~*DrOwN YoUr fEaRs In AlCoHoL EvErYbOdY SpIllS AnD FaLlS ChOkE On eVeRy DrEaM YoU EvEr HaD*~


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~*it might not look like much,but hey, its better than a kick in the crotch

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:: 2003 30 December :: 12.09am
:: Mood: horny ;)
:: Music: anything from brandnew

well, i wasn't satisfied with the background and everything so i changed everything to a 'pinkish theme' and i have a nice new icon, im going to get a better one soon, i just couldn't find any good ones and 'crazy love' was the best that i could do. jaymes and mills just left alittle while ago and they are the best and i love them, haha! last night i talked to this kid richie from the cruise that i went on last year on the phone for like 20948054098543543 hours, it was actually fun and we had a lot of stuff to talk about. today was nothing special just really hung around,talked to amy (it was her first day in FLORIDA! which im excited for her.

i got a phone call from od today <3

[[ *..theres no one left thats real..* ]]

what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 29 December :: 5.38pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: invisible- clay aiken , lol

well you'll see that my mood says accomplished and its true, im very pleased with myself i just refaced my journal! i put a new background in,changed the font color, the journal background color,and the link colors and i got the pretty star cursor :) im actually really proud of myself. i did this with NO HELP! haha well, anyways im sitting here with krystyn,lexi,vaughn,and mills and were just thinking of things that we can do, oh well, ackkk i miss my sammibabes and amy!

.:.theres no one left thats real.:.

what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 29 December :: 3.17pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: i hope you die- bloodhound gang

short and sweet since all my entries keep getting deleted before i update, here --->>

i went to the movies with jenn,scutch,vix, jaymes,tim,and larry, and i got drunk and i started with some bitch and almost fuckin punched her. i finally saw OD after a very long like 4 freaking months and i really do like him so much and i just realized how much i missed him after not seeing him for a whole 4 months when i used to see him everyday. and then jaymes my best friend always came back to my house and we chilled alittle there and casey picked jaymes up. last night i called A LOT of people and i have no clue what i said to a lot of them so im kinda scared that i said something really bad to someone....ack. oh well its all good. and i just realized that.....

[[..timothy odonnell..]] // has my heart <3

.:.theres no one left thats real.:.

what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 28 December :: 4.07pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: anything by jack off jill

Borderline:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

haha very high BORDERLINE! lol, i dont know what half of this shit means but yeah. i think jenn,alaina,vicky,jaymes,tim,and larry are coming over for alittle to yeah...sooo im just sitting on my computer doing nothing for now.

.:.theres no one left thats real.:.

what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 27 December :: 11.08am
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: cameltosis- korn

aright so last night was shall i say, interesting? i had not gotten dressed all day cause needless to say the only people at my house were my mom and my sisters so i talk to amy online and we figure that we want to do something but we dont know what to do. so idk i suggested that we go to glen cove and just maybe meet up with nick there so we had a way to get to glen cove (amys dad) just no way back. we'd have to take the train and then switch in jamaica at like 12 at night and wait there for gd knows how long and that wouldn't be good. sooo we kept thinking and thinking of something to do and we couldn't think of anything so finally amy got a call from richy and we made plans with him. we ended up getting picked up at around 10 after 10 and decided to go see a 10:40 movie of elf, which i was told by nick was a really good and funny movie. soo we went up to the counter and asked for the ticket and they were sold out so we had to find another movie to watch and all the movies were starting really late and the next one was lord of the rings at 10:45. considering that movie was like 3 and a half hours long it didn't end till about 2:15. after we bought the tickets we went to play video games and these two guys were staring at us. consider this: we were in the BIG green acres movie theater the one with the metal detectors and then one in which we were about the only 3 white people in there. i didn't mind just at sometimes it was alittle creepy. soo anyway we walk into the movie sit down and whatever we watch the movie and towards the end of the movie we all started getting mucho tired and wishing it was over. then when we finally got out of the movie amy and i had to pee really bad so we went to the bathroom and by the time i got out from peeing they had shut the water off...ew gross. sooo we walk out of the bathroom and i call nick because im bored and i smoke a cigarette then we walk to the front to wait for lonnie. he was really mad because when he picked us up it was 2:30 or something. eh. so we get home and my mom is like waiting at the door because she told us to be home by 12 and it was 2:45 or so, whatever. we thought she was going to be mad but she wasnt - THANK GD soo we did whatever and went to sleep and now its 11:20 and im on the computer writing this and im really tired and i just got a phone call from my dad who is in california with his girlfriend. ughh i wish that i could be there right now and get out of this fuckin shithole. aright so the rest of the vacation should be fun. one day were hanging out with amys friend jessica,another day amys friend jackie,another day where going out to glen cove to chill w.nick,another day were hanging out with this girl i used to be friends with in bellmore,joanna and idk everything else will have to go as it goes :)

