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TaoMan1121 (profile) wrote,
on 5-12-2006 at 10:50am
Current mood: spiked
Music: Creed - Hide
Subject: More (Empty) Woohu Promises
NO!! BEBE'S HURTING!! I MUST FIX HER!! UUUUUUGGH!! (<-- that's the sound of me fixing, by the way)

I'm almost down to 4000 unplayed songs in my iTunes library, and when I say "almost" I mean I still have 53 songs left to go.

Woohu-related things under construction today:
- Another (non-flailing arms) entry
- New layout

'Til then, enjoy this link. Chew it, digest it, poop it out. Do whatever you want with it, it's yours now! #8.5, #3, and #1 are my favorite.

10 Least Essential Summer Films

Brett Ratner. Brett Ratner. Brett Ratner. Brett Ratner. Brett Ratner. Brett Ratner. Brett Ratner. Brett Ratner. Brett Ratner. Brett Ratner.
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05-12-06 11:18am

If girls pooped, I'd poop out that article. It was tasty.

Thanks for, well, this morning. :-*

(reply to this)


NO!! BEBE'S HURTING!! I MUST FIX HER!! UUUUUUGGH!! (<-- that's the sound of me fixing, by the way), 05-12-06 12:54pm

I WAnnA HELp! I WANna HelP! UUUGGgh....oh no!

i think i broke it.

ahhhhhhh...i am dilirious with sickness and i am going to go contaminate people at work...again. yAY1

I ahve to work, but mICHe;;e; IF YOU NEED ME< CALLME!!! DO IT!

(reply to this)


Re: NO!! BEBE'S HURTING!! I MUST FIX HER!! UUUUUUGGH!! (<-- that's the sound of me fixing, by the way), 05-12-06 1:01pm

I'm pretty sure...wait,

yep...that's the craziest typing job I've ever seen you do.

Thank you though. Appreciation abundant. ::gay kisses::

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05-13-06 12:39pm

That was a shitty list. X-Men and Cars least essential? WTF?

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