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:: 2005 7 December :: 10.51pm

stacy... reading that, i think made my heart stop beating. i dont remember breathing for a couple of minutes and my eyes welled up... which they hardly do. i miss you guys being "you guys" so much. and i'll support you in whatever decision you make. just know that you wont have to stand on your own and i love you sooo much!


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:: 2005 7 December :: 8.46am

sometimes you drive me crazy. this morning was perfect until you started feeling sorry for yourself. and as much as i want to just slap you and be like "QUIT WITH THE SELF PITY" i cant because i hate to see you upset. you have alot of stress this month... and sometimes i make it worse. i apologize for that. you know i've got your back though... as stupid and cliche as that sounds.. thats what we do. we catch each other when we fall... i know there are times i wouldnt beable to stand on my own without your support. and i pray to god that i make you feel the same.

i dont know whats wrong with me lately. i've been really depressive(ish) barely anything sets me into it... and hardly nothing gets me out of it. i dont understand. winter is supposed to be overwhelming in its beauty... and all i can concentrate on is how cold it is. how i lost my 4 dollar gloves, or how i'm ruining my "winter" boots by wearing them out in the snow. its hard enough that i can wear my heels in the snow.

and with the whole heels thing. i feel at times that i've become just that. the girl who wears heels everyday. i know it sounds stupid. but i also know that poeple have probably said amongst themselves something along the lines of "why does she wear those everyday" and no i dont care, but then again i guess i do. in a way i hide my insecurities in wearing them. i used to be really self concious about how i walked. now im not anymore. yeah.. im just gonna stop.. whatever.

i just hate school. and a part of me thinks that its just because of algebra. i dont mind any of my classes except that one.. first hour. so i have no motivation to get out of bed in the morning... which yeilds all my absences. the only reason i took that class was because one of my stupid math teachers told me that if i didnt i'd HAVE to take it in college and they would make me pay for it but it wouldnt count towards my credits. well its a good thing that's not true.. ESP after im in a class that im failing. it doesnt help that i have babbit. like im really gonna go home and do algebra for an hour. i hate the subject, im not gonna use it later in life, and its making me miserable. yeah.. i could suck it up and try harder and all that jazz.. but im a senior. i just want to get out of here. sorry if im not to concerened with one stupid grade. BUT this one stupid grade is gonna bring down my GPA. thats just GREAT.

i went christmas shopping yesterday... hoping to get it finished, far from that. which further put me in a bad mood. and what do i do when im in a bad mood? i take it out on whoever happens to be around me at that time.... sorry again doll.

i just go through phases where i hate existance.

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:: 2005 6 December :: 6.13am


I forgot to do WHOOSH! and now we don't have a snow day. Sorry kids.

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:: 2005 5 December :: 4.06pm
:: Music: System of a Down

No more crappy CD selections

I just picked up AP (Alternative Press) magazine, and it's their 50 most anticipated albums of 2006 issue. Some of the greatest bands are on their. Stuff like AFI, Brand New, The Used, Taking Back Sunday, The Strokes, Muse, My Chemical Romance, and Thursday. Just all awesome stuff. 2006 will be a good year.

I have about 80lbs of homework I should attend to.

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:: 2005 5 December :: 8.46am

why does it have to be freezing in this school.

our stupid seminar thing is today... im just shooting to remember my monologue and get it over with. nobody wants to do it... nobody is going to be receptive of what we're trying to say. as far as im concerned its just a waste of our time. like its really gonna make people in OUR high school stop and think. everyones got their eyes closed to tight to see whats in front of them.. so who are we to tell them what to change.

saturday was the battle in ann arbor, it was pretty cool. i cant believe how good some people are. i mean... around here keegans crew is one of the only breakdancing crews around.. then you down to an organized thing where there are people from all over the state and you realize that break dancing is more than just a past time.. its an entire community of dedicated dancers. it really is more of an art than dancing. when they move their bodies command your attention. none of this hip hop shit that we see in our school.. i mean genuine dancing. it really makes me respect all the people who can actually DO it.. ESPECIALLY the Bgirls.

after we left the U of M... (it was in their rec center) we brought micah back to eastern and went up and saw his dorm for a little bit. i could NEVER live in a dorm. lets just leave it at that! i miss micah... and i reallllllly miss micah and keegan together. its like the shawn without the cory ya know?

hopefully i can get all my christmas shopping done this week or the next. i get paid today... but i know it wont be much. shiiiiiiiiit.

well.. i suppose i should get to doing something productive.