.:.theres no one left thats real.:.

what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 26 December :: 1.38pm
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: when hell freezes over- guttermouth

a survey cause im gay

1) kissed your cousin: wow thats a little gross
2) ran away: ohh i've wanted to but i would never and have never
3) broken someone's heart: i doubt it and if i have...AWW IM SORRY!
4) been in love: yes<3
5) cried when someone died: oh gosh, plenty of times
6) broken a bone: NEVERRR
7) drank alcohol: umm just a few times? har har har
8) lied: who hasn't?
9) cried in school: a couple of times :-/ ughh baby!

10) coke or pepsi: diet coke but if anything coke
11) sprite or 7up: sprite if anything
12) girls or guys: guys deff.
13) flowers or candy: candy, yummm
14) scruff or clean shaven: clean shaven
15) quiet or loud: depending on where ;)
16) blondes or brunettes: brunettesss,they look older a lot of the time
17) bitchy or slutty: bitchy
18) tall or short: tall
19) pants or shorts: pants

20) what do you notice first: eyes and lips
21) last person you slow danced with: umm my best friend timmyy
22) worst thing to do: SEX

23) showered: this morning
24) had sex: i'm a virgin
25) had a great time with the opposite sex: i haven't in a while

26) your good luck charm: jaymes at my soccer games
27) person you hate the most: hmmm jessica martinez and jessica ragusta
28) the best thing that has happened to you today: aww i talked to corey <3

29) color: red/black
30) movie: schindlers list,gothika,the ring,jack
31) book: mothers blessing
32) subject in school: global..i get good grades in there
33) juice: cranberry
34) cars: as long as it goes..
35) ice cream: mmm chocolate brownie dough from carvel
37) season: fall
38) breakfast food: toaster strudle..? maybe thats how you spell it?
39) music to brood to: WHAT?!

40) sit by the phone waiting for a phone call at night: well, i keep the phone right by me
41) save internet conversations: no b/c dead aim automatically does it, lol
43) wish you were someone else: all the time :-/
44) wish you were a member of the opposite sex: actually, i do.
45) cried because of someone's mean words: once or twice maybe

46) cologne: ummm something nice?
47) friend: samm/amy/jaymes/tim <3
48) kiss: shhh (joey)
49) romantic memory: sititng on the beach with joey right b4 he moved at sunrise
50) most recent advice given to you: if someone fucks with you tell me (given my selma)

51) color your hair: brown w.blonde highlights
53) have piercings: ears but i want my eyebrow pierced
54) have a boyfriend/girlfriend: i want a boyfriend soo badly :(
55) own a webcam: yuppers
56) own a thong: what girl doesnt??
57) ever get off the computer: yeah, sometimes...
58) sprechen sie deutsche: no, i dont?
59) habla espanol: I NEVER TOOK SPANISH!
60) quack: quackkkkkkkkk

