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:: 2005 3 November :: 9.31pm
:: Mood: apathetic

Nothing new in the life of Jena lately. No new gossip to talk about, Gab is still sick, I am still depressed, and nothing dramatic happened between Jim and I happened.. I haven't even called him since Tuesday.. it's now Thursday.

Anyone elses life this dull?

2 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 2 November :: 3.00pm
:: Mood: stressed

I skipped school yesterday and went to Jims.
We talked.
I don't think we'll get back together.
We're seriously just friends now.. I'm gonna try very hard.
I do still love him, but we he thinks were better off apart.
He told me that I was high maintnance..
I cried a lot. He said he didn't know why I wanted him back so much.
He saw my leg.
We'll try this for a while. See how things go.

4 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 31 October :: 11.58am
:: Mood: depressed

Jim called last night.
I answered.
He talked, I cried.
Things are worse than before.
He got mad because I wanted to bring Gab over for tricker treating.. he wanted to be with his friends.
I did something dumb last night.
[[I won't ever tell.]]

3 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 30 October :: 12.26pm
:: Mood: sad

So Friday around 3:30 I called Jim to see if he wanted Gabby and I to come over.. he said "Sure, call me back at 5:00 because I'm doing something right now." [I knew what he was doing, so I understood] So I called him back and called him back and didn't get ahold of him until like 6:30 by then Gabby was sleeping and he was like "Oh, I'm sorry Jeff said he was gonna stay down here cause he was waiting for a phone call." Okay, whatever. I understood. So then I asked him since Gabby was sleeping if he wanted to go to the movies with me. He said "yeah sure. Call me back at 6:00." So I called him back, he told me to call him back again [because he wanted to make sure his mom wasn't coming home that night.], so I called him back again at 7:30.. no answer. I called him again at 7:45, no answer.. I kept calling until 8:05.. no answer. So I called one last time at 9:00. No answer.

I'm done. I'm putting in my resignation as his friend, and as his wanna-be-girlfriend.

I haven't and won't call him. If he calls me, I'm not answering.

2 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 29 October :: 3.10pm
:: Mood: depressed

Personality Test
Read more..

2 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 28 October :: 10.05pm
:: Mood: depressed

[The Basics]
Full name: Jena Maria Pust
Date of birth: 1-27-88
Gender: Female
Location: PA
Ethnicity: White
Zodiac sign: Aquarius.
Reason for taking survey: Bored, something to get being ditched AGAIN off my mind..

[Going Deeper]
If any, name any phobias you have: None that I know of.
Do you drink: Sometimes.
Do you smoke: No.
If any, what drugs have you done: Just smoked some weed.
Now do the same for your family: USA
Are you a junk food person or a healthy eater: Both.
Living arrangements: I live with my Aunt and Uncle.
Name any pets you have: None anymore..
Siblings: Two sisters Samantha and Anna.. and one brother Dustin, all who I miss very much.
Do you like your school: Do you like getting shot in the head? I don’t think so.
What is your favourite class: Career and Office Applications
What is your least favourite: I like all my classes.
What genre of movie do you prefer: Drama.
Are you into self categorization? No, I dress/act different all the time.

Time of the year: Spring/Fall.
Friend: I don’t pick favorites.
Family member: I love most of my family, [[with a few exceptions]] I don’t have any favs.
Animal: None.
Sweet food: Depends on my mood.
Colour: Green.
Sitcom: Desperate Housewives, Greys Anatomy, Nip Tuck.
Cartoon: Scooby Doo.
TV channel: TNT
Pastime: Being with Jim
Drug: uhh.. none anymore.
Magazine: Cosmo
Games console: PS2.
Website: woohu.com
Swear word: Fuck.
Ice-cream flavour: Oreo.
Clothing brand, if any: Anything from Delias.
Store: Delias.
Place to relax: Jims
Place to shop: South Hills Village.
Place to party: Wherever.

[Do you believe in..]
God: Sometimes.
A counter-god, or devil: Yeah.
Reincarnation: No.
The Soul: Not really..
Evolution: Somewhat.
Angels: Somewhat.
Karma: YES
Do you celebrate Christmas: Yes.
How do you celebrate your birthday: Depends..
What is your religion: I’m not religious.
Does your family have any special customs: No.
Have you ever converted from another religion or atheism: No.
Are you a vegetarian: No.

