mood: contemplative

school is out. o-u-t. good bye atlantic. many memories. now tears. i will miss all of u very much.

y did the bus driver want a pic of me and danielle 2gether? *shrug*

y did the bus driver take amanda out to lunch? rape. *shrug*

s0o 2morrow... i'm going to the vet. no. not for MY shots.... not today anyways, j.k. but i have to put my cat to sleep. 17 years we've had her. i've only known her 4 16 years. but still... she has the same birthday as i do too. gosh. its sad. she's not a normal cat. she gives u hugs, she loves u.... she's wonderful. but she must go. *cries* my mom can't stand to see her in pain. but i just don't want to "kill" her. i'd rather wait until she dies in my arms. disgusting, but i love her. and then... i've got to make sure she will sleep in my bed tonight. i don't wanna lose her. i want another cat. just for comfort, but its not the same, s0o i don't. but... gosh its so hard. what a great way to start off summer.

on a brighter note. we had fun tonight. ashley c hit a mailbox. gave them $60 to fix it. lmao. duct tape for the mirror. zach's jokes. "AND ALL THE SUDDEN SHE WAS RIDING HIM" +kids look over+ coleslaw flying across the steak & shake lol. the beach & pictures, "what the hell were u guys on?"

danielle: "what's THE DAY AFTER 2MORROW?"
zach: "it has tornadoes and stuff"
briana: "o i thought it was sunday."

<3 - - - - - - - - <3
time well spent. i will miss u ashley. xoxo

are oUT rAge OuS

:: 2004 28 May :: 11.07 pm
:: Mood: awake

survey. before i actually write an entry.
[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? :::Briana
Birthplace :::Chicago
Age :::16
Age you act :::8
Current location :::in front of my computer
Eye color :::hazel
Hair color :::dirty blonde
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? :::righty
Zodiac sign? :::pisces
Height? :::5'
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality :::italian, & idk the rest.
Your hair :::thin, straight, a lil' past my shoulders?
Your fears :::death
Your perfect room :::contains a bed, couch, and a door that will let u out to the beach
What you practically do in a day :::sleep, eat, cheer, school.
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse :::yeah.
Phrases you overuse :::no way.
Your first thought when you wake up :::i don't plan on getting up.
Your greatest accomplishment :::varsity cheer @ PVHS
Something you want to do :::dance
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke :::water
McDonald's or Burger Kings :::subway
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera :::britney spears
Chocolate or vanilla :::vanilla
Adidas or Nike :::nike
Black or white :::black & white.
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) :::bills
Burgers or hot dogs :::salads
Egypt or France :::France. Egypt is in Africa (something i learned this year)
Rock or rap :::both
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke :::no
Cuss :::yes =/
Sing well :::sing ok.
Sing in the shower :::definitely
Talk to yourself --a lot-- :::not often
Believe in yourself :::depends on what i am doing.
Like taking these longass surveys? :::only when i'm bored.
Play an instrument :::no
Want to go to college? :::yes
Want to get married? :::yes
Want to have children? :::produced in a bedroom.
Think you're a health freak? :::tend to be
Get along with your parents :::for the most part
Get along with your siblings? :::not often
Think you're popular :::people know me, and i know them.
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state :::no
Drank alchohal :::might have
Smoke :::no
Get high :::no
Done any drugs :::no
Eaten an entire box of oreos :::hell no
Been on stage :::no
Gone skinny dipping :::no
Been dumped :::no. almost 8 months with Jonah <3
Dyed your hair :::no
Stolen anything :::no
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest :::danielle
Loudest :::jb
Most shy :::probably me.
Blondest :::ally
Smartest :::pretam
Kindest :::ashley p & ashley c
Best personality :::all of them
Most talented :::christina
Best singer :::haven't heard anyone sing
Most ghetto :::jb
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) :::brittany
Pain in the ass :::no comment.
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style)):::not telling
Funniest :::adam
Best person for advice :::anyone who's been thru the situation i'm in.
Dependable :::anyone
Trustworthy :::anyone except logan lol j/k
Druggie :::britt & jb
Most likely to end up in jail :::britt or jb... maybe neil
Person you've known the longest :::ashley escamilla
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream :::can't remember, its been forever
Last nightmare :::can't remember, its been forever
Car ride :::ashley c, zach, me, danielle, camilo
Last time you cried :::today. last day of school @ atlantic
Last movie seen :::mean girls
Last movie rented :::gothika
Last book read :::an egg on 3 sticks
Last word said :::visit.
Last curse word said :::shit.
Last time you laugh :::in the car... the guys looking at danielle. damn mexicans.
Last phone call :::ashley c
Last CD played :::mariah carey - charmbracelet
Last song you listened to :::something on 94.9 in ashley c's car.
Last annoyance :::the mexicans.
Last IM :::chance.
Last weird encounter :::hm...
Last person you hugged :::idk, whoever it was that felt that i bugged them.
Last person you yelled at :::camilo for not giving me his shirt to wipe my sandy feet off.
Last time you wore a skirt :::tonight
Last time you've been evil :::*shrugs*
Sarcastic? :::*shrugs*
Last time you fought with your parents :::hm... today. with my mom. i don't want my cat to be put to sleep.
Last time you wished upon a star :::the night i was sitting outside with mike, & patti... shooting star
Played Truth or Dare :::long time ago.
Spent quality time alone :::usually do.
[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on AIM :::no i have an away message on to ignore someone.
Do you feel lonely :::yes. especially after that couple on the beach.
Ever TP'd someone's house :::no
How about egging someone's house :::halloween.
Do you not like dislike not like me? :::say... what???
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? :::just hot.
Yo Momma :::yo daddy.
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? :::no, i don't like meat.
What do you think of George Bush? :::small penis.
Any secret fetishes? :::i like handcuffs.
Do you like to wear chains? O_o :::no.
How many languages do you speak? :::2. me habla espanol pequena.
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! :::no. typing helps ur nails grow faster.
Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you =P)) :::it is?

