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I'll love you like it's the last day of my life.

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:: 2005 30 November :: 5.21 pm

I want to be kissed under a mistletoe.

4 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!

:: 2005 28 November :: 5.29 pm

guys...guess what?

I have been in the BEST Christmas spirit mood ever, for over a week now, and I think it died today. I'm kinda sad about that. Maybe I should turn the Christmas tunes back on. But I'm just bored with them for the moment, and I think tomorrow I'm going to haul out all the Christmas decorations and decorate. and this weekend on Sunday, we're going to get our tree, I told my dad that I thought long and hard about it and this weekend is the right weekend! ahaha! But tomorrow, when I decorate, I'm going to blast and sing loudly to Christmas carols! And NOBODY IS GOING TO STOP ME! ahahahah! So amybe then, I'll get back in the holiday spirit. I have to go christmas present shopping, I have a few select people to buy for this year, it's not gonna be as bad as last year, that's for sure! ahah, no more kids that I'm baby-sitting, expecting presents! I had to buy like 7 little kids presents last year, on top of my family and friends, it was insane and I was dead broke after that. NOT THIS YEAR! NO WAY JOSE! If you count, I might buy you something!

1 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!

:: 2005 26 November :: 9.06 am
:: Music: She Fucking Hates Me~Puddle Of Mud

I had a customer waiting when I got here, they were in tanning before we even opened. I think it's going to be a busy day.

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!

:: 2005 26 November :: 2.28 am

Have you Ever...?
Played Spin the Bottle?:no
Toilet Paper someone's house:yes
Played Poker with money:no
Gone swimming in a white T-shirt:yes
been tickled so hard you couldn't talk:yes
like someone but never told them:yes
went camping:yes
had a crush on your broher's friend:don't have a brother
walk in the rain without an umbrella:yes
told a joke that NObody thought was funny:yes ahah, it still is funny!
been in a talent show:yes
started laughing at someone's bedtime:yes
worn somthing your mom didn't appove of:yes
been to a nude beach:no
drank jack daniels:no
cursed in a church:I don't think so
been called a slut for kissing someone:yea, and it was stupid
burnt yourslef with a curling iron/straightner:yes, ouch!
wanted to be a police officer:no
dumped someone:yes
been hit on by someone too old:yes
wanted to be a model:yes
bought lottery tickets:no
made out in a car:yes
cried during a movie:yes
wanted something you couldn't have:yes
had sex on the beach:no, but I plan on it
had the drink sex on the beach:no
seen someone shoplift:no
hung up on someone:yes
yelled at you pet:yes, and then i felt so bad afterwards, that I gave him a treat
bought a thong when the casheir was a guy:yes, ahah, hey why was he working there anyways?
tried to strip when drunk:no
gotten seasick:almost...damn storm!
