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Upchuck (profile) wrote,
on 11-3-2005 at 2:13pm
A lot of things on my mind and I'm not sure I'm going to cover them all because I may forget. So this may be a little disjointed as I figure out in my head exactly what I want to talk about.

What's got me like this? Nothing like a little adrenaline baby. So, I haven't gone to my social science research methods class since our last exam. Mostly out of arrogance, but also out of the fact that I just don't like it and I have better things to do with my time. So I went today because today was the second exam. Yeah, not so good to skip ALL the classes between two exams, but I did. So yesterday I started studying for it. Mind you now, I haven't been to class for almost four weeks, so I have had no exposure to this material. There was one point in time that I actually did feel bad about not going and read a little in the book (more out of curiosity than real concern). So, no class and little reading is not the combination that you want to have when going into an exam. So last night I ended up falling asleep sometime after eleven. I did get some studying done, but not a whole lot (although I did start reading the book that I have to have done for my Modern China class next week). Let's face it, I'm a procrastinator. I will do everything but what I'm suppossed to do until right before I have to do it. Flash ahead. 6:30am this morning. Mom wakes me up. We have no power, power completely out. So I lay there until she leaves and then Mister Bright Idea me figures it out. Last night I started to write my notes for the exam on my computer. Mind you now, my laptop has an extremely low battery life because the battery is four years old and has been recharged too many times. So that was completely out of the question. Usually if I can't use my laptop I end up getting online with it, putting my stuff on BB and then reaccessing with my home computer. But since we had no power, couldn't do that either. So here comes the bright idea part: I decided to go to work. Okay, doesn't seem like a viable option for most of you, but it was for me. I went to work where I was able to plug in my laptop, listen to music (stereo in the dining room), and be in relative peace because the store was not yet open and everyone works in the back room until then. So yes, smart me goes to work and studies for almost two hours. Then I figure, "Hey, I'm in town and I'm going to the bank, maybe I should stop by Mica's house and wake her up." Well that plan utterly failed as soon as I turned onto 17 Mile and I saw her going the option direction in her car (honey why you do that to me?). So then blah, blah, blah. Fast forward to me getting ready to leave my house. The power came back on while I was gone so I did have access to my printer now. This is especially important because I have no exporting capabilities on my laptop except printing and uploading to another computer directly or the internet. So I go to print my stuff right when I have to leave (procrastinator), but then I remember that my printer is either out of ink or the cartridge is dried up because I don't use it enough. So I have to be quick like a bunny. The plan was to leave an hour before i had to be there so I had about 15 minutes or so to study before the class started. So I couldn't print my notes. I wasn't going to bring my laptop with me because it would have just been impractical. This is followed by panic because traditionally my laptop does not like to connect to the internet easily. It always needs a little coaxing and takes awhile to connect. Well, I figure, I've got enough time. It's the middle of the day, traffic won't be so bad, I can make it there in 35 minutes. No problem. Of course, I did have problems connecting, eventually got it transfered to the other computer and printed. So I embark for school. I get behind this guy on White Creek that must have seen a 3 for the 5 on the 50mph sign. It's really annoying because when you are going south there is only one spot to pass, and it's very short. Get on the highway. there is a sign at Post that usually says something about construction ahead, or something like that. Instead, today it says "Speed Limit 45mph, Trucks 20mph." I'm thinking "Great, traffic is goign to suck." Well I drive and nothing is getting bad, until I get just past West River. It seems they closed the left lane right before the ramp I need to get off of. So everyone is trying to get into the right lane. At this point, I'm sitting stopped on the expressway, 3/4 of a mile from my off ramp (aka freedom) with twenty mintues to get to my class. So I'm thinking, "Great, going to be late to the exam for the class I haven't been to in four weeks." Well, I find a parking spot (not any easy thing to do, maybe another entry), and truck it across campus. I get to the building I'm going to, and I had grabbed a dollar out of my wallet while I was walking. I needed water because I was already cottonmouthed before I basically power walked across campus, now I was even worse. It must have been a sight. I was holding my typed notes in one hand and my dollar in the other, trudging in a hooded sweatshirt and khaki's across campus on a 70 degree November day. I get to the hall and the stinking vending machines won't take my dollar. Oh well, can't waste time on these things, already five minutes late for the exam. So I walk in and get the exam, everyone is already taking the test so I don't have to worry about those weird "where have you been" questions from my classmates. So I take it and sit down. Honestly I think the professor was downright suprised to see me. I went tright ot work on it. No use in letting that momentum from chugging it float off into nowhere by getting settled in. I went right to work. Before I knew it, I had answered the entire first page with no problem. Frankly I think that that was a bigger suprise to her than me showing up. Because the seat I got was right there in front of her and she could very well have watched my progress if she had wanted to. So that leaves me here, some thirty minutes past when I started this and I am still tense, although not banging things out quite as quickly as I was when I first started. Okay, everything else I wanted to say needs to be broken off into a separate entry because this one it just plain too long.
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11-03-05 7:50pm

My house was unlocked and chuck full of internet connection and printer-ness if you needed it babe!

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