Bored? ((Over 100 questions)) brought to you by BZOINK!

are oUT rAge OuS

:: 2004 26 May :: 4.19 pm

So it goes. - Kurt Vonnegut.
i think i've found my favorite author. need to go buy another one of his books other than Slaughter House Five.

we are all just picking our noses hoping that nobody is watching, or pooping in the bathroom stall hoping nobody will walk in and smell it. and we are all just looking for a way to find acceptance into this society that craves perfection and peace during "World War III". some of us high school students are looking to make it out alive from the rest of high school to succeed in the future, while others are just looking out the window & hope to make it out alive from their exams. but of course, why are we all looking to succeed? some are trying to overachieve others like the competition between two different species living in one niche. whatever happened to that phrase "we are all treated equally." this place would not consist of competition and attempts to bite your competitor's ear off, if we were all treated equally. but in the end... we all die, and our lives end, maybe not our souls or spirits, but the majority of us are put into a coffin and buried six feet underground. and even then, the size of our tombstones and the amount of money that your family pays (to let it sit there in an open cemetry where anyone can walk in and take a sledge hammer & smash it to tiny pieces) can determine the social status that you were once living for. "Equally".... that's a word that you just... don't put in an American dictionary. but as i was saying before, we all figure out what perspective we are going to look at life through. the one where you are going to drive somebody insane wondering about what lies ahead, or the one where you intend on complaining about what is going on at that very moment. either way you have a tendency of bothering somebody else. and in doing so, you begin to realize it and then you also realize that not everybody is going to like you and you are not going to get along with everyone else. then you are going to become afraid of being unliked, or you are just going to use profanity and announce to the world, "i really do not give a fuck of what you think of me." and that... is where it begins. where arguments take place, where war becomes a conflict and world peace is no longer going to exist. not saying that it ever has in the first place. writing this is just like giving you a historical background of jesus' death or hammurabi's statement, "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." because in probably the next few weeks, or even days, you may have an argument with a friend or foe, and instead of arguing about it, you might just want to find the real cause of the problem and stop. because after all, you want world peace too, right? i don't think your family members, or neighbors, or just soldiers are too happy when they are standing against a target with their hands raised above their head and their feet digging in the sand of Iraq, awaiting their merciful death. and i, among others, won't be too pleased if you find that amusing. i did not envision so.
------ yours truly, Briana K. Evenson
Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Evenson Sr.

ur hiding something cause it's burning thru ur eyes.
i try to get it out
but all i hear from u are lies
And I can tell you’re going through the motions
I figured you were acting out your part
Once again, we’re playing off emotion
Which one of us will burn until the end?

Catalyst, you insist to pull me down
You contradict the fact that you still want me around
And it’s all downhill from here
And it’s all downhill from here

Your good intentions slowly turn to bitterness
Reoccurring episodes with each and every kiss



are oUT rAge OuS

:: 2004 25 May :: 10.20 pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: watching Real World

missing my boyfriend. iwescream. <3
school = boring.
spanish exam = totally unfair. whatever.
tomorrow = no exams, period 2 & 5. already took stats & english. done. w00t.
got my course selection for park vista... which reminds me. i have something online to look up. anyways.

cheer gym = "if u can do that again, i'll give u a free t-shirt" damn. i could have gotten it, if i counted right the first time. i wanna cheerformance shirt!

