The Ramblings of the Official Whatsit
"Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination." -Mark Twain
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:: 2005 7 September :: 11.51pm
:: Mood: chipper

Happy Birthday to me!
Today started off shitty, but ended up pretty good. Just a really crazy day. Woke up at 7:16. Yeah, I have a 7:25 class on Wednesdays. So I threw on some clothes and ran out the door, hauled ass over to Leigh, and got there about 7:33. I opened the door, and the room was completely empty. Looked on the board: "Chem 2045 First period discussion CANCELLED. Sorry!" Oh man. My legs hurt so bad from walking over there sooo fast. I was originally pissed off, but after a few minutes I was glad. It would have been worse had the class actually existed and I was 10 minutes late. So for once, after having a shitty yesterday, I looked on the bright side. And it could have been raining. That would have been worse. So on the way back to bed I called my dad to wish him a happy birthday before he went off to work. He seemed really surprised that I had called, and even moreso that I had called so early. So anyway, I got home and slept for an hour before my next class. Went to TV and American Society, discussed the fact that Kanye West said "George Bush doesn't care about black people" on the Hurricane Katrina telethon, and went back to my room.

I've been feeling kinda blue about my birthday, because even though I have a bunch of friends up here from high school, I'm still kinda finding my place up here. So I was just messing around after class, considering doing some stats or taking a nap, when the phone rang. I got a package!! It took me forever to figure out what it was, because all I saw was a box with balloons sticking out of it. But alas, my parents had sent me a thing from Cookies by Design, and it's all sorts of cookies shaped like dogs. The only problem is they're HUGE and iced, and there's like 6 of them. I'll share. Otherwise I'll have to throw them away, and that's bad. Anyway, so that brightened my day a bit.

After that I met Angie and Kristen over at the Reitz so we could go over and pick up our football tickets. Sort of. We were picking up Leah's and my tickets, and Angie's using Leah's ticket. Kristen was there ...just because. But she didn't come to the Swamp with us, she left from the Reitz. So the three of us went on over to the swamp and we got really good seats. Section 31, row 56. After we got the tickets we caught the bus to lakeside and had lunch over there. I took the bus back after lunch and did some work over at hume before going to the Equestrian Club meeting with Angie. It was good, but almost all of the people there were really experienced riders. I kinda just want to take lessons and play around, so I'm not sure how active I will be with the club. *shrug* Have to figure out where I'm going to get the money for lessons. I got back from the meeting and cooked myself some soup for dinner. Then we had a fire drill. So we went outside and stood out there across the street for like 20 minutes. Then I came back in and finished my dinner, went on dogster for a few minutes before Nina knocked on my door. She said oh, I have to talk to you, but I have to go get my phone first. I thought it was a little weird that she had to talk to me, but that's fine. As she was getting her phone, my phone rang, and I had to go downstairs and give Will the car keys. When I got back up, there were a lot of people in the common area/kitchen, especially for a wednesday night. So when I got about halfway down the hall they started singing. Surprise birthday party! Nina baked me a cake. ^_________^ It was so nice, and made me feel really good, especially since I had been kinda down about the whole birthday thing. I was glad to see that people that I have kinda weak relationships with right now really do consider me a friend and would go out of their way to spend all evening doing something nice for me. And the entire floor was out there singing. XD Just made me really happy.

So tomorrow's class schedule sucks, but it's ok...I'm really cheerful now about my birthday and everything. I'm hoping that I did this honors paper right. We'll find out tomorrow. I'm going out to lunch with Will in between Stats and Current Issues. Hopefully present. :) I love presents and packages, they're awesome. It can brighten up your whole day. Must remember to send more packages. After classes tomorrow we're rounding up the gang at Olive Garden to celebrate more. Should be a good time.

Scary thought for the day:
Lauren (12:00:57 AM): I'm old.
Will (12:01:23 AM): yes, kudos on that
Will (12:01:41 AM): now, together we're 40.
Will (12:01:43 AM): that's old.

Never look back.


:: 2005 6 September :: 3.03pm
:: Mood: N/A

Let's see. Where were we.

