I Love My Boo Boo Bear!!!


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:: 2009 1 May :: 5.52pm

so today roxy got into my purse which had a chocolate bar in it from last night when we went to the movies and i bought one! it was opened cuz i didn't finish it and i was hanging up clothes in my room when i came out she was chowing down on the chocolate. I went to take it from her and she about bit my hand off and started growling I had to basicallty throw her across the dang room to get it away from her. but all in all she probably ate a total of an ounce or so but so i call the vet and they tell me that even though that's not much, it could be lethal to her beacuse she is so small (only 6.2 lbs. - shes a chihuahua) and so i freak out and they tell me i have to go buy hydrogen peroxide to induce vomitting. so i'm like bawling my eyes out thinking WHAT IF she dies and i rush to the dollar store and buy some and then i have to do soemthing i wish i never had to do and seriously pour this "poison" down her throat-- okay i know it's not poison but who wants to give hydrogen peroxide to their baby and MAKE them vomit???? so i had to lock her and i in the kitchen and Paris, my other dog, is just looking at us like what the heck is going on? and i'm just sitting there waiting for her to get sick and crying my eyes out saying "I'm so sorry baby i'm so sorry" she finally starts vomitting after about 4 minutes of just being unsuspecting and looking at me like "why did you give me that gross stuff mommy?" and then all of sudden its like oh yeah because you're trying to kill me!!! and she starts puking all in all like 5 times! and she is so tiny so its so hard to watch her walking around wondering why she's throwing up... wondering what is going on whats happening to her... shes probably did not understand at all because shes i think puked maybe once before and hardly at all. and this puking was a LOT for this tiny little creature. but luckily she barfed it pretty much all up but then i called the vet to see what to do next cuz i was still really worried and she told me to keep on eye on her (obviously) and her heartrate so then i'm sitting there trying to count her heart beats per mminute which is hard when its hard to even feel it and then she keeps moving and so i just let her sleep and then a few minutes later i pick her up and it seems like her heart is beating so fast which there was no reason for that since she was sleeping and so then i start to worry again and this whole time i've been googling on the situation and so that is panicking me even more and so i call the animal hospital by my hosue and ask if i can just bring her in and they say yes and long story short they said shes fine just keep an eye on her and i have to give her special bland food- and not feed her til late tonight cuz she needs to make sure all the chocholoate is out so thats pretty much it but ughghghg my baby i'm just glad shes ok!

4 love me | do you love me?


:: 2009 1 May :: 12.10am

Hahahaha karma is awesome, or I guess from yout perspective, karma's a bitch. Hahaha!

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:: 2009 1 May :: 12.10am

Hahahaha karma is awesome, or I guess from yout perspective, karma's a bitch. Hahaha!

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:: 2009 27 April :: 1.59pm

Oh my gosh I am watching wedding shows and tearing up like crazy at every little thing- imy shower was yesterday and it was a total blast, stef did sucha good job planning and executing it I am so so so so excited for our wedding ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh yay roman I love you I can't wait

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:: 2009 16 April :: 5.00pm

My family lost a lot today with the house burning down. Everything is gone BUT my family and I thank God for that. Please be praying!! We need prayer.

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:: 2009 25 March :: 1.17am

I wish I loved to run. Perhaps then I would not be so gargantuan. Boo. I cannot sleep. My moms flies in tomorrow.

I cannot sleep

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:: 2009 20 March :: 6.10pm

I am so happy and relieved! We have been hoping and praying for this- roman got the job! Which means 3 times the salary, healthcare for both of us when we are married, his school 100 percent paid for and he can pick his schedule. I am so happy and proud of him. Ahhhhh yay this is such a relief for us

3 love me | do you love me?


:: 2009 18 March :: 10.48am

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so i forgot to write this yesterday... i had another dress fitting appointment yesterday and she changed a lot to my dress ... like a lot of things needed to be doen because i was having the whole back of it changed to like a lace up back instead of the just plain zipper and anyway she got the whole back of the dress done and it is GORGEOUS!! i was so happy. it is so flattering now and i just love it. i can't believe how good the back looks, i was so worried that i wouldn't like it. and then she is changing the sash on the front and she picked out a really pretty champagne color for it, it's gonna look so pretty. and i am so happy my mom is coming into town next week and she will get to see the dress. actually, it worked out perfect because i'm going to get a practice run done on my hair and make up as well an then right after that we are gonna go try on the dress so she can see it and the sash and bust area will be finsiehd by then so i can actually get a good idea of how everything will look.

yeah after seeing the dress yetserday i was in such a good mood. i love the lady that did my alterations, she is the sweetest lady ever. ahh so i'm so happy and so excited for my mom to come up and we can actually get a bunch of stuff done. oh and dottie has a friend who custom makes veils so i am going to look at some on thursday and probably get one custom done to match my dress which is awesome and they aren't expensive, actually less than average cost. it would just be neat to have one that matched all the beading on my dress.

and then stef has my shower scheduled for the 25th i believe so that is exciting as well because everything is coming up so quickly!!! ahh i am just very very happy.

jess is now in the wedding which is awesome, i'm so glad she accepted and wants to be a part of it. all my bridesmaids are going to be so pretty in their dresses that i love. i cant wait to get ready together and be all nervous for that first time that i see roman in the church. ahhhhh

okay i am getting wedding fever and being too mushy so i'll just leave it at that but i just couldn't help it- after seeing my dress it got me so excited. i just am so glad i'm marrying roman!