1.5 days 'til summer is here. haha. i want to live on the beach. s0o happening. monday-sunday. and alllllll over again.

wanna make a cd. no time. too lazy.

i miss jonah.

real world = franky is going insane =/

i feel like putting something emotional and make a point in this journal today... but i can't seem to do s0o. s0o, with that, i'm out. xoxo


1 sEx DriVE | are oUT rAge OuS

:: 2004 24 May :: 9.59 pm
:: Mood: bouncy

i wanted to make my mix for 2morrow's classes... but i realized briana doesn't have anymore blank CD's. o well.

s0o many more people read this than i thought. people that don't even know what woohu is. cool cool.

daddy is yelling for me 2 take cough medicine. i refuse. lol.

practice for ATLANTiC tomorrow... i have no ride. shit.

chem - talked. thought about jonah.

stats - i don't remember what i did. i know watched avi & anand play chess... and listened to avi's music... and talk to pretam, avi & anand, but i don't... o yeah i do. i looked at every single page in the yearbook. thought about jonah.

econ - slept & read my book. yes... i read. thought about jonah.

art hist - need to find something to do for my project. its due on friday. thought about jonah.

time to watch the inferno.

----> i love jonah. xoxo
think i thought about him lots today.
if u put a sprite on the top of ur monitor and leave it there for like 2 hours, it gets warm.

are oUT rAge OuS

:: 2004 23 May :: 12.39 am
:: Mood: blah

sleep til' 2pm. get a call from a friend. her car has been keyed. stupid american assholes with mutilated minds. s0o stupid. stayed in bed til' 5pm. britt called. went in the car with him. demanded him to take me home. sorry ur not getting me high or drunk, nor am i giving u sex. i'm a girl with a boyfriend and morals.

saw patti & jb. miss patti. xoxo. fought with my dad. headed to the clubhouse to see danielle, ashley & christina. <3 hung at danielle's house. then picked up camilo & went bowling. o how i loved. funny camilo. funny dancing. good times. next weekend? best for last? sounds perfect.

went back to danielle's house. was there til about 12 a.m. not bad. people making out in her lawn. +sigh+ where's my boyfriend and my high school year going? but i met some of her cool family members lol. <3

home. talking to jonah. don't want to work tomorrow. nor do i know WHEN i work. that's going to work against my advantage 2morrow morning. o well. off to getting ready for bed i go. xoxo. holler.

4 sEx DriVEs | are oUT rAge OuS

:: 2004 22 May :: 12.52 am
:: Mood: grateful
:: Music: YOURS // Mariah Carey

Results 0f a great day // night.
chem - free day. w00t. worked on stupid bio hw tho.

spanish - adam = handcuffed as a joke & jb pushed him to the floor. 00ps. did more bio hw.

lunch - 0ok a black kid sat in jb's seat. the avi & i told the kid not to move. s0o jb, frustrated, grabbed another chair and pulled it up by avi. turns out it was another black kid's chair & he wanted it back. s0o jb got his seat back & i told the kid as a joke, "beat the shit outta him" and the kid goes, "he already looks like shit" and continues doing his cafeteria duty. then he sneaks up behind jb and puts jb's trash on his head. funny i thought. but that kid woulda kicked jb's ass. s0o jb hadda let it go.

english - did more bio hw.

biology - got the answers to the test right before class from some freshmen friends. =) took the test. then, me & elise started makin' the boingy noise with paper. then she resulted in the noise with her pencil. lol it was a lil' band. and then... jamaal started throwin' jokes at me... s0o i hadda get him back. hater. lol <3 we had fun. kayli L L . hehe

bus - looked at the santaluces yearbook.

went to danielle's instead of home. ashley c came over. danielle cut her hair. lmao. it was amazing. it turned out great. came home. changed. went to city place.

free food, courtesy of adam. ashley p, ashley c, camillo, adam, christina, danielle, zach & i all had free dinner. then it was off to Macy's where camillo & i met a drug dealer. he didn't look like a drug dealer, but he definitely put it out there that he was. with his gray - haired self & asian girlfriend. we walked around, enjoyed the view. then left. went to John I Leonard. on our way... we met some interesting people. the old man that blew a kiss at ashley. and the younger guys that were in their backseats staring at us, then when camillo waved.... the waved & stopped staring lol. saw Michael Tampas walking, and then, watched 1 band play. they sucked. camillo & his comments. and his gay habits lol. then zach's band came on. good stuff. definitely c danielle & ashley gettin' with some of those guys =) after the police pulled the plug, we left. drove camillo home. "he doesn't talk a lot, he just has a lot to say..." - Briana. stupid blonde. o0ps. then, finally, i got home... now i am here. called jonah, but his dad picked up, s0o i hung up immediately. now, i'm talking to santos & danielle. s0rta sleepy i guess, but i enjoyed my night with them. perhaps we shall not make it the last <3 ashley, come and visit. thank god i'm going to school with camillo. i will definitely make that kid talk, he is just too funny. none the less, he is supposed to call me... 5:30am to wake us up for makin' him stay out late. let's just see if he remembers. did i mention i love ashley's hair? =X sry can't keep it secret. too damn cute. x0x0 ttyl i'm out for bed <3