61) stolen anything: oh man, yeah i have :-/
62) smoke: cigs sometimes...
63) schizophrenic: hahahaa....
64) obsessive: i really doubt it
65) compulsive: about some things
66) obsessive compulsive: depending on what
67) panic: ALL THE TIME
68) anxiety: yuh
69) depressed: yeah, i am :(
70) suicidial: i used to be, but its dumb
71) obsessed with hate: hate,no. dislike,yes.
72) dream of mutliated bodies, blood, death, and gore: nahh sorry
73) if you could be anywhere, where would you be?: away from here
74) can you do anything freakish with your body: i can flutter my eyelids?
75) what facial feature do you find the most attractive: eyes are soo pretty <3
76) would you vote for a woman candidate for president: yeah, its about time we had a woman president!
77) would you marry for money: not at all
78) have you had braces: nah
79) do you pluck your eyebrows: NOPE
80) do you like hairy backs: ew?
81) could you live without a computer: nah i dont think so
82) do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list, etc...? aim most often
83) if so, how many people are on your lists: 200 [the most you can have] :-/
84) if you could live in any post time period, which would it be? a century from now
85) do you drink enough water: nahh
86) do you wear shoes in the house or take them off: in my room,off. anywhere else:on usually
87) what is your favorite fruit: mmm i like raspberrys
88) do you eat wheat bread or white: wheat bread
89) do you kiss on the first date: probably.. 90) are you photogenic: i've been told i am but i dont think i
91) do you dream in color or black and white: color mostly 92) are you wearing fingernail polish: not right now
93) do you have any dimples: nope
94) do you remember being born: riight...
95) why do you take survey's:nothing better to do
96) do you drink alcohol: yes i do
97) what is the best accent: austrailian,english
98) who do you want to kiss: corey<3
99) do you like sunrises or sunsets the most: sunrises<3
100) do you want to live to be 100?: if im doing good, yeah.
101) is a flat stomach important to you: there nice.
102) are you loyal: to people i like
103) are you tolerant of other people's beliefs: yeah, unless there insane
104) when you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off? off
105) do you have nightmares frequently: no, i dont
106) do you like your nose: actually for a jew, yes!
107) do you think you can draw well: haha no.
108) at what age did you find out Santa Claus wasn't real? im jewish so...NEVER
109) how many pairs of shoes are in your closet: 10-15 or something like that
110) do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like variety? i wear my etnies or vans and SOMETIMES i wear my converses, but not very often
111) do you write poetry: not really
112) do you snore: haha yeah, unfortunately
113) do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides? stomach
114) dog/cat? i love my cat 'dusty' aww
115) do you lick stamps: no because i have the sticker stamps
116) do you use an electric can opener? yupps
117) have you ridden in a hot air balloon: nope
118) which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain: emotional
119) favorite TV show: everwood
120) do you know anyone who is clinically depressed: yeah...
121) do you prefer a piano or violin: piano
122) are you a sex addict?: impossible cuz im a virgin
123) do you know someone who has cancer? my grandma had breast cancer 3 times :(
124) do you like to argue: no, i dont like to but i do
125) do you hunt: uh no
126) do you like fast food joints, or expensive restaurants: fast food.
127) would you rather vist a zoo or an art musuem: zoo
128) do you have a middle name?: leigh
129) are you basically a happy person: not at all
130) are you tired?: right now? yes and im cold
131) did you drink anything with caffeine in it today?: actually, no.
132) how many phones do you have in your house: 4 in 2 rooms, thats pretty good
133) how long is your hair: halfway down my back.
134) do you get along with your parents? my mom most of the time and my dad barely ever
135) what color of eyes do you prefer: blue
136) first name: marissa
137) were you named after anyone?: my great grandma miriam
138) do you wish on stars?: i do but i dont think it works
139) when did you last cry: the other day
140) if you were making a movie about yourself, what would the title be? the stupid life of me
141) do you like your handwriting: eh its ok
142) who do you admire and why: my grandma, and jaymes <3 haha
143) what is the #1 priority in your life?: to be successful
144) what is your favorite lunchmeat? ohh yummy, turkey
145) any bad habits: a bunch
146) what is your most embarrassing CD? yum britney spears,hanson,backstreet boys
147) if you were another person, would you be friends with yourself: actually, yeah.
148) are you a daredevil: not really
149) have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? LEAVE ME ALONE
150) have you ever stolen anything: i already answered this
151) do looks matter: nah they dont really matter
152) have you ever misused a word and it sounded absolutely stupid: haha all the time
153) do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow: i've never checked
154) do fish have feelings: no?
155) are you trendy?: what i wear is what i wear
156) how do you release anger? throwing/banging things
157) Where is your second?: huh?
158) do you trust others easily: sometimes alittle too easily
159) what was your favorite toy as a child?: oohhh cabbage patch dolls!
160) what class in school do you think is totally useless? gym and science
161) do you like sappy love songs? hehe yeah
162) have you ever been on radio or television: yupps
163) do you have a journal: an online one, yeah
164) do you use sarcasm a lot: yuppper doodles
165) have you ever been in another country: mexico,canada
166) what do you look for in a girl/guy?: personality,pretty eyes
167) what is/are your nickname?: mariss,riss,rissa,pissa,lil pisser
168) would you bungee jump?: omg no.
169) do you untie your shoes when you take them off?: nah
170) what are you worried about right now?: going back to school
171) do you think you are strong: not at all
172) what's your least favorite thing in the world: YOU?!
173) how many wisdom teeth do you have?: idk
174) what would you change about yourself: almost everything
175) i need: to have more people i trust
176) i find: that people betray me a lot
177) i want: to be just like you
178) i have: a lot of stuff wrong with me
179) i wish: i had a boyfriend
180) i love: samm and jaymes
181) i hate: a lot of things
182) i miss: marlo,ryan,jack,and eddie <3
183) i fear: death and being alone
184) i feel: cold
185) i hear: me sniffling
186) i smell: nada
187) i wonder: about life
188) i regret: almost everything i do

