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blacktears844 (profile) wrote,
on 10-17-2004 at 5:14pm
Picture from homecoming.

My friend Amber and me. <3
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10-17-04 7:19pm

Picture behind a cut please?

But other than that, GORGEOUS!

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Re:, 10-17-04 7:23pm

I'll put it behind a cut. =)
And fankooo. <3

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Re: Re:, 10-17-04 7:26pm

Thanks, it was just making my friends page huge...<3

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10-17-04 7:59pm

cuts are evil evil things. I prefer having a large friends list to having to click multiple times to see what friends are posting. The only time having huge friends lists pisses me off is when people go AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. That's just dumb.

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10-18-04 2:42pm

you look so pretty..

I <3 your necklace.

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Re:, 10-18-04 3:50pm

Thank you <3

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10-21-04 10:09pm

I like your hair, it looks nice.

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Re:, 10-22-04 5:33am

Thanks, I wish it was that color all the time. It's orange in the light. =/

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