Hold Still, This Is Gonna Hurt.


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-=Tragedy Wølf=-

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:: 2007 18 February :: 2.46pm
:: Mood: amused

Shameless advertising! Bwee!

Get your own CrushTag!


In The Face.


:: 2007 9 February :: 7.03pm
:: Mood: infuriated
:: Music: Dream Theater - Never Enough

1998 - 2007: Sony Playstation. My old friend, rest in pieces.

Today, Friday, February 9th 2007... was the last day the console purred with the hum of electric life. It was a very tragic moment, because the console had been working the prior evening, though it's performance I did notice was getting weak; lags and inability to fully go through with the cinematic event upon a certain game. Today, I closed that gray plastic lid for the last time. The motor will no longer whir in determination, the green LED will no longer shine in the dark; no longer be a beacon of hope.

I've had the system forever it seems, and when everyone else's died on them, mine still resisted the call of death. Alas, it would seem that its willpower did not remain with time.

Farewell, my beloved console. I shall miss you.


1 PWNED | In The Face.


:: 2007 18 January :: 9.39pm
:: Mood: artistic
:: Music: 36 Crazyfists - I'll Go Until My Heart Stops

All The Pretty Colors
Kind've how I've been feeling as of late... [ Piss off! I love my colored pencils! ]

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingAll The Pretty Colors

In The Face.


:: 2007 12 January :: 4.48pm

I live, ho-bags!

Anyway. I have not completely forgotten you, and there is still much love in my heart for Ye Olde Woohu.

I know several of you roleplay, so I thought I'd pop in and let you know that my forum has moved to a new, more accessible location.

In The Face.


:: 2006 30 December :: 2.13am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Watching Me Fall - The Cure

it's not sexual, it's just aggression
Christmas was alright.
I still dislike it.

I got some luggage. (I didn't have any, and I intend to travel as much as possible.) It's Dakine (ooh brand name ooh), and I only mention that because it's brown plaid. So good.

Err... Some other things that were lovely but most appreciated was the money, which I used to buy myself the following on boxing day:

- clothing from Urban Behavior (don't judge me. Their clothes are both cheap and nice. Boxing Day 50% Off Sale? Yes, please.) - two pencil skirts, two silky tanktops, one sweater/dress shirt combo, one button-up shirt, one black waist belt, one navy bead necklace: $94

- Final Fantasy XII: $60

- Off The Wall clothing (so good... but so expensive.) - one polka-dotty shapey grey sweater with one large button near each shoulder, one pair of severe ankle-biter jeans, one polka-dotty belt, and one black hoody: $158

- Mac makeup - black eyeshadow: $18

Then when I was out of town with Trystan and Mac on our ULTIMATE FRIENDSHIP DAY I got Dangerous Angels by Francescia Lia Block and Volume 15 of Angel Sanctuary.

That day was amazazing.

So much friendship. SO MUCH GOOD.

I hate that I'm back at school for New Year's. Classes start on the second. I have no one to spend it with... If anyone needs me I'll be in the crawlspace under the stairs with a bottle of whiskey... crying.

2 PWNED | In The Face.

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