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Only Time Can Tell What The Future Holds

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:: 2011 10 June :: 12.20pm

spud and kevin keep doing the 30 day song challenge, i'm going to do it to

Day 1 - my favorite song

1 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo


:: 2011 7 June :: 1.11am

8 months old. Still no teeth, still having pooping issues (constipation) poor thing. You still ready every four hours 24 hours a day. Which means you wake up 3 times in the middle of the night still so you sleep in bed with me. It doesn't bother me though because I know that someday you won't want to be near me and then ill be sad. This way I won't regret the time I didn't spend with you....which I pretty much spend all day everyday with you. I don't fact I love it and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm not sure on your measurements right now.I'll measure you tomorrow...



:: 2011 7 June :: 10.48am

When a man lives dangerous, he is not afraid to DIE. When he is not afraid to DIE, he is strangely, free to LIVE...



:: 2011 7 June :: 1.11am

8 months old. Still no teeth, still having pooping issues (constipation) poor thing. You still ready every four hours 24 hours a day. Which means you wake up 3 times in the middle of the night still so you sleep in bed with me. It doesn't bother me though because I know that someday you won't want to be near me and then ill be sad. This way I won't regret the time I didn't spend with you....which I pretty much spend all day everyday with you. I don't fact I love it and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm not sure on your measurements right now.I'll measure you tomorrow...



:: 2011 24 May :: 4.50pm
:: Mood: blank

Can't afford life anymore, fuck me.

3 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo


:: 2011 11 May :: 12.10am

A day late..
I'm sorry I'm late. Time goes by so quickly now that you're here. I hate it. I want you to stay my baby forever. You're already 7 months old. 7 months ago I delivered you in our bathroom. Wow. Over half way to your first birthday. Insane! Any ways... At your last dr.appointment (may 2nd) you were STILL only 67 cm long (roughly 26 inches) and get this, 19.5 lbs! You are off the charts for weight and normal for height. You sit soooo well now. You learn forward so far that you end up on one knee...but still you manage to sit back down with out falling (most times!). Recently,i moved you to your crib. Is maybe been a week. The pay two nights though you've ended up back in bed with me. You s sleep so much better that way...but daddy has gotten so used to you not being in bed that every morning his pillow magically ends up in the middle of the bed where you "used" to lay. You have hard a hard time pooping this past fact you haven't pooped really at all since monday when you had your first BLOW OUT in cloth at the appointment. Other than that one have not pooped out of your cloth diapers. So the cloth diapers are working well for us. I believe your sudden issue with pooping is caused by your eating habits changing. All of a sudden it seems you started eating purees. And then in a short time we moved you to eating twice a day. A fruit and oatmeal mix in the am amd then a fruit and veggie mix in the evening. You were eating really well for like a week not so much..i think you feel like your belly is full (full of poo!) So its uncomfortable for you to eat. Lets love to stand now. If you're ever upset.. Standing you up..will stop your tears with out fail. We go out side every day. You LOVE grass. Your sister hated it. Oh, and speaking of your absolutely adore her. You talk and talk and talk to each other all the time. And laugh together. She is the best big sister and you are the best little sister. You have a great relationship with each other..i hope it status this good throughout your childhood and into your adult lives. Oh..your newest"trick"is talking on my phone. I use speaker phone so whenever I'm on it, you hold my phone and start jabbering away. Its the cutest thing. You are the cutest thing. I love you baby. And I'm so grateful you are a part of my life.

1 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo


:: 2011 20 April :: 9.20pm

6 months
Happy late 6 months baby!
We had two appointments last week, started cloth diapering AND I took your six month pictures. At your check up you weighed 18 lbs 12 oz and were 26 and 3/4 inches. Short and FAT! You can now sit by yourself for a very long time..hours even. Can stand for a few minutes (holding our hands of course)'s the big one, YOU CAN CLAP! Right now you are a pretty bad cold. So does your big sister and me too. You love to eat your feet, and you need a
blanky to fall asleep. You are wearing 12-18 month clothes....autumn jumping up and down can make you laugh no mater how upset you are. You are eating every three hours during the day. Your last feeding is at midnight. Then you wake up twice in the nightstill.. Once at around four or five and then again at 8 or 9. Then you eat at noon,3,6,9 and then midnight. Oh and you still won't eat baby food. Once in a while you will eat a few bies of rice cereal...but that's it.

1 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo


:: 2011 22 March :: 7.03pm

Still feels like my mother loves my ex more than she does me.

There are some parts of my life that i just hate so much.

