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:: 2006 5 February :: 11.43pm


I saw Kelly the Bond this weekend!!!!!

Amanda version 1.0, the Jender Bender, Eric, and I went up to Central to visit. We're definitely Western students because we totally hated almost everything there except for the food and the room layouts. Never got a chance to get a malt from the Malt Shop...oh well =_=

I met a coupla interesting Jungs there at Central. They're rockin. And I saw "Battle Royale" which is majorly fucked up. Yes. Those crazy Japanese.

Right now I'm reading "M.Butterfly", which is an interesting play. I can't wait to discuss it in my English class tomorrows.

1 Fuck you | Find me


:: 2006 31 January :: 1.32pm

*Insert ginormous sneeze and then whining about lack of kleenexes here*

In case any of you haven't heard yet, I have a room to myself now. No more roommate.

In other news, I'm sick. And feel like something stepped on me. Gleck. So...cold...so...icky...I hate winter and all that comes with it (except for Rachel's birthday and Christmas).

Less than half an hour until German. I have my compy with me today so I can play music during my stupid Referat (presentation). It's about Oomph! and how they rock hardcore. No seriously, I'll be talking about how a German band has been around since 1989 and hasn't quit with all the American bands taking over Europe. And how they managed to get a golden record.

So yeah...looks like we're heading up to Central this weekend. Joy.

2 Fuck you's | Find me


:: 2006 28 January :: 2.27am

Nineteen years ago today, a baby girl was born.

Happy birthday Rachel!

I lurves you, Liebchen.

1 Fuck you | Find me


:: 2006 26 January :: 8.44am

So guys, my friend Amanda version 2.1 gave Jenn and I a website to go to that she'd found the other day.


Check it out!!!!!!!!! It friggin ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 Fuck you's | Find me


:: 2006 22 January :: 11.24am

So...it's January 22nd and you know what that means...

CRAPPY WEATHER!!!! Sorry 'bout the cold, it always is on this day.

Dumb question, but have any of you ever encountered those "invitation codes"? I'm just curious because I always see that whenever I log in, plus I might start looking for one for Coop (her mum's been reading her other journal...and let's just say her relationship with her mum has never been good because of her mum's words and actions to her).

Anywhos, blah.

Oh, and I turned 19 today.

4 Fuck you's | Find me


:: 2006 19 January :: 1.59pm

Hey peeps (especially Kyle), check this out.

Ridiculous, ne?

1 Fuck you | Find me


:: 2006 12 January :: 8.49am

Also, Leute...

It has come to my attention that my birthday is in less than a week (it's on Sunday, January 22). I wish to remain in the Kzoo area to celebrate, but you all are invited down to celebrate with me! We'll be partyin' it up at a chinese restaurant called Joy Fong which is located in Portage. I'd be honored if you guys came down and joined in on the celebrations.

I'll post more details later on in the week when I have more time and am not about ready to go to class.

Peace out, j0.

1 Fuck you | Find me


:: 2006 11 January :: 3.57pm


I scoff.

To sum it up to those who are too lazy to click the link, Armin Meiwes (the dude that's imprisoned for cannibalism in Germany) is sueing Rammstein for their song titled "Mein Teil" because it's about him.

I scoff.

1 Fuck you | Find me


:: 2006 11 January :: 1.15pm

Happy MLK[Jr.] day!

We get the day off to celebrate ^_^

3 Fuck you's | Find me

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