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kiss away my tears

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:: 2004 26 February :: 9.30pm
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: Dir en Grey- Psycho

Between Black and White
I've been told that it's hypocrtical to tell someone else not to be depressed or cut themselves. But, I don't think so. I just think that it's like saying..that you don't want them to feel the way you do. To go though all the shit that you have. Most of the time, people can't tell right off. But I have more mental diseases than anyone my age should have. I guess you could say I'm a hazard to myself. -Chuckles slightly- Gods above..I feel horrible. I'm not to sure why- but I think it could have something to do with being left alone in this large house for a week now. The only other person besides me who lives there is my sister, my parents don't want anything to do with me. And all of my friends are busy with they're own little deals. It seems like our 'clique' has broken up. Now, the only one of them who I see daily is Julian. He's like..seven years older than me, and I adore him. Also, I thank him for trying to cheer me up today~ ^^ Well..On a slightly happier note, I'm writing a new story! And discontinuing all my other ones on fiction press (http://www.fictionpress.com/~ThePunkdOutPunk). This new story is very...dark and deals with some not-so-socially-accepted ideas. It's my baby. -Laughs- Hm...Oh!

I'm reading 'The Picture of Dorian Grey' by O.W. (Again. -Grins broadly- ) I adore Dorian..The story describes him in the begginging as a narcisstic beauty. And in The League of Extraordinary Gentleman, they picked Stuart Townsend (A personally obsession of mine for a embarassingly long time) to be Dorian. Gods, what a perfect choice.

You might be wondering about my icon, I didn't make it. But I am a large fan of Harry Potter and rather like Draco's person. Lucius's as well...But before I let on just how "dorky" I am under my charming exterior, I better stop this entry here.

Love Always,
-Adrian <3

"Between black and white there are always shades of gray..."-Me

2 tears | weep for me


:: 2004 23 February :: 9.32am
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: I Hear You Calling | GOB

Looking for you just to shine some light one my day..
I haven't updated in a while. Any of my journals at that. Over this weekend I've been doing nothing but updating my journals. Weather it's posting, or fixing it up and making it pretty. <3

Anyways. This is my "get-away-from-it-all" journal. Meaning? None of my friends online or off know about this journal, as far as I know. Though they could easily find it, but none of them read my journals so I have no worries. But this journal is just full of people I don't really talk to, I love you guys though. <3

But now it's time to get a ton off my shoulders.. I'm heading down that road to an emotional break down. And if I get some stuff off my chest it may not be as bad.

This whole week has been nothing but drama and depression. And everything, I mean everything has been irking me really bad. Monday my friend Di got out of a coma, which was good, but that fact he was in a coma left me sobbing for an hour. He went into it Monday and luckly snapped out of it the same day. That was the mere start.

Three of my friends are all in it together to kill themselves, and it's driving meup a wall. Ebony decided she would try to OD Tuesday night, and came to school really fucked up because of some percription pills. 18 pills. That same day Ale had pills at school deciding what to do with them, and my friend Latherin stole them for her and took them. The next day Ale came to school all fucked up. When I figured it out, I was finally fed up and smacked her upside the head and just walked away. Idiots.

I'm so used to having my mom all to my self. She's my mom, ya know? But it's a lot like that saying, "You don't know what you've got til it's gone." No, she'd not gone. But I never took advantage of spending time with her, and I should have. Her ex-boyfriend, Tony, moved back to town from Texas. Don't get me wrong, I love him, he's always been a fatherly model to me, but that was when I was really little. I'm not used to having a male getting all ym mom's attention. But now he's back and she's been out with him every night since Thursday since he only came back on Wensday. I don't know how long it will last, but yes, I'm having a jealousy issue here, especially since I haven't been invited to go with her like I would normally have been. Appearently they are talking about dating again. And it irks me. I don't know why.. But it does. And it really freaked me out today when she threw that "What would you do if we got married" question at me... -sighs-