I'm looking forward to the future though

2 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo


:: 2011 12 March :: 12.29am

5 months
Sorry I'm late. It's been an interesting week. We took you to. The dr. Tuesday because you've had a spot beneath your eye that was puffy and red. She thought it was a Strep infection and so we started you on keflex. Today we got a call from your Pediatrician saying that the cultures were in and that she needed to switch the antibiotic. So... we started you on amoxiciilan today. Hope it works. She said it would most likely cause diarrhea and you've already got what looks like a test infection so...I hope it's worth it! Tomorrow is greenlee's 1st birthday party. Hopefully you can make it. :)
Some milestones for you...
You can sit on your own
You said mama today ( not on purpose I know but still!)
You can roll from front to back back to front
And can turn yourself in a complete circle
You can push yourself backwards across the wood floors
You laugh constantly...especially at your big sister

You're 17.5 lbs and 26 inches!

Oh and obviously that shows you still love to eat... but I've got you up to every three hours instead of two!!!
Don't worry I still love you even though you are attached to me every three hours 24 hours a day.



:: 2011 8 March :: 4.12pm

there are some things in life that are just fucked up....

1 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo


:: 2011 8 March :: 7.40am

just want to thank my ex-girlfriend for turning my whole family against me.

no, i don't have to kiss your ass to see my child.



:: 2011 2 March :: 12.19am

Callie is in my arms and autumn is asleep upstairs. As I read my two blogs ( one about baby scarlett who has brain cancer and the other about maddie who passed away of Sids feb. 17th at 4 months old) I can't help but feel so blessed to have everything I do. I must tell jared thank you when he gets home this morning. I have my two babies alive and well(minus a cold) and a husband that is perfectly happy working (and working hard) and letting me stay home. Every morning that I wake up and have my husband,daughter and baby alive...I am happy.
My heart aches for those not as fortunate as me. And their pain has made me realize EVERYTHING I have to be grateful for. Callie crying at 2 am.... me changing her clothes because she has pooped through yet another outfit....autumn coughing so much she throws up....and when they look at me with their sincere loving eyes....
I wish they knew what a difference they have made in my life and my childrens. Because of them I treat every second of every day like I might not get another.



:: 2011 2 March :: 12.19am

Callie is in my arms and autumn is asleep upstairs. As I read my two blogs ( one about baby scarlett who has brain cancer and the other about maddie who passed away of Sids feb. 17th at 4 months old) I can't help but feel so blessed to have everything I do. I must tell jared thank you when he gets home this morning. I have my two babies alive and well(minus a cold) and a husband that is perfectly happy working (and working hard) and letting me stay home. Every morning that I wake up and have my husband,daughter and baby alive...I am happy.
My heart aches for those not as fortunate as me. And their pain has made me realize EVERYTHING I have to be grateful for. Callie crying at 2 am.... me changing her clothes because she has pooped through yet another outfit....autumn coughing so much she throws up....and when they look at me with their sincere loving eyes....
I wish they knew what a difference they have made in my life and my childrens. Because of them I treat every second of every day like I might not get another.



:: 2011 21 February :: 12.44am

Seriously. I do not know how a baby can wake up every two hours at night and then wake up bright eyed at 9 in the morning. And still manage on top of that to only nap a couple times a day. Im tired. You're crying right now and have been since at least midnight. Im about to go insane. I thought they say that babies will stop after a certain amount of time. Apparently you're stubborn. I hate it.



:: 2011 9 February :: 12.15pm

4 months old!
Wow! You have had a few busy days. Saturday the 5th we started you on oatmeal. You ate probably half and the other half ended up all over your clothes. The next day, you ate all of it! ( my little piggy) Then things started getting harder haha. You decided you wanted to play with it and shoved your hands in your mouth. Yesterday you were too upset to eat and today you ate a few bites, played with some and some ended up on your face and clothes. Every bite you did eat... made you gag...and this horrible expression would come across your face like it tasted so sour. But I tried it before you did and it was NOT that bad.
Last night you rolled from your belly to your back TWICE and it was intentional haha. You don't really like being on your tummy but you still are physically capable of rolling from your back to your tummy. Oooh and another thingbyou started doing a couple days ago was switching your pacifier between your hands and also outrun it back in your mouth. I'm so proud of you! Those skills are way above your current age (6 month skills). Currently you are asleep in my arms. I think you are going through a growth spurt. You used to sleep from 12a- 8am without fail for 2 months straight. The past week or two.. you've been up at 5 and then 9 wanting to nurse for a half hour! Not to mention still eating ever two hours during the day and you've also started nursing on both sides. Piggy.
Happy four months.

Bishoujo | Random Journal