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Atman (profile) wrote,
on 4-28-2003 at 10:14pm
Current mood: accomplished
Music: Head Strong
Subject: Today
Today went really well. Nothing bad occured. Its quite I know its all gonna fall apart tomorrow. I'm gonna do something stupid, and its gonna bite me in the ass.

The track meet went well...I don't really know what to say. I did good, I guess...a 2:22 and a 2:20, so at least now I'm becoming consistent. Now my only problem is the really bad dry throat after a run. Stupid allergies!

Yeah, not much to talk about. Oh, I dealt with another preppy bitch first hour. We deserved to get bitched at, but not in the fashion she did it in. Made a big production of it, and kept staring at us. I mentioned something about not needing another preppy bitch to tell me what to do, and she left us alone. God. Why do preppy chicks only talk to me when they want something, feel the urge to bitch at someone, or see me depressed and make it worse. Ugh. Bullshit. I'll never hook up with a girl like that. Although, I don't think I'll ever hook up with a girl in general. No, I'm not gay...cuz I'm sure thats what popped into sischo's mind if he's reading this. Ok. I suppose I did my daily negativity by saying I'll probably never find a girl, so now I'm off. ILYTL.
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04-29-03 2:41pm

Yesterday was a good day for me also. I got to wear my glasses, but they ended up breaking again, because they were only super glued. heh..

Dont let preppy bitches get to you. They are stupid gay ass whores that take it in the ear, because they are too loose anyplace else. And dont worry, one day you'll hook up with a girl..

Just remember all my funny things, and tell all them gorgeous preppy bitches!! har har har!

Well Im off to go drown in my self pitty pool! hah.. KIDDING!

-the one and only master of heartbreaking-
*~*LiL RaY-RaY*~*

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04-29-03 4:59pm

hey, dont worry about it. there's at least one girl out there for you. it just may take awhile to find her. dont let preppy bitches bother you either, they just need to blame someone else for their mistake. dont take it personally.
im gone,

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