[For the Older Kids, Sex!]
Are you a virgin: No
If applicable, did you like your first time: Yes..
Ever given head: Yes.
Ever done anal: Haha, yes.
Does S&M appeal to you: No.
Do you watch pornography: Yes.
How often do you masturbate: I don’t.
Ever had sex while drunk: Yes.
Do you regret any sexual incidents that occurred on your part: No.
Do you consider yourself sexually attractive: No.
Favourite sexual position: I have many.
Tell us about any of your personal beliefs regarding sex: I just feel you should only have sex with someone you love.. not just anyone who’s there.

[Your Love Life]
Are you in a relationship right now: No..
Describe your current, or most recent relationship: It was great, until I ruined it.
Are you, or have you ever been in love: Yes.
What's your sexual orientation: Straight.
Are you, or do you plan on getting married: Yeah, someday.
Do you believe in soul-mates: Yes.
Do you think long-distance love is possible: No.
Could you see yourself being unfaithful: No.
What do you notice about the opposite sex first: Hair.
Biggest turn-offs: Yucky teeth.
Taller or shorter than you: Taller.
Ever broken someone's heart: Yes.
Has someone ever broken yours: Everyday anymore.
Do/would you have children: I have a child.

[Your Bad Side]
Do you steal, or have you stolen: Yes [I have]
If so, was it from a store or a person you know: Yes.
Have you been intimate with someone else's significant other: No.
Do you take advantage of other peoples' kindness: No.
Have you lied to your parents: Yes.
Do you get jealous easily: YES. I fucking hate it.
Do you have a bad temper: Oh God, yes.
Have you ever made someone cry: Yes.
Ever physically hurt someone: Yes.
Do you consider yourself racist: No.
Must you always seek vengeance: HAhaha, yes.

[This or That]
Alcohol or Marijuana: Alcohol.
Coca-Cola or Pepsi: Coke.
A quiet evening at home or a wild night out: Depends on my mood.
Extreme intelligence or unbelievable beauty: Half and half.
A permanent, stable relationship or an insane sex life: A permanent, stable relationship.
Christmas without gifts, or Christmas without everything else: Without gifts
Rock or Rap: Rock.
The ability to fly or the ability to be invisible: Be invisible.
Hearing or seeing: Not sure.
Depression or anxiety: They’re both terrible.. so.. neither, please.
Immortality without the ability to die, or mortality: Mortality.
Death by freezing, or burning: Freezing.
Death by suffocation or being stabbed: Stabbed.
Lots of acquaintances or a few close friends: Few close friends.
To be a singer or an actor/actress: Actress
Eternal day or eternal night: Night.
X-Ray vision or psychic abilities: Psychic abilities.
Sweet or savory: Sweet.
To never sleep or to never eat: Never eat.
To eat as much as you want or to sleep as much as you want: Sleep as much as I want.
World domination or infinite knowledge of all things: Knowledge of all things.
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera: Neither, thanks.
Bush or Kerry: Bush
To resort to cannibalism or to die: Die.

[The Last]
Person you talked to: Jim.
Person you argued with: Jim.
Person you hugged: Jim.
Person you kissed: Jim.
Person you texted: Chuck.
Person you had sex with: Jim
Phone call: Jim.
Thing you ate: Pepperoni Pizza.
Thing you drank: Orange Juice.
Time you showered: This afternoon.
Time you told someone you loved them: When I got off the phone with Jim about 3 hours ago..
Time someone said they loved you: Yesterday.
Time you laughed: Last night.
Time you vomited: This morning.
Paycheck: Thursday.
Time you had sex: Yesterday.
TV show you watched: Law and Order SVU.
Song you listened to: I don’t remember.
Movie you watched: The Truman Show.
Dream you had: Me running into a tree and dying.
Time you got drunk: Long time ago.
Party you went to: Long time ago.
Item of clothing you bought: Not sure.
Person you would sleep with: Jim.

