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mieko (profile) wrote,
on 3-3-2005 at 8:54pm
Current mood: content
Subject: ...
From Shiori's WJ. :'D

Instructions: write ten [very personal] statements intended to different people. never tell which one is for who.

1 - I've always loved you. Since I moved here, you were so funny, and your own way. After a little while of hanging out with you, I realized that I had a crush on you. After a while the crush grew into something much Remeber that end of the year? You listed off the names of your best friends that were girls in class, and I was on of those five. I felt so special. I knew you didn't like me, and you probably never will, but I don't care. All the way from 2000, to 2005, I still love you. If being one of your best friends is all I'll be to you...Then I'll try to be here. Waiting.

2 - I knew you for almost two years now, maybe more. You're wild! You've always been such a great friend...I miss the Old it used to be you, Shippo, me, and a few others just having fun. I used to spend almost an entire day, just talking to you on the FC. But the most fun I remember having with you was that Fourth of July party. I hope to keep you in my memory for as long as I can...if you ever stop coming online. Which I doubt, because you're awesome like that. =)

3 - You went out with me because you felt sorry for me. I'll admit, I was being pretty stupid, and over-reacting with these 'emotions' for you. It's kind of funny - I realize now, that I wasn't anything more than a friend to you. You broke up with me, saying that you wanted to be wild and free. I said I understood. That night I cried. For you. But we're real good friends now, and I'm glad that nothing has changed that between us.

4 - This is something I've been thinking about for a while. It seems that whenever I sleep over at your house, and your boyfriend is there, he volunteers to break whomever's virginity happens to be in your room. First time I was there, you started it - I just ignored you guys and watched TV. Second time, he tried to convince me to let him fuck me. You were there, and you just giggled. Wtf? And then there's Heather! You told me she WANTED that threesome. I don't doubt it. But it really ticks me off, because he seems to me, like he's using you and your friends for free sex without having any guilt. Remember how he said that the earlier we break our virginity, the less sore we'll be? I think that that is utter BULL SHIT.

5 - I'm sorry. I really am. That time about the whole name thing...I was being stupid. Fighting a friend for an online name? It's completely idiotic. I am sorry for starting that shit. Truth is, I was always scared of you somehow. I knew we couldn't be really really good friends or anything like that...but there was something about you that commanded respect. It scared the hell out of me...and, at that time, I wanted everything for myself. It's amazing that you just stood fast, and didn't beat me to a pulp...even if it's just online. I really respect you.

6 - What happened? We used to be such good friends...then you just disappeared from the FC. You still log onto neo. I know that. But...I really want you to stop abusing substances. It's none of my business, and I know your life is being pooey to you, but that's no reason to go off and do it. I just really care about you, and I'd hate to see you throw your life away.

7 - You're awesome. You're popular, you're nice, you're pretty - you even cheer me up when I'm not feeling my usual optimisticity. All I can say is - Rawk on, and whoever treats you like crap, IS crap.

8 - I miss you so much. I'm sorry for the pain I must've caused you when I agreed to Legato's question on neo. If I could turn back time and re-do that one moment...I would. I really would. Because then, you wouldn't have been depressed. Because then, you wouldn't have thought that I just used you. Take good care of him, M...

9 - It's amazing. You think you can just tell lies and shit behind her back? What the hell is wrong with you? Were you dropped on your head as a baby? Because it seems that way to me, you act so STUPID. I know you don't know me. Hell, I wouldn't give a shit if I accidently spit on your face. But the one second I move to your school, there will be HELL to pay for what you have done.

10 - This is for everyone. I can't post the specific names, so. You guys are so much better than my offline friends, it's scary. I tell you about my problems, and it's like you understand me better than my offline friends. That's pretty scary. But...I can understand it too. We've been friends for almost a year or less. We should have a Fourth of July Party. At the Guild. Just for once. To create memories that we won't ever forget. You guys will always rawk my sawks. <3333333333!

Omfg, I read the story Shiori posted up. I cried. )=
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03-04-05 5:37pm

Like, OMG. D: Did you read the WHOLE thing in one night? It took me like 3 days.. in between intervals. ;D

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Re:, 03-04-05 7:51pm

Lmfao! I'm fast...ZOOM. o:

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