Friday night I went to the Black Greek Explosion with Leah and Anderson. Right from the very start it wasn't that great. Leah and I arrived at 5, like the website said, only to find out that it wasn't supposed to start until 7. So we went over to subway because Leah was hungry. We met this kid Josh in the subway line. He's in cicerones. I may try out for it in the spring. Don't think I'll get in, but what can it hurt? Then we went back over to the auditorium around 6:30. Not many people were there, but by the time they opened a door, there were hundreds of people crowded around it. They sent us to another door, and the mob of pushing people was just insane. I'm not claustrophobic with places, but I am with people. It was just body to body. Insane. The opened one door, and everyone shoved in for a free-for-all of finding seats. Luckily, we all managed to get seats, waaaay over on the right side of the auditorium. But it was all good, I was just glad we had seats. The show was pretty cool, but long, seeing as how it didn't start until 8:30 and we had been there since 5. Anderson helped me track down a teacher at the end, and then we just kinda hung out trying to figure out what to do. Anderson and I went and played mini golf, and then he walked me home. Saturday was craziness. People parked all over the grass and everywhere to tailgate.

Hilary's parents came over at 11, so we woke up around 10. Met her family, they're nice. Then around 2 we went over to Plaza of the Americas to tailgate. The amount of people that had poured into the city overnight was unbelievable. It was a nice gathering, lots of family and friends of Hilary. Her uncle apparently comes to every home game. He lives in Tampa. A big group of people walked over to Beatty to show Hilary's-uncle's-friend's-daughter what the dorm was like. When we arrived at Beatty I broke off from them to go find Will. I had just had my fill of hanging with a large group of people that I didn't know. Granted, Will was tailgating with the Greenbergs, but still. We went to watch the players come into the stadium, then headed back to plaza of the Americas. I introduced Will to Hilary's family, because he wanted a water, and then we met back up with the greenbergs. We watched the band warm up, and then followed the band to the stadium. It kinda made me want to do marching band again. After the band left we went into the O'Dome because apparently Mr Greenberg and/or Mr Deegan have huge alumni status. There was a volleyball game going on, in which we beat UC Santabarbara, and we got free drinks. The game was awesome. I sat with Allison and we had really good seats. Afterwards Allison, me, and a friend of hers had dinner at Subway in the Reitz and then went over to watch Madagascar at Gator Nights. It was pretty fun.

Sunday I slept in, and then Hilary, Dan, Nicole, Andy and I went over to the museum to see the FBI Files. They were really cool. That guy Mesches is crazy. Anyway, after that I was kinda planning to go out with that same group to dinner, but I had had enough of hanging out with other people's friends. I just wanted to hang out with my own friends. So I went over to Leah's and we ordered Chili's take out, which was really good. Then we went with Tom to go to see 40 Year Old Virgin, but it was sold out, AGAIN. So we went to blockbuster and rented Hide and Seek. It was good, but kinda creepy, and I knew the ending from the commercials. It was fun though to hang out with friends. I've been hanging out a lot with new people, and it's kinda getting old. I dunno. Sometimes I just like to have familiarity, and I wish that I already had a group of friends. I hate transitions. I keep on thinking how much better next year is going to be, but then I think that I'm wasting this whole time by thinking about that. This is only four years long, and I don't want to waste 25% of it by wishing it was closer to being over. Eh, I dunno. It's just...I knew I was going to miss my dog, but it's worse than I thought. Because I kept on telling myself I'd only be without her for a year, but these past two weeks have made me think that a year is a very long time. I just can't wait to go home in october and see her.

Anyway, where was I? Monday? Yesterday. Yesterday I woke up around 2:30 and started working on my chem OWL homework. I thought it was due at 5:00 yesterday, then the first page of the site said 11:59 yesterday. The second page of the site said 11:59 next monday. So I worked on it pretty much from the time I woke up until around 6, when I got ready to go over to Peter and Emil's appartment to watch the Miami FSU game. Both teams played horribly, which made for an exciting game, but I was happy because Burke brought her dog over. XD She's so cute! And I was playing with her for like three hours. I came home around midnight, and attempted to get some more chem done, but it wasn't happening. So I went to bed. I couldn't sleep at all last night. I wanted to start up the computer and write, but I couldn't really start it up because it was 2 AM and it makes loud noise. So I got out my Wildlife Issues notebook and just started writing. It's hard to write in the dark. I turned up the brightness of my high tech clock, but the light is blue, so I couldn't see the lines on the paper. It reminded me a lot of what Mesches said about the blacking out on the FBI Files. Really scattered...kinda followed my thoughts. Anyway, I plan on posting atleast some of it up here, but I have class in an hour, so I better get my shit together for that.

Never look back.