had a stalker:no
played a prank on somone that had them really scared:yes
been embarassed by one of your family:yes
felt bad about eating meat:no
been to an island:yes
been in love:no
ate jus because you were bored:yes
looked at something everybody thought was ugly and said "aww":yes
Screamed in a library:no
Made out with a stranger:yes
Been Dumped:yes
Wished a part of you was different:yes
asked a guy to dance:yes
been asked out by a really hot guy:no
laughe so hard ou cried:yes
went up to a complete stranger and started talking:yes
been sunburned:yes
kicked a guy in the nuts for being a pervert:no
threw up in school:no
recieved an anonymous love letter:no :(
had to wear something you hated:yes
been to a luau:no
say your ex and wanted to kick his ass:no
cursed in front of your parents:not yet
been in a commerical on tv:no
watched a movie that made you miss your ex:yes
been out of the country:yes
been honked at by some guy when you were walking down the sidewalk:yes, in Cancun, but who don't they honk at?
won at pool:yes
went to a party where you were the ony sober one:no
went on a diet:tried
been lost out to sea:no
cheated on your bf:no
been cheated on:sort of
tanned topless:yes
been attacked by seagulls:seagulls are scary, especially at the beach! when you ahve food! AHHH!!
been searched in an airport:no
been on a plane:yes
been pants-ed:yes
thown a shoe at someone:yes
broke someone's heart:I don't know, I doubt they cared enough
sung in the shower:oh yes!
bought something way too expensive:yes
done something really stupid that you still laugh about:yes, my foot got stuck in the seatbelt once and I fell out of the car!
been walked in on when you were dressing:yes
ran out of a movie theatre because you were too scared of the movie:no, I paid to watch that!
been kicked out of the mall:no
ben mean to someone then instantly wanted to take it back:yes
been given a detention on the worst day that you could get one:no
done something stupid when you were drunk:welllllllllll............
fell off your roof:no
pretended you were scared so you could cuddle up with someone:it's possible
had a deer jump in fron of your car:yes, and it scared me to death
threated someone witha water gun:most likely
Can you....
Unwrap a starburst with your tounge:yes, my tounge is very talented, hahah!
open your eyes underwater:yes
eat whatever you want and not have to worry:no
ice skate:yes
sing in front of a crowd:heck no, I swear my voice actually shakes!
whistle:not good
be a bitch at times:yes
do thirty pull ups:no
walkin in really high heals:yes
eat super spicy foods:no
sleep with the lights on:yes, but it annoys me, unless I'm really tired, then it doesn't even matter
touch your nose with your tounge:no
fall asleep easily in the car:no, never
do the cotton eye joe:uhhhhh
play ddr and not fall:never done it
surf:never tried
fit in your locker:no
do a split:yes
taste the difference between pepsi and coke:yes, pepsi=gross
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You've been totally Bzoink*d