that survey sums up a lot about who i am...

.:.theres no one left thats real.:.

what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 25 December :: 6.01pm
:: Mood: shitty
:: Music: fuck you and your cat- reel big fish

hah well today was crazy i didnt go to sleep at all and when i got home i was SO TIRED. so this is what happend my mom picked me up and i had to hold my cat in the car so he wouldn't cry and my mom stopped for bagels and i saw this girl that looked like a crackhead at 24 hour bagel. she was really skinny and she looked like she had suntan lotion on her noise. well, all of a sudden i see the girl holding a dog that looked A LOT like my aunts dog and then the girl comes to the car and im like OMFG thats my cousin lauren. she had gotten a noise job and her noise looked SO GOOD. thennnnn we went home and i ate a bagel and then i fell asleep like 8 times. lonnie and richie are coming over tonight to eat dinner with me and my mom and sisters and amy, yayyyyy lmfao

.:.theres no one left thats real.:.

what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 25 December :: 6.11am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: pass tha dutch baby- missy elliot

You are an individual,go you! You think for
yourself and don't need to wear tight shirts
and short skirts to get the attention you
want.You are somewhat depressed but try not to
let people know.That where the cutting comes
in.You're not one of thoes people who need to
be labeled and you dont have a group.You're
just you.By the way,please vote for my quiz!

What clique do you belong in?
brought to you by Quizilla

if i were a month i'd be:november
if i were a day of the week i'd be:saturday
if i were a time of day i'd be:12:00 am
if i were a planet i'd be:mars
if i were a sea animal i'd be:horse
if i were a direction i'd be:south
if i were a piece of furniture i'd be:bed
if i were a sin i'd be:drinking
if i were a historical figure i'd be:abraham lincoln
if i were a liquid i'd be:beer
if i were a tree i would be:oak
if i were a stone i'd be:metamorphic
if i were a bird i'd be:owl
if i were a weapom i'd be:gun
if i were a flower or plant i'd be:rose
if i were a kind of weather i'd be:sun
if i were a mythical creature i'd be:unicorn
if i were a musical instrument:guitar
if i were an animal i'd be:cat
if i were a color i'd be:red
if i were an emotion i'd be:sad
if i were a vegetable i'd be:carrot
if i were a sound i'd be:music
if i were a shoe i'd be:sneakers
if i were a book i'd be:mothers blessing
if i were a body part i'd be:penis
if i were a shape i'd be a:circle

if i were.. brought to you by BZOINK!