And then I'm having issues with Chrysty-baby and Amanda. Again, don't get me wrong. I love them both, they are my two favortie people in the world. But I'm such a possessive girl. I've always known I was possessive and spoild and greedy, but it's really starting to show lately. But like I said, they are my two favorite people. And now they are getting all friendly together. It's kinda a teritorial issue, ya know? Chrysty was my friend, and Amanda was my friend. And now they are friends. I knew this would happened which is why I didn't want to introduce them. but at the same time I wanted them to know eachother. But I feel like Amanda's taking my spot with Chrys, though I know she's not, I feel like she's my competition now! I always felt special being Chrysty's "Krad", but now she has me.. and Amanda. So she is always talking about how she loves her "Krad's".. And I don't why but it really irks me. That and the fact Amanda is using my nickname for Chrysty.. I've always called her Chrysty-baby. And since Amanda's been talking to her she calls her it too. May be just because we think alike. But still! IT IRKS ME~! And I feel bad fr getting bothered by that. But ya know. I can't help it. Also, Amanda joined a role-play me and Chrysty are on.. But again I wanted her to join yet I didn't at the same time. It was mine and Chrysty's thing, you know? But oh well, I know I'll have fun with Amanda.

u_u Told you everything's been irking me lately. I've been in a deep depression since Thrusday. But it will pass. I hate building stuff up to the point I can't even pretend I'm happy. My friends are so used to my smiling, laughing, and being stupid. But it's all an act I won't be able to keep up anymore, not until I break down. I need a good cry... A long, hard session of nothing but sobbing and crying, and letting everything go. I'm just sitting here, waiting for it to happen.

This complaint session could easily go on and on.. But it's bed time, it's 11:54, and I need sleep. I have to get up at 5:00 AM. Sleep sounds good right about now. I've gotten enough off my chest to satisfy me for a little while.

Good night to whoever may read this. Though doubtfully anyone will since I'm worthless and no one really notices worthless people and worthless journals.

-Alyssa ~ Slave to the Dark

4 tears | weep for me


:: 2004 13 January :: 3.19pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: MTV

~ Boredom leads to serious things ~
Hey everyone!

-eats her Hershey Hugs- Be-lated happy New Years~! Ah, and today is my mom's birthday. ^^ Happy birthday mama.

Let's see, I'll update everything right now. <33

Before New Years my best friend and I got to stay the night on the Strip at the MGM with Miki and got to meet her best friend from Japan, Nao. ^^ It was so much fun. Nao spoke very little English though. So Miki had to translate stuff for us. Nao had lots of neat things with her like Magazies, snacks, and all that good stuff. She was really nice too. Just a little shy. We went to Gameworks and to a few hotels. We took them on a few motion machine rides. It was so cute because they got scared and kept yelling random Japanese. In one arcade Miki and Nao wen ton this little "rollar coster machine" thing, and we could hear Miki screaming her lungs out in there, her and her Japanese. I clearly remember "JOTTOOU~!!!" Hehe, it was so kyoot. And lots of fun. Nao was only here for 1 full day though.

What else has happened? Nothing much. For New Years, I went over to Amanda's with Amanda. It gets really confusing for the Amandas' becuase you can't directly say Amanda other wise both Amanda's answer. xD Argh. Yeah, it's confusing. <33 That's the joy of nicknames. Mandies is my best friend, and Manda ish the other. Anyways. Manda being a huge Gackt fan made us watch his concert. I don't care for him. xDD But I didn't mind continiously rewinding when You, Gackt's guitarist, humped him. It was rather kinky. <333333333 Then we stayed up until 4 in the morning painting on eachother to be in a "tribe".. Yes.. We're still childish. Leave us alone! xD Our stuff turned out pretty cool though. I'll post pictures later. I remember last time I stayed over at Manda's we attacked her feet with nail polish. Lmao. That was so much fun!! That was pretty much it.