:: 2005 31 August :: 5.42pm

So today I got up before the sun rose. Yeah. It was friggin early. Stupid first period class. I walked all the way over to Leigh for my chem discussion, knowing fully that it was not worth the time. We have spent the last week in chem discussing conversions and what a mole is (Small furry woodland creature). So I got there about 7:10. Richard was in my class, and that was good. I like having someone I know in the smaller classes. Although.. when we went around the room saying our name and major, he introduced himself as "Ricky" and I thought it was strange. I talked to Allison later, and she said that he's been going by Ricky in college. So anyway, our TA walked in, a little groggy and a little grouchy, wanting to be there even less than myself. She went over AGAIN how to register our clickers, then talked about what an isotope is. She asked if we had any questions, and when no one did, she just let us go. At 7:34. We were in the class for 9 minutes. I had not planned on going back to the dorm after chem; I had brought a book to read over in Weimer before RTV started. But, as it was, I had two hours to waste. So I went back to my dorm, set my alarm for 9ish, and went to sleep. It was a nice hour nap, but then I had to get up for class. RTV was actually pretty interesting today. We got to listen to much of the War of the Worlds broadcast from 1938. This was the first time I had heard the actual broadcast, though I had heard a lot about it. Honestly, even though it's kind of funny, I can see how people were freaked out by it. They really went out of their way to make it seem like a normal news broadcast. And even hearing Orson Welles' disclaimer at the beginning, it kinda sounds like it got cut off by this newsflash alien invasion. Dunno, I just can understand why there was a panic. If you got a little freaked out, and called your friend, and they were freaked out, it would be a huge deal. Anyway, this class, like most of my others, is rediculously easy and total BS.

I read in The Alligator yesterday that they closed the Sinkhole. It made me sad on the inside.

Went with Allison to pick up our football tickets, and we got great seats! We also got free t-shirts. They're pretty cool.

Finished my Stats extra credit quiz. Still have a bit of reading to do for Current Issues, but not until after dinner.

Never look back.


:: 2005 29 August :: 11.14am
:: Mood: amused

Today started off normal enough....difficult to wake up, but I managed. Read the Alligator before class, then we talked about studies done to see the impact of movies on children. Wednesday we get to listen to the War of the Worlds broadcast, and that should be entertaining.

On the way back from class I stopped at the ATM at the Reitz to get some cash money, because my wallet was filled with receipts. I'm not exaggerating. I spent my last $7 on dinner last night. I decided to go over to the bookstore to pick up my clicker for chem class, and on the way I saw a sign for the poster sale, which I had forgotten was today. Rock! So I spent a few minutes perusing the posters. I got a nice Dave Matthews one (though I was disappointed that their Dave selection was so and one that had a picture of a tiger in the snow. I almost bought one of Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom in PotC, but...yeah, I didn't. I already spent $15 on these posters, and it was black and white, as is the Dave one. I think having 2 black and white posters will be worse than just the white walls. To be perfectly honest, I was a little embarassed even looking through that stack, since it was made up almost entirely of Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom. Didn't want to make it worse by actually pulling a poster out. Heh. :-[

I debated whether to actually wait in line at the bookstore for the clicker, but I figured since I was over there, might as well. Apparently I had been postponing the inevitable, for in my quest to find a bookstore employee to find out where the clickers were, I ran into Ryan Merkel. Now, usually this would not be a good thing, but getting an opportunity to make fun of Merkel to his face brings a little sunshine to my day.

Context..this morning's Alligator featured an article called Kappa Sigma Breaks Ground. Kappa Sigma is the frat house that Merkel has been bragging for like a year about getting to help build. Some may recall the "I'm building frat houses in my spare time" conversation at the band concert. Well, this article caught my attention for a rather amusing quote.
Kappa sigma member Ryan Merkel is assisting Stevens in heading the construction. Merkel said they chose the property because of its location. "Being next to the sorority area would be beneficial, and there is no Fraternity Row land," he said.
So, running into him in the bookstore, I immediately brought up the article to break the silent awkward tension.
Me: "Oh, I read about you in the Alligator this morning."
Merkel (holding a Gainesville Sun Times): "Thank you, I'm in a few newspapers today. ...And they misquoted me in both."
Me: "Oh yeah, hahaha, I enjoyed the quote in the Alligator."
Merkel, explaining to his friend: "I said something about being near the sororities would be beneficial...." (to me) "But now everyone at UF will think I'm a huge horn dog."
Me (yes, I was wondering where the term horn dog came from too...but it's a direct quote.): "And that's different from yesterday how?"
Merkel: "Oh shut up." As his friend laughed hysterically..

