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Ocean Avenue

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:: 2004 2 September :: 6.32pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Old 80's/90's music

so damn hot but so youngg- ok that's not that 90's music lol
I think my houses is one of the few houses that the windows rn't boarded up lol. I think besides that, we're ready. My mom spent $80 just on candles- she's crazy. She loves candles and flowers- what girl doesn't, I guess? Everything in our house is falling apart neway lol, so I think my parents dont care at this point. But in all seriousness I hope everyone does stay safe and takes the right precautions.

I wonder where we will all be in two years from now ? I guess another chapter in the book of our lives. I really hope I keep in touch wit some of u ppl tho, cuz some of u totally rock. If u dont know how u r, somethin wrong witchu! Seriously, we all have so much potential. We CAN be the people who CHANGE THE FREAKIN WORLD, if we apply ourselves. Everything starts with an intention. And if ur intention is strong enough, God sees it through.

1 From here I'll be | Away away


:: 2004 1 September :: 6.36pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Go0dies-Ciara

ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!..lol..everybody is definately freaking out with francis..pat is boarding up the house too..lol..seriouslyyyy..paranoid people man..lol..neways..no school friday..half day tomoro..i might not even come to skoo 2moro..they're thinkin of leaving to tampa earlier than we had planned..so yupp..by the way a livejournal is under construction for me..my user name is waves_of_hope..just thot i shudd share

1 From here I'll be | Away away


:: 2004 31 August :: 10.36pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: cary brothers - "blue eyes"

i cry get upset for absolutely the weirdest things.

or for nothing at all!
mothereffing heart isnt functioning right.

1 From here I'll be | Away away


:: 2004 31 August :: 8.33pm
:: Mood: in pain
:: Music: Sunshine


i was definately dropped today from a stunt at practice..it was on accident but dayumm that shit hurt..imma be all bruised up now..:(

2 From here I'll be | Away away


:: 2004 30 August :: 12.04am
:: Mood: depressed

no regrets huh? yeah right, i could never live like that.
i told 2 people, people i thought i could trust, all my friends found out.

i fucked up.

im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.

all my friends have lost all respect for me. EVERYONE fucks up. and when someone fucks up and they need help, their friends should be by their side helping them with whatever they can. but ive learned that i only have one true friend out here- jordana. everyone else that found out, and even nick who i told counting on him to help me, have been total jerks. theyre not true friends. all ive heard from them is "ive lost all respect for u" and "how could u stoop so low" and "im so disappointed in u". tonight at the vma party they were acting like total asses, subtly hinting at the subject while morgan and aaron were there. i hate them all right now. i need them, and all along i thought they needed me too, but if they really loved me like they said they did they would help me out now.
"uve changed so much danielle, and its not for the better"
i cant stand to hear that. when someone has me questioning my own identity and my morals and what i thought i stood for, then i know im in trouble.

everyone fucks up. this was one of the few times i have and i think i deserve some slack. i cant deal with them all coming down on me so hard for something like this. do i tell him, or do i not tell him?

why the hell did i do something so stupid? i hurt morgan and in the process, i hurt myself. he didnt deserve any of this, even if he wasnt being right to me all the time. i hate everything right now.

im sorry and i mean that with all my heart. i would never hurt u and i didnt keep my promise. i took ur heart with the promise not to break it and now, i fear that i may have done damage. with all sincerity, im sorry.

4 From here I'll be | Away away


:: 2004 29 August :: 4.44pm

news update:

i have switched over to livejournal. i'll still be using woohu, but i think i'll probably use that one more. my user name is misscinderella_

see you there. xoxo.

3 From here I'll be | Away away


:: 2004 29 August :: 2.39am
:: Mood: nostalgic

walk down memory lane....
well i already updated lj for the night so here i am again....i am being such a journal slut.

but anyway just had the most random conversation with john he hasn't tlked to me that much since school started and he IMs me out of nowhere tonight and starts getting all nostalgic and talking about things in the past that i don't think he even admitted to me back then...it was weird lol he eventually informed me he had been drinking and it all made sense.

i got over john a long time ago but i liked that we were still able to maintain some kind of friendship...we really had a lot of fun times together haloween...playing in the fountains at cityplace....hema's party....the back of danielle's dad's truck.... going to the movies....kicking nick out of the car lol....all of the stories i used to write him and the odd random text messages that would like brighten my day, he was the only one i managed to stay in contact with while i was grounded last yr it saved my sanity really...lol the day i took him shopping and we went on our adventure to publix and the "lake" by my house and the bookstore because i really am kinda smart lol...so many inside jokes it was just nice to look back and to know that he hasn't forgotten all of the good times. He's really happy with kassie now though and i really am happy for him because when you get down to it he's a pretty good guy.

wow this entry was so like upbeat and positive idk where that came from. i'm gunna have to be such a bitch to him nxt time we tlk to make up for it lol


Away away


:: 2004 29 August :: 12.23am
:: Mood: devious

living life with no regrets...thats quite a concept, one that i thought i could never grasp. but tonight someone made me see what that actually means, living with no regrets.

