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chuckitatthewall (profile) wrote,
on 10-5-2004 at 12:34am
hello there.
Bad news: Giants were eliminated. Not like I didn't know that would the result.

This weekend was fun.... I spent most of it packing up all my stuff. Then sleeping. I watchced American Dreams. I LOVE THAT SHOW SOOOO MUCH!
Tomorrow I start my bagpipe lessons.YAY!

Today was crappy. I went to school. Jessica had a shadow. The shadow was good. Then Joanne showed up. My day is always pleasent (I know i'm spelling that wrong) until Joanne shows up and her annoying sister, Jessica. I hate them. I don't hate Joanne because she is taking over Louise. I just really really don't like her. I don't how annoying she is. I don't like how fake she is. She really acts fake. I mean she talks all weird and stuff and says things and I can just tell shes forcing it. I don't know why I waste my typing complaining about her. Lately I've been saying comments under my breath about how I don't like her. I'm not sure if Louise has noticed but I'm kind of half hoping she does. Like last Friday I said " day was good until she came" and Louise looked but I'm not sure if she was listening.

Megan Lott has been pissing me off a lot for about a week or 2. She has gotten this new attitude where she acts like she is so much better than me. Whenever I see her eating now I feel like yelling "YEA! HAVE ANOTHER ONE TUBBY!" She is so large and she eats constantly. I wonder why people who are so fat just continue to eat. Don't they realize that that is the reason they got fat and remain fat? I also wonder how people can be so rude. I don't think that I'm that rude. I know I have my moments, but doesnt everyone? Well, I guess there are people that I'm just never going to get along with. Megan Lott is one of them. I'm glad though. I never liked her much anyway.

Well...I guess I'm done. I'm tired so I better be off to bed.
Wish me luck....I have a long 2-3 weeks ahead of me. Bye!
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10-06-04 12:26am

Wee! how did your bagpipe lessons go by the way? Well I guess you'll tell me all about it tomorrow anyway.

Dude in religion the other day Kiley asked to go get something out of her locker, and when she got up, Joanne looked over at some stuff on a piece of paper in Kiley's binder, which was just some ink blobs on the top of the binder paper I'm guessing because she was bored, then Joanne looked over at me and said "She's weird." That pissed me off, because there's nothing weird about getting bored and putting ink on the top of a piece of paper. In my opinion, it's the person who hasn't done that who is weird. I told her "that's not weird. I write on my hand and stuff all the time." She said "Yeah on your hand, but not on paper.. well.. wait just nevermind."

ARGHA WARGHA! She's so rude. If she thought I'd think it was weird, she was talking to the wrong person. Methinks she's gonna have to find someone a little less "weird" than I am to agree with her than me.

It bothers me, when people say stuff like that and then just because they said that, they expect the person to agree with them. I mean everyone has done that at some point in their life, but putting blobs of ink on a piece of paper is not "weird' at all.

Tis poop.

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Re:, 10-06-04 10:02pm

DUDE I KNOW. She did that with Kiley that other time when her hair was all around her face and stuff. Then she did that when Tora hinted we should be quiet when all Tora was doing was preventing us from getting in trouble because Mr. Floyd was walking over. Arg.

I always doodle all over my papers. Last week it was those cube things and then another time it was boxes and triangles. I think she is stupid for not doing that cause everyone else does.

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