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dakishime (profile) wrote,
on 9-7-2006 at 4:09pm
Music: hamasaki ayumi_ladies night
Subject: HAHAHAH. -looooooooooser-
SO SO SO. ~ I went to my eye exam yesterday. I love eye exams. The optometrist is so nice. :D & so patient. Like when sometimes I can`t tell the difference from 2 lenses.

My right eye degree hellalalala dropped. From 275 to 175. :D My left is a little lower, 225.

EEEEEEE. & the glasses I got are so cute. (= They are thicker rimmed. like the emo glasses but not so round. & On the outside it`s black, but on the inside it`s turqoisey blue. :D ! It was around $130 but insurance covered it. But it was surprising cause it was a brand name too. XD

I`ll take a picture. ? I need a dA ID anyways.

Tiffany has been getting on my nerves. -___________-; Like yesterday, she was trying to talk to a friend across the whole room. And I sit next to her and I was doing my work. And then all of a sudden she pokeshoves my head and I turn and say `what ?` & she tells me that it was nothing just that my head was in the way.

& when i told this to my other friends she said I was trying to listen in on their conversation. I don`t give a rat`s ass about what they were talking about, most likely tennis. I wasn`t even paying attention. D:

I don`t know why I am friends with her. She doesn`t get my sarcastic sense of humor. & when I tell her the truth about her, she tells me to shut up. Like TODAY, she was all saying how she can keep a straight face. & I`m like ` No, you can`t. . somerandomnotmeanatallcomment. ` & she tells me ` shut up jasmine. you don`t know anything. ` Turns out she CAN`T cause right after Bryan tested her and she couldn`t do it. She`s one of those people who if you get mad at her, she`ll get mad at you and then turn the tables and crap. & she can`t handle the truth.

& & there is this girl named Ivy. & Ivy doesn`t get my sense of humor either. Cause she slaps me every time I joke around. & (hopefully) she knows I am joking around. But I`m really scared of her. Like I don`t what her to hit me or slap me cause I don`t like it. But, today we were supposed to pick partners for P.E. & I wanted Elizabeth and she was like `NO. -slaps thigh- Elizabeth is with me. ` O_____O; EVERYONE LIKES TO HIT ME. D: I`M SERIOUS.

& kathie thought I was a chubby baby. Cause she saw my baby picture and I was chubby. & told her that I wasn`t. & today I brought my, I think, 3rd grade picture to school. & she was so surprised that I was skinny. D: I don`t think she believes me when I say I can draw either. Everytime I draw something for a friend, she asks me if I copied it or traced it from somewhere. I can`t tell if she doesn`t believe me everytime I say it or she is just reallllly realllly amazed.

12 more days. ~
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09-07-06 8:13pm

Awww, those glasses sound so cute on you!! =D

Ew, wtf.
Tiffany and Ivy.
You should tell them to STFU and get reamed by a 4x4.
Effing bitches D:<
^ (srsly, if Ivy did that to me, I'd be like, back off skank. aha.)

Draw in front of her. Then she can't say SHIAT! rsryafh

people are so gay lately.
(sorry if my use of the word 'gay' offends anyone who reads this >>)

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09-07-06 8:46pm

lmao. if I draw in front of them they`ll think I am showing off. & that is the last thing I want them too think. Though I would like like them to get me a watercolor paper book for my birthday. XDD!

Yeah, I have to stop using the word `gay` in the bad way, too.

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09-08-06 5:34am


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Re:, 09-08-06 9:40pm


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