It was just a good moment. I love when he walks right into those things. Just makes it so easy.

I eventually got my clicker, and still have to register it online. On my way back from the bookstore Theodore, our resident Alligator, was out sunning himself. May have just eaten, or perhaps simply warming up for the day. He's getting really big. When I saw him in January he was pretty small, but now he's up to a good 4-5 feet. I'm concerned that Graham Pond may be becoming a bit too small for him. Well, he can probably live there for atleast another 2 years or so. I want to go down there with my camera. I could get some awesome shots with my new (I still consider it new) lens. I just don't want to look like a moron. Maybe I need to worry less about what passerbys think. If I can convince someone to go with me then I'll go. I suppose if Theodore gets too big and he can climb up over the wall thing they'll move him to Lake Alice. They legally can't kill him, because Graham Pond is a wildlife sanctuary. Anyway...just random thinking on my way back from class.

I think now I'm going to take a nap, since my next class isn't until 6:15. Maybe if I wake up in time I'll go down and do some laundry, now that I have a few ones.

Never look back.


:: 2005 28 August :: 5.12pm
:: Mood: sleepy

Yesterday was a lot of fun too. Let's see....I woke up a little after 2, then went out shopping with Will. I had to get some things at Publix and I also needed to return my chem 2046 books and get a chem 2045 book. The thing that sucks is there's this thing called OWL included with the book that has a registration code and whatnot, so you can't buy the book used. Well, I guess you could, but it's less expensive to get a new book than it is to get a used book and purchase an OWL separately. New chem books are $164. Boo. Luckily, Will, the master of finding cheap books, saw an opened book sitting on the shelf. Inside the front cover, an unopened OWL. The book was marked used, but was clearly just opened, because the OWL was unopened. Opened chem book, $123. Saved $41. So then after returning the other books, it only cost me $78 more for this book. I think I have all my books now except one for my honors class and my stats book. I still have not decided whether or not I'm going to actually buy the stats book. It says in the syllabus that you need the 5th edition, which means you have to buy it new for $112, and that it comes with a CD of some sort. I'm hoping that you don't actually need the CD for any sort of grade-y reason. Because I am so done with spending money on books. I have spent probably $250 so far. And I still have to buy that honors book from the publisher, and subscribe to a magazine for $45. I feel like Charlie Brown. UGGGGHH!

Anyway, after the bookstore I went to Publix and spent another $50 buying groceries. :( College is so expensive. I am just really getting tired of worrying about it. Like I spent so much time thinking about how free it was to go to UF, and it's not free at all! Just because I'm not paying tuition and rent doesn't mean I'm not spending money. This is a new concept.

When I got home I went out to dinner with Hilary and some of her friends from high school. We went to Moe's and I had a really good burrito. "This burrito is good, but it is filling." When we got back we went over to the Westside and played Cranium. I was on a team with Andrew and Tory, and we lost. Miserably. But that's ok. They decided to go bowling, and I declined an invitation to join. I think I had just reached my limit. I like meeting new people, but it's hard to hang out when I'm the only new person there. They all know each other from high school, and it's difficult to really be part of the group. So I just decided to come back to the dorm and see what would arise over here. I was watching a bit of Phantom of the Opera and talking to my mom when Nina, Rachel, Lauren, and Peggy went out into the kitchen to bake a cake. Usually when they go out to bake a large portion of the floor shows up and we have a good time, so I decided to join them. David came out, and we asked him about his life story. Somehow one thing led to another, and he suddenly jumped up, got really excited, and said "Do you guys want some balloon animals?" It's even funnier, though, because David is from Moscow and has a pretty thick russian accent. So we were like...sure. Apparently he had a job making balloon animals at restaurants, and he's really good! Let's see..first he made a monkey for Nina (a monkey that had swallowed a coconut...very cool), he made a heart with two doves sitting on it for Melanie, he made a Harley Davidson for Laura's boyfriend, he made Sangni an octopus, he made Lauren a butterfly, Peggy a flower, and he made Rachel something...I don't remember what it was. He made me a really cool palm tree with a monkey in it. ^_^ I put it on top of my desk lamp. I have pictures, but I forget how to put them in the journal. Maybe snapfish. Hehe, people are out in the hallway now talking about what David made them.

