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:: 2005 9 September :: 3.54pm
:: Music: BOB DYLAN

Why does every party have to have drinking to be fun?
I thought a lot of people got over that..apparently not.

Anyway, I've been good. I'm happy lately.
School sucks, but it doesn't seem to go as slow as it did last year.
It's fine. I have to just suck it up and remember I only have to make it through the year.

And I seriously need help in Econ. I'm doing shitty with the stock thing. Does anyone know the "loop-hole" in the game? Ah fuck it..

I realized that being an office aid is like saying you're their slave for the hour. I'm so the office bitch.

I love Bible as in Lit. First we drew pictures of God, then today we played with Clay. Hard work.

Ummm...I love my bunnie.
And life is good.
Remember to come to the bonfire tomorrow.

7 Lover's | Star struck


:: 2005 7 September :: 7.54pm

Bonfire at my house this Saturday.
8pm-12am or whatever.
It's not really a party, nothing is planned. I just want whoever that wants to be there, be there. To just chill, talk, and hang out.
My dad dug a new fire pit out by Brad's current home (camper) haha. So, please if you wanna come and hang for a while do.
Let me know if you are coming!

12 Lover's | Star struck


:: 2005 7 September :: 5.08pm

Today in 3rd hour (office aid) I was told to make a copy of a paper.
First of all I have no idea where that fucking machine is.
So, I find the room and there's like 8 machines! I know, I know..a copy machine doesn't seem to be a complicated thing to spot, but their machines are EVIL! And the copy machine was the worst. It's so confusing, it's not like normal ones where you just put the paper on the glass.. Anyway, the lady tells me to make one copy and to type in her code '4994' so I do it and it starts printing '1 of 4,994' and I was like, "Shit!" So then I hit stop and it stops after printing like 10 sheets. Then I see that I copied the wrong fucking side. So I flip it over and try to copy it and it copies the same wrong side and I tried to stop it, but once again it copied like 10! So I finally went and told them I had no idea what I was doing. They weren't too mean about it.

I'm sorry, you must think I'm an idiot, but it really is more complicated than it sounds.

Being an office aid is scary.

Anyway, I hate school. Today was a little better, but it still sucks.
And today was the bad day..the day when actual work and homework starts..bleh! ;(

2 Lover's | Star struck


:: 2005 6 September :: 9.15pm

If you're wondering why I am so stlyish lately (haha) it's because my boyfriend picks out my outfit and straigtens my hair for school every day. :P

And he's not even gay!
What a keeper.

Proud parents: Read more..

4 Lover's | Star struck


:: 2005 6 September :: 6.13pm

School sucks.. blah blah blah..

Hitler, Nazi, Germany seems to be all right. It's just sad I have it first hour.. I won't be awake to even listen.
Econ is going to be hard for me since I am bad with math and all that. Does anyone have a JA Econ book I can have?? [With answers!]
Office Aid is interesting. I get to hear everything that's "private". I like it though, I get my own desk and get to deliver passes. Woo!
Advanced Drama scares me. That's all I have to say. I'm very nervous..
Bible as in Lit is going to be cool. I have a lot of friends in there and I know it's going to be a good class. I'm excited to learn a lot.
Yearbook is . . yearbook. The same as last year, except I'm an editor. Which is bahmb.. it's nice having some authority.

In other news.. I like Brad living here. It's nice because I get to see him when I get home every day. I wish he didn't have to leave in October.
I love yooouu.

My bunnie is still cute as ever.

So, who's ready to graduate all ready?

8 Lover's | Star struck


:: 2005 5 September :: 1.47pm

Brad got me a bunnie!

Pictures: Read more..

17 Lover's | Star struck


:: 2005 4 September :: 7.28am

I woke up this morning and the sky was a beautiful, glowing orange, so I ran outside snd there were two huge rainbows casting colors in the sky. It was so pretty.

Did anyone else see that?

9 Lover's | Star struck


:: 2005 2 September :: 5.33pm

I now own five cameras!
My dad and Brad found three old ones in some boxes and they're not shitty.
All they need is some clean'n up!

I think me getting all these sweet deals on cameras is a sign.
Maybe my dream can come true.


I know.. I sound corny, but I don't care!

3 Lover's | Star struck


:: 2005 2 September :: 10.49am

Dresden Dolls
Intersection, Grand Rapids, MI.
Tuesday Oct 18, 2005
8:00 pm

I am going, no fucking doubt about it.

6 Lover's | Star struck


:: 2005 1 September :: 11.18am

Has anyone ever seen the show Gilmore Girls?
I was just wondering if how fast they talk makes you want to kill people.
That show seriously just made me feel stressed out because they talk so incredibly fast.