People like you becuase you're unique!
What attracts people to you?

brought to you by Quizilla

You're a dill pickle-crunchy, refreshing and bad-

What Kind of Pickle are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Love mask
You love everything. You have a good life. Everyne
loves you. You always seem to hook up people
and make it work. You can make people fall in
love when they hate each other Please rate my
quiz for me thanks and I hope you had fun

What mask should you wear?(new 19 outcomes with pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

You like it fast and strong and you drink for one reason: to get piss-ass drunk!
Congratulations!! You're a shot of some good old
hard liquor!

What Drink Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

1 random thourght | what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 23 December :: 3.39pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: straylight run

what straylight run song are you?
The choices you've made probably weren't the best.
You won't admit it, so you just keep going on.
Show some feeling. We will love you even if you
do cry.

What Straylight Run song describes something about you?
brought to you by Quizilla

.:.theres no one left thats real.:.

what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 23 December :: 2.43pm
:: Mood: bitchy
:: Music: what would you do - city high

Full name [last names can be left out]:: Marissa Leigh
Nicknames:: Riss,Rissa,Rizz,Lil Pissa,Pisser, Marissa,Oreo,Cocoa Puff,RissSta
Date of birth:: Nov. 16th, 88
Place of birth:: Oceanside,NY
Current location [as in your home]:: NY.
Other places [general areas] you've lived in:: Bellmore-Oceanside-East Rockaway
Parent names & ages:: Lynn-37,Robert-40
Sibling names and ages:: Nikki-8,Alexis-6
Zodiac sign:: Scorpio
Chinese animal sign:: Dragon
Birth stone:: the yellowy one.
Birth flower:: ..?
Birth colour:: ..?
Birth number [add mon+day+yr until you arrive at a single digit:]: 2015
Type of food:: italian?chinese?
Specific food dish:: mmm caesar salad
Colour:: red and black
Weather:: fall or spring type weather
Country:: the good old united states
City:: forest hills/manhattan are fun!
Store:: pac sun
Random object:: my cell phone
Television show:: 7th Heaven/everwood
Movie:: jack,schindlers list,the ring,gothika
Thing to say:: soo bored
Moment in history:: bobbys uncle coming outside with the shovel telling us he called the cops and we had to stay, haha!
Holiday or event:: channukah,my birthday
Memory:: going out with joey <3
...love...: hurts.
//...dream...//: is heaven
...fake...: girls,yeah there all fake.
//...monkey...//: oy i need tons!
...food...: what kind?
//...school...//: not east rockaway..
...California...: disney!!!!!
//...New York...//: the city, is fun.
...hair...: pin straight
//...Dell...//: dont got one.
...hug...: hugging is fun
//...college...//: 3 years im gonna be there!
...family...: the truth in everything thats fake
//...alcohol...//: i would die without it!
[What is your definition of love?]: a really deep feeling for someone...?
[Are you fearful of being loved or loving someone? Why or why not?]: im scared to love,but i want to be loved by someone else
[What is your general outlook on life?]: it sucks big fat fucking balls.
[What do you think about politics?]: its gay.
[If you were president, what would you do?]: i would make world peace and there would be no more poor people
[What did you want to be when you were 5-years old?]: ohh i wanted to be a doctor
[How about at 15-years old?]: i wanna be a psychologist or a social work
[What about now?]: i am 15 now, i wanna be a psychologist or a social worker
[Why has it, or hasn't it, changed?]: because i want to help other people
[What sort of people annoy you?]: snobby and stuck up people
[What sort of things do people do that give you hope?]: tell me im smart? lol.
[What do you think of America right now?]: we have fucked up and made ourselves look like animals by bombing iraq...FUCKERS.
[How about France?]: um k?
[How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?]: a lot.

what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 23 December :: 2.18pm
:: Mood: weird
:: Music: what would you do- city high

aright sooo last night was fun. amy wrote all that shit in my journal when she was drunk off her ass last night. it all started like this. we were talking to anthony at like 3:30 in the morning (i don't even know why we were up) and he was just like 'wanna hang out?' and i was like aright so he comes at like 4 and me and amy sneak out of my back door into his car and then we park like by the school and then talk for alittle. then we decided to drink so we stopped by the 7-11 in island park and then got alcohol and shit. we went to hegarty in island park and drank and got drunk. that shit was fun. so we went home at like 6 and yeah then we went to sleep. wow we are so random and spontaneous. we will be best friends for life!

