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Only Time Can Tell What The Future Holds

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:: 2011 6 February :: 12.54am

You are 17 weeks old today. In 3 days, you will be 4 months old. I can not believe how fast these 17 weeks have come and go. Each morning when you start rustling around and break out that beautiful smile makes me realize how lucky I am for you to be here with me. I may not have realized it then... but when I had you... we both could have died right there in that bathroom. I apparently.lost a lot of.blood and God only.know how many other things could've gone wrong with the birth in general not to mention all the tlabor that could've been wrong with you. I had been in active labor for 12+ hours and didn't know it. That can put a lot of stress on babies. Lucky for me, you were strong and healthy. Right now you are sleeping right next to me. I'm listening to you breath.
Today, you were so happy. I was able to put you down and play and talk to you...I even left you on the activity mat all alone and you tugged and pulled on the toys attached to it. Grandma and gumpy came over this evening and while grandma had you, you kept looking around the room for me to make sure I was there. I love that now you fuss when I put you in your chair when I have to make dinner or clean. And then when I walk in your direction you start smiling and giggling but as soon as I walk past you, you let out a cry. You love me. And I love you. At least today while I made dinner and sister was talking you decided to talk back. Goo this gaah that. " a goo a goo" over and over. You even put your pacifier back in your mouth after it fell out.

2 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo


:: 2011 2 January :: 5.09am

Dear beave,

Keep your stick on the ice


1 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo


:: 2010 19 October :: 7.25pm

I am happy.

I am content.

It feels so good to say that.


2 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo


:: 2010 6 July :: 2.02pm

things are more different than they have ever been before, i'm scared out of my mind.

1 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo


:: 2010 18 June :: 10.57am

i actually like getting up these days.

i get up, get around, go to work, enjoy what i do. i get to hang out with cool people at work, i have an awesome girlfriend. great friends.

this is my bfffy's birthweek so we get to celeberate. fuck yes!

i'm going to buy a motorcycle soon and sell the chevy, its a 60 mile round trip drive to work, gas is expensive in a jeep that only gets 16mpg

2 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo


:: 2010 16 June :: 10.00am

14 hours! =)

1 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo


:: 2010 12 May :: 8.25pm

the interviewee today didnt show i'm still looking good and it was over hear the boss was really thinking about hireing me!



:: 2010 11 May :: 1.43pm

had an interview for the shipping department today at borisch went really good should hear back in about a week or less..

9 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo


:: 2010 3 May :: 8.58pm
:: Music: streetlight manifesto - a better place, a better time.



:: 2010 16 April :: 7.52am

>< alarm clock didn't go off this morning... gonna late into work... wonder what the VP is gonna say about me not wearing my uniform! haha



:: 2010 15 April :: 7.07pm

back to work at wolverine tomorrow.
saving monies for dune buggy after i pay some bills. mmm dune buggy.

3 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo


:: 2010 14 April :: 3.15pm

i was looking back at past posts of mine and the times sure are changin. its been mega crazyness since my accident with my mustang about 4 years ago, my fall 3 years ago, my apartment at ramblewood and all that jazz.. pure crazyness.. it feels like i was so young back then. well that should be enough for today i think...

4 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo


:: 2010 13 April :: 5.01pm

wow... its been i think 2-3 years since i have logged in here >< ages have come and gone.. so much changed in my life and the world..

3 years and 1 day to be exact

3 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo


:: 2009 17 December :: 11.30pm

Dear santa clause, Go fuck yourself.
I'm depressed because;

My wallet is empty
My paycheck is spent (can't even cash it until tomorrow)
I can't buy anybody christmas presents this year.

I know how "Tennessee" Earnie Ford felt when he is singing "sixteen tons"

4 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo


:: 2009 16 December :: 10.31am

woke up scared to death at 5am or so.

had this weird dream, i was hanging out in this housing development with kelli and jordan, and then i remember jordan's mom called, so i got into an old ford bronco and went to pick her up or something and then this henry guy called and he called all night, telling me things about myself freaking me out, then he said he'd be there in 20 minutes. i really didn't want to stick around to see who this guy was because i thought he was going to kill me, then while i was driving my truck got sucked backwards and kind of spun twards a tree and my door flew open and i flew out and face first right twards a tree. i remember the tree vividly.
the next thing i remember is seeing a bunch of white letters on a black background in a weird font. i was speaking gibberish and then i woke up.

about an hour later jordan woke me up saying i was talking gibberish while sleeping.

i hate dieing in dreams, it freaks me out.

3 You're So Vogue | Bishoujo | Random Journal