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Blood Flavored Lollipops

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:: 2003 24 June :: 6.54 pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: The sound of a fan in the's beautiful.

-bounces- ^^
Todays Confession: Erm....a few days ago I poured a milkshake all over my sister's boyfriend's head. ^_^ MUWAH! I mean..I am /so/ sorry.

Todays Quote: "I was playing poker the other night... with Tarot cards. I got a full house and 4 people died."
--Steven Wright .


Well koban wa! -laughs- Theres really not much to say. I'm just bored and ranting on about nothing.

Lets see, what to say. Well my best buddy and ex is leaving for Europe for five weeks! -whines- ...How am I supposed to wreak havoc on the world without him!? -grins- I'll live though...I suffice with scaring the neighbors. -yawns and leans back against the wall- So hows your life...? Obviously not too good if your taking time to read this pointless thing.

Well lets seee....what more to know about me. Umm...I have a very sucky depressing history and don't ask me about cause I'll curl up into a ball and cry! (Honestly...>.>)

On a happier note...(If I didn't brag about this already) I won first place at the DDR mini tourn. -insert your praise here- Thank you, thank you. -grins-

Well thats all I have to say right now, maybe more later today!

Obsessing over Miyavi,


Play with Me

:: 2003 23 June :: 8.57 pm
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: Green Day- Basketcase

Shimatta Shimatta Shimatta!!
I just typed out an ungodly long update and it didn't show up! -growls-

-frustarated sigh- Any-fuckin'-Who...

-goes back into happy mode-

*Watashi wa Acinder-sama desu!

Todays Confession: I stole fifteen dollars from my neesan.
Todays Quote: "I get to go oversea places, Like Canada"-Britany Spears *neesan is being a *subeta. -growl- Wants the computer...but theres no way shes getting it!

This is *naishougoto...but, -shifty eyes- I'm a...a...a...nevermind. -cough cough-

Umm...not much as else to say!



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