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:: 2005 2 March :: 9.11pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: none

Hey Everyone!
What's up? Not a lot over here, just got done watchin American Idol & re-doing my journal. Do you like it? Well I do, that's all that matters. haha just kiddin. I love The Notebook. Ryan Gosling is soooo freakin hot! Hmmm...well I didn't go to school today, which was great cause I slept in until like, 2! Awesomeness. It's snowin pretty bad outside...my dad went out earlier and had to come back cause the roads were covered. I hope we have a delay tommorow, that'd be awesome. I don't want school to get cancelled though, because of sectionals. Jenn wants to go so I think she's gonna go home with me, and we're gonna go with Cody.
Oh yeah, last night I finished my Autobiograpy for English, and it's about 8 pages. WOW. I coulda gotten so much more out of it but...I didn't feel the need to. lol. I was suprised I finished it in one day. It was addicting! haha, what a loser? Oh well. I hope my mom takes me to the mall Thursday there are these black and purple Etnies in Pac Sun that I wanna get really bad. So I might...=] Okay, so i'm gonna go and try to download LimeWire again! I already did it once and it didn't work so, blah! Here it goes again. <3-Shamarie

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:: 2005 1 March :: 9.12pm
:: Mood: pleased
:: Music: [L e t' s S t a y T o g e t h e r - Al Green]

Hey everyone...I haven't updated in a long time cause of viruses or whatever is on my computer. The fact that it's even working now is probably just temporary...cause I deleted like 50 files offa here. I just want my computer to be sane again! =[ That's all i'm asking for! lol. Hmmm...Friday Jenn came home with me (SUBWAY! haha) n we just chilled out until the game then after that, I went back to her house spent the night, and the next day we went to the Olive Garden, Wal-Mart and The Mall to see Hitch, which was pretty good. Great fun...! haha. The basketball games are almost over now, kinda sad! And school pretty much sucks but hey that's nothing new. On the bright side, Cody and I are back together. I dunno if I said that in the last entry cause I can't remember when I updated last. I am really happy and I hope nothing messes this up, cause I dunno if I could take it again. Cody, I love you dearly! lol. Let's see...it's snowin here, I have heard we're supposta get anywhere between 2-4' let's hope that rumor is true...lol. I really don't wanna go to school. Wednesday will be okay, cause the sectional game is that night...and i'm lookin forward to it. Ahhhh American Idol was awesome tonight. I really liked Joseph, Constantine, and Nikko's performances. I am gonna go vote for them here in a little bit! =] Hmmm...the 3664 of Point Pleasant (soldiers that were in Iraq) got home today. I can't wait to see Mr.Lambert! I have missed him sooo much! There are also about 5 other guys from around our area that came back today. I am just so happy they're home and safe with their families. I hope everyone else that's over there comes home soon too....well i'm gonna get off here and talk to Jenn then go watch Medium. TTYL! I'll update sometime....<3-Shamarie

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:: 2005 28 February :: 8.44pm
:: Music: The Used- All That I've Got

Hey! Well Thursday Daddy gave me a new cell phone. Ain't that great?? I didn't even know i was getting one. He walked in my room and was like do u want this....hmmm don't believe i was gonna say no. haha. Neways, I went home with Shama Friday night...we went to the game...won by 1 point. It was greatness. After the game we came back to my house and watched Uptown Girls...it wasn't the greatest. Saturday we went back to Shamas....she got all primped up and then me her and Cody went to the Olive Garden. Pretty Great...haha. After that we watched Hitch. I thought it was good. When the movie was over we went to Wal-mart and stood in the same place for like 5 hrs...haha...right Shama?!! blah! lol...Today I stayed home from school I just didn't feel the urge to go to school and cough all day. I swear my cough sounds like a motorcycle or sumthin when u rev it up...It's awful depressing. 2morrow is the trip to Billy Bobs...its better than being at school. The weather report thingie said theres supposed to be up to 3 inches here tho. I'd rather stay home than go to Billy Bobs. I hate being a sickling....well i'ma go...bye bye!!


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:: 2005 17 February :: 2.20pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: [N o t h i n' T o L o s e - Joshua Gracin]

Hey guys...these past few days have sucked! I have missed 2 and a half days of school. Monday my temperature was 101 so mom didn't want me to go...so I went to school Tuesday cause I felt a little better, then Wednesday morning I got up and felt really bad so I took my temperature was up pretty high again. I went on to school and mom came and got me at 11 and took me to the doctor. He said I have a flu bug or sumthin of that sort and gave me medicine and the rest of the week off school to rest, so...i'm home today. I might go back tommorow if I don't feel like crap. =[ I think it was Tuesday night....it was really bad. And, so was last night. I coulda seriously hurt someone! Errr...I hate (some) people! Anyway...i'm bored and everything annoys me today. BLAH. I don't know what else to say. Life is so confusing at this point in time for me. It's bad! I hate it...I am sooo in over my head. On the up side...found out Josh Gracin is gonna be at the Gallia Co. Fair Aug.3. I love him! Well heres some pics of me I took, I had a lot more of other people and stuff saved on my other computer to add but I couldn't it to go to photobucket then I tried to save them to disc but it wouldn't do that either cause it's gay. I directly put these on here with my camera. Which took a good while. Well i'm outta here...later <3-Shamarie