1 love me | do you love me?


:: 2009 16 March :: 1.03pm

i feel very unproductive today. i'm at work but there is like nothing to do.... i tried designing my own wedding program and it really would be good if i could work out the few little problems..but i really think i need a program better than PUBLISHER. bleh

i dont know when i am going home today.. by 2 or soemthing. we are supposed to find out today if roman got the new job/position and i really really hope he did. ahh that would be so good. yeah so hopefully we know today.

i had this awful dream last night where it all of a sudden was my wedding day and i had a million things not done like nothing to put in the bathrooms, no programs, no flowers, i had to do my own hair, a million things it was awful lol. so yes i want to be sure that like 3 weeks before i have EVERYTHING done. i am not a last minute person- i hate that feeling!

i've been trying to get on woohu all morning lol cuz i just really wantedto update for some reason but it was down earlier. boo.

i am really looking forward to the nannying job i have lined up in may. can't wait because it will be a good change of pace. and babies yay i love babies.

been taking the puppies to the dog park lately i love it there. so fun. and roxy is finally getting a little more social with other dogs lol.

so i have this sweet neighbor that we've became friends with (and his fiance too) but he is a computer programmer and he's been doing all this stuff for free for us that he usually charges $100 or more for... he made my computer like brand new it is so fast now. and he put some really cool stuff on romans computer, gave it more memory and made it faster. all this stuff for free. it was so nice of him! we lucked out and really got some nice neighbors thank goodness because you never know when you move in who you will live near.

so yeah... thats life right now. i suppose.

2 love me | do you love me?


:: 2009 14 March :: 2.01pm

ugh wtf?

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:: 2009 14 March :: 10.07am

life is good. Really good!! everything is falling into place and i am very happy. of course there are always ups and downs in life but i am just really happy.

if you can believe this there are only 98 days till roman and i are married!!!!!!! yay!

i had so much fun on my 21st and then romans bday a couple days after. its so fun to finally be able to go to the bars and stuff. the piano bars we went to were so fun. and then of course the hot dog man outside with jenna and all of us lol. too funny.

yup. and i so hope the sunshine sticks around so i can take the dogs for a walk when i get home! yay! at work til 4 tho. shitty.

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:: 2009 9 February :: 11.32am

dude, i just made up something cute.

:0./ <-------- look, it's me in smiley form. it has a monroe piercing. HA!

or :0.) whatev. but i probably make the other face more often.

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:: 2009 6 February :: 8.04pm

wondering what valentine's day will be like this year. hmmmmmmmm.

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:: 2008 17 December :: 10.27pm

so annoyed. soo annoyed with a bunch of stuff
just wanna move to florida. just progress

i want a house of our own SOOO bad. so freakin bad. i want to decorate it and have SPACE and not feel crammed and stuffed everywhere. i hate this duplex. it's too small. ..nothings respected ugh i hte it

i just want to move to florida and just settle in a get ready for life..

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:: 2008 29 November :: 10.15am

i am so fricken mad and upset

my backpack was stolen out of my car at jess's house. yes ii should have locked my car but i forgot to seriously for the like the only time ever. i never forget to lock it.

and i was even parked inside of her garage. who does that?

yeah and everything was in it... including an assignment that is a complilation of events that we had to go to throughout the semester with signed sheets by deaf people and/or hosts who were at the events. things i can't replace.

and papers i wrote that i saved on a flashdrive that was also in the backpack

and videos i recorded that were saved on a flashdrive that was in the backpack

and fucking books that are fucking expensive that i would have continued to use in the following like... 2 semesters. because we continue to use our books because all our classes are based on sign language.


i am so pissed and upset and i seriously take this as a sign just like i do everyting because ibelieve in that crap. i take it as a sign that maybe i'm not meant to be going for sign language because now my grades are probably not goign to be good enough to pass if i can't turn in my journal.


dfa;lfjdl;skfja;sdlfj;aksjf;asdjfl; fuck and i dont want to be here at work . fuck this. and i swear to god i'm gonna fuckin throw a boulder at this stupid radio that i can't reach because it is playing christmas music and it is so fucking stupid.adsfd;skfjadl;sfjd;sfjasdlfajdksfjadl;sfjadl;sfjdfj

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