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bleedingsun (profile) wrote,
on 10-27-2005 at 9:07pm
Subject: There is never an end

I want to start reading more. I've been watching a lot of cool movies lately, and for some reason, it has made me think. Have any of you seen The Machinist? If not, I say, drop whatever you are doing, run to the nearest video rental place, and rent or steal or buy it. Well, maybe it isn't that good, but I thought it was awesome.

Anyway, I've made a list of books I want to read. Sadly, it only contains three books.

Fight Club
A Clockwork Orange
The Idiot

I've seen the movies of Fight Club and A Clockwork Orange, and they were both awesome, so that's why I want to read those. And, for the The Idiot, the guy in The Machinist was reading it.

What a pointless entry.

Still haven't figured out how to shift my journal to the right yet. A code would be nice if anyone knew it.
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10-27-05 10:17pm

i read a clockwork orange, but i never saw the movie.

if you do read it, we can have a discussion. it's interesting to see some stuff, and just talk about. hope you like russian...

and fight club is on my list. but i have seen that movie. once. i should watch it again sometime.

it really helps to have someone else who has read the books, so then you can talk about it with them.

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10-28-05 6:24am

Read The Perks of being a Wallflower.

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Re:, 10-30-05 8:35pm

I read it last year around this time. It was great.

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10-30-05 1:07am

You should hit up Flowers for Algernon, and possibly the manga Hidashi no Gen.

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11-13-05 9:57pm

fight club and clockwork orange are both really fantasitc.
you should read them both right now. unless you already have, this was just random journaling so maybe you already have.
either way.fantastic books.

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