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:: 2005 1 December :: 9.58pm


Tomorrow is going to suck. A 90 minute Dolbee session? What the fuck am I going to do? I bet most classes will just goof off for the extra thirty or so minutes, but knowing Dolbee, she'll take the extra time to make us learn or some dumb shit like that.

What do you call a black guy who flies air planes?

Read more..

I plan on telling this joke numerous times at the assembly tomorrow.

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:: 2005 1 December :: 7.28pm

Senior Pictures.
the pictures are showing up now

out of the 150 some proofs we got back, these are the ones we ordered. soooo... tell me which ones are your favorite.... ACTUALLY tell me which one you want a wallet of (if you're worthy) *giggles... im kidding. but really though.... telll meeee.

Read more..

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:: 2005 30 November :: 9.16am

this weekend i had the most exhilerating experience. i went to keegans and he worked me really good. my WHOLE body was like spinning. It was great. I finally understand what hard work it is. i mean, i was sweating, breathing hard, and it even a hurt a little bit. they always say that it does. that its not as easy as some may think. keegan stressed that it's all in the form and positions... and you absolutely HAVE to throw your hips into it or it just doesnt work. im so sore today in all the right places...................................................

because we were BREAK DANCING. mwah ha ha. yeah, picture that. little teeny tiny me "breakin it down". *giggles. it was really fun though. you dirty minded fools. pshhh.

break was pretty good... i hate school. i hate being here. i honestly wouldnt mind it as much if it didnt start so early. waking up at 6 is the hardest thing for me to do.... gahh..

i got most all my christmas shopping down this week. noo.. not on black friday, that could have killed me.... did you see that footage of people getting trampled! geeeesh. i got keegan all taken care of which is a HUGE chunk of my shopping. at the end of the holiday season... i'll probably be about 500 dollars in the hole.. and thats only including my mom, keegan, little sister, and brandi. yikes... its a good think i dont have bills to pay.

i feel like scrubbing it the whole rest of the year... yeah... sounds like a plan....

OOOHH.. we ordered my senior pictures yesterday. im so excited to get them back. my mom ordered a ginourmous one too. 16x20 i think it was..... woot hoot!

oook, im pretty sure thats my life so far..

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:: 2005 28 November :: 11.05pm
:: Music: Autolux - Turnstile Blues


Winter activities are piling up while the car hasn't even been looked at. What are we supposed to do, walk? Certainly not drive, not with a hole in the windshield. It was not shield us from any wind. It's purpose would be worthless. Might as well take it out. Hell, might as well make it into a convertable. But that's enough cynicism for tonight. Or is it?

This has been a day of recollection. And memories with so much detail are extremely better than the frail skeleton reveries I'm used to.

One day stands out from them all.

I wonder if my blanket is dry. I washed it earlier today and forgot to put it in the dryer. I went to lay down and to my great dismay...NO BLANKET! I couldn't have that. So, I went into the kitchen, grabbed a butcher's knife, went into my brothers bed room and stabbed him repeatedly. My plan was to kill him and take his clean blanket, but amidst the stabbing, blood splattered it's yellow, flowery pattern. So, I put my blanket in the dryer and it's drying and I'm waiting until it's totally dry. It will be nice and warm once it's done.

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:: 2005 27 November :: 1.04pm

i know have a dozen roses hanging from every corner of my room. not to mention the 6 dried roses in different parts of my room and a vase full or dried rose buds from Scrooge last year. im so spoiled :)

yesterday was rough.... but then it wasnt. and we went to our restraunt (terriyaki and sushi) (btw, im not in the mood to correct my spelling errors) and everything was fine. the servers in there dont even give us menus anymore and automatically bring us 2 waters and big bowls of soup before we even order. *smiles.....

next saturday im going to ann arbor with keegans crew for a battle down there. hopefully it'll be exciting.. im sure it will.

AND we're getting a christmas tree next weekend from one of those old fashion horse hitched amish tree farms.... so we'll have our own christmas tree at his house in the same spot we exchanged gifts last year. the basement next to the couch where we shared our first kiss.

this will be a GREAT holiday season.

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:: 2005 25 November :: 2.49pm

the first year has come and gone... and couldnt have been any more beautifull than it was. you make it beautifull... well actually... together we made it beautifull.

yesterday was perfect. lots of food, family, and togetherness. exactly how it should have been. :)

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:: 2005 23 November :: 10.18am

If anyone has the essay outline for Econ that we got, please send it to me in some form. Just what the essay is supposed to be about or whatever. It'd be really appreciated. Thanks.

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:: 2005 22 November :: 9.35am

on a side note... can we say irresponsible.

*rolls eyes... moron.