I returned to school. And this week we've got Semester Exams. -yawns- That's it for my boring life. I could've sworn I had something else to put up here but oh well. I'll post it if it comes to me. Ja mata ne minna-san.


weep for me


:: 2003 29 December :: 3.34am
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: Feel For You | Nightwish

Dammit, Americans and killing my DNAngel..
he three things I'm dreading in '04:

Viz -- Angel

D.N. Angel Manga

ADV Films
(refering to DNAngel in this)

I don't mind the manga as much as the fact they're dubbing DNAngel. 
Plus there will be a bunch of annoying people who know what DNAngel is.  I
like being one of few who know what it is here in America.  -sighs- 
Oh well, at least I'll be able to read teh mangas.  I plan on buy the
Japanese versions of DNAngel though. ^^

2 tears | weep for me


:: 2003 23 December :: 10.21am
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: Go Girl ~ Koino Victory | Morning Musume

Koino Victory~!
Hm, I haven't updated this journal in a while.. So here are my updates.

I got my computer privilages back Dec 21. x_x; I thought I was going to die, this week has really sucked!! .. Yes, that means I'm going to ramble on about my horrible week. Gah, but I have two weeks of vacation and Christmas is this week. Eh he he he..

Yeah.. I got in a really big fight with my mom on Sunday, last week, and she was threatening to take me to Child haven.. I'd rather not go into details on the fight.. I made myself sick from crying to three hours though.. I've been sick all week. ._.; Gah. The CH thing she said was just to "get me to talk".. But oh well, I'm over the fight, and so is she. I was sick so I got to stay home on Monday, yay for me. That wasn't much fun though, so hey. We got a new bus driver Monday.. And I found out they changed the bus schedule after school.. So my bus stop was the last one whcih now we don't get there until 3:40 compared to 3:00.. --; It's 15 minutes away. Had my friend Katie not been on the bus Monday my grandma would have sat there and such. But Tuesday morning we had to take kids from a bus that broke down.. Our county has Bus problems, they've been eliminating bus stops. Keh. So we had to fit four to a seat.. Wensday on the way home the kids were messing around and the driver todl them to stop. They didn't, so she made them sit in the front, after giving her crap and lip we got to the first bus stop and had to sit there for half an hour waiting for th PI. I hate kids.. Why must I be stuck with them? Thursday we yet again had to fit more kids on our bus. After 15 minutes of those idiots refusing to scoot over, we got the other 60 kids on the bus.. And drove literally a block. -.-;; And then we had to swtich buses go on another bus, fit again 4 to a seat... And we were late for school because it took so long. And on the way home... MORE problems.. On the freeway, a kid threw a glass bottle out the window, hit a car, and nearly caused an accident. So.. The police pulled us over 5 mins. from the stop. -.-; And we sat there for about 45 mins. Yeah. This is my life. God kids my age are such IDIOTS. But oh well.. Only a few more years and I can escape.

-.- Friends suck. Yep.. Hm, I'm getting vibes from my Best Friend she just really doesn't want to see me. She was gone all weekend as said, so I didn't invite her to come over Saturday because she had just gotten home, but I wanted her to spend the night last night. Oh, no, because Heather is going to be coming over. So Iasked about after that and oh, no Miki-chan wants to see her before Christmas.. Well Damn, I want to she her before Christmas too! Or before next year, jeez... So I just called over there.. And that stupid fawking fat ass cow, Liz is over. I can't stand that girl. Last thing I heard they were mad at eachother because that bitch was being such an ass to her and she was having a bad day. I called there and comforted her with her family, and who gets to see Amanda. x/!!!! It's so fucking irritating. Well screw her too!!! God I hate the things she does. Oh well, she can go fuck herself. I'll make plans to see some other friends over break. x3

I want the DNAngel game for PS2. ._.;

I don't really use this journal much anymore. I do this too much, use a journal a lot and then suddenly switch to another. Anywho, if you don't see updates on this Journal, there are probably updates on this one:

user: Dark_Mousy

That's about it. ^^;;


weep for me

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