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-nightsloth- (profile) wrote,
on 2-25-2005 at 8:40pm
Subject: Book Report
It looks like your stomach is kind of, bulging.” Shortly after Bartoli noticed this strange phenomenon, his intestines, liver, and kidneys burst out of his stomach. The room was in pandemonium in a matter of seconds. Various people on the jury began screaming, the judge started yelling about the apocalypse. Ben just laughed hysterically. Madec spontaneously combusted and incinerated in the hospital. In the Court Room, the judge had pretty much gone insane from fear and was beating Les Stanton to the ground with his gavel. Two of the jury members had committed suicide, and three more had died. One died from slipping on Bartoli’s fluids and falling to the ground, head first, breaking his neck on the hardwood floor. The other two ran outside and were gunned down by the Anti Jury Member Mafia. Then, a Philippine suicide bomber ran in and nook out the rest of the jury members, Les Stanton, and the judge. Ben had already run outside, screaming gibberish. He seemed to be the only survivor. Well, he was, until Strick unloaded a clip of .50 caliber bullets into Ben’s back.

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03-06-05 8:13pm


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03-18-05 11:00pm

Alex, that was friggin sweet.

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Re:, 04-01-05 10:46pm

its my alternate ending. for a book report.

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Re: Re:, 04-09-05 12:00am

it was awesome. for a book report.

ha ha ha.

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