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!

:: 2005 26 November :: 2.12 am

A decent but LONG survey
..The Basics..
Sexual Orientation?:straight
Would you like to be?:no/sometimes
Age you act?:pft, whatever I feel like!
Age you wish you were?:24
Eye color?:brown
Happy with it?:yea
Hair color?:brown
Happy with it?:yea
Your living arrangement?:with my parents
Family?:yep, lots
Job?:yep, Awesome Tan and Jenny's Grill n' Chill
Obsessions?:neat freak
Can you speak another language?:kinda
Favorite quote?:"oh my goodness"?
Any webpages?:uhhhh
..Deep Thoughts..
Do you live in the moment?:yea
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?:yes, the majority of the time
Do you have any secrets?:yea, but Dani prolly already knows, even if I didn't tell her
Do you hate yourself?:no
Do you like your handwriting?:it's ok
Do you have any bad habits?:I crack my knuckles when I'm nervous, it's sick and I hate it
What is the compliment you get most from people?:uhhhh, my laugh is contagious I guess, but I get told to shut up too!
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?:The Girl Who Was Never Sad- and it would be irony.
What's your biggest fear?:fire
Can you sing?:not very well!
Do you ever pretned to be someone else just to look cool?:yea, who hasn't?
Are you a loner?:not really, I guess kinda
If you were another person, would you want to be friends with you?:most likely, yea
Are you a daredevil?:not at all
Is there anything you fear/hate about yourself?:I don't trust
Are you passive or agressive?:passive mostly, but I will stand up for myself
What is your greatest strength and weakness?:this is too hard
If you could change one thing about yourself?:I'm fat
There are three wells, love, beauty & creativity, which one do you choose?:love I guess
How do you vent?:I call Dani, or I get really mad, or I most of the time go to my rooma and cry
Do you think you are emotionally strong?:yes
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing?:yea, but you didn't ask what!
Do you think life has been good so far?:it always has ups and downs
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?:don't take anything for granted
What do you like most about your body?:yuck, my smile I guess
and least?:ugh, don't ask
Do you find yourself attractive?:no
Are you confident?:I can act like it.
What fictional character are you most like?:well....I guess Audrey in laws of Attraction, but then there's Kat in The Wedding Date, and then that girl in A Lot Like Love.....
Do people know how you feel?:not the truth, most of the time, I'm really private.
Are you perceived wrongly?:probably not
..Do you?..
Do drugs?:no
Read the newspaper?:no, unless I know who or what it's about
Go to church?:no, not regularly
Talk to strangers who IM you?:yea
Sleep with stuffed animals?:yea, just one, a bear named Rosco, and he is so perfect to cuddle!!
Take walks in the rain?:I think I have actually
Talk to people even though you hate them?:yes
Like to drive fast?:yes
..Have you ever?..
Hurt yourself?:not on purpose
Been out of the country?:yes
Eaten something that made others sick?:probably
Been unfaithful?:ummm no, I haven't had anyone to be unfaithful to...
Been in love?:no
Done drugs?:no
Gone skinny dipping?:yes
Had surgery?:no
Ran away from home?:no
Played strip poker?:no
Got beaten up?:no
Been picked on?:yes
Been on stage?:yes
Slept outdoors?:yes
Pulled an all-nighter?:yes
What's your record?:I don't know, a lot
Talked on the phone all night?:yes
Slept together with someone of the opposite sex but didn't have sex?:yes
Slept all day?:no
Killed someone?:no
Made out with a stranger?:yes
Had sex with a stranger?:no
Had sex at all?:no
Thought you were going crazy?:yea!
Kissed the same sex?:no, like my mom or sisters prolly lol
Anything sexual with the same sex?:no
Been betrayed?:yes
Had a dream that came true?:I don't remember
Broken the law?:yea
Met someone famous?:ummmm, yea, Bachelor Bob, and Greenley
Killed an animal by accident?:yes, and it was the saddest thing ever, I cried and had to pull over! I tried to miss it, it was a poor innocent little mole!
Stolen anything?:yea, but my mom made me take it back, it was a Koosh ball when I was like 7, lol
Been on the radio/TV?:yes
Been in a mosh-pit?:yes
Had a nervous breakdown?:well, yea
Considered a religious vocation?:yes
Been criticized about your sexual performance?:no
Bungee jumped?:no
Had a reoccuring dream?:no
Shoe brand?:adidas? heck if I know, shoes are shoes! I like em or I don't
Clothing brand?:AE
