STARS ARE BLIND (Paris Hilton)

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Only Time Can Tell What The Future Holds

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:: 2005 12 August :: 1.00 pm

Wow, Im tired.
Well, I am going to my sister Khristina's today to spend the night. That should be fun. But i gotta wake up first.....gaaahh. So yea, I shouldnt be writing in here from like, now till tomorrow. haha. Ok, have a good two days while im gone!!! BYE!!

1 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo

:: 2005 10 August :: 10.31 pm

Well, Im happy. Im actually getting comments in my journal!! YAY! oh and for anyvody who was sad that I didnt add them to my friends list *cough cough Ally* Ive updated it so no one has to be sad anymore!! Umm....Im spending the night with my sister this Friday, but if anybody wants to hang out after that please call me because im bored. 696-9784. And Justin, if you wanna go to the Rosa Parks Circle and swim in a know where to find me!! lol.

7 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo

:: 2005 10 August :: 12.36 am

....hmm.....i was going through hot-or-not because i was bored out of my mind....and i saw this girl.....

and she is getting like a 7 something.....makes me scared for people...

5 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo

:: 2005 9 August :: 12.36 pm

Soooo.......I never write in here Im sure everyone can tell. But people could only notice that I never write in here if there was, in fact, anybody who READ my journal. This has ended up being something where I can just be like "FUCK SHIT COCK ASS" and scream whatever I want because no one will notice. HA! school starts soon. Yippy for that.

If like, any of my old friends who read this or any of my new friends read this and want to hang out or something, give me a call because i have nothing to do anymore and I need places to go and people to spend time with. I still live with Tony so you all should know the number.


6 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo

:: 2005 11 June :: 12.07 pm

Its been a while since ive written in here. I started a live journal so ive been busy with that. I was at my moms all this week. I had a whole buncha fun with her. my mom is on a serious diet, it works for her reeally well, but there isnt much variety for her to eat, and she goes to bed at 8:00pm every night. Well, one night we stayed up until 2:00am giving eachother highlights because my mom wanted something different in her hair, but she didnt want to do it alone so i did it too. And another night, we stayed up till 3:00am eating like 3 bowls of ice cream and watching movies. So yea, i had a really good time with her. But im also glad to be back home with tony.

We have open houses to go to today....3 i think. so i hope that will be fun too.

I got my report card back. I didnt fail any classes which is new for me so im pretty excited.

I guess thats all. Bye.


:: 2005 11 June :: 12.07 pm

Its been a while since ive written in here. I started a live journal so ive been busy with that. I was at my moms all this week. I had a whole buncha fun with her. my mom is on a serious diet, it works for her reeally well, but there isnt much variety for her to eat, and she goes to bed at 8:00pm every night. Well, one night we stayed up until 2:00am giving eachother highlights because my mom wanted something different in her hair, but she didnt want to do it alone so i did it too. And another night, we stayed up till 3:00am eating like 3 bowls of ice cream and watching movies. So yea, i had a really good time with her. But im also glad to be back home with tony.

We have open houses to go to today....3 i think. so i hope that will be fun too.

I got my report card back. I didnt fail any classes which is new for me so im pretty excited.

I guess thats all. Bye.


:: 2005 31 May :: 3.06 pm

Oh god...Im nervous....
Im waiting now for a letter from Andrea that contains all the information i want to know about our relationship...Im really scared that it isnt a good me someone!!

1 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo

:: 2005 23 May :: 1.31 pm

SCORE!!!! You guys are all gonna think Im a complete dumbass but ya know WHAT??!?!?! I dont care..... HA..... so here it goes....something that brought the slightest bit of happiness into this stupid crap thats been going on.....The Backstreet Boys are totally back together! oh yea! Im happy. So thats my good can laugh if you want...i laugh at myself too...but im happy about it. :) yay.
Sooo.....June 3rd or 4th im gonna be leaving for a few days to stay in stinky old Lakeview with my mom. But I like being where my mom is works out....
Andrea...i still need to frikin talk to you. Man, your such a frikin procrastinator....damn you. Anyways..yea.....we gotsta talk, cuz thats what friends do....yea...later.

4 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo

:: 2005 22 May :: 11.00 pm

I dont exactly know my feeling towards the end of the year coming up. Im excited...but im not. Im scared about being a senior next year...i dont want it to be over. happens to everybody. Im just afraid of being "all grown up" i guess.
hey andrea, if you ever read this...i need to talk to you about something. so either comment in here or e-mail me so i we can talk.
well i got my nose pierced and it hurt really bad. thats all.


:: 2005 19 May :: 1.27 pm

...nothing to do.
I might be getting my nose pierced tomorrow. that will be cool.
Schools almost over.
I miss my best friend Andrea. I want her to come back like she promised.
I love tony and i miss him being at school. Ever since he left, the days seem to go by soooooooo slow. its sad. At least we're the 'leaders' of the school now.....big deal.


:: 2005 18 May :: 1.54 pm

Today was really messed up with the seniors not being here. The hallways were honestly silent most of the time and so empty. I was sad, i had no one to walk with inbetween classes. :( i guess thats really all i needed to say. Ive got alot on my mind right now...but not the kind of stuff i should talk about on woohu. so everybody have a better day than me.

3 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo

:: 2005 17 May :: 1.07 pm was the seniors last day. (Thank you Captain Obvious) And it really sucks. Now Im gonna be all alone. No more Tony to walk me to my classes and that sucks. And Im gonna be almost COMPLETLEY alone in 1st hour now. Im one of 4 Juniors left in that class. *Sigh* no more David and AJ to pick on me. (Thank God... I can regain my self-esteem)Shhh...I didnt say that. Well....good luck to all you seniors out there. Nice knowing you....well....some of you anyway...I LOVE YOU TONY!!!

1 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo

:: 2005 5 May :: 4.06 pm

So I had a pretty good time at prom. Surprisingly, dinner sucked well....ALOT. We went to Charlie's Crab...which i expected to be better than any restaraunt I had ever been to....but I think it was actually the worst I've ever been to. But oh well.....I had a pretty good time at prom. I wish the DJ was a little better and played louder music (wahoo for us underclassmen..he's playing at homecoming next year)
Umm....we went on a field trip was ok....
Uhhmmm......summer is almost here......the seniors are leaving in like 6 gonna miss them.....well...a select few of them anyway....
Nothing else to say that I can think of.....bye.

2 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo

:: 2005 28 April :: 7.06 pm

Prom is tomorrow.
Im going with Tony (he's my date(duh)) and Jordan and Kelli and Shae are going with us. (Pfft...stupid tag-a-longs) HAHA....just kidding i love you guys. Im excited cuz i really like Jordan and Kelli.....there my new friends...their fun.....
but prom tomorrow....
lots of fun....
Charlies Crab (anybody who reads Jordans or Kellis journal already know this so why am i saying anything??) excited...i hope all you who are going have fun. see you there.


2 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo

:: 2005 26 April :: 8.08 am
:: Music: Hollerback Girl- Gwen Stefani

...*sigh*...i am so bored right now. There is absolutley nothing to do except sit here and listen to music. Someone needs to create something FUN to do on the internet because theres not much more to do anymore!!!
Anyway, Tony and I got back from Canada on Sunday. It was pretty fun. I got to stay in a hotel and be a complete girl for a night. I mean, i have all the 'parts' to be a girl, but i havent got to really ACT like one in a while. So i got to do that, and it was pretty fun. Umm...well basically the whole weekend was just a blast. Im glad Tony talked me into going with him! Thanks Tony!!! I Love you!!!!

4 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo | Random Journal