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:: 2004 4 November :: 8.21pm

It's been awhile...but this is the first update on the new machine! My, oh my, is it sweet...so lovely...lemme tell ya, the LAN this weekend is going to mess my pants...thatsa how sweet it is...and to top it off, I start this weekend with a big old JT concert...which is really, really cool...

I don't talk to Lauren as often as I'd like too anymore...I'm out too late, and she goes to bed too early...it really is a bummer...but when she leaves a hug for me when I return from work, that is lovely...cheers me up...

I also don't talk to Carmen as much as I used to, which is a really big pain...I miss it quite a bit...I wish I could talk to her as often as I would like to...but we haven't had a good conversation in a long time...maybe she's given up...I know I haven't...at least we're not fighting currently...I guess that is a plus...

I've been stopping by at the opera these nights, mainly to visit Jax...she is really bored, as the opera is so long...at least she has 118 cues, or whatever...and Douggie is the spotter, which is cool...yea...

1 heartless bastard | crush me


:: 2004 4 November :: 6.50pm

I am having a very bad luck streak. If you value your well-being then stay at least 50 feet away from me.

Thank you.

crush me


:: 2004 3 November :: 6.26pm

life sucks

crush me


:: 2004 2 November :: 7.57am

What is there to say? Nothing much really, I am tired and at this point not going to school, so that is the way the world turns.

On another note I get to go vote today. Go Republicans. No one is sure how this election will turn out but, I know how I am voting.

crush me


:: 2004 28 October :: 11.56pm
:: Mood: doog yet again...

Great...I really am the problem...I can't seem to do anything except screw up more, and more, and more...it is unending...there is no use for guessing anymore, or hope...it is now knowledge what will surmount from anything tried...

1 heartless bastard | crush me


:: 2004 28 October :: 7.54pm
:: Mood: angry/excited

So, this weekend is going to be quite crazy, yes quite. I am not sure exactly what is going on, but i have a good idea of what might be going on.

Anyhow, i won't be home until Sunday most likely. Weekend craziness, yay Halloween.

crush me


:: 2004 25 October :: 11.12pm


That what my life has become...doog...

1 heartless bastard | crush me


:: 2004 24 October :: 7.54pm
:: Mood: perplexed

I am not so sure...
what emotion I am experiencing at this moment. It is sadness, and happiness, resent and regret. I wish I could get a handle on everything that is going on inside me.

Xach was over here for the weekend. It seems like it has been forever since he left. I hate it. I hate this. I hate everything.

Yet I love life. Once Xach left I tried to watch the Return of the King. Tried. I fell asleep part way through, then went into my room to sleep, then came back out when I awoke to the sound of my favorite part beginning.

Then once the movie was over I realized how sad I was. I was trying to hide it for the most part. I think most of it was from the fact that Xach was in my life for three days and now he is gone again.

I think another part of it was the fact that my kitten that I had neglected died today. I had to watch him die. He was laying on the porch sprawled out on his side, barely breathing. He was barely hanging onto life for hours. The worst part was...I imagined how lonely he must have felt. He was alone, dying there on the porch. My sister was there tho, trying to give him water and food, and pet him as he writhed and meowed. At first I was afraid to touch him. I was afraid to embrace death. I knew he was going to die but I couldn't handle it. I was afraid to touch him because I didn't want to lose him. But once I saw my sister loving him with her touch I did too. I cried. I wailed. Up until this point I had almost forgotten what it felt like to lose someone to death. I ran my hands over his limp body and hoped that he could sense that I loved him.

I guess little moments like this make mortality all the clearer. I locked myself in the bathroom and cried for awhile, then when I collected myself I called Sharon. Not because I had any awe-inspiring words of wisdom, but I just wanted to hear her voice and to know that she was okay. I guess it was because I care so much for her that I just had to talk to her. I didn't say anything but "I called to see how you were doing. " and then "Sometime this week I want to rake a big pile of leaves with you and jump in them." That was the extent of my conversation, but it meant so much.