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:: 2005 14 February :: 5.20pm
:: Music: Taking Back Sunday - This Photograph is Proof

Hey guys! Omg...i'm so glad I didn't have to go to class today. Today was know your state government day in Charleston. Mr. McNeely took me Tabi Bobbi Ben and Alan. It wasn't the most exciting trip, but it was better than being at good ol' Hannan....anything is. My shirt was pretty bad even tho i had a safety pin...thank God for Tabi having that safety pin...LOL....but yeah...my 2 little toes are about to fall off....they're like blood red...I have never seen so many steps in my life...and yeah we had to walk up and down them a million times....and I don't believe we were wearing tennis shoes. Neways...I'ma go to Taking Back Sundays concert in Cincinnatti on April 8th. That;s so great. It's like mine n Bobbis bday present. It's exactly in between. Mine is the 4th and her's is the 12th...pretty awesome. Well...i'ma go....bye bye!! Happy Valentines Day! :)


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:: 2005 14 February :: 4.15pm
:: Mood: sickly

Worst Valentines Day....EVER!
I am sooo sick! Okay well this weekend I wasn't home much, I went over to Cody's Saturday cuz it was his Grandpa and Jeanies birthdays and I got to see the baby again! :) Tabi was already at the mall, so we met her there and we shopped around for awhile. Saw a million people we knew. Then Sunday I went to the mall and Wal-Mart with mom and dad to get Valentines Day stuff...I got some new stuff. So that's great...yea. Well around midnight I was feelin really bad, my temperature was 99 so I decided to go to bed and get some sleep...I had trouble getting to sleep, i'd say I only got about 3 hours of rest. Well when I got up at about 7 I felt so gross. My arms and legs ached, my head hurt, my head was all stopped up and my throat felt swelled so I took my temperature and it was 101 sumthin...I took some advil and went back to sleep, well I tried. And now i'm up, I feel a little better, my temperature has went down a lot. I hope it stays down!!! Blah. There's a game tonight and I was lookin forward to going but now I don't guess i'm gonna get to. That blows! Oh well I guess. I guess i'll write in the again when something worth writing about goes down. Happy Valentines Day everyone. Hope your day is better than mine!

Edit: I forgot to add that Cody got me a pink diamond bracelet (I got him "The village", some candy, and a stuffed tiger that's holdin a heart that says "grrrr!" Mom got me some candy and a pink little stuffed puppy it's soooo soft and cute! And, dad got me some pink roses =)

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:: 2005 8 February :: 2.33pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: [N o t h i n B u t C o w b o y B o o t s - Blue County]

Hey every1. I came home early today...i'll explain why later on in this entry lol.
Yeaaa so, The Patriots won the Superbowl! YAY! They are such an awesome team. I was so proud! Hmmm let's see...yesterday, school was boring but ya know, that's nothin new! When I got home me and mom went to town so I could get my hair cut. I told the guy I wanted it kinda like Ashlee Simpsons is now, I showed him a pic and all. Well my hair was about 5 in. past my shoulders and he cut off about 3 inches and he razored it so I could have layers but in NO way did he do my bangs right...he took off like an inch on my bangs (they were almost to my chin) and he had my hair all parted in the middle so me and mom had to trim them up...now they start under my eyes and get longer as they go down. Soooo...yeah. I guess it looks okay now. It don't really look like Ashlee's cause my hair is thick and hers isn't but I like it anyway...lol. We also decided to go over to the mall and I had some money so I wanted to go in JcPenney and get me a sweater. Well I found one...I felt all special cause it was like 24.99 with 50% off so I got it...and I got a tank top thingy to go under it well I check it out to make sure it's all good. Okay...i'm sittin in class today and Sarah is like OmG! Shama your sweater has a big hole in it! And yeah....that's why i'm home now. LoL. That sucks. It was right under my arm on the side. I duno if mom can sew it either cause it's a yarny material...so that's double suck! Oh well it's all good now I guess! Today was actually a good day other than that cept the fact that John busted me in the mouth with his arm on accident. I sooo thought he busted my lip...lol Get him Ben!...okay well 2nd period was great today...Mrs.Hagley wasn't there and we all got on the subject of the past, we were talkin bout memories and stuff from elementary, and up to where we are now. We had been talkin about it the whole class and we all got quiet for some reason and Luke was like "And look at us now, we're all grown up." Oh my gosh I thought I was gonna cry. It's just so depressing that all of us have something in our lives now that keeps us from all hangin out and havin fun like we used to. I dunno man, I just really miss the good ol days! =[ I hope I keep in touch with them after I graduate. Yep, we've had some good times. Only one more year! Okay, i'm gonna get off of that subject. It's too saddening! Hmmmmmm....We have a BV game tonight at Buffalo and i'm gonna go to it with Cody! I don't think he's gonna get outta class until 6:30 or later so we may be late, but it's only 15 minutes away, we may make it by 7:30. Who cares... I just hope we don't get stomped! Well i'm gonna hit the road and probably take a nap y'all. <3-Shamarie