I just want to know if I am crazy.

12 Lover's | Star struck


:: 2005 31 August :: 12.38pm
:: Music: John Lennon - Give Peace a Chance

Blah blah bla.
I feel really wierd. Like physically.. I don't know what it is, but I need it to go away. I'm not in the mood to vomit.

Brad's moving in today. It's temporary. He just needs to find a new apartment to rent so he's not stuck paying another months rent in the shitty apartment he's in now.

Things have been ok lately. It's really strange to think I'll be in school at this time next week. But, this summer has felt like an entire year to me. More happened this summer than all of the last school year.
I am excited..only because this is my last year. It still doesn't seem real to say it. I can't believe I'm a senior.
When did my life pass me by?

In other news.. I am bored. My life consists of watching old T.V shows and eating way too much when I'm not even hungry.

I just want to be happy. And this has nothing to do with anything I just said.

Oh and Erika, Keegan.. you guys are awesome. I love that we're spending time together lately. You help, truly. And you're a great couple.

9 Lover's | Star struck


:: 2005 29 August :: 3.26pm

Today reminded me how much I really hate my class.
Minus like.. 6 people.

I'm a senior!

6 Lover's | Star struck


:: 2005 29 August :: 3.14pm

New Schedule.
1. Hilter, Nazi, Germany - Norkus
2. JA Econ - Busen
3. Office Aid
4. AP Drama
5. Bilble as in Lit - Olsen
6. Yearbook
7. Seminar - Hazel

Once again, let me know if you're in any of my classes. Thanks.

5 Lover's | Star struck


:: 2005 29 August :: 9.52am
:: Music: Bob Dylan

These are some lyrics. I know, I know.. it gets annoying 'cause people are always posting lyrics. But, this song is amazing and it really describes half the people in Cedar. So, if you can spare one minute that'd be grand. :)

Read more..
-Bob Dylan - Positively 4th Street

6 Lover's | Star struck


:: 2005 28 August :: 1.54pm

Read this if you normally call me.
Only call my cell phone if it is after 9:05pm, if you are using a Verizon cell phone, or during the weekend. If you actually want to talk to me either call my house phone 696-0331 [and leave a message] or get online. If I don't answer or am not on msn, then call my cell phone, but I can't talk long.

Don't leave me voice mails on my cell phone either. I don't check it.
If you need to leave a message email me or leave it on my house phone.

4 Lover's | Star struck


:: 2005 23 August :: 11.29am
:: Music: Fleetwood Mac - Monday Morning

This is going to turn into a very long entry so don't start if you can't finish.

After reading Jessa's entry about her childhood I decided I had to find out what was really bothering me deep down past even highschool so that's what I'm about to do. I'll try to separate in subjects.

Ever since I was a little girl all I can remember about my childhood is having an alcoholic for a father. Him coming home around 3am smashing down a door or busting a window to get into the house. He wasn't one of those funny drunks either, he was a violent, mean drunk. He was so mean. The things he'd say would just crush me. He made me feel like a nothing because that's what he called me. And after hearing I was such a piece of shit my whole life I started to believe it. I remember standing outside in the snow barefoot just to be out of the house, away from his threatening and safe from him throwing things. He'd put me and my family down for no reason. He'd just go in a row, naming each problem every member had. Making us all feel equally as shitty as the next. And when I'd cry my mom would call me weak and say, "No one else lets him get to them, why should you?" I'd try to just go in my room, turn up the music to drown out the voices, and ignore it, but I swore every sound in the world couldn't make his voice go away. He'd just plow my door open and scream at me as I'd scream and cry to him. Yelling at him, just trying to make him listen to one word I said. But, all he'd do is put me down and tell me he'd give me a real reason to cry. This went on at least twice a week every week of my life up until around two years ago. Now it's not as constant, but it still happens here and there. I knew every cops name and they knew mine. They made frequent visits to my house monthly. But, they were always late and never did anything. They'd just say until he hurt someone physically they couldn't do anything. So finally my dad ended up pushing my brother into a door and making him fall. We called the cops and he got put in jail for 3 months. I remember visiting him and talking to him through glass an inch thick, and using a phone. It was a wierd feeling. Seeing someone and talking to them on a phone. I couldn't look at him, I had to pretend more than an inch of glass was seperating us. He'd apologize and promise he'd never do it again. And me being a little kid bought it and felt sorry for him. But, once he got out it'd all happen again. I also remember at a very young age he had an ulser and puked up blood all over the house. He kept falling and couldn't move. An ambulence came and got him and he was in the hospital for some days. We found out the ulser was from alcohol. I remember seeing his head crash down in my doorframe and a nail going into his chin. He still has the scar, in the shape of a nail on his chin from that day. I thought he was going to die that day. And when he didn't I at least thought he'd quit drinking, but he didn't. And he never will. People always say, "Well, at least he didn't beat you." But, ya know what? Most of the time I would have much rather taken a punch to the face than heard half of the things I heard. Words hurt more than getting hit.