I feel like I didn't do anything with Xach this weekend. First of all on Friday I sprained my ankle fairly badly, so I didn't want to go the The Westwood, or anything else. We went into BG but I decided that I didn't want to go to the movies, so we came home. Saturday we watched the The Fellowship of the Ring then went to Spaghetti Warehouse. Then went to the County home for a Halloween thing that they were doing. The came home, then watched rest of Fellowship. Then went to bed around 12. Today we went to church, went out to eat in Grand Rapids, then watched The Two Towers. Then he left. I blah....I hate it when I feel like I did absolutely nothing. I hate it when I feel like I have wasted my time. ugh. It's like I wish I could spend every hour doing something with him, because I have so little time when he is here.

I want to sleep and not wake up for awhile. Goodnight.

crush me


:: 2004 20 October :: 5.47pm

i wished it was
so simple
but it never will be.

Sometimes I cry
because I need to
other times I yell
because I want to
when will it stop?
when will the pain be over?
soon, I hope, soon.

crush me


:: 2004 19 October :: 11.34pm

It's funny how girl problems and a 2 hour trip bring people together...Props to Lauren and Joe to make it worth waking up again...

crush me


:: 2004 19 October :: 8.45pm

Through countless hardships, failures and ailments a person becomes helpless only when they accept defeat.

crush me


:: 2004 14 October :: 7.53pm

The device I see
is right within
the night I sense
so intense
resist this kiss as
spicy whispers go
unattended in the
basement where i
know you shall go
unheard, without a word
seeking something without
receiving, giving more
than what you had in store
i felt the heat
underneath and with it came
some delay
out of the oven
in such a hurry
eating quickly
mouths are burning
stomachs churning
muscles squirming
my compliments to the
love chef

crush me


:: 2004 14 October :: 5.23pm

Well, well, well.

I keep wondering to myself, why is it that everyday I wake up and worry about what other people think about me? Maybe it is the fact that I have always had this obsession with my image, but yet again half of the time I really don't give a shit what I look like. Maybe there are two people inside of me that just want to be let out. Hmmm....


I am not sure why some mornings i wake up with the urge to primp myself while others I don't even want to brush my hair. Sometimes I spend half an hour on my makeup, others I don't even look in the mirror.

You want to know what the weirdest thing about today was? I had mushroom soup for breakfast. I am not sure why, because right now it actually sounds pretty gross, but at the moment i was all for it.

And now i think i am suffering from sleep deprivation because I this very sudden urge to sing the alphabet song very loudly; maybe even run around outside buck naked and then jump in a giganto pile of leaves.

you know it.

if anyone wants to know i have another journal at www.blurty.com/users/emmyquillo

crush me


:: 2004 10 October :: 7.44pm

i got my mid-term report in the mail, and i am doing better than i thought i was but then again i am doing worse than i thought....

Well i have all A's, a B in German (which is great considering I have not been doing so hot in that class) and a C+ in Trig which i am kind of shocked by. Hopefully i can pull that up.

I am not really all that worried about school since this is my senior year and stupid college apps go by my stinking cumulative 3.4 GPA from last year. Oh well.

crush me


:: 2004 6 October :: 6.05pm

Well, Homecoming went semi-well (better than it has been the past two times) and i think i can credit that to the fact that i didn't have a date.


I had a great time with Sharon, Amanda, and Melissa. Wish we could hang out more, but i know we can't...

Halloween is creeping here slowly. There is a dance on the 30th, not sure if i am going to go yet. I do have an excellent costume though, so i may just go so i can show it off.

crush me


:: 2004 4 October :: 9.34pm
:: Music: Spock's Beard

Well, as I said, I'd continue off...there really isn''t much more to say...Carmen performed well, as did the rest of the band...I walked with Carmen back to her dorm, and we talked for a little bit...and then I left...called Jax on the way home...found out today she would have liked to talk to me all the way to Otterbein, so she'd be sure I didn't fall asleep at the wheel anymore...pretty nice of her, eh? Anywho, made it home with pretty much zero trouble...

Sunday was boring, as I just worked on homework all day long...talked with Lauren quite a bit...speaking of home, she has not been online in a while...kind of a bummer, as I look forward to the time we can spend talking...