morgan starts acting weird when his family friends come out, a 16 year old guy named aaron and a 14 year old girl named tori. a funny thing, you know, just out of no where, he doesnt act normal when aarons here. today at the beach i was complaining to my friends about how i had to babysit tonight and jokingly was like "if u guys get bored in town, come and visit me". i was sitting inside watching barney with elena (the little girl i was babysitting for) when i hear someone scream my name outside. aaron had actually come to see me---i was totally shocked. elena had fallen asleep on the couch at that point so i was sitting outside on the porch with aaron. we talked for 2 and a half hours and the conversation was just flowing. somewhere in between, i get a fone call from my friend nick who tells me the following: victoria was sitting on morgans lap and he was giving her a massage, and in a previous conversation of the night between morgan and shane, when asked if we were still together morgan said i guess so, and when asked if he would care if i hooked up with somone he said no and if there was a hott willing girl he would hu with her. this obviously wasnt a shock to me, i just wish he wouldve told me when i talked to him the night before and he had denied having anything wrong. so we talked about everything, friends, relationships, school, problems...everything, but most importantly our "policies on life". he told me about no regrets and it almost made sense to me. we talked for 2 hours and he was just like wow we have so much in common and we have a connection which was all so true and he was like i was telling morgan that he really shouldnt be acting like this, especially since ur such an awesome girl. so finally we're walking home and we get to the front of my house and he hugged me and we just started hooking up and he goes to me: remember that thing about no regrets? and then we hooked up again and he said: thats one of them, ill see u tomorrow and then he kissed me

i feel so bad, like such a sleeze. what the hell did i do?

Away away


:: 2004 28 August :: 1.46pm
:: Mood: hard working
:: Music: running- No Doubt

i think this song can best sum up my emotions right now.
Running all the time
Running to the future
With you right by my side

I'm the one you chose
Out of all the people
You wanted me the most
I'm so sorry that I've fallen
Help me up lets keep on running
Don't let me fall out of love

Running, running
As fast as we can
Do you think we'll make it?
(Do you think we'll make it?)
We're running
Keep holding my hand
It's so we don't get separated

Be the one I need
Be the one I trust most
Don't stop inspiring me
Sometimes it's hard to keep on running
We work so much to keep it going
Don't make me want to give up

Running, running
As fast as we can
I really hope you make it
(Do you think we'll make it?)
We're running
Keep holding my hand
It's so we don't get separated

As fast as we can
I really hope we’ll make it
(Do you think we'll make it?)
We're running
Keep holding my hand
It's so we don't get separated

2 From here I'll be | Away away


:: 2004 27 August :: 6.20pm
:: Mood: giggly
:: Music: This Love-Maroone 5

re-cap of the week..
Monday: umm can't remember that far back but i kno i had practice..lol

Tuesday: lol..me n sam had fun in math..we took our test..n we were just our crazy selves..lol..saw wagums before driver's ed..and he gave me a really big hug..:)..lol..had practice after school..paid for new uniforms that are gonna be soo cute!! can't wait!!

Wednesday: had my lil incident occur..alwaysss me..lol..practice was canceled for whatever reason..???..went to key club...everyyyy body was there..lol..sameen made his lil remark.."u shudd be able to hear with them big ass ears of urs!!"..lmao..wow sameen..it's definately flapping ears!!..played that weird game.."where u at??-IN MY PANTS!!"

Thursday: frickin DBQ in first hour..i seriously had NO clue what i was writing about..but it was a good day in general..i had practice..we started stretchin on the football field where the band ppl were..saw sam n rachel doing there thing..at colorgaurd..lol..then we moved to the other field cuz it was blazing hot!!..so we practiced with the football players..lol..that was funny..niche got hit wid a football and flipped out..lol..the flipping out was the funny part..then i saw wagums and him tracey and preston came over and started cheering with us..that was funny too..after i got home wagums called me up..we talked for about 2 hours!!..about everything..just catching up..that was a good day

Friday: today was a funny day..people had a great time crackin on me..i was in my uniform for cheerleading all day..we did the announcements..i personally think we looked so stupid!!..sam said i had one of those smiles that takes up my entire face..lol..i hadda be spirited!!..lol..so i missed the end of history which was great..me maryellen and amara committed suicide and died in bio..lol..that was hilarious!! u had to be there..u kno how the bio lab tables have those sockets??..we were soo bored...so maryellen was being funny and shoved her pen into the socket..amara thot it was funny and did it in hers..so i was in the middle..and got the "shock" too..lol..yea..that's us for u..lol..in spanish..nothing too exciting happened..failed the verbs quiz..but i dont care..lol..what else is new??..lol..i so hate that class..but sam keeps me sane..lol..lunch nothing too much happened..english..woo..definately went delirious in there no lie..my new word is kumquat!!..lol..sp??..oh well..i love that word!!..i got the we dont approve talk on the bus..lol..i need to work on that..and i finally sent that text message!!

all in all it was a FANTABOLOUS week..another new word..hehe..now i got a shit load of homework to do..lol..err..IB..lol

AMY: i'm gonna go back to my bullying days and kick his ass for you!!..lol..dont worry we all hate him and have ur back..love u!!