Older brother (Keith):
My brother Keith was the one that got the most shit from my dad. He wasn't his actual son. I guess he's my step brother, but I'll never call him that because he doesn't seem like he is. He's been my brother my whole life, so the title "step" doesn't fit him at all. My dad felt like he didn't really have to treat him like a son because he wasn't technically his so he got treated like shit. My brother was always a good kid. He never got in trouble, didn't have girl problems, didn't swear, got straight A's, and was an honor student. He met a girl named Staci his senior year and they ended up liking eachother. Well, I shouldn't say met, they knew eachother for a while, but this is when they really started spending time together. Staci had one more year of school left and my brother waited for her year to end. Staci's father was a lot like mine. He was bi polar, an alcoholic, and quite frankly sounded crazy. So she really wanted to move out and just distance herself from him, and my brother wanted the same. So they ended up moving out and moving in together as soon as she graduated. They got married very quicky, kind've rushed into it I think. But, they are happy now and both away from their fathers. They needed that. And my brother had to listen to my dad count down the years he had until he was 18 and could move out. And now I listen to it. First it was, "I only five more years until you're out of my house!" Then four, three, two, and now my final year. I wish he saw he was just chasing all his kids away. But, he really only has a few more years to live as it is. He has a liver disease from drinking so much and is just killing himself more each day. My dad ended up getting a counselor and the counselor told him it was our fault for making him so angry all the time. She said it was his kids fault and we were the reason he drank. So, I started thinking it was my fault and it was put into my dads sick mind even more that we was right and we were all out to get him.

I was an ugly little kid. As you can see I never really grew out of it that, hah. My family was never well off so I wore a lot of big clothes, or boys clothes. I was a tom boy from growing up with two brothers. I was into boy games like football, wrestling, and things like that. I never really got along with the girls. They all kinda looked at me like I was a circus freak. Girls were always too whiny and annoying for me to handle. The boys were tough and could take a punch. I ended up being a trouble maker. I was sent to the counselor every day for recess for a year or so. Finally I met a girl who liked me. Her name was Brandee Weeks. We became best friends and all her friends were automatically mine. And she was popular. The most popular girl in that little elementary school. I know it seems odd that there was even "popularity" then, but believe me there was. Then one day Brandee and I got in a fight. And all her friends didn't like me anymore. It was like once she hated me they all could stop their act. I had no friends. I sat alone at lunch and became a very lonely, sad girl. I saw what popularity was. It was a bunch of fakers sticking together to simply not be alone. None of them really were there for eachother. No boys ever liked me. I got made fun of for being flat chested and dressing "scrubby." The guys that did talk to me just saw me as another guy. I never really had friends.

Middleschool was the point where I started getting desperate. My middle school career was hell. I am serious. I ended up fighting with this girl and we got so bad that they had to change my entire schedule. I had to have a "body guard" with me when I walked through the halls, and make all new friends in my new classes. But, everyone just ended up hating me and thinking I was wierd. They all saw me as a tattle tail because my mom worked at the school and no one could really mess with me. It was nice getting some benefits, but I really wish my mom wouldn't have worked there. I'd rather have roughed it.

My brother, Dustin dated a lot more than I did in school. He dated popular, pretty girls too. He ended up dating Taryn Bolwing for awhile. And I became best friends with her. Soon after we became friends her and my brother broke up and Tayrn didn't talk to me as much as she used to. Once again all her friends were my "friends" and I was popular again. But, Tayrn and I ended up fighting because I thought she treated me wrong. So our friendship ended and all her friends left me as well. Once again I was left alone. Since then Taryn and I really don't talk or had the urge to be frienda again. And strangely she had to be the girl my boyfriend decided to break my heart with. So some friendships just don't ever happen again.

So, after I lost her..I was a loser again. I didn't have friends. All I had was Stacey Knapp. And we were good friends. We ended up kinda being alone together. If that makes sense.