[Have You Ever Been Called]
Bitch: Yes, all the time.
Bastard: Not that I know of.
Beautiful: Yes, by Jim
Talented: No.
A waste of space: Yes
Liar: All the time..
Geek: No.
Nerd: No.
Loser: Yes.
Peculiar: No.
Intelligent: Yes.
Skinny: Yeah.
Fat: Yeah.
Pretty: Yes.
Preppy: No.
Goth: No.
Emo: No.
Grunger: No.
Fiend: No?
Innovative: No.
Weirdo: No.
Stupid: Yep.
Retarded: Yes.
Annoying: Yes..
Freak: Yes..
Brat: Yes a long time ago.
Cute: Yes.
Interesting: Yep.
Boring: Yes.
Slut: Uh huh.
Whore: Yes.
Skank: Yes.
Asshole: Yeah.
Shitface: Don't think so.
Ugly: Yeah.
Disgusting: Yep.
Shithead: Don't think so.
Cock: No.
Tit: No.
Twat: No.

[Totally Random]
Tell us the first thing you'd do with a million dollars: Build a house for me, Jim and Gabby to live in right next to my Aunt and Uncle.
Why is the sky blue: I forget.. there is some logical reason.
Do you consider yourself to be romantic: Yes.
What's the best thing somebody has ever said about you: That I was the most beautiful thing in the world..
What do you think of P.E.T.A: I don't know what that is.
What do you think of South Park: Used to be funny, now it’s just old.
Do you like candles: Love them.
Do you think emo people are idiots: No.
Do you think goths are idiots: No.
Do you think people who take ridiculously long surveys are idiots: Haha.
Do you believe men and women are truly equal: Yeah.
Do you read books very much: Yes.
Do people consider you to be a bookworm: No.
Describe your mother: No thanks.
What's one thing you would change about your body: I wish I was skinny.
Would you kill one child to save the lives of 1000 children: Never..
What one thing would a person have to do to deserve death: Rape someone.
The most romantic thing somebody's ever done for you: Jim would send me flowers for no reason..
Do you use bittorrent: What's that?
What P2P programs do you use: I just play Jims.
Have you ever skydived: Nope.
List three things you want to do before you die: Be happy [with Jim], Make sure Gabby has a good life, and that’s it.. there is no 3rd thing.
The world ends and you can only save three people and yourself. Who would you save: Gabby. Jim, and I don’t know..
If you could kick anyone's ass, who would it be: TO MANY FUCKING PEOPLE.
If you could sleep with anyone in the world, who would it be: Just Jim.
Are you bored of this survey yet: Very much.
What is the meaning of life: there is none.



:: 2005 28 October :: 1.56pm
:: Mood: depressed

I'm just more and more depressed everyday over Jim.

I went over his house for a while, when I got there it was around 2:20 [I stayed home from school yesterday and today] he was sleeping in his bed, so I just crawled in next to him.. I fell asleep for about an hour then woke him up and we talked. We got into an arguement, but as I got up to leave he pulled me back down, so I stayed. Then Jeff said someone was at the door for him, and Jim asked who it was.. Jeff hesitated and said it was Christian, so Jim went down, then came back up with Christain and Jess. I guess this little girl Krysta ran away from home and her parents called the cops, and they think they're going to search Jims and Brandons house because they hang out with her. So there was a big drama, Jess left so Jim, Christain and I went downstairs. Jess came back, we all sat in the kitchen for like an hour or so.. Jess left again, Jim and I got into a fight because he told me he hated me being there. I cried half the way home, then I called him and started screaming at him, and he told me to come back. So I turned around at Manns Lounge and went back. Christain was still there when I got back, but I was still crying so I just went up in Jims room to lay down. Then they both came up, Jim asked him to go in the other room, we talked for a few minutes.. blah blah blah. Anyways, I left after that. Came home, went to sleep.

I didn't go to school today either. I'm sick, I went to the doctors I just have a viral infection. I don't have to go to work tonight or tomorrow morning.