I'm making some new, good friends...such as Jax and Lauren...old friendships are growing back...I'm spending a huge amount of time hanging around with Freshman, which is kinda weird, as I never remember being talked to while I was a Freshman, by a Senior...Logan is a really cool, weird guy...he likes tagging along with me, which is pretty cool...comes to sit with me at football games, talks with me before the shows, etc. Katie is also pretty cool...actually, all of the Tuba frosh are cool, just in their own ways...Caitlynn is still a little distant, but hopefully that will change next time we go bowling (with the whole section, minus Loudan (who goes after the bar sluts), plus Joshie and Jax and Ross and even perhaps...)

Pretty good friends with MastaCait and Chelsey, and well, pretty much everybody...I'm not trying to brag, or anything, but there aren't too many people that I can't get along with...

Unfortunately, there are a few friendships that aren't exaclty what I had hoped they'd be...my whole relationship with Carmen has gone to the dogs...it is pretty much the same with Amanda, also...she is still sore about this summer, I can tell...I hurt her a lot, for which I am sorry...she didn't deserve any of it...

Quote (song) of the day:
"I don't want to be alone anymore,
Why can't I be somebody else?
Why must I see through these strange eyes?

I won't take too much of your time on the telephone,
Just me and the sunset sky along
Some kind of cloudburst in my mind
I'd like to leave it behind

But I can't get it wrong and I can't get it right
And I can't seem to get it at all tonight
It would help if you could see things through my eyes
If you tried could you see things through my eyes?

What is there in between anyway?
I'm dawn and you're dusk - we're night and day
But I think we could make it something good
How I wish that we could

But I can't get it wrong and I can't get it right
And I can't seem to get it at all tonight
It would help if you could see things through my eyes
If you can't understand how I'm feeling today
If you can't understand me, well that's o.k.
Still I think that you could see things through my eyes
If you tried you could see things through my eyes

If I could only open and hear what you say
I think this could all work out

Cause I can't get it wrong and I can't get it right
Man, I just want to get it all tonight
Yeah, I think that I could see things through your eyes
If you can't understand how I'm feeling today
If you can't understand me, well that's o.k.
Still I think that you could see things through my eyes
If you tried you could see things through my eyes"

3 heartless bastards | crush me


:: 2004 3 October :: 11.40pm

Well, contrary to the past few games, I actually had fun Friday nighit...before the game, Lauren and I decided that we should sit next to each other, to make it better for both of us...and guess what? It did...so I have a feeling this is who I will be sitting next to for the rest of the season...hopefully, that is...

After the game, I took Katie and Thomas to Al-Mar, and we bowled a few games...such great fun...power arm never fails...hehe...damn straight it doesn't...too bad the rest of the section couldn't come, but Amy had to take people home, Loudan goes clubbing, Joe disappeared, so did Caitylnn, and Logan was out of town...Jackie, however, showed up and hung out for about 15 minutes...I took Thomas home (taking a rather roundabout way) and then drove Katie home, making fun of the drunks and talking about silly freshman things...

Saturday, I woke up and went to work...went upstairs first, and indexed the damn WC graduation supplement, which took forever...I then went downstairs, where I spent most of the morning hoping Lauren would stop by...unfortunately, she did not have time to stop in...I did, however, get to talk to her for a while before I left for Otterbein, so that is good...spent most of the drive down to Otterbein talking with Jackie...it was the first time that I had mentioned to her my problems with Carmen...talking to her made me feel better, kind of...it also made me sick that I didn't talk to her earlier about this...it was pretty helpful...

...more later...

1 heartless bastard | crush me


:: 2004 30 September :: 7.20am

I keep going back for more...

1 heartless bastard | crush me


:: 2004 28 September :: 1.57pm
:: Mood: depressed...

It's unfortunate how things have come to pass between Carmen and I...it seems that no matter how much I loved her, things were not going to get any better...I thought they were going to...I hoped they would, I wanted them to...but it was causing her too much stress, and I don't want that...so maybe it's better that it played out this way, for her atleast...I'm left with two choices, one, to move on, or two, to hold onto the hope that someday she'll want to try again, and everything will be good...

Maybe if these next two months go better than the last has gone, choice two will look pretty possible...

1 heartless bastard | crush me


:: 2004 26 September :: 6.28pm

Look at this (from Justin's blog)

1 heartless bastard | crush me

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