Scent?:Tommy's True Star, or Journey, but I seriously have like 8 perfumes, but I wear those the most, and Lucky
Normal attire?:jeans and t-shirts
Do you wear hats?:sometimes, but rarely
Do you wear make-up?:yes
Favorite place to shop?:AE
Favorite article of clothing?:hoodies
Are you trendy?:no
Would you rather wear a uniform to school?:no
Life on other planets?:it's hard to imagine
Magic?:eh, it's pretty cool sometimes, it's amusing I guess, but I always think that there's a logical way to explain it
Love at first sight?:no
Yin & Yang?:uhhhhh
Easter bunny?:no
Is it possible to be faithful forever?:yes
Is there a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?:no
Do you wish on stars?:yes
Do you remember your first love?:I'll let ya know, I remember crushes....
Still love him/her?:............
Do you consider love a mistake?:no
What do you find romantic?:I don't know, a lot of things, but have you ever seen a guy see a girl and put his hand on his heart and kinda sighs, cuz she looks so beautiful? I think that is so romantic!
Turn-on?:smells good and can make me laugh
Do you go more by looks or personality?:personality
Do you think the opposite sex finds you attractive?:no
What is best about the opposite sex?:I like good hugs from guys, they make you feel so safe and loved.
and worst?:guys that don't treat girls right
What's the last present someone gave you?:pft, I don't know, it's been awhile....
Are you in love?:no
Is you signifcant other hot?:don't have one
..The last person who..
Haunted you?:Curtis
You wanted to kill?:killing is bad
You laughed at?:Dani
Turned you on?:ding dong ding dong ding dong ding dong...
You went shopping with?:my mom
Broke your heart?:Dan
Disappointed you?:Jon
Made you cry?:I haven't cried in a long time, but it was most likely a movie or something
Brightened your day?:my friends coming to see me at the tanner
You thought about?:Jon
You saw a movie with?:Dani and Kourtney
You talked to on the phone?:Kourtney
You talked to on IM:PJ
You saw?:Dani
You lost?:Dan
You thought was insane?:Dani
You told off?:Kourtney
You trusted?:Dani
You turned down?:Curtis, he just doesn't know it.
..When was the last time you?..
Smiled?:like 10 minutes ago
Laughed?:like an hour ago, at the movie I watched
Cried?:I don't know
Bought something?:tonight, nasty burger King and the movies we watched!
Danced?:to the credits on the movie! ahhaha!
Were sarcastic?:to Dani about something, but she gave it back so it didn't matter
Hugged someone?:Dani
Talked to an ex?:pft, let's say tried to talk....
Watched your favorite movie?:last weekend
Had a nightmare?:I have no idea
Talked on the phone?:a few hours ago now
Listened to the radio?:like in my car earlier
Watched TV?:ahah, I just got done watching a movie!
Went out?:pft, no time
Helped someone?:all the time!
Were mean?:a little while ago
Sang?:a little while ago
Saw a movie in a theater?:I don't remember, I think it was that dumb one, with orlando and kirsten
Said "I love you"?:to Dani, earlier tonight
Missed somone:now
Fought with a family member?:like when I got home tonight and yelled at Kourtney to get all her junk outta my room, cuz it was clean when I left, and it wasn't when I got home
Fought with a friend?:Dani and I always argue, we just got done arguing about one of our friends heh.
Had a serious conversation?:in my car tonight
Got drunk?:never
Had sex?:never
Ten Song You Love
[x]:Like I Am-Rascal Flatts
[x]:Black Velvet-Alannah Myles
[x]:Hero-Mariah Carey
[x]:My Humps-Black Eyed Peas
[x]:Where The Hood At-DMX
[x]:You and Me-Lifehouse
[x]:Jesus Take The Wheel-Carrie Underwood
[x]:Strawberry Wine-Deana Carter
[x]:I'm A Bitch-Meredith Brooks
[x]:I Can Only Imagine-Mercy Me
Nine Things That Make You Smile
[x]:favorite songs coming on the radio
[x]:Laffy Taffy jokes
[x]:American's Funniest Home Videos, the older ones(I seriously crack up)
[x]:people calling me(seriously, it's never for me)
[x]:people coming over, or to work to see me!
Eight Things You Wear Daily?
[x]:tank top
Seven Things That Annoy You?
[x]:people that won't shut up
[x]:getting told to do something when I just sit down
[x]:having to go pee in the middle of the night
[x]:having cold feet, like I do right now
[x]:being sick, like I think I am right now
[x]:being stressed, or mad about anything
[x]:when things don't turn out how I had hoped
Six Things You're Looking Forward To?
[x]:the end of the semester
[x]:getting a boyfriend
[x]:kids-the whole shebang!
Five Things You're Afraid Of
[x]:not getting there
[x]:not meeting him
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You've been totally Bzoink*d

