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Silence that rang true

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:: 2007 23 September :: 2.15am
:: Mood: crushed
:: Music: Love Psalm// Silent Hill 2 ost

Edit: thur we go. toned down the icky textures. 8D

ok so im BURNING WITH JEALOUSY because a very talented friend of mine is being comissioned to draw. that is my dream. why havent i accomplished this, you ask? well because im a perfectionist who lacks self-confidence. what a horrible mess. so yea, i'm striving to be able to do the same as she is now and have people pay me to draw for them by then end of 2007. HOPEFULLY this will happen. my photoshop teacher said the earlier the better, well i'll do my best. :/

here's something im working on. tch, this would be nothing without the damn textures..
(under cut cause it might stretch your pages)
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:/ hmm. i feel like i'm cheating because of the textures..i just LOVE the use of textures, specially skin types. asadffs what do you think? is it cheating? is it me being lazy? >:

6 left | foot prints


:: 2007 22 September :: 9.59am

I looked back behind me in math yesterday to "see where the teacher went"

and josh was glaring at the front of the classroom
and we made eyecontact
except he looked really really scary, so I was like O___O and turned back around

then later when we had to get into groups, we made eyecontact again, but he went and talked to Michelle
I am hoping he only talked to her because he knows her from a different class and doesn't find her attractive

she did get prettier since last year and stuff though. nice hair.

2 left | foot prints


:: 2007 22 September :: 12.21am

oh gosh. a rant
i saw resident evil: exintion.
all i can say that it was hot. alice was hot. olivera was hot. redfield, im sad to say, was hot. zombies were hot. not so much wesker but eh, maybe he'll grow hair by the next movie.

oh uh.. spoilers?
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on another note: im thinking of cutting my hair uber short again, but thats prolly because i'm having milla-fever again. @_@ pheww

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:: 2007 20 September :: 11.31pm


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:: 2007 14 September :: 2.04pm

no josh today
and I was checking out this sophomore that looks sooo much like Tristan, just with slightly longer hair
and er, I think he saw me, told his friend, and they both glanced at me, said something and laughed

ahaha. haha.

also tae bo is quite literally insane as two insane things living in insane city.

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