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:: 2007 6 January :: 9.26pm

I just signed his guestbook. It made me feel a little bit better. I wanted to go to the viewing but my mum didn't want to take me. Class of 09 has forever changed.

Today Jess's friend came over, talking about how the bus was taking so long and he had to use the bathroom. The bus was held up by the funeral and he was complaining about it. I know he couldn't have known, but I think Jess did. I was almost about to run out of the room crying.

This was not how I expected the new year to begin...



:: 2007 1 January :: 9.06pm

Sorry, I don't have the time.

I have a digital world to save<3



:: 2006 26 December :: 10.54pm
:: Mood: depressed

I need to draw more. Improve and find myself. I'm feeling really unsatisfied with it :/

0 Talent



:: 2006 21 December :: 10.06pm
:: Mood: sore
:: Music: [The Flaming Lips] + [It Overtakes Me]

I'm getting kind of restless, almost, a little frustrated. At least today. There's nothing to do, I'm tired but when I try to sleep I just lay there, and I'm hungry but food makes me sick. I hate these limbo days. I think, and this might sound really dumb, but I think it's the tension building from the holidays, and maybe some other things too. But mostly I'm okay, and that's good.

Cassie called me today. I was so glad. I was starting to miss her a lot lately. She's doing great and we talked for like an hour, and it made me feel good. I MUST visit her soon. Being away makes me forget why I liked her so much, but once we talk I get reminded all over again...*sigh*



:: 2006 15 December :: 11.21pm
:: Mood: excited

Join my MP3 rotation, spread the word, etc.

Like pronto.



:: 2006 10 December :: 11.20pm
:: Mood: anxious

K now, I need:

PENI - Grind Candy Single (Jan.)
New Album (Feb)
Diru - Marrow of a bone (who cares)




:: 2006 10 December :: 10.28pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: [Mad Sin] + [Brand New Gun (Bang Boom Bang)]

...where did the weekend go? Everything went by so fast, I have to stop spending most of my time sleeping D:<



:: 2006 7 December :: 8.18pm
:: Music: ayumi hamasaki_jewel

2 posts in 2 days ? wtf.

1. Do you pronounce the 'l' in salmon?: no. i knew this one kid who's brother's name was salmon. and HE pronounced the 'l'. ;)

2. When was the last time you went to a bookstore?: a month ago ? my mom disapproves of reading at borders.

3. Have you ever prank called a restaurant?: no, but we pretended to call someone and order pizza. even though they weren't pizza. .people.

4. How did you meet most of your friends?: school. . yeah. school.

5. Do you find ancient mythology interesting?: that has to do with greeks. right ? i have 3 moles on my face that look like orion's belt. fascinating.

6. What snacks do you usually buy when you go to the movies?: if i get lucky popcorn that i eventually have to share and finish before the movie starts.

7. Do you prefer British spelling or American?: american. because i am american. so yeah.

8. Have you ever gone sailing?: cruise will count yes .. ?

9. Have you ever gotten heat exhaustion?: no. i steer away from heat waves.

10. Do you still live in your childhood home?: no.

11. How much is too much to pay for a concert ticket?: it was in china currency. so i wouldn't know. . around $70 +

12. What was the greatest prank you've ever pulled?: they all suck. let's not come back to this.

13. Do you pride yourself on being intelligent?: though my academic grades aren't worth boasting about i consider myself pretty knowledgable. so, yeah.

14. Is that pride justified?: to the extreme.

15. If you controlled pop culture, what trend would you change (or introduce)?: HOODIES GALORE. no more stupid ' define girlfriend ' or ' cock-to-do-with-anything ' tees. the end of guitar craze.

16. Have you ever taken a survey twice by accident?: no.

17. What was the last movie you went to see? i haven't been to the movies in forever. . pirates in the carribbean 2

18. Have you ever gotten stuck on an amusement park ride?: no. but a sky lift.

19. Do you have a weak stomach?: no

20. Do you get annoyed when you don't receive any comments on your myspace for a while?: hah. i have no myspace.

21. How often do you floss?: floss is that stringy thing right. ?

22. What was the worst trouble you've ever gotten into?: nothing that takes me out of my comfort zone.

23. Would you ever consider becoming a cop?: NO

24. If stupidity were a fatal disease, who do you think would be the first to die?: about 3/4 of the whole school population. administration first. narrowing down to probably. . galen.

25. Are you and your friends loud and obnoxious in public areas?: i wish not to remember. but usually not. maybe around certain people.