2 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!

:: 2005 24 November :: 11.13 pm

Tonight, Dani told me that because we're out of high school, and are doing new things, I can't be down on myself for not finding "him" because I'm not allowed to have a "type" anymore. Because if any of you know what I've gone for in the past, it's all been about the same. I did have a major "type." So, I guess I'm not allowed to anymore. Which is fine with me. Anyways, my "type" went like this.

makes me laugh easily
a little taller than me
some muscles
nice family
accepting of others
cute (cuz even when people say that it doesn't matter, looks do matter on some level)

and if you look at who I've fallen for in the past or had crushes on or went for in anyway:
Roman Garcia
Scott Wilde
Dan Krieter
Tony ??? (cancun)
Dan Laatz (but only for like a minute)
Brandon Bauer (but who didn't?)
Chad Kuz
Josh Kidder
Ryan Case

and then there's the very few, who weren't my "type" that I had crushes on, that never worked, or never would work, but they had some of the qualities that make me like someone:
Tyler Bauer (haha)
Jon Glerum
Gilly (muy poco)
yea, I can't think of anymore.

but anyways, my point is that my "type" doesn't work. So, I'm saying right now, that anything goes, as long as they are nice, and being able to make me laugh is a must, that's what first attracts me to anyone. and don't think that I only went for that type on purpose, I didn't it just happened that everyone I got a big crush on, fit that. I don't know. Watch me end up marrying someone who doens't fit anyones type. aahah! most likely, I'll prolly have to order a husband. ahah!!

OH, and whoever he is, he HAS to smell good. Seriously, that is so attractive. like the smell of laundry, and I don't really agree with this, but the smell of alcohol on a guy's breath just makes me...ohhh!!! yes, he def. has to smell good! (and I don't think alcohol smells good either, cuz it doesn't, I just think it's really hot) lol

And another thing, I don't like guys who are more sensitive than I am. I want the guy to be the guy! Not a wimp. I don't want to be a stronger person than my boyfriend/husband someday.I want to be comforted, not the comforter. Not that guys don't deserve it sometimes, and I'm not against it sometimes, I just don't want to have to make my boyfriend feel better all the time, I don't have the patience for that. I want someone who will take charge in certain situations, like I don't want to have to beg my man to go to church or something like that, I want him to want to go and to want me to go to. I want him to have morals, and the same political views as me, and the same views on family, and on what's important in life. I don't know, we have to click. We have to be able to have serious conversations and he can't make me feel dumb, or that my opinions don't matter, or arn't important. and we have to be able to have fun with each other, and be ourselves without feeling retarded. Like, singing in the car or dancing in the living room, you just have to be able to cut loose, and not care what I think, because it will be just us, and we will be totally comfortable with each other, and we will accept each other 100%, for the good and the bad. I want someone who is all of these things, and in order for that to happen, I have to be willing to give people a chance, like that guy in my math class......I know Dani, I'll try. I haven't given anyone the time of day since Dan, and I really need to, he will not ruin this for me. That's all there is to it! OOOH I WILL NOT MARRY OR DATE A SMOKER! SICK! and someday, I don't want to have animals in my house either. I don't like animal hair on my clothing, yucky. Animals belong outside, where they are born. Sorry if that sounds mean, but even cat people, we have a cat and she is outside in the barn, they don't freeze to death if you put them outside! Seriously, I think I'm just about annoyed at everything tonight. I wouldn't talk to me if I were you.

oh, and another thing about me, I don't care if people know that I like them, so most of the people on both of those lists, knew. I'll even tell you straight up if I like you or not, I say what comes to mind, which can be a bad thing, but I'm not wasting my time, waiting to see if he likes me too. Sometimes it's good to wait, and I can do that too, but most of the time, I can already tell before I ever say anything. Oh, but you already know that I don't make the first move when it comes to going out on a date, or first kisses, or anything, I think it's so much more romantic and perfect when the guy takes charge of that. Because then I feel more special, and wanted. yep, well I don't know what brought all that on, oh yea, I was feeling sorry for myself and it was Dani's pep talk! ahah! I love you Dani!

oh, and most of you, if you ever bother to have a real conversation with me about this, you would know how strongly I feel about some of this stuff. like saying "I love you," I won't say that I'm afraid of the words, cuz I'm not, I just WILL NOT say it, unless me and some guy have been dating for a while, and it seems to be going somewhere, and even then, I have to be sure. I can tell my friends and family that I love them, no problem, but this "I love you" is different, and I won't say it lightly. I've never said it to anyone I've ever dated, and I'm not going to start just throwing it out there now. I mean, seriously, people use it WaAy too casually these days. It's not casual, I think that's partly why there are so many divorces, because everyone is "in love!" awww how cute! OH YEA RIGHT! you people are DUMB! please stop gaggin me now, I think that's why I hate chick flicks too, they make me mad. Unless I'm in a sad mood already, that's the only time I can watch them, I'm warning you out if you ever sit me in front of a chick flick when I'm in a bad mood!