Anyway, my first year of higschool was a disaster. I was still trying to be cool, but no one liked me. I was ugly and dressed bad. No guy had a crush on me. They always chose the pretty girls who dressed well and wore all the makeup. I ended up meeting this guy, T.J. and he was "gothic" I guess you could say. I was intrigued by him because he was attractive, but very different from me. I decided I wanted to get his attention so I started buying black clothes, dyed my hair black, and wore a lot of bracelets and ties. He'd compliment me and make me feel good. Then a few other guys started noticing me. But, I still wasn't being myself. T.J. and I ended up going out. I found out he never really cared how I dressed. He liked me how I was. I'm sure I was more attractive to him that way, but in the end he didn't care. Anyway, he ended up being a really bad boyfriend. He just didn't know how to act and was very unexpierenced with treating a girl right. We broke up and I dated Jake. He was from Kent City and we really liked eachother. He was my first kiss and first love, I guess. He got really serious and it scared me so I broke up with him. He ended up falling into depression and had to be put on pills and I was just alone. The year I started dressing different a lot of people called me a poseur, but then I was accepted into a superficial group known as "the circle." I finally felt good about myself. Guys were hitting on me, I had over 20 friends, I was invited to parties, and everyone seemed to like me all right. After a year or so I realized the circle was not a group of friends. It was a group of people who never fit in and just needed somewhere to go. They were all backstabbing, gossipers. I ended up dating Joe and James. Both failed relationships, though I did learn from each of them. Near the the middle of my Junior year I finally became myself. I dressed how I actually wanted to and had a few actual, real friends.

Then I finally dated Brad. The guy I always wanted to be with. He just always intrigued me and I lusted over him. He ended up cheating on his girl friend, Kelly, a few times. And started getting closer with me while he was still with her. Finally they broke up and he was mine. Things were good for a while, but then his past always scared me. I was worried he'd cheat on me and lie to me. And he reassured me he never would. That he actually loved me and I was different from Kelly and everyone else. But, in the end he cheated on me. And to make it worse it was with Taryn. And that was that. So there I was again. Back to feeling like a nothing, feeling ugly, and being second best. Somone hurting me and lying to me again. Right when I thought I had love from one person I didn't.
I'll always be the second best girl.

So who I am now has been created from little things from my childhood to bigger things now. I expect to always be hurt. I know I left a lot out and skipped a lot of details. It's because my mind is gone right now and my fingers are actually tired from typing.

Sorry about any errors, I'm too tired to read over this.

26 Lover's | Star struck


:: 2005 19 August :: 3.13pm

I was wondering who has been a T.A. before and for what teacher.
I want to know who I should choose to T.A. for next year, so let me know anything you can.

10 Lover's | Star struck


:: 2005 2 August :: 7.09am
:: Music: Bob Dylan - Blowin' in the Wind

You've heard it all before.
This feels so weird.

I'm starting to look into college things. I'm finding the classes I want and looking into essays I can do for money and shit like that. I signed up on some website to help me search for scholarships/grants I can get.
It just feels so strange to me. I have one more year of Highschool.
I'm a senior. Saying it doesn't feel right.

I can't fucking wait to start my life.
I'm excited for college.
I just want to see what I can make of myself.
If what I picture will ever really happen or not.
At least I can say that I tried. Even if I fail.

I just can't wait..

9 Lover's | Star struck


:: 2005 1 August :: 7.55pm

People keep reminding me.
Every day I still deal with someone asking me what happened that night.
It seems I'll have to deal with this for months. I've cut it down to one line when people ask now.

I'm not mad that people ask.
But, the fact that there's a story to be told stings my eyes with regret.
I want to forget. You have no idea how badly. I'm sick of writing about it. Talking, thinking about it.
Every way I try to escape it, it just follows me.

Why do things like this "just happen" ?


:: 2005 1 August :: 12.29pm
:: Music: Fleetwood Mac - Tusk

"You want to be a whore without claiming the title."

That line is so true to society.
I honestly don't think that could have been said any better.


:: 2005 25 July :: 3.49pm
:: Music: Bob Dylan - Don't Think Twice, It's All Right

I'm just trying to forget and move on.
It hurts, but I have to get past that.

I've never felt so much regret for one night.


:: 2005 23 July :: 7.05am

Nothing will ever be the same.

I can't feel like I used to. All I want to do is go back a week and change everything.

I want to feel wanted. Like I'm the only one. Like I'm not only good enough, but I'm so much more. Not settled for.
I want to feel the security I felt a few days ago.
So cherished and loved.
But, everything's gone.
And I feel empty and sad.

His company doesn't even soothe me anymore because I feel worthless.
I hate myself.
Attachment is the worst disease. It makes you do stupid shit.

