The Time Spent Here, Is the Time Wasted elsewhere.
I was asked to say what's on my mind at any given moment.
Below is the excerpts of raw brain power being wasted twisting knots and going in circles.


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:: 2008 26 August :: 11.30pm
:: Music: Who You'd Be Today - Kenny Chesney

Drama Orgy
I'm sick. It started awhile back with an annoying cough. Now my sinuses are all crazy and the cough has progressively gotten worse. I'll survive, I'm sure, but it's annoying.

So we still haven't signed the lease for this house; this, turns out, is a good thing. The rent here is $850 a month, which is an outstanding figure, I'm aware, but it worked because there was enough of us to get it paid. Plus it's an awesome house and we were willing to pay it.
Now, however, Jake hates Lacey because she bitches (true story), Lacey hates Jake because he's a slob (another true story), and Ashley is annoyed with Lacey for bitching. I'm kind of in the middle of it all and was actually slightly oblivious to it all because I tend to be happy and cheerful and therefore didn't really notice that everyone hated the other. So, now I'm the only one not in a fight with another, so all three of them are coming to me and venting and I'm getting stressed out, but I feel kind of obligated to listen because that's what a friend does, right? So, last night Lacey told me that she was moving out. I'm the only one who knows this, next to Kelly and now whomever reads this, and I swear I'm going to get an ulcer.
Now, the lease thing comes into play here, because we can't afford to pay the rent with just the three of us, so we're looking for another house. The only one we've really got in mind is this possible meth lab. That's what it looks like, but this one kind of does too. lol all the houses are kind of skanky looking, but it's cool, it works. Ashley and I are going to go look at it tomorrow night in between classes and see how we feel about it. It needs to be cleaned, that's for sure, but this one did too, and we got it done. It'll suck doing it twice, but whatever. Jake doesn't really give a shit what it looks like as long as he has a room.
So that's the drama.

School's alright I guess. I loved my Philosophy class. Business Law wasn't as boring as I had predicted, but I have a quiz in there tomorrow, so we'll see how hard it is. Uh... I had art today and I kind of didn't wake up so I missed it. Woops...
I have those first two classes again tomorrow, plus accounting. And an online class. I'm going to be so fucking busy all the time, with that and work.

Oh, speaking of douchey work, I requested the 16th off to go get Kell in KC, and fucking Polly, my ugly pregnant Manager, denied it. So, I'm going to throw a bitch fit to Jenn, the other, less hormonal, Manager. She's cool as it stands, but we'll see how the title sits after we're done talking.
Oh, I'm totally seeing about taking out a loan and buying a Grand AM. It's not new, by any standards, but it looks decent enough. I don't know how it'll go. Ashley's bitching, saying I need to save up first, but holy balls. I can't, I have to have a vehicle. I'm currenly driving my parents fucking van, and it kills me because it's a gas hog. It's not bad looking by any standards, but like... I'm 19. I'm tired of driving a blasted mini-van, you know? So, it'll really help if we get this new house because I'll be paying approximately $233.50 a month, instead of roughly $300 = awesomesauce.

Hmm, besides the fact that I miss Kelly a LOT, that's about all.
<3 REP

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:: 2008 24 August :: 10.40pm


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:: 2008 22 August :: 9.49am
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: Ashley eating my ear

Greatest story evAR.
My friend Chubbs wrote this. I fucking drownededed in lawl tears.



So there I was, right? You know, like, the place.

I threw marcus a shuriken and we headed into the darkness. The tenseness in the air was to say the least... INTENSE. As Marcus and I traversed the inner city allyways of the metroplis of Wheatonia we knew one thing to be certain. One thing to be true and one thing to be right. We knew that we had to protect this with our lives much like our forefathers before us and our lineage would after us.

Suddenly in the stillness and tranquility of the night arose a distant siren. "This can't be good" I said to Marcus. He looked at me and spoke only with his emotions. Marcus was a pretty calm guy and I had known him for much of my life. It took a lot to stir him up and to see him looking at me with a face like that - a face of utter fear was disheartening to say the least. Marcus pulled his rokushakubo from its placement on the ground and casted a spell on both of us to protect us from the infection.