.:.theres no one left thats real.:.

what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 23 December :: 6.03am
:: Mood: drunk




what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 22 December :: 5.04pm
:: Music: anything from kill hannah

haha im in a 'grr hannahs pissing me off mood' sooo i put anything from kill hannah as the music, lol. well, im at my dads house with amy and me and her babysat all day played the computer and game cube and playstation and shit. im here tomorrow too and so far the vacations going alright. hopefully we'll be too drunk to remember any of the rest of the days. the vacation should be hott. im gonna start doing a lot of babysitting so i can get money to get the new i730 nextel. shiiiit its hot as hell, fuckin color screen and tinnyyyyy. well, thats all for now, tomorrow night im going home and i dont know what im doing, hopefully something good idk. ttyl xox <3

.:.theres no one left thats real.:.

what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 21 December :: 12.10pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: ex boyfriend- gwen stefani

arightttyyy well, today is sunday which means i had friday and saturday so far. friday i picked amy up then bounced over to dance, that was fun. it was bring a friend day and amy danced :). then after dance we went home and just chilled nothing special. saturda we woke up,got ready,and around 11:00 my moms friend lonnie and his 'nephew' richy came to pick us up for the mall. amy,me and richy hung around the mall and then we went back to get money from my mom and then we went to my dads to get money and amys grandmas store too. after that lonnie dropped richy,amy, and i into forest hills at the movie theater we went to watch a movie,ate mcdonalds and then hopped on the subway to NYC we went to times square and rockefeller center. then we came home and it was mucho fun. ahh crazy nights. today i dont know what we are doing but tonight me and amy are going to my dads because we are babysitting there.

.:.theres no one left thats real.:.

what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 19 December :: 11.11pm
:: Mood: productive
:: Music: nada nada

i hope this works
im trying to type under marissa's journal..

this is her best friend

also known as amy.

marissa's cock is in my mouth, and she's a fucking cunt, but i love her anyway. and i know i type faster than her. so fuck you marissa, tomorrow's gonna be fun :) always having fun

what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 18 December :: 8.28pm
:: Mood: cheery
:: Music: cute without the 'e' - taking back sunday

well, i got the cell phone situation solved :D im really happy that i got a phone but its a really ugly one so when i get money im going to buy a new one. well, channukah starts tomorrow and im gonna get lotsa presents and im happy. tomorrow is the last of hell and then 2 weeks of fucking off of school! im soo excited its gonna be fucking crazay, its gonna be 2 weeks of being bombed off my ass! hahaha this is going to be fucking great. tomorrow im going to my dads to get channukah presents and then sunday night through tuesday im going to sleep over my dads house with amy and im babysitting monday and tuesday so THAT should be fun. aright leave em comments!

.:.theres no one left thats real.:.

what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 17 December :: 7.05am
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: i will survive-aretha franklin

aright,well i have bronchitus and i feel SO DISGUSTING and SICKLY that its not even funny. aright, so monday i went into school 6th-9th because i didn't wanna get denied credit in my 8th period class and have to take it over or take summer school because its a freakin half year class and im only allowed 14 absenses and i had that. so i was planning on doing that yesterday (tues) but when i asked my mom what time i needed to be ready to go to school by she goes 'your not going at all' so now, pretty much im fucked and im going to be taking this class next year because i have too many absences already. i wanna be absent again because now it dont matter. i could have up to 28 absences before they can even think about denying me credit in any of the full year classes. this school is SO FUCKED. my mom supposedly has the flu and she wont get out of bed so i wonder what she's gonna say when i ask her to drive me to school...heh. a lot of shit last night happend that im really pissed off about.