ok, this is like the bazillionth time that I've changed this.

another can ALWAYS tell what kind of mood I'm in by what music I'm listening to. Like I can't stand love songs when I'm mad, it's either rap, or rage music. Normally, I only listen to love songs, when I'm feeling sorry for myself. ahah, and I listen to country whenever I want! aha! ok, that just might be the last time I change this entry! Unless, there is a mistake in it that just drives me crazy! ahah, then I might fix that!

ok ok ok ok, I don't know why I needed to give you all this insight into me, but I just had to ok! deal with it! it made me feel better, so maybe people won't be so stupid anymore when it comes to me! I'm so sick of people disappointing me, seriously. It really ruins everything. I hate when everything gets ruined.

yea, I know it's a lot to take in....but it doesn't happen all at once, it happens as you get to know someone. And then things just start to fall into place. I have high expectations, but I know that there is someone that will meet them, just for me! I know that there is, and I guess I'm gonna give people a chance now and see if I ever meet him, and not run scared when anyone shows me any attention. Unless your name is Curtis, then I will run away!

I'm a bitch, arn't I? don't lie, I'm feeling bitchy.

k, that made me feel a little bit better.

6 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!

:: 2005 24 November :: 10.40 pm

I hate it when I get slapped by reality. I hate it the most when my "friends" do it to me.

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!

:: 2005 24 November :: 9.38 am

happy happy happy happy happy happy HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!

:: 2005 23 November :: 8.21 pm

oh my word, I think everyone is at home cooking for tomorrow and nobody is here tanning. I am so bored!!! Come and visit me, anyone! we close at 9 though, so come now! ahah!

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!

:: 2005 23 November :: 7.31 pm

as most of you know, my cousin Amanda is in Iraq, and wasn't supposed to be here until before Christmas, but we got the call a few days ago, that she is going to be flying in tomorrow, so we are SO excited. being Thanksgiving and everything. well anyways, we're having my whole family over for Thanksgiving tomorrow, just like we always do, but my sister just called me and WZZM 13 is coming to my house to interview my family, about her coming home and coming over tomorrow. They want to know what we're preparing and doing for when she gets here. Isn't that crazy!?!? I'm at work so I won't be there, but I think it's pretty awesome, Stacey said that she was going to hide! ahhaah! I bet, they'll want to talk to everyone. I'll watch it on tv, but I'm glad I'm not there! haha! Sometimes it's good to have a job to go to! My mom's gonna be cutting potatoes or something, preparing for Amanda! ahahah! My mom is so funny! Good thing we cleaned today for tomorrow! seriously, we are having 34 people over. It's gonna be so much fun, just like everyear! Anyways, I have a tanning bed to clean, so all of you have a VERY Happy Thanksgiving, and watch WZZM tonight, or tomorrow, I don't know when it's going to be on. NIGHT ALL! I love you! muah!

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!

:: 2005 20 November :: 8.04 pm

ok, here are some pictures from my weekend. Sorry about your screen sizes everyone.

Amanda, Me and Dani, at the CMU girls b-ball game.
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These are just some of Dani and I! As I'm sure you can tell! ahah!
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This is when we went out to dinner at The Embers Restaurant. Our bill came to 150.00!!! BUT IT WAS SO GOOD!! mmmm! look at that raspberry cheesecake! It was huge!
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This is Dani, Me, and Molly, in Molly's room!
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and I would have taken some at the Casino, but I wasn't allowed too! : (

all in all, I had SOOO SOOO much fun!

1 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!