Jim and I are supposed to go out tomorrow night.. I can't wait. :)

2 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 27 October :: 10.19am
:: Mood: crappy

Jim called me at 2 in the morning, saying that he was sorry. This time I said that it wasn't okay. He was like well, I just stopped smoking that's why I'm grouchy. I still didn't say it was okay. But we talked for a few minutes then I had to go because Gabby woke up screaming. Shes sick. Okay, well I guess I'm going over Jims later today.. I'll update later. <3

2 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 26 October :: 9.52pm
:: Mood: confused

It started out as a great day.. Jim called me at 5:30 or so in the morning, and we talked for like an hour. Then I got ready for school, school was okay. I went to work right after school. I tried and tried to call Jim to make sure I could still come over his house. Jeff answered each time, and each time he wasn't there. (I got off work early) I even rented a movie at Giant Eagle for us to watch.. I ended up going with Kelly and Krysta to Krystas house until I got ahold of Jim. Alaina and Bill came, we were all hanging out and Jim calls. He tells me that he just started watching a movie over Brandons, to come over "later" so I told him that I couldn't because I had to be home at 10:30-11:00. We kinda argued, it was mostly him yelling at me and me trying to defend myself. I started crying and he hung up on me. I fucking cried in front of everyone for like 5 minutes. He always does this to me. Why do I even try anymore? It's like he does it on purpose to see how long I'll take it. I just don't understand, how can he make me cry so much all the time.. I think he likes to do it, maybe it makes him feel good. Why else would he blow me off all the time.

..why do I care so much.

1 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 25 October :: 9.33am
:: Mood: busy

So today I woke up at 7:13. (I usually leave at 7:10!) SO I got up real fast, put clothes on, makeup, and brushed my teeth. I ran out the door and I noticed that it was STILL SNOWING!! So I was going up the hill and it was freezing. BLAH.

I feel and look like crap, it's hat day today, so I'm wearing Jim's hat.

Yesterday after school [the note being passed around about me, Jim and Jess.. lots of drama with that.] I went to Jims. We had the best time. We just talked, layed in his bed and talked, I looked up in his attic.. it's really scary up there. There is a table up there with a half empty Dr. Pepper can.. but no one ever goes up there. SO I got home around 6:00, then just chilled out went online for a bit, spent some time with Gab.

I have to leave early [2:00] to take Gab to her Dr. Apt in Washington. I think Jim is going to go with me. I'm scared to drive on bad roads!

2 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 23 October :: 8.13pm
:: Mood: cheerful

It was a great weekend.. starting with Friday.

8th period on Friday someone was like "Jena, you have to read this note." So I read it, and it's this note that was found on the ground about how this girl is totally in love with Jim. LMAO. Make me laugh! So everyone read it (before I got it) and everyone was laughing their asses off also. Friday night Becky and I went to a haunted house, it was okay, not as good as we had hoped.. but we did have fun. (love you BECKY!)

Saturday morning was PowderPuff practice, after that Randi, Becky and I stopped at McDonalds to get something to eat. I dropped Becky off at her house, then went to Jims. (We mostly stayed in his bed!) haha. I got there about noon, then left at 3:00 to go to work. After work I just went home and went to sleep.

Today was the PowderPuff game against the Juniors. WE KICKED THEIR ASSES! hahaha. 12-0. Seniors=undefeted. Hell yes. After the game me, Becky, Randi, Sam, Jason, Nick, and Zack went to eat at Kings. Then we decided not to eat there, left and went to Pizza Hut. Then we went to Wal*Mart, messed around then went home. I got home around 7:00.

Yeah, it was a great weekend!

1 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 17 October :: 5.53pm
:: Mood: content

I am online.. at my house!

3 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 13 October :: 12.58pm

Okay, last night was Powder Puff practice last night, Becky and I went.. good times.

After that I went over Jims house for a little bit.. then I stopped at GE to get bread and milk. I got home about 9:30.

Today is PSSA tutoring again.. gayyyy. I'm taking Roxy and Merry home, and Krysta and I have to work on our projects for English. GAyyyyy. But anyways.. the internet will be hooked up on Monday for my new computer. I'm so excited!

k, see ya!

1 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 12 October :: 12.03pm
:: Mood: amused

lmao.. freshmen make me laugh.

especially when they think that I care that they talk about me.

ahahaha. hahaha. haha.

I love it.