are oUT rAge OuS

:: 2004 20 May :: 11.31 pm
:: Mood: frustrated
:: Music: Boy // Mariah Carey

but secretly ur the only thing that lifts me up & makes me smile.
break time from bio hw.

chem test - i think i did good. i knew what i was doing for the most part.

stats - spoons. pimps = mike, stu & pj. <3 i'mma miss 'em. n everyone else.

econ - dispise this class. i only see mr. epstein 2 more times & i am done! hell yeah.

art hist - it was good. but i don't know if i'mma find something else to do for my project. i'm not liking the outcome.... damn i hate being a perfectionist.

slept on the bus - its been s0o boring lately. why? idk. i need some spice tho.

home - bio work. procrastination. phone with jonah, dinner. thinking. talking. sitting at carol's. yeah. got a cute outfit to wear tomorrow. hopefully... all goes as planned. x0x0

anyways... back to hw.

enjoy ur last few school days. then its all summer love & fun in the sun.

are oUT rAge OuS

:: 2004 19 May :: 6.06 pm
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: o0o0o0o

small? slut? yeah!
good day & i am definitely looking forward to tomorrow - art history. such peace.

chem - took our test. well the 1st half. i think i did alright. studied before class. and i was pretty sure of my answers. s0o its good. now i just have to study # 4,5,6 on the review sheet! SUPPOSIVELY they are SUPER similar.... hint to people.

spanish - handcuffs lol. dressing justin up in the bathing suit.... sexy. but yeah.. those handcuffs man... "look at the lil' slut!" - jb. "u looked very experienced putting those on justin...." - britt.

lunch - .... boring.
anand: "i'm so happy i only have to come for like 3 more days."
avi: "but then u gotta come back for 2 more years."

english - took our exam early. i definitely didn't finish. i definitely just wanna fail it and be done. 90/100 on the poetry analysis essay. woot.

biology - mr. hawk was there. he's cool. gave us study time. took our "quest". idk how i did, but i studied. i think i did well... i guess.

afterschool - picked up that good ol' cookie dough. they were s0o weak. not many of those girls could lift those boxes. w/e got in & outta there.

park vista - tried on a wholeeeee bunch of shit. bloomers, warmups, rain jackets, bodyliners, racer tanks, v neck tanks, shoes, socks, shorts, skort, lined skort, uniforms. michelle & i talked about the whole c00kie // james situation. yeah. i feel horrible 4 michelle. then chelsea definitely has an infected finger, yucky stitches. this lauren chick = slut? perhaps. angie = sweet, me & her are pretty much the same. mikey.... hadda leave the room cause he's a guy & we all hadda try on a buncha clothes. michelle & karen... GET THAT DAD OUTTA HERE! HELLLLLLLO! lol. good stuff. that uniform smelt like B.O. lol. 5-13 WOOT! 9-12, ta a 5-13. niiiice i like. SUPER cute uniforms. <3

anyways... i'm out. gonna watch this white girl on MTV be made inta a hip hop dancer. lol...


1 sEx DriVE | are oUT rAge OuS

:: 2004 18 May :: 11.17 pm
:: Mood: driven
:: Music: through the rain // mariah carey

lemme take a breath & update.
chem - don't ask for help unless its from a teacher. nobody is willing to help. it's IB. realize that these kids are all for themselves. nothing more. remember the days when we talked on the phone going over homework?

stats - played uno. went outside the class.. walked around campus. watched over the edge of the 2nd floor & just... thought... s0o0o many things.

economics - epstein woke me up... but i WAS paying attention. whatever. did some bio hw.

lunch - went to landaker's office. got my exit papers from IB. easy as one 2 three. goodbye atlantic. dunno whether to be happy or sad. thank god i missed most of lunch tho... because when i returned... adam was spitting on a napkin to create shapes of the continents... disgusting. i don't even want to know what else happened.