So after we ran out of balloons, we kinda sat around the common room talking for a few hours. Me, one of Nina's Brown friends, Hilary, David, and Sangni got into a pretty heated argument about religion and poker. By the end of it I was ready to kill Sangni. I just can't stand it when people say everything as if it's fact. He's one of those people that doesn't even consider the possibility that he might be wrong. It was awful. He thinks he's an expert on like everything. Argh.

Went to bed at like 4:30, and woke up around 12, after my alarm rang for an hour, to go to the SHO BBQ. It wasn't that fun, but it was good free food. I hung out there for about an hour with Kristina Chechotka, and we talked about stuff. After I came back Kris and I played some chess, and he kicked my butt. I am sooo rusty.

Right now I'm gonna go out into the common area and watch the Laguna Beach marathon. Should be interesting.

Never look back.


:: 2005 27 August :: 2.08am
:: Mood: hopeful

Kind of on a high from a fun evening.

I took a nap after class, because I was really tired from yesterday. I'll get into what happened yesterday after I explain what happened today. So I woke up Will woke me up shortly after two to look up a phone number for him. He still has no internet. I resisted the urge to go back to sleep and stayed up. I went to Orange and Blue textbooks with Hilary and her friends to pick up some stuff for classes. When we got back she went to temple with her friends, and I haven't seen her much since. Honestly, that's fine with me. I've talked to Rachel about this a few times. It's not that I don't like Hilary. We get along fine. It's just that a lot of times when I come home I hope she's not in here. I just think I'm really independent, and it's hard to be with someone constantly. I just like to be able to sit at my computer or watch TV or listen to music without worrying if it's too loud, or whatever. Again, it's absolutely nothing personal against her, it's totally me. Luckily, she likes to stay out late, so most nights she doesn't come home until I'm asleep.

After she left I went out into the Kitchen where Phil, Sagni, Nina, Jon and George were. Apparently Sagni had rolled a black and mild, and was totally toasted. He had the munchies worse than anyone I had ever seen. By the time I got out there he had made two bags of popcorn, and was using both microwaves in the kitchen to simultaneously pop two more bags. He was shoveling that popcorn so fast into his mouth, and Phil was just losing it. He thought it was the most hilarious thing he'd ever seen. It was sooo fun hanging out in there because it was just so funny. Sagni regaled us with stories of his former career as a professional poker player. Some people left to the gym I think. I don't remember. But anyway, Nina, Sagni, Kris and I went into Nina's room and watched American Pie. Rachel came home, and we ordered some five star. Good deal, large pizza, garlic rolls, and a 2 liter soda for $13. And they deliver right to the dorm. Excellent. Afterwards we sat around and talked a bit, then decided to go out. We wanted to go bowling, but we recruited a lot of people along the way who wanted to go to the midnight breakfast over at the Reitz. There was a large line. But it was fun. It was me, Nina, Rachel, Stefan, George, Lauren, Peggy, and another group of people who sat at another table. We had an awesome time sitting there talking until we got kicked out by the cops. We got home at about two and went into George and Stefan's room to listen to George's crazy song about Kentucky. "Where the sky is blue and the grass is too." It was just a really fun day. Very college-y. Now I'm just kinda sitting here watching Family Guy.

Yesterday was not so much fun. I walked all over the campus about 8 times going to and from class, and trying to track down an advisor to switch my chem class. Luckily I got the class. The only problem is I have first hour wednesday discussion. It's ok, it's only one day. Thursdays are freaking busy though. I think it won't be so bad once the classes actually start taking up their allotted time, but right now they end so early that I can't just sit around, because it's so hot. So I walk back home for an hour, then walk back out to my next class. I have four classes Thursdays, one of which is three hours long.

Anyway, I'm going to go to bed, so I'm not so exhausted tomorrow.

Never look back.


:: 2005 24 August :: 11.08pm
:: Mood: frustrated

What are you pretending not to know?

Never look back.


:: 2005 22 August :: 2.21am
:: Mood: content

This morning Hilary and I both slept in till about 11:30. Makes sense, since we were out late and talked until 3 AM. Ah well, that's college. ^.^ Gabe called me when Hilary and I were contemplating breakfast/lunch, so he drove over to hume, and we all walked to Gator Corner dining. It was good food, but it was $6.90. I don't have a meal plan, so boo. I stole an apple in my purse, which I am currently eating. That means I can save my other three apples that I bought for another time. It's very pragmatic.