5 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 11 October :: 9.54am

Your Birthdate: January 27

Your birth on the 27th day of the month (9 energy) adds a tone of selflessness and humanitarianism to your life path.

Certainly, you are one who can work very well with people, but at the same time you need a good bit of time to be by yourself to rest and meditate.

There is a very humanistic and philanthropic approach in most of things that you do.

This birthday helps you be broadminded, tolerant, generous and very cooperative.

You are the type of person who uses persuasion rather than force to achieve your ends.

You tend to be very sensitive to others' needs and feelings, and you able to give much in the way of friendship without expecting a lot in return.



:: 2005 10 October :: 11.31am

I bought a computer.
It's a 2005, HP.. I got a 17" monitor.. I'm calling to connect the internet today.

I'll update more later.


Lots of drama with Jim and I last night.

4 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 6 October :: 12.01pm

I hope that I don't run out of gas going to the gas station after school today.. I'm way below E.. again.

3 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 5 October :: 9.59am
:: Mood: giddy

I went home early yesterday.. I have a bladder infection so I went to the doctors to get a prescription. I called off work, and then went home and slept for a few hours. I ate dinner, then went over Jims. Me, him and Christian went to GE to rent a movie, I picked it out.. it was really dumb. Anways, I went home around 11:00.

It was an okay night. :)

6 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 3 October :: 9.24am
:: Mood: calm

I had a really good weekend.

Friday Ben and I went to see Flight Plan (dumb movie!)

Saturday was Gabrielles 1st birthday party!! (turned out GREAT!) even though the only friend that came was Steph!! lol Jim and all his family came.. and almost all my family that was invited came.

Sunday Jim, Gabby and I spent the whole day together.. We went to pizza hut and ate.. and we went to Toys R Us to get something to Gab. Well we had a GREAT day. :)

Today after school I'm going home, I have to call Jim to see if he wants to go with me to go to Leahs graduation dinner tonight at 7:30.

Becky, FEEL BETTER!!!! You're so cute. Love you!

4 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 29 September :: 9.56am
:: Mood: calm

So what's been going on in the life of Jena? Not much, been working a few days a week.. going to school, eating, sleeping, planning Gabrielles 1st birthday party.. all of the normal stuff.

I invited like 30 people for her birthday party.. Haha, Yeahhhh.. anyways, it said on the invitations "Regrets only" and no one called and said they weren't coming.. so I'm expecting everyone. It just makes me mad though because I know a lot of the people I invited won't come.. but they won't call either. But whatever. I don't care.

School is okay. I signed up for Powder Puff like I said, and practice is tonight. If I go, I'll have to leave a little early because of Gabrielles birthday pictures are tonight at 7:00.. and our practice is 5:30 to 7:00. So I dunno.

The gas tank is empty, and so is my bank account. $3.06. That's how much is left. My check should be in the bank by tonight though.. hopefully because I really need gas. It's on E.

14 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 26 September :: 1.48pm

Becky, I love you. I'm always here if you need something.

1 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 22 September :: 1.59pm
:: Mood: satisfied

Soooo we all signed up for Powder Puff (I call it- Power Puff.. right beck?) We're gonna kick the little junior asses.

It's been an okay day, except for the fact that I woke up late and I look like crap. teehee.

<3 JENA.

7 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 20 September :: 9.06pm
:: Mood: sarcastic

Okay, well.. I'll make an actuall update now that I feel like it.

School is dumb, a bunch of dumb people all in once place trying to make everyone like them, trying to get everyone to be their friend. Psssh, fuck that. I hate most of the dumb idiots, and okay.. if that makes me stuck up (like YOU Randi ;)) then so be it. I'm not trying to get anyone to like me. I'm just trying to get the hell outta there so I can move on with my life.

Lets see.. I haven't posted my schedual yet.
1st -Flora Fauna w/ Foglia
2nd -Survey w/ Llllllooooyyyydddd (again)
3rd -Carreer and Office Applications w/ Skilles
4th -History w/ Johnson (again)
5A- TF:fitness MWT-lunch A
5B TF-lunch B MWT-study hall
6 -English 10 w/ Gurdish (again. what a joke)
7 -English 12 w/ Lusk
8 -Business Enterprise w/ Skilles

(again) means I took that class in my 10th grade year but have to take again b/c I never finished my finials and now that won't let me. uhhhh... fucking stupid. but whatever, I'll do it.