It had been seven months since the spread of the deadly pandemic had begun. In our small base we had formulated what was the cause of all of this but other than knowing that anyone who became infected turned into rabid almost zombie like creature we knew very little. We also knew that our only real means of combating them thus far had been our magicks which would always buy us enough time to escape after gathering supplies or whatever our mission might have been.

The siren edged closer...closer..closer. Something was wrong something was very wrong. When suddenly, out of no where,



Captain planet began doing his shit and kicking rabid zombie ass until suddenly, out of no where, IT WAS SPIDERMAN, EXCEPT THE DARK ONE, RIGHT? he was infected and pissed as hell, he charged STRAIGHT AT captain planet.





it was no use though, the four horsemen of the apocalypse were destined to win this battle but not the war, or at least thats what jesus is telling us up in here heaven, lol.

So obv jesus retreated knowing the end of the story and stuff, he raptured me and marcus into heaven and we lived happily ever after. I gotta admit though, captain planet is fucking annoying i wish he would have been a zombie.

"JUST WAIT UNTIL 1000 YEARS FROM NOW, I'LL GET YOU, OH I'LL GET YOU." God murmured as he drank his herbal green tea. It's funny though cause I don't really know what's gonna be different in a thousand years but apparently shits gonna go down. Anyways


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:: 2008 21 August :: 11.31pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: I Wanna Know What Love Is - Richard Marx

Happenings As Of Late...
I've been really, really depressed lately. Kelly time is in need, imho.

So, there's this guy that comes through my line every single day I work, and he's always flirted with me and stuff, and just to be nice and whatever, I kind of do it back. Just like meaningless shit, laughing at his lame jokes, etc. Well, tonight he asked me out. The scenario goes as follows:
Larry: So do you drink coffee?
Me: Omg yes, lots.
Larry: Well... do you want to get some with me one of these mornings?
Me: Well that would be fun and all, but I have classes starting up and I go in the mornings so that's out. Sorry!
Larry: I'll assume you eat then?
Me: ...Yeah.
Larry: Well then how about dinner with me next night you're off?
Me: I'm sorry but that can't really happen, as flattered as I am, cause I've got a boyfriend. Sorry, but thank you for the offer!
Larry: Yeah, that does put a damper on things I would guess.
Me: *fake laugh* Depends on your outlook, cause where as I don't get a free dinner, I do have a guy that loves me at home. And you're saved the cost of buying me dinner... and dessert, cause I totally love dessert.
Larry: Hmm that is true. Alright, have a nice night.
Me: You too.

Yup. Did I mention he's got four kids as well? One older than me? Yeah. It was super awesome.
Anyway, that was the craziest thing ever, but my night was psychotic. My de-activator went out on register three, where I was, so I had to go to register two. Then like 45 minutes before I go home, my printer goes out, so I have to go to register one. We were short a cashier and it was insanely busy, so I was havening to get change like all night, which I hate requesting for whatever reason. There were TONS of WIC check outs, which is fine, they just take forever and make my IPH go down which sucks.

Anyway, yeah. That's like... all. Ooh apparently Kelly got me a present! I wanna know what it is, but he's a bottombrain and refuses to spill. That's fine, but it's like another month before he's here and I have that long to sit and think about what the hell it could be. I'm not good with surprises =(
But yeah, I love him!! Gah. So damn cute.

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:: 2008 18 August :: 3.14pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Fuck Her Hard - Tenacious D

Uh.... My day off and I spent it up until early afternoon in bed with a horrible headache. I finally made myself get up and take something and get a shower, which made me feel kind of better. Then I cleaned. And cleaned. And cleaned some more. I haven't gotten the kitchen finished, but like... I don't want to. I did the dishes, but the cabinets and the stove needs bleached down, which I have no intentions of doing.

Um... yeah. Today is pretty boring. I'm watching Tenacious D shit though, which is awesome. So that's all for now.

