Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. -Martin Luther King Jr.


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Today is a New Day

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:: 2012 2 October :: 10.48pm
:: Mood: happy

8 months
Well this month is 8 months for me and Jordan. Still working on house projects. The basement is coming along and the counter tops will be done next weekend. So excited for red flannel weekend, always a good time. Seems like its the one time of year everyone can get together, even with how busy everyone is. Im excited to take Jordan, so getting him arrested. Shadow puppy is getting so big. The dogs are learning to get along finally, so having two dogs is not such a problem. Im getting use to my new job, just wish I got weekends off. So life is going great :)

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:: 2012 22 August :: 4.52pm

6 months
Well were over the 6 month mark now and are officially living together :) I got the job at holland home and have been working as a nurse for 3 weeks now, loving it. Its a different feeling being in charge now, but def likeing the pay raise. Having two dogs is def been a struggle, hopefully they will adjust soon. Learning to share my house, has been harder for me then I thought since I have lived alone for so long. I just have to remember my sharing skills, I know I use to have them lol. House projects are coming alone, finally got my new floor in my dining room and painting the kitchen. Hopefully next month the new floor for the kitchen will be in. Already getting excited for halloween, thinking of having a halloween party this year. So happy with my life, looking forward to the future, maybe an engagement next year :)

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:: 2012 18 July :: 7.20pm

5 months for me and jordan today :) Think I finally found a keeper. Passed my boards and officially a nurse. I had a really good interview at holland home can't wait to start my nursing career. On vacation this week, shadow is loving camping life. Feels so good to be on the water everyday and nice that its so close to jordans work so seeing him everyday :)

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:: 2012 29 June :: 6.29pm

Things are going great. Taking my boards next week, nervous and excited all at the same time. So ready to start a new job. Things with Jordan are still going strong were moving in together the 1st weekend of august. I cant wait :)

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:: 2012 24 May :: 4.45pm

Two more classes left then I graduate, so happy it is finally here. So ready for Jordan to come home, sucks only having him for weekends.

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:: 2012 9 May :: 6.44pm

Loving life! 10 more class days then I'm done with school! Cant wait! So ready to have a summer free of school. Things are still going great with Jordan, cant wait to start living together. Even though we pretty much already are now. Shadow just keeps getting bigger, learned how to swim in deep water yesterday so proud. Other then that just happy with my life right now :)

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:: 2012 25 April :: 5.13pm

Things are going great, almost a month left till I graduate. I cant wait. Me and Jordan are doing great. We plan on moving in together between july/august. Pretty much already living together with how much time we spend together. Started biggiest loser again, so ready for the wt to fall off by summer. Shadow is getting huge, already 42 pounds. House projects are coming along, going to be finishing the basement soon and making it in to a fun room or as jordan calls it his " man cave". Disc golf league started and softball will be soon, love summer.

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:: 2012 20 March :: 8.50pm

Happiest I have been in a long time :)

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:: 2012 3 March :: 1.23am

Holy shit, woohu. How ya been?!

Going through some friends' posts. Really wish woohu had a 'like' button, and also disappointed with myself for being that ingrained with facebook.

I feel like I had more to add here....perhaps not. I'm terrible with updates, even on facebook people post pointless little trivial updates sometimes every minute, and I can't seem to post one update to even sum up my week. But from what I hear people prefer that? Nah, people talk shit but they know they love the facebook. I think they shoulda kept the 'the'.

And now I'm just rambling because it's almost 3 am and I shouldn't be conscious right now. So I will stop.


Night. =]

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:: 2012 19 February :: 11.31pm

}ust when you give up something great comes along :)

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:: 2012 12 February :: 7.54pm

Reading my woohu journal shows me how much I have grown as a person. Funny how much my friend group has changed. I guess were all growing up differently some good and some bad. I will always remember the good times though. So excited for what this year will bring.

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:: 2012 10 February :: 9.26pm

Can not believe I'm graduating in may, so excited. Loving my new puppy. Still haven't had a drink since new years, feels great. Things are defintely looking up this year.

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:: 2011 16 December :: 9.19pm

Isn't it rather amazing how one bad day ruins the several good days leading up to it? I find it fascinating that one person, who treated me well for the better part of two weeks, can completely ruin the memories of the good days in one foul swoop.

Does this ever happen to you? Or am I that negative where I only focus on the bad?

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:: 2011 13 December :: 8.58am

I love waking up in the morning to the smell of baby shit...
Ya know, a lot has changed for me over the course of the last year and half or so. Not that that isn't the case at any given point in our lives, but even more so in the past year and a half for me. I finally became a person I like looking in the mirror at. And that's saying something, considering the majority of the time when I look in the mirror I see baggy eyes, unplucked eyebrows, and pasty skin. When I look down at my naked body all I see is my toes protruding from behind a too-big tummy ravaged by scars... Scars from carrying the most beautiful baby boy I've ever seen, scars from a surgery necessary so an i.u.d. didn't kill me, pudge from making my son a good home while he grew inside of me. When I look at these "less than beautiful" attributes about myself I am not ashamed. I'll poke some fun and myself for not working off the baby weight and move on with my day. Because my days are now filled with a totally different kind of fun. This is the closest to being a carefree kid I've been since I was a carefree kid. By no means am I careless or carefree, but I feel a sense of innocence surround me that I haven't known before in my life. Haevin does that for me. He makes every difficult time worth it's weight in gold, and then some! Am I a perfect mother and wife? Hell no. But I try, and I am pretty happy with who I am. Even better is that I don't really care who I am to anyone who doesn't matter. If they don't like me, tough shit. The people who are closest know what I stand for, and so do the strangers. If they don't like it... they can take a hike!

Onto my main point. I love the little things in life. I love waking up in the morning to the smell of baby shit. It means that my son is healthy. Yeah, it stinks. But it's a life-affirming sort of stench, lol. I get sick of reading about people who are so focused on "getting there." Life is a journey. It's appreciating everything, the good and the bad. It's not a race to the finish line. If you ever make it to that finish line you better plan on croaking the following day, because that's about it son. When you've stopped learning and caring, and appreciating, your time has come.

This morning I was paid a very nice compliment by my sister on my Facebook page. She said she loved me and was proud of the person I'd become. That really made my day. That someone else can see and appreciate my growth even though it has little, if not nothing to do with them is very refreshing! I have some amazing family to be grateful for. Life is good. And if you haven't realized it yet, start looking for your bliss. Because there will always be negative things in your life to focus on. If you allow them to consume you, you will spend your life miserable. This, I promise you.

So, as corny as it may be... Be the change you want to see in the world.

Rant concluded!

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:: 2011 1 December :: 8.40pm

I am extremely lonely. I am so grateful for Brenton's job, but I miss him.

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