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:: 2005 22 November :: 8.58am

ok... in case anybody was NOT aware.. which im assuming most are not... the Holly Hop this year is a semi formal dance just like swirl or homecomming and is on saturday december 17th. yes ladies.. this means pretty dresses. ok, now im getting fairly frustrated.... and just for your further reference it is the freshmen that are planning this dance. if you knew about the dance prior to this entry please comment and tell me how you found out.... im trying to see how many people have actually HEARD hazels "announcements" because i havent... and he cant get it through his head that nobody is aware of when or what the dance is. most people only know of it through "rumors" or from me. so yeah... please comment on this issue.. EVERYONE... PLEASE.. because im very displeased with the planning of this event.

in other news.... *ponders if displeased is even a word* things have been going fairly smoothly. (in all aspects)

thursday is mine and keegans first year.... thats what we've decided to call it. why limit ourselves to "one" when we can say it's the first. its on thanksgiving.. so the day will be filled with family, food, and lots of US time. i think it works out nicely because we REALLY have something to be thankfull for. :)

GUESS what.... keegans dance crew (61syx technique) just got hired by the GR Rampage to dance at all their home games. its a paid contract deal and they're getting sponsered by a gym... they'll get jerseys with their BBoy names on em, 2 free tickets each to all the games and lots of publicity. im so excited for them! there's 5 of them... which just goes to show how good they are.. to get such an amazing opportunity... not to mention all the money they'll be making. *smiles....... as if enough people dont recognize keegan wherever we go... the guy told them that about 9 thousand people come to each game.. and there's 8 home game games.... say about 72 thousand people... yeah.. i'd say this is their big break! im so proud......

i'm VERY MUCH looking foward to sleeping in everyday of break. i have to work every day but thursday though.... aww well. i think friday im gonna get up really early and go shopping. i'd like to get a video camera for my mom for christmas.. figure that'd be the best day to get a good deal on one.

so yeah... i think that about covers it..

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:: 2005 21 November :: 5.43pm
:: Music: the Mars Volta

Always the optimistic one

So...biology. I have a lunch detention tomorrow, because I didn't finish my packet. First of all, I didn't know the packet was due. She says it was on the board. It wasn't. If it was, I would have done it. I'm not the kind of kid who just doesn't do a 100 point assignment. Second of all, even if I had known I had to do it, I wouldn't have been able to. This shit is so confusing. I have to read a paragraph like 4 times before I even begin to comprehend it. Oh, and guess what.

The test is tomorrow.

At least tomorrow is the last day before vacation. And today is seven months.

Time flies.

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:: 2005 21 November :: 6.20am

Good morning

I would like to crawl out of my clothes and fall back into bed and wrap the blankets around myself and just drift back to sleep.

Why? Not because I'm tired, no. It's just because I don't want to face the massive amount of homework I'll recieve, and the dirty looks I'll get from the homework I didn't even attempt. Oh, and the test I have today which I haven't read the chapter for.


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:: 2005 20 November :: 1.51pm

Attention: Anyone in the play
If you have any pictures from the play, practice, cast party, etc. Please get them to me in some way. I can give you a blank CD to burn them to, you can email them to me, send them to me on MSN, etc. Just, please let me know. I have no pictures from it. Thanks.

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:: 2005 19 November :: 10.06am

the play is going really well.

and if anyone ever goes to eat at the IHOP on the beltline i will personally kick your ass for being stupid. im sure ashley will too. that place can burn....

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:: 2005 17 November :: 11.25pm
:: Mood: shocked

We hit a deer on the way to my house.

It was the scariest thing to ever happen to me.

We're okay.

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:: 2005 17 November :: 8.55am

yesterday was the first snowfall of the season... which marks the day keegan asked me to be his girlfriend.... it may not be the technical date... but its the symbolic day. I can't wait till the 24th when we can finally wear our rings engraved "the first year". just a symbol of our relationship.. not promise rings, just a symbol.

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:: 2005 15 November :: 11.00pm
:: Music: Tool - Sober


This play will be the death of me. Well, not me really, just my grades. I haven't gotten home earlier than 10 in a long time. And I'm so tired when I get home, all I want to do is go to sleep. Tonight I actually have some energy, which is the only reason I'm still awake. Must have been the coke. I have a backpack at my feet filled with three subjects of homework. It will stay there until morning when I leave for school. Oh well, school is just a haze to me anyway. I can't remember anything, and I can't pay attention enough to even try. We are in the hardest chapter of biology, which I think might be a good thing, and I know nothing. I write down the notes she gives us, but nothing sticks. Just two more days though, I can f(m)ake it. I'll sleep all day Sunday and be back to myself in time for Monday.