26. How often do you take and fill out surveys from this community?: community ?

27. Are you a big New York Yankees fan? nope.

28. Do you own a thesaurus?: no. no i don't.

29. When was the last time you visited relatives?: i VISIT every saturday.

30. When was the last time you ate meat?: yesterday. . i haven't eaten meat for a whole day. . i think. no. i ate a bagel dog. this afternoon. XD

31. What magazines do you read, if any?: my mom disapproves of magasines.

32. What's one thing you get uptight about?: annoying people. stupid people. people you can't shut up and turn around. people who ask too many questions. tiffany.

33. What sport are you best at?: i'm not sports 'orientated'.

34. Ever eaten one of those Warheads candies?: yeah.

35. Do you prefer Tootsie Pops or Blow Pops?: tootsie pops

36. Do you ever correct grammatical and typographical errors on survey questions?: when i say them. .maybe.

37. How did you get your most recent injury?: i bump into things everyday. it's impossible to remember.

38. What's the most awkward question you've ever been asked?: i don't know. but the stupidest one would be "why does your mom have different last names than you?"

39. Do you own anything from IKEA?: yeah. furniture to bedsheets to meatballs.

40. What was the stupidest horror movie you've ever seen?: i hate horror movies.

41. What about the stupidest comedy?: they are all pretty stupid.

42. Have you ever snuck into a movie?: yeah

43. True or false- There's no place like home: false.

44. The creepiest place you can think of: anywhere where it's dark, smelly, unfamiliar, and a man following you.

45. Have you ever seen an albino animal?: they have albino animals ?

46. Do you think they have chatspeak in Chinese?: it took me awhile to capture this. . but they have simplified chinese ?

47. What color is your front door?: kinda white, purplish, dirty more than anything.

48. Were you afraid of old people as a child?: no.

49. Have you ever been visited by a Jehovah's Witness?: who are they ?

50. Have you ever tried summoning Bloody Mary?: we've tried.



:: 2006 5 December :: 10.14pm
:: Music: [PENICILLIN] + [Little Love Story]

Sufjan Stevens
Every Little Thing
The Decemberists
Bright Eyes
Elliott Smith
Neutral Milk Hotel
Simon & Garfunkel
The New Pornographers
The Beach Boys
Bloc Party
Of Montreal
The Strokes
The Kinks
Rilo Kiley
Architecture in Helsinki D
Snow Patrol D
Pizzicato Five
deathgaze (have them already)



:: 2006 5 December :: 9.47pm

Ladies and gentlemen, the Teeny Little Super Guy



:: 2006 2 December :: 1.53pm
:: Music: [Mazzy Star] + [Disappear]

My Chemical Romance
Jack's Mannequin
Elliott Smith
Tori Amos
The Magnetic Fields
The Dresden Dolls
Maaya Sakamoto
Architecture in Helsinki*
Sigur Rós
Sufjan Stevens
Wolf Parade
The Decemberists
Bright Eyes
Hot Hot Heat
Bloc Party
Of Montreal
The Strokes
My Morning Jacket*



:: 2006 29 November :: 9.36pm
:: Music: nuuting

Or maybe Otanjoubi Omedetou gozaimasu !!

I`m so sorry it's late but I haven't been on for awhile. XD



:: 2006 24 November :: 10.49pm
:: Mood: ashamed
:: Music: [The Flaming Lips] + [The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song]

Now, don't think that I'm not grateful, because I am. I know I take things for granted too, but, I know. I really am grateful. I am, I know.


I still can't help but feel disappointed, even if it makes me ashamed for admitting so.

It's going to be another Big Lots Christmas :/



:: 2006 27 November :: 9.40pm
:: Mood: stressed
:: Music: [Everclear] + [Everything To Everyone]

To-do list...
Am Cult Term Paper final copy (Finished!)
3 Pages for Autobiography (not started)
Reading Assignment (Finished!)
2.5 Geometry Assignments (Fuck it)
Geomety Trunkated Tetrahedron extra cred (Finished!)


Edit 11/25
Edit 11/26
Edit 11/27



:: 2006 22 November :: 11.54pm
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: [Courtney Love] + [Zepplin Song]

"i work for minimum wage"
People who say money isn't everything, can't buy happiness, or how ever you want to say it either

{A} have plenty and will never have to worry about it


{B} are jealous of the people who do.

I really, really, wish my family had a lot more than we do. My mom is alway so tired and stressed, and for what? 8 fucking dollars an hour? We couldn't keep this house if it wasn't for the money from my dad. I wish to god I didn't know that.


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