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:: 2008 17 August :: 11.41pm
:: Mood: busy
:: Music: Smoke On the Water

Hmm... school starts in a few days. Not really looking forward to that.
I have tomorrow and Tuesday off, so that's awesome. I'm totally cleaning the house tomorrow though, while everyone is at work, because it's nasty. The floors are disgusting, and it makes me sad. I also need to go to the laundromat and do our laundry. Stacey, our maintenance man, hasn't gotten our washer and dryer hook ups fixed yet, and we need them desperately.

Other than that.... nothing really. Kelly's coming on the 16 of September, Jacob gets back home in September = good times. I'm really excited, but then I don't have time to really think about it. It's weird.

Anyway, I'm gonna go play Cody (Jakes step-brother) at Guitar Hero. He freaking plays on Expert and I'm just now making myself learn Hard. It'll be fun times.

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:: 2008 13 August :: 1.24pm
:: Music: Loser - 3 Doors Down

Nothing's really happened. I hate work. I don't want to go back tomorrow, but what can ya do? Like it's honestly not that bad, but then I think about how much I hate standing in one spot (for the most part) for eight hours. My feet hurt so bad all the time from just standing there. That's only that part of it, I have bruises all over and look like a freak... anyway I just HATE cashiering. People are assholes.
Plus, I want an effing check. I don't get paid until the 22nd. I picked the wrong week to friggin start working, no lie. It should be a nice check though, seeing as how it was three weeks worth.

Hopefully I'll get into my schedual pretty soon because I'm dying.

Jake's moved in finally. He asked me to sleep upstairs with him last night, his first night sleeping up there, because it's haunted. No shit, it's scary. We were up all night talking and freaking out because we kept hearing weird things.
He's quickly turning into an even better friend, he's super easy to talk to. It's cool, and we have a ton of shit in common. Plus he can play the shit out of a guitar which is effing awesome.
Ashley's pissed off though, because he and I hang out more than he does with her... she's crazy though. Idk, it makes me feel bad but I'm not going to just shut him out because of it.

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:: 2008 11 August :: 5.35pm

I'm starting to think these scars go a little deeper than I had first thought...

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:: 2008 7 August :: 10.31pm
:: Mood: sore
:: Music: Dishwasher running

Work, home, and <3
As Kell said, super busy with work. I had an hour and a half of shadowing someone before they threw me on a register and left me to my own devices. I made quite a few stupid errors, but I kept the CSM's with something to do... heh. I'm sure they hate me, but they didn't act like it. Everyone knows me through my mom so it's cool. I've got like a little, "you're cool so we won't be assholes" pass. Kthx mom.

Uh, Sam was a dumb bitch and decided not to move in because Jake's moving in and she fears people will look at her as though she were a whore. WTF on that one. Living with one man and three different girls is NOT going to make a whore out of you, but whatever, no one really liked her anyway so it's for the best.
It kind of sucks that the bills will be split between four people again, rather than five, but we'll make do.

The only other thing that I got is holy fuckin shit, Kelly's coming down!!!!
I'm super ecstatic.

Oh, and my feet hurt like a bitch. I gotta get some new, comfy shoes :s

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:: 2008 2 August :: 9.56pm
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: Not Ready To Make Nice - Dixie Chicks

Powerade pwns so hard.
I am very... content, I guess, atm.
Lacey's out on a "date" with a married man whom she met online; he drove down to see her. I don't know what exactly to say about that. It was fun though, she's the first of us to have a date so we were going through all of our closets, looking for cute things for her to wear.
Ashley and Jake (who's probably moving in with us) have been like sleeping together. It's weird, they've not had sex or anything, but they both like each other. However, Jake has a girlfriend, one of which he doesn't really care for, he just likes teh secks. He claims he doesn't want another girlfriend, but he really likes Ash... it's all confusing.

I kind of feel left out. Like, I have a stable relationship and so I just get to sit back and watch the other two act all giddy over a million different guys. I'm kind of like the odd ball out, so to speak.
Not that I'm complaining, really, I fucking love Kelly to death. What I'm trying to say is that for like the first time I'm the one who's grounded and sure of myself, sure of my goals and asperations, and the others, who are all older than me, aren't. It feels kind of nice.

I start work Tuesday morning at nine. They keep changing it, so it might change again.