I enjoy all the classes except english 10. Hello, I was almost a all A student in there.. I have to take it again? It's like putting me in a sped class.

Anyways. I drive to school.. I only work 2 days a week though.. haha. But it's all good. I love driving. Though- I CAN'T PARK. hahaha, that and I ALWAYS leave my lights on. Chuck always tells me though. "Jena your lights are on." Haha. WHat a guy.

Not going to homecoming. Waste of money. I'd much rather spend it on clothes or something for gabby-doo. Speaking of clothes, I looked "cute" today. WTF.. uhhh. I look cute EVERY day. haha (ahhh.. I love ME!!) Yeahhhh.

I kept trying to get on AOL.. but everytime someone messaged me; I got kicked off. So I wasn't ignoring anyone.. it just wouldn't let me stay on. Everytime I got on 4958083849837549857 messages popped up from people and I got kicked off. So I apologize!

WEll, I gotta finish this poster for English 10- (bonus points) and I have to get up earlier tomorrow because I have to ride the bus.. yucccckkkk. Anyways.

Love, the best, and cutest. (wayyy cuter than Beck!)

3 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 20 September :: 9.03pm
:: Mood: bitchy

Yessssssssss. I'm a bitch. WOOHOO. Tell me something I didn't know.




:: 2005 19 September :: 1.59pm
:: Mood: blah

So I went over Jims.. that's all I'll say. Haha.

I worked yesterday. Haha, a few good stories goes along with that..

Becky wanted an update, so here it is.

Love, Jena

2 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 14 September :: 9.31am
:: Mood: blah

My Mom finially called me back about my sister. "We found her 1:30 in the morning, she was at some ladies house named Pat. We're going to get her counseling." That was the message she left on my answering machine.

I worked last night.. long boring night. Actually, it was busy except for the last hour or so.

Tonight I have to stay after school for PSSA tutoring. I failed the math part of it. Uhhhh.. yuck. it freakin' sucks. Anyways, I'll do it.

4 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 12 September :: 9.23am
:: Mood: blah

School started, I got my lisence. My sister ran away. My old house is finially tore down.

Yeah, a lot is going on.

14 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 28 August :: 10.01pm
:: Mood: confused

So many things are going on right now.. it's confusing. I wish guys would not act so dumb.

Stupid guys.

3 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 24 August :: 7.47pm
:: Mood: blah

So much is happening, and school's just right around the corner. I'm ready though.. I've been ready. I just work all the time and spend the rest of my time with Gabby-doo. She'll be a year on October 1.. I CAN NOT believe it. She's walking now! It's just crazy.

Time is going way to fast.

6 ! | CMNT.


:: 2005 7 August :: 6.04pm
:: Mood: blah

So I ended up NOT being able to even drive to get my lisense. They said because my mom wasn't with me.. Hello- my mom now lives in Flordia. So I'm going on the 11th with the f-ing paper I need notorized. It's bull-shit.

In other good news, I have been getting all kinda cute things for school.. I bought myself a new pair of brown Vans, and some shirts from Delias, one has a cigg. on it crossed out and it says "There are cooler ways to kill yourself" haha, anyways, I have $75 pac bucks to spend at Pac Sun on Aug 14-27 or something, so I still have to get some jeans from there. I have $50 Daisy Dollars from Delias to spend, so I'll def. have fun spending those.

Works been going really good for me lately, Stephanie works with me now- so that's really cool. I like working with her. Cindy and I were talking to and she was like "JEna, you're doing really well, I wouldn't be suprised that if you kept this job that when you became 21 you'd become a shift supervisor then even assistant manager" I was like Whoa, that's cool. It just made me feel good that she said something like that. So I'm happy today.. I just have to get a new computer then I'll be really good. I already have like $1000 saved for one, I'm just looking for one now. A laptop probably.. because theres not a lot of room at my Aunt Loraines. Well.. we'll see how things go!

2 ! | CMNT.

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