Oh yeah, and, I have three comics coming. They'll be done by next week.

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:: 2005 15 November :: 6.23am

Friends only from now on, to keep certain fuck heads from reading this then reporting to their master.



:: 2005 13 November :: 9.37pm
:: Music: Vaux - Van Fong

Coming Soon...The CS

I'm so excited about the play. It's coming along quite nicely. Every part of it is so much fun. I don't know what I like better, doing tech stuff, or being on stage.

I really wish I would have tried out for other plays, or would have gotten involved at all.

No school Friday (for play people, that is), and then only Monday and Tuesday of next week and then we're on Thanksgiving Break.

Also, our project for TV Pro is finally coming along. If I had known how easy editing is, it would have been done awhile ago.

Everything is so good right now.


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:: 2005 10 November :: 5.08pm

I really don't like people right now.

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:: 2005 9 November :: 11.44am

Take it or leave it.
I've been thinking about everything lately and you know what?
I'm happy. I really am right now.
Yes, it's odd being single and having an ex, but it's not that bad. We really had something good for awhile. He helped me become comfortable with myself. He helped me be who I am today. He did a lot for me. And I'm glad he did do some good for me, it makes it all worth it. Yeah, he did some bad for me as well, but let's forget about that. I do know that we were not in love though. We cared about eachother. A lot. And that's it. I still love him to death, but I am not in love with him and I never was. I'm glad we were together. And I'm glad we're not anymore.
The only thing I am upset about is the fact that he told me not to bad mouth him, not to turn my family against him, not to hate him, and that he still wanted to be friends. So, here I am being the mature one while he's trying to win my family over and talk bad about me. *shakes head* Whatever, you're gonna lose on that one buddy. They're not your biggest fans to say the least.

I just like this independent life I'm having right now. I've been so busy lately, just hanging out with my friends. I couldn't ask for better friends. I love hanging out with Kelly, Matt, and Andy. They are my escape. Truly. I've never been around people who just want to have a good time and not really give a fuck or worry about anything. Just relax, laugh, and live. We always do the same thing, which is basically just sit around, but it doesn't feel that way. Kelly is still giving me a call every day just to see how my day was. Matt is more of a friend now, not just 'Kelly's boyfriend'. Andy is just... great. I'll leave it at that.

Erika and Brandi: I love you guys! You two are my best friends and you're so awesome. I love how we can have a whole day planned out and then the most fun we'll have is walking out to the car or buying underwear. Haha. You two are just amazing and I hope to eat cheese with you one day. Oh, and he will have sex with you. ;)

I realized I became too dependent on Brad. I thought I needed him so much for...everything. Like I couldn't function without him. I don't want to rely on anyone like that ever again. It was so unhealthy for me and just didn't work.

Now, I can do what I want. I can hang out with who I want, talk to who I want, etc etc. And I love that. With my next relationship I don't want that to change. I don't want to see him every day or feel like I need to. I want to have trust and freedom and that's how it's going to be, because I won't settle for anything less. He's either going to lie to me or tell me the truth. So, why try to control him or call him every minute to see what he's doing?

I have decided I am not going to college. Yup, how do you like that? I've thought it all out and I know it'd be a big waste of money and time for me, because I'm stupid. Seriously. I'm going to try and find a trade school to learn something specific or just get an office job. I'd also still like to do photography on the side. So, yay.. I'm one of those stupid kids that doesn't go to college. What are you gonna do about it?

Let's see what happens with my life.
I'm excited.

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:: 2005 6 November :: 4.15pm

Makes me laugh every time.
That's fucked uuup!

When in Rome.

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:: 2005 5 November :: 12.56pm

Rest in Peace, Tim.
This is for you and your family, Kelly.
Read more..

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:: 2005 5 November :: 11.23am
:: Music: Against Me!

Blah, blah, blah.
This is what happens when you people let me get bored. Look what you've done!
Read more..

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:: 2005 3 November :: 10.53pm
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: Taking Back Sunday


Want to hear a crazy story?

I was at school for over 13 hours today.
The end.

Working in the auditorium is so much fun. Whether it's play practice or doing lights and stuff, it's awesome. I'm definitely working the tech crew during the musical, and any other times I'm able to. I might like it enough to want to go to college for it.

I'm so tired..goodnight.

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:: 2005 2 November :: 6.19pm

I don't know about things anymore.
I feel like I lost my place where I could run to and be safe.

What am I supposed to do?
I wish I had some idea.

Be single apparently.

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