1.cesar was 'pretending' to like me even though he hooked up with me
2.christian finally admitted to me that he doesn't like me, which i dont know why :-/
3.my lemonade was WAY TOO sweet and i couldn't get more water because if i left my room my mom would've flipped on me.
4.jacie likes tomm
5.i still have bronchitus

being sick sucks big hairy balls :( i have to get better by friday because i DEFF want to go out and do something. it really doesn't matter what just as long as im not spending it in my house. ohh snap friday starts the first day of channukah so i might not even be allowed out, which i probably will but yeah. sunday im going to my dads w/my sisters,my dads girlfriend,and her kids and were gonna exchange channukah gifts even though my dads girlfriends kids are half and go to catholic school! lol. i hope i get some nice shit,ack presents always excite me! lol

.:.theres nothing left thats real.:.

1 random thourght | what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 16 December :: 3.17pm
:: Mood: pissed
:: Music: children of the korn-korn

aright listen. if your gonna be dick enough to write a comment saying 'loser' dont be pussy and make it anonymous. whatever.

im sick, i have bronchitus, bye.

-theres no one left thats real

2 random thourghts | what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 15 December :: 10.31pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: anything by yellowcard

haha im feeling alittle better. still got my congestion going! i went into school 6th-9th and that was fun! (haha yeah right) then i came home,went to the doctor,got wendys, downloaded the sims makin' magic, decorated our tiny christmas tree [even though im jewish], and just hung around. i told jenn i have bronchitus and she goes OHHH you have 'bronk-e-i-tuz' i was like umm no but OK SWEETHEART! haha i love jenn with all my heart. 14 years and still going strong! hahaha best friends for life <3


someone come up with a good signature. i'll put a couple here and you pick one of these or tell me a better one

-theres nothing left thats real
mariss .!.!. riss .!.!.

....or just give me better ideas!

3 random thourghts | what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 15 December :: 5.49pm
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: headstrong-trapt

i have bronchitus and nothing else to do so im going to take a bunch of quizzes and show you the results you lucky thing you!I scored a 56% on the "Addicted To AIM??" Quizie! What about you?

I scored a 15% on the "Are you A B*ITCH to your friends?" Quizie! What about you?

I scored a 44% on the "how much do u like drugs?" Quizie! What about you?

I scored a 63% on the "Will U ever have Sex?" Quizie! What about you?

take em' if you want :) have fun !

what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 15 December :: 8.18am
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: tainted love-marilyn manson

well i woke up at 7 this morning and felt like SHIT so i asked my mom if i could stay home until like 6th or 7th and then go to school and at first she said no but then we argued alittle and she said yes so now im home and doing nothing. i talked to sherri alittle and then i talked to anthony (he's such a dick) and now im going to play the sims! lol i love that game soo much im like friggin addicted to it, haha its the greatest game everrrrrrr

leave em' comments and i'll get back to you around 3:15 or something like that !!!

2 random thourghts | what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 14 December :: 10.39pm
:: Mood: indescribable
:: Music: anything from NOFX

sick all fuckin day i hate this. this day was boring as fuck. i just found out that next sunday im going to my dads for chanukkah and im getting presents from him and his g/f and shit. should be fun

have a nice day/night everyone!


2 random thourghts | what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 14 December :: 6.45pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: the sound of me sniffling and coughing

cute without the e result
Congratulations. You are Cute Without the E, by far
one of the most popular songs by Taking Back
Sunday. And that beginning, oh it's a killer.
But don't you worry, things will look up for
you soon.

Mini Version - What Taking Back Sunday song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

i was bored so i took this quiz.

->today sucked. i was sick and feeling shitty all day. ugh :-/

what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 14 December :: 8.30am
:: Mood: lethargic
:: Music: butt rape song- sublime

drunken nights <3
wowoooo friday night was fun as hell! i went to school and then we went and picked up my love amy THEN i went to dance and these girls were staring and saying shit to my cousin soo me and amy were saying things to them..haha! then we went home and fixed our hair and just got ready and planned some things to do. i went to cesars house with 3 of his friends and it was aright then me,amy,and nick took a taxi to the west end in long beach to bobby's keg party on the beach. it was fucking cold as hell so we walked to bobby's uncles house and drank alittle more. i was pretty drunk and smoked cigarettes :-/ but whatever. i had called chris earlier and he said that he would pick us up so when he came we went upstairs and there was bobby's uncle with a shovel telling us that he had called the police and that we had to wait. i was like OMG this is crazy. i was drunk so i didn't know what to do but whatever. then amy told him that our ride was here and he let us go. we drove around with chris for alittle and went to CVS to get gum and chips and then went to white castle to go to the bathroom. i smoked another cigarette,ate some gum,and then went home. when i got home i found that i freakin had left my cell phone in chris' car so i dont know how im going to get it back :( wtf do i do?