:: 2005 19 November :: 1.18 pm

OH my goodness. I'm having so much fun here. I think I'm really considering coming here, and not in a year either, I mean next year! We're going to a basketball game right now, and tonight we're going to this restaurant called The Embers. Dani's parents made reservations weeks ago for us to go there. After my campus tour last night at like 3 AM I think I know my way around already and it's really nice here, and I already know tons of people. Kevin is so hilarious, and Erik is really nice too. And everyone that I've met so far are people that I can see myself becoming really good friends with. Even if I don't end up going here, I'm already friends with all of them, it was really easy to be comfortable with them. I don't know.

Jon Glerum.....I'm missing you!

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!

:: 2005 18 November :: 7.30 pm

ok ok ok! I'm going to Central tonight to stay with Dani!!! I'm so flippen excited!

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!

:: 2005 18 November :: 1.16 pm

I don’t know what to say
Don’t know what to do
Don’t know if it really even matters to you
How can I make you see
It matters to me

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!

:: 2005 18 November :: 11.23 am

everything is so....twisted. I hope it doesn't stay this way, I'm about to have a breakdown. I'm leaving tonight, I hope things don't get more out of control while I'm gone, and most of all I hope that I don't get replaced like it already seems I have. I at least hope that it isn't all forgotten over nothing.

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!

:: 2005 17 November :: 9.56 pm

Joe Lewis, I think that you are the love bug, and you have just bitten me!

(no, not really, but you're pretty awesome!)

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!

:: 2005 17 November :: 9.44 pm

oh man, now I know why I'm the way that I am. I hope nothing gets worse. I already have so many things stressing me out. One major one that I don't know what I'm going to do about it, and the rest just have to do with me making better use of...myself. I know why I care so much, but like I would ever tell anyone. gosh, I won't even truly admit anything to myself, like I know why in my head, for sure...100%, but I'm never going to say it outloud. It's so stupid. I just wish that they way I think about things happening in my head was the way that they really happened. If that was the case, then I would be totally stress free, I'm always so optimistic in my head, but in reality, I can't do half the things I thought I could do, and I can't be to anyone what I thought that I could be. And I guess I'm jsut feeling really awful because I don't know what to do, I always have a plan, and right now, I'm really lost, and I have nobody to talk to for real, that I can trust at the moment. ohhh gossshhhh! what the heck seriously, I can't take this anymore, I'm going to get sick after all this is figured out, yea, it's really bothering me that much.

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!

:: 2005 16 November :: 7.57 pm

I hate the world today
You're so good to me
I know but I can't change
Tried to tell you
But you look at me like maybe
I'm an angel underneath
Innocent and sweet
Yesterday I cried
Must have been relieved to see
The softer side
I can understand how you'd be so confused
I don't envy you
I'm a little bit of everything
All rolled into one
I'm a bitch, I'm a lover
I'm a child, I'm a mother
I'm a sinner, I'm a saint
I do not feel ashamed
I'm your hell, I'm your dream
I'm nothing in between
You know you wouldn't want it any other way

So take me as I am
This may mean
You'll have to be a stronger man
Rest assured that
When I start to make you nervous
And I'm going to extremes
Tomorrow I will change
And today won't mean a thing


Just when you think, you got me figured out
The season's already changing
I think it's cool, you do what you do
And don't try to save me


I'm a bitch, I'm a tease
I'm a goddess on my knees
When you hurt, when you suffer
I'm your angel undercover
I've been numb, I'm revived
Can't say I'm not alive
You know I wouldn't want it any other way

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!

:: 2005 16 November :: 7.52 pm

You got the best of me, and now I feel like shit. Trust me, it's not going to happen again.

Gilly it was wonderful talking to you! You always make my day. : )

I wish I oh is so unimportant, everything that I say is so pointless....most of the time.

2 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!

:: 2005 15 November :: 8.42 pm

ohhh man!!! I'm so flippen excited for this weekend, it gives me something to focus on besides my world that is actually happening.

1 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?! | Random Journal