When we got back from Gator Corner we hung out in our room for a bit and listened to some music, talked, went online. Gabe was very impressed with my new fuzzy pillow. It's wonderful. Gabe left at about 2:30 to hang out with his friend Alex, and Hilary and I left with her friend Nicole to go to the Harn Art museum to hear this crazy artist talk. His work is a little crazy. It's all circus themed stuff about politics. It's very dark and scary. But Friday he has a show at the University Art Museum that features his FBI files. Apparently he wrote to the FBI for three years, then in 2000 they finally sent him his file, which was 780 pages long. They had been following him for 23 years because he was in this thing called Peace, which was affiliated with the Communist party. He mentioned that he had worked in hollywood for a while in the 50's, and I think he was blacklisted. So cool. But yeah, he found out all these people in his life who had actually been working for the FBI. Students, neighbors, lovers. It was crazy. So we want to go over there Friday and see his show based on that.

After the art museum Will and I did some shopping. We first looked around for a microwave, and on the way I bought a new wallet thing that I've been looking for (that ended up being $13...grr), a shower rod that actually fits the closet opening, a ream (reem?) of paper, and cutips (you forget the randomest things going to college). We finally ended up at Walmart for a second time to buy the microwave. It's decent. After Walmart we went to McAlister's for dinner. Yay for $6 dinner. And for free refills on the sweet tea. Then we went to publix, and I failed my goal of keeping it under $50. It was $52.34. But I bought many groceries for many different meals. I may eat breakfast and dinner. I was excited also to buy lunch meat. It just feels so officially here to have bought food. Feels less temporary. I still have some groceries to buy, like to make real food, but I want to wait until I'm more settled and have an idea of what I want to cook. Right now I'm trying to make it to Wednesday and find where all my classes are. Will is taking me tomorrow to find them. I finally gave in and dropped that education class, Human Growth and Development. I don't know why I was so scared to do it, it's I get paranoid about important things and I was afraid that like I'll want to drop another class and won't be able to, or I would accidentally drop the wrong class, or something dumb would happen. I need to become more sure of myself. On a lighter note, I am pleasantly surprised at my ability to be social. I was a little concerned that I would be too shy, but I say hi to people who leave their doors open and sometimes go sit out in the common area to meet people.

After shopping we went to Will's appt to make his bed and just get some loose ends tied up over there, and also to put away the meat and milk he bought at publix. Then we came over to Hume to unload my stuff and get my groceries put away. I went downstairs to meet some ATL people. Saw Allison, Kristina, Tom, Anderson, and Kyu Lana. They were going bowling, so I only talked to them for a minute, then Will and I left to meet Peter at the movies. We wanted to see 40 Year Old Virgin, but there was an enormous amount of people at the theater and the show sold out 40 minutes before it was starting. Will and Peter wanted to go rent something, but I brought up the option of going to the other theater to see Wedding Crashers. They apparently hadn't thought of that, because it makes too much sense. The other theater was like deserted. We got in and got seats no problem. It was so weird. Anyway, the movie was good. Again.

When I got back I had planned to go to sleep early (note: it is now 3:10) after spending a bit of time on the computer. I left my door open though, and heard a bunch of people outside playing cards. I really love my room location. I'm the first room after the common area. So if I leave my door open while I'm in here doing stuff, if anything interesting is going on out there I can hear it. Earlier this afternoon I went out and watched a bit of Reservoir Dogs with some people. I forget their names. Anyway, I ended up playing cards (mostly Texas Hold 'Em) with...let's see if I can remember: Chris, George, Holly, Melissa?, Jon (no h), Stefan, David, and Dan. Wow, I did really well remembering all their names. I remember what they look like, so I figure if I write their names down I can recognize them in the hall or whatever. They're all on my floor except Holly. We played poker for a good long while, and I held my own. I ended up winning a few pots. It was fun. We got yelled at by our RA for violating quiet hours, but instead of leaving like she told us to we just spent the rest of the time quietly bitching about her. Apparently her boyfriend is really annoying. I dunno, I've seen him around. The point is, we had a good time despite her. I was glad that I skipped out bowling with the ATLers. When 40 Year Old Virgin was sold out I was a little disappointed and thought I had made a bad decision to not go with them, but it turned out really fun.

I think tomorrow I'm going furniture shopping with Will to finish furnishing his bedroom, and trying to figure out my schedule. Other than that, I don't know. At this point, I'm just glad that I have cottage cheese so I'm not hungry in the morning. ^_^

Never look back. | Random Journal