best night! <3

1 random thourght | what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 11 December :: 11.02pm
:: Mood: dorky
:: Music: cant hold us down- christina auguliera

omfg shit goes down in east rockaway like every day and holy fuck it is all gddamn bullshit. this whole fuckin town is a bunch of shit talkers...i dont know what to do anymore. i wanna go to this school 'pace' in brookville. its an alternative high school. i would fuckin do anything to get out of east rockaway OMG this is all so fuckin ridiculous. but whatever. AMY - you know i always have your fuckin back no matter what. no fuckin bitch can tear us apart <3 but whatever. ugh everything is so fucked up lets go through whats happening with a bunch of my other friends....UGH SO MUCH DRAMA!

samm-she's been so depressed lately..aww
jenn-just her same old happy go lucky self
scutch-friggin psycho
vicky-punished for 3 weeks for coming home drunk
lauryn-yelled at me the other day :-/
marisa-just her crazy ole self
jaymes-im missin him cuz he's in chammy !!!
tim-is in chammy too :(
josh-doesn't drink really anymore and cut down on the pot. im SOO proud of him!
sal-i miss him b/c he's in fuckin boarding school
liam/larry/nick-I <3 THEM!

i love my friends and if it wasn't for them i wouldn't be living.

-this weekend should be fun!

now everythings about to fall apart <3

4 random thourghts | what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 10 December :: 7.23am
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: everythings coming up roses- gypsy

odd mood
well, im in a very odd mood i dont know why. last night me,selma,sarah,natasha,cassidy, and bailey went to fight jess ragusta and her friends..it was an odd fight but we won even though those girls are like 320854 million feet taller than us but whatever. i went to bed somewhat early last night, probably around 11:45 or something which is very odd for me yet i feel very shitty. probably cuz i have to wake up for school. UGH i hate school with the passion of a million suns. im feeling different like a color change of my journal. SOUND GOOD? idk. well i dont know what i want to do today after school, any suggestions? well school should be ok..nothing special


now everythings about to fall apart <3

2 random thourghts | what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 9 December :: 3.50pm
:: Mood: full
:: Music: right thurr

well, today was not a bad day at all but not a good day. i went to school and what not and then got wendys on the way home then got home,ate it, and talked on the phone with amy for a while. now im on the computer and yeah i have nothing to do. my mom is picking my sisters up tonight cuz my dad has to help his girlfriend with some fashion show fundraiser shes doing. my dad never helped my mom with anything like that but whatever. i have nothing to do tonight. tomorrow is wednesday....THIS WEEK IS GOING SO SLOW! i dont know what im doing next weekend but whatever.

i like him soo much!!!


what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 8 December :: 7.35am

please leave me comments so that i feel loved!

[[ex.oh.ex]] <3

6 random thourghts | what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 8 December :: 7.16am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: ny state of mind- billy joel

friday 12/5- sunday 12/7
WELL this weekend was pretty good considering the snow and shit. friday i wasn't allowed out so bobby and cesar came over and then saturday i hung out with amy. sunday was MUCHO funno, lol. i went to the movies to see gothika with krista,amy,and melissa. it was FREAKY AS HELL, but it was cool. thennnn we went out to red lobster and ate there. that was fun too. after that we took a taxi to bops house and then hung out there and did shit like the cha-cha slide and the macarena and that was fun. we took lots of pictures. when i get them developed and get a scanner i will give you all the website with the pictures on it.


what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?


:: 2003 7 December :: 3.26pm
:: Mood: gloomy
:: Music: i hate everything about you- 3 days grace

12.7.02 -> its been one year since marlo has been gone, i loved him with all of my heart


what do you have 2 say 4 yourself?

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