Other than that... well, there's not really much more than that. Life is good, the relationship is going fantastically. I'm happy. I haven't been this happy in a long time, and it feels very nice.

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:: 2008 31 July :: 11.24pm
:: Mood: optimistic
:: Music: Sarah Yellin' - 3 Doors Down

Kelly and I didn't really get to talk tonight; he had a match and conversation kept me busy and away from the computer. I hope it's not always like that, but yeah... kind of don't see it any other way, unless I just outright ignore everyone and everything going on. Totally possible, btw. It's just that right now everythings so new and so we're all talking and shit, trying to figure each other out. Very enjoyable, too.

I guess I start work Monday... or something. I don't really know. I'll find out tomorrow. If I do I'll be doing 7-4, and all damn day I'll be reading powerpoints and taking tests on them. I'll get paid for it, but it's going to be so fucking boring.

Uh... I was pissed because of a phone situation earlier, (hence the "fuck balls" post), but Lacey said that her mom has a razer at her house that she's trying to get rid of and so I can have it, free of charge. I'll just have to go to Alltel and ask them to transfer my shit to the other. I don't know how well it'll work though. My screen is permanently black. The hinge is broken and so the line for whatever got like cut or some shit. idk, it's fucked up, and it's annoying as hell and it pisses me off. However, it happened and there's nothing I can do about it but bitch, and that's annoying. End of that.

I'm loving the house. Honestly, it's great. I think this is going to be one of those times that you look back on your life, and realize that that was one of the best times you've ever had. It's going to be this, and then moving to be with Kelly. I honestly cannot wait for that. I don't want this to go by too fast, because I know I'm going to enjoy this so much, but seriously... it's fucking time. I love him, and I'm ... Ugh. Just ready. And thinking about him just puts this huge ass dorky smile on my face and I fucking love that even the thought of him brightens my whole day.
I sound like a love struck teen, but hell.... what's so bad about that?
I know I've found "the one" as they're commonly refered to, and it makes me feel like I've finally got a purpose in this life.

Geeze... enough of that from me. I'm happy though =)

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:: 2008 31 July :: 6.59pm

Fuck balls.

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:: 2008 28 July :: 3.37pm

New Wal-Mart cashier, kthx.

I rocked my interview. They loved me. Oh yeah.

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:: 2008 28 July :: 11.15am

My bike needs it's handlebars right now...

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:: 2008 27 July :: 10.08pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: Airplanes - Gary Allen

Moved in!
Soo... I was just finishing up a huge ass post when, of course, "Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close."
Lost it all, which is so full of awesome. Love it.
Anyway, the jist of it was that we're moved in, I hate birds, and our house is awesome, minus the sewer currently being backed up into our fucking basement, and me bitching about never being able to get on while Kell is on.

I have a job interview at one tomorrow at Wal-Mart. I'm excited, even though it's only Wal-Mart. Um.... Yeah.

I think that it was good I moved out of the house before I moved to Michigan. It'll give me a chance to not be so attached to Trevor and everyone else, which is sad, but necessary. Last night, which was our first night in here, I was so completely depressed. I didn't get my goodnight kiss from bub and it just broke my heart. He's so cute and I love him soooo much. It would have killed me to have moved away with as close as I am to him now. I need a little distance there before I can do that.

Um... Yeah. That's pretty much it. Nothing too great has happened, we've just been cleaning and stuff. I do, however, miss Kelly so much. I started sleeping with the shirt I stole from him a couple weeks ago, which might be dumb, but it's the only thing I have of his. I don't have any memories of him here so it's hard and depressing. Plus, Lacey wants to know like everything about him so I've been talking about him for ever and it makes me miss him even more. I cannot wait until us four girls sit down and talk about like what internet provider to get so I can finally just talk to him. I'm going to be so fucking busy when school starts up, I think. I don't know how much time we'll have to talk and that bothers me.

Anyway, that's about all I have. Now I'm going to go look at all the pictures Slayer has =)

Slayer: You're rather good behind the lens. Also, I am eternally grateful for all the photos of my man, and for the ass shots that you take =)
Love it.

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