4 From here I'll be | Away away


:: 2004 27 August :: 1.47pm
:: Mood: crushed

jordana: i hate stomachs......................me: i hate boys.
that last entry, as much as i hate to admit it, was entirely denial. things with morgan and i were at an absolute high a few days ago, but recently there has been a definite change. over the past 2 nights, ive noticed a difference in his actions and body language that has been scaring me. i walk over to him, he pretends not to see me and sort of walks the other way. hello kisses are running lower than usual, and he fucking picked nick over me. its funny, you know, the other night was a special one at the beach, but after that its been down hill. i cant help but think that thats all he wanted from me, since im reminded every dday to "get inside a guys head danielle, hes being nice because ur hooking up, and thats all he wants". and then i think, "dont break my heart" and it sort of gives me some hope...though not enough to make me believe that we may actually still have a chance. he didnt say goodbye to me last night, nor did he talk to me...at all. its things like that, things that make me think: what the hell could i have done? im not suffocating him, im not making him uncomfortable or being unreasonable by any means....what could it possibly be? i miss the kisses, and the tickle fests, and our frequent night-time beach escapades, and im not sure that im ready for it to be over. although according to a lot of people who talk to me about it, hooking up is all we have, im happy, and im not ready to give up this happiness just yet.

please, if you're reading this, "dont break my heart".

Away away


:: 2004 26 August :: 5.32pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: dare you to move- switchfoot

alotta stuff
my schedule, that was badly fucked up by the edgemont high school guidance department and will remain so for the school year of 04-05, for those that care to inform me, leave me a comment telling me what we have together:

1- chemistry
2- chemistry lab/gym on evens
3- italian
4- lunch ({[please if u have 4th lemme know, i refuse to be alone but i really have no choice :(]})
5- english
6- math
7- ap euro
8- spanish

as for the end of the summer in fire island, a lot of drama just about concludes it all. nick and victoria broke up...but it was more like an emotional break DOWN than just a plain break up. victoria was absolutely devistated, and hysterically crying, she could barely get a word in. although she knew it was coming, it hadnt really set in yet. we walked to town after nick had left his heartbroken lover for jordana and i to handle to get her a big fat thing of ice cream, i wasnt wearing shoes and i was carrying a tissue box....quite the sight. when we were walking down the street to go to town, morgan caught up with us, he had missed the whole thing so i explained it to him. "dont break my heart". things have been getting better and better between us, im so lucky to have had someone like him here this summer, i had waited too long for someone like him and finally, here he was. he made my summer complete, and helped to complete that gap i had in my heart. ah i wont get into this reflection on summer crap til i get home, summer is coming to its close too soon as far as im concerned.


2 From here I'll be | Away away


:: 2004 24 August :: 6.51pm
:: Mood: thoughtful
:: Music: scandalous

i've been thinking..
1. school's been treating me well. junior year isn't as bad as i thought it'd be. i know it'll most likeyl get harder. but i worked myself up for worse things. i guess that's good..?

2. i love my friends. they're great. i got a little reminder of that on monday. you know who you are. (note: i always think it though!)

3. thanks guys for the compliments on my new hair. it helped...

this week is going well. i really don't feel like writing about it though. too tired/ lazy.

Away away


:: 2004 22 August :: 7.07pm
:: Mood: content

*sigh* i've been too busy playing with livejournal to update this one. actually i have been too busy updating in general that is always a bad sign. Whenever im fucking around on these things are times i should eithe rbe doing homework or pretending that i actually have a life of some kind.

went to the movies last nite slept thru friday night and then my grandparents came over today. After they left i took the money they gave me and went out in search of the garden state soundtrack. i found it NOWHERE. but i did get to take the car and drive around even if i did stay within 15 minutes of my house. i love having the car to myself and i was actually fine. well...minus one near fiasco in a certain parking lot. no one woulda been hurt just a car but eh....ha i think i will keep that one my little secret. lol my god women really can't drive i wish i could do a study on it.

oh yeah psych test tomorrow and a whole assload of other stuff to get done. i better stop with this. love to all...


Away away


:: 2004 22 August :: 6.05pm
:: Mood: crackin up
:: Music: Holla Back-Fabolous

"do u kno the muffin man??"
the muffin man?? THE MUFFIN MANNN!! haha..lmao..funny stuff..that was friday's inside joke along with ma-paches..lol..rachel's partayy was so much funn..i hadda good time..lotz of dancingg..we did a weird version of the cha cha slide tho..lol..didnt like it..but the electric slide..i definately rocked that..lol..it started off wid some rap n hip hop then it went into spanish music then rock..lol..me sam carlos n amara jumping around..haha..that was greatt..then they played some techno stuff..it was a koo party..i left around 11 sumthin..my aunt got lost..lol..but it was fun..the weekend was pretty good..x0x0

1 From here I'll be | Away away

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