I feel stupid, like a pushover. People can just hurt me and get away with it because I feel so fucking strong and I care so fucking much.

I'm ruined. I feel like that spark of happiness and optimism is gone. My mind is poisoned with that image that won't go away.
Him and her..

I'm pathetic. I'm weak. I am what I never wanted to be.

Things will never be the same.
I don't feel pretty anymore. I'm not confident with my body anymore.
When we kiss I don't feel special. That feeling of complete happiness is lost and replaced with him and her together. I'm not special or the only anymore. I'm just another.
And all of this makes me sick to my stomach.

I want true love and perfection. What I thought I had.
My future looks like a series of huge mistakes.

I have never cared so much about someone that has hurt me so much. I can't help it. I know what I should do, but I can't do it. I've fallen in love with someone who doesn't feel how they used to. Something left them.. and here I am..being more in love than ever.

"Go with your heart."
Nothing has ever been so wrong.

Be careful.

Be willing to get hurt, 'cause you will.

Everyone is a liar.


:: 2005 20 July :: 10.05pm

Please just be happy for me and don't think I am a dolt.
God.. I can finally breathe.

So, we're back together.. sort of.
We talked for a few hours and we decided that we need to work on everything. We both need to change and make our relationship better to keep it stronger.

We're going to take everything slow and slowly get to being normal again.
It's not like everything is solved and we're completely happy.
We need time.

All I know is that losing him would be the worst possible thing that could happen to me at this point.
All the rumors have been cleared. Every little question has been answered. [Edit:The rumors were true. And the answers were false.]
It's not perfect and I'm not all joyous, but I'm much, much better.
I can finally stop crying and just eat something.

Thank you for all the support. Especially from the people I didn't expect it from.

I'm still kind've a wreck and complete drained of all energy.. but it'll fade and hopefully I, no we can just be happy again.

I love you.

On a side note, thank you most of all to Matt. You've been here the most. And today was awesome. What a good fucking talk. I mean, you even got burned by a McDonalds employee.
Digi mon! Digital monsters!

Also, Erika.. thank you for calling me. :)

6 Lover's | Star struck


:: 2005 20 July :: 1.53pm

Save me.
I've called everyone I know or they know to try and find him.
I left three messages begging him to call me back, only to find the phone to be turned off when I tried again. I figured my annoyance would be enough of a bother for him to just fucking talk to me.
I'm sure he cheated on me.
I know he lied to me.
I have no idea where the fuck he stayed last night.
It's like he was waiting to be single so he could just go back to being a piece of shit low life.
I tried to save him, because his friends are too fucking selfish to support him being a better person. And realize that there is a time to grow up.
It's not that I dislike any of his friends personally. I do like them, I just wish they would help him be better.
I've found that I've never loved someone as much as this and that I didn't realize what I had until it was gone. And now it's gone forever and I'm going to spend months crying, trying to just not waste away to nothing.
I loved him.. so fucking much. And what do I get? I get cheated on, lied to, and betrayed.
After one stupid fight.

I want to die.

It's fucking insane how things change so much.
True love? Bullshit.
You're the one person I thought would never hurt me. Ever!

I can't do anything.
I tried to sleep, I just cried.
I tried to eat, I just got sick.
I try to occupy my time with this stupid fucking computer and t.v. but nothing helps. I wish my memory could just be erased and I could be ok again.
I had to leave work because I couldn't stop crying and I was too weak from not eating for two days.

I've never been so hurt in my life.
I can't believe you ruined me.

I'm a complete and total wreck.

Yours forever?
Forever must not be too long.

You ruiend everything. I didn't even get to expierence half of what a real relationship is. There was so much ahead of us that I was looking forward to.

Now what?!
What the fuck do I do!?!

15 Lover's | Star struck


:: 2005 20 July :: 6.42am

I've never felt so low and alone.

I can't eat.
I can't sleep.
I can't stop crying.
I can't even catch my breath to just breathe.
I feel like I'm constantly going to throw up.

Everywhere I look there's something that is his or reminds me of him.
Everything I do reminds me of him.
I can't escape and I feel so betrayed, angry, used, stupid, lied to!

The worst thing is, is that he doesn't care at all.
He's taking it fine.. while I'm here fucking dying.

He was like my God damn air and you can't have that just be with you one second and gone the next.
And I can't ever get him back. And that.. kills me more than anything ever could.

I just don't want to feel like this anymore.
I know it's only been one day, but I can't take it.
One day is way too much.

I don't know what to do.

Woohu.com | Random Journal