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ohsht// she needs to die, kthx

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:: 2005 25 January :: 4.05pm
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: None

GOLLY GOSH GOSH. I`m like paired up with this one retarded guy. Cause I`m the tallest girl in my class ); I hope I change. It`s not that I have anything against him it`s just that he like goes crazy and starts yelling. UHHH. why?. That`s like the only thing on my mind today. yeah. Tomorrow there isn`t school so that`s okay. Got my ears pierced. (; Gots 2 pairs. A lot of people liked them. And I think I look okay. I`ma get my cartilige [sp? i`m not good at spelling] pierced too. But like.. later. [: yeah.

I didn`t get to see him that much todae. ); Like between first and second the like didn`t even turn my way. But I saw him a Brunch which I never get too cause he hangs out somewhere else. And like at lunch only a little. and when I was walking home. He was in front of me. And I saw him turn his head. hahahaha. I like him. even though I know nothing about him. Is that bad? He`s just really quiet and doesn`t talk much. ); I think he likes me too. But we are too shy to tell each other that. XD He`s short though. In these 2 pas years, I`ve only had like one class with him. HUGE EYES though. That`s like the first, I`ve ever talked about him publicly. HAHA. I don`t tell anyone. o_o I`m ohh so secretive.


3 ttlyrawked | typeme1plz


:: 2005 19 January :: 6.52pm

Because we rock and you don't.

5 ttlyrawked | typeme1plz


:: 2005 19 January :: 3.37pm
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: Natalie ; Going crazy

I need colors. For This is thingy. `nd music. I need that too..
I gots a 4.000000000000000 o_o; yeah. Well 2 A`s and 2 A-`s yupp yupp. I feel accomplished. not Contemplative. I just chose that mood cause it was long and it stood out. ;D. yeah. But I have a Geography and a Test in Social Studies. So I have to do good on those.
Tiffany got on my nerves today. She can`t get over her xanga. Pisses me off. But then I gave her an atitude and she left me alone. ;D She`s annoying. I don`t really remember how we became friends. o_o
And yesh I need to make something for Kagome. >>; Nothing creative is coming to mind though.. except bunnies and a girl.

5 ttlyrawked | typeme1plz

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