art hist - now that is a class. phew. i was more into watching everyone else work, than doing my own thing. i was eager to go and watch christina paint. but u know that an artist needs her privacy & peace, plus i think she would have thought i was strange.... s0o i watched everyone else. ari. sunil. carlos. sameen. sam. kaila. s0o interesting. then i helped anand.

bus - slept. torn. =/

home - got home, went to cheer gym in boca. woot. nice. work out with jumps.

ate dinner... and studied like shit. yuck i hate it. +sigh+ idk i don't care anymore. honestly.

pyce. shower & more studying. bedtime = i think.... not.

are oUT rAge OuS

:: 2004 17 May :: 6.40 pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: Where A Dream Takes u// Mya../ Behind Blue Eyes// Limp Bizkit

beautiful day in the neighborhood.
School! .... almost over.
Chemistry: was boring, we wrote up our lab reports... only i still don't know what i am doing and we have a test on Wednesday and Thursday that i must pass to get a C in her class... anyone wanna help me?

Spanish: anyone who is willing to help me... do something to ms. french... i would be in great appreciation. we had a test today, and JUST reviewed the damn quiz, right before the test, and we weren't even in her class enough to learn anything. gosh. 3 more days with her. wed, fri, & tues. thank god.

lunch: let's just say i'm sick of hearing people complain.

english: i didn't feel very well... considering i'm sick... s0o i just rested my head. but i love how morone taught hawthorne. i enjoyed it so. i mean english literature is such an art. its not visual tho, it's s0o auditory. its like... beautiful. now if only i could understand it like i understand art history, i'd be good. but its beautiful.

biology: i didn't think that class would ever end. taking notes pissed me off... but i was learning and thats all that mattered. there is so much due... i need to work, i have the will to work.... i just dont feel like doing it, cause i know it will begin to frustrate me.

bus ride home: Charlie horses.... lol. but man, i fell asleep next to jeremy. b4 i fell asleep, he kept watching me play my BLUE BLOCKS game on my cell. but when i woke up... all the sophomores were sleeping... cute.

home: i rested. watched GOTHIKA. what a great movie. its something that brings my heart where i wanna go. like i imagine myself in it. me playing Halle Berry. just like DON'T SAY A WORD. the phyciatrist movies always get to me. its just... idk... i love it.

thank u 4 the compliments today for looking cute... somehow... i guess i managed to look decent even after i felt like shiiiiiit. and thank u to those who wish me better health.

i feel s0o calm, s0o free. no worries. no issues. no tension. clear head. <3 perhaps i will work on my art history idea.... s0o peaceful, with some mariah carey music. xoxo

1 sEx DriVE | are oUT rAge OuS

:: 2004 16 May :: 5.43 pm

went 2 work from 11-1pm. i was too sick. unfortunately, i left early, which sucked cause christian, michael & walter were there.

walter: go, go, go!
briana: +flicks off walter+
walter: i have a height requirement for those who want to flick me off.

briana: i'm goin' home early.
walter: nah uh. how?
briana: come here... i'll show u.
*coughs on walter*
walter: maybe i'll get lucky & go home now.

michael: sup?
my mom: don't piss her off... stay away... she'll get u sick.
briana: we tight, right mike? lol

anyways, i found some quotes online:

It's sad cuz everyday we have spent together iz slowly being
replaced by everyday we spend apart

If u* ..look.. inside a girl heart<3 n c
how MuCH she cries u'll find secrets,friends,n lies
but wha u'll c tha MoSt is
How HaRd it is 2 stay :StRoNg: wen *Nothig*
is !right! n ^Everything^is !wrong!

*WaNnA* b the gurl
that makes ur bad day b e t t e r
and the 1one1 that makes u say
"My life has c h a n g e d since I met her."*

**i KnOw yOu kNoW tHiS..
bUt tAkE iT fRoM mE..
CaUsE yOu dEsErVe sO
mUcH mOrE tHeN yOu
rEcEiVe.. LiStEn tO yOuR
hEaRt aNd LeT iT sHoW..
dOnT HoLd oN tO yOuR
pAiN.. JuSt LeT iT gO*

U dont get 2 choose
u juss fall & end-up with
someone in front of u who
is so wrong yet so incredibly

>You< smile =) when >you< ...*feel*... like crying ='(
>You< ~act~ like your "okay" when you /falling\ apart >inside<
And >You< let it ...~go~... >You< move on..
Because there is (nothing) else >You< can do

d0n`t make sum1 ur priority
when u still remain their option

i wanna be like those girls in the movies:
2 have a man s0o in love it makes him drop 2 his knees

that's all 4 now... xoxo, i needa go lie back down +ahhh chew+

are oUT rAge OuS | Random Journal