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:: 2005 7 February :: 11.01pm
:: Music: Lifehouse- Breathing

Superbowl= New England....isnt that grand? yes it is! haha....yeah well, I ain't knowin what to say besides....I believe I'm going to an Ashlee Simpson concert next month...or a lil later...if we can go somewhere else besides Columbus and get better seats. I can not wait until April...I wish my bday would hurry up and get here...I wanna be 17. It's not like it matters tho...Mom n Dad prolly won't let me get my license....they need to tho cuz its depressing that people younger than me have theirs and drive to school...and yeah im not likin it. I can't wait til Summer....i hate school...i wish it was over...better yet...I wish this was my senior yr...and I would be going to Marshall next year...that would be great...i only wish...well i'ma go...bye bye!!!


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:: 2005 3 February :: 4.42pm
:: Music: The Game and 50 Cent- How We Do

Hey! Yeah....pretty much in a bad mood.... I can not freakin stand this semester. Everything about this semester annoys me. I miss all of last semesters teachers....Even Dr. Roach who had major eye spasms :( But Yeah....all we do in 1st....2nd.....3rd...and omg....even 4th....is vocab. Isn't that amazing? Like everyday my hand feels like its gonna fall off or sumthin. Neways....2day in 4th period Mrs.Shaw was going on and on about stuff no1 cares about....seriously....no1 thinks nething she says is funny....all u hear is fake laughing every now and then. Well she was tellin another gay story about Marshall and WVU....and how she wore MU clothes at WVU...isnt that hilarious?? she thought it was...blah...but yeah...Bobbi handed me a piece of paper that was asking if one of the answers on the group worksheet was false.....ummmm lets see its not like we were cheating because Mrs.Shaw was giving us all the answers...we thought we would be nice and not interupt her....but yeah ok she went off on me Shama n Bobbi. She was screamin that she was born at night but not last night...ok c'mon how old is that...and she was like i may be blonde but im not blind or sumthin....she said we were talking about her....ummm yeah i believe we all have better things to talk about than her....i mean really. Oh...and shama like took a big breath...and she was like omg just keep holdin ur breath...yeah i guess she wants Shama to keep holdin her breath and die or sumthin....I'M SO THRILLED THAT I HAVE HER 1ST AND 4TH PERIOD! Life's so amazing...oh wait...no it isn't....Ok i'ma go now...just thought i'd share my really bad mood with u!!! bye bye!!


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:: 2005 31 January :: 9.27pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: none

Soooo. Today was boring! Blah! I had to have somethin to do this evening so I went to the Jr.High games. Lukas kept us entertained lol...he is so dumb & funny. haha. I only stayed for the girls game...I got home around 7:30 and got on here about 8:30. Cody just got on a little bit ago and told me Jeanie had her baby today...it's a girl. They named it Leah Elizabeth...how cute? I wanna see it =] lol I can't wait. Babies rock! haha. Aww, now they have Luke & Leah....awwwwie! Hmmm, there's a varsity boys home game tommorow night against Gauley Bridge, so that should be fun...hmmm well I don't know what else to say. Basically just wanted to mention those few things. C-Y'ALL.

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:: 2005 24 January :: 11.48pm
:: Mood: curious
:: Music: none

It's Official - I have no life...
Sooo I went to Church tonight...dad was 5-10 mins. late to pick me up so I sat with Cody in his truck for awhile. He got me Blue County's CD. It's great...I really like it. Thanx Cody!! Hmmm...Kevin, Kim, Tabi & I had another chat tonight. I <3 chats...well my entries the last few days have been pretty boring but I shall have better ones once this week gets going. Yea i'm watchin Fresh Prince of Bel-Air...I love this show! =p Carleton's the bomb. lol. Anyway, there's an away game tommorow at St.Mary's I didn't kno anything about it til a little while ago...I dunno if Cody's goin. I wanna go if he is...haha but I doubt he is, prolly has class. Blah...we have a two hour delay tommorrow...i'm kinda excited about our new classes, well only the first week of them. Then they'll suck...haha. Well i'm gonna go now! Have fun with all these surveys & stuff. I really need to stop doing them!!!!!!!!!! <3-Shamarie

1. At least 2 people in this world love you so much they would
die for you.
2. At least 10 people in this world love you in some way.
3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they
want to be just like you.
4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if
they don't like you.
5. Someone has thought about you at least one night (or maybe
every night) before they go to sleep.
6. You mean the world to someone.
7. If it wasn't for you, someone may not be living.
8. You are special and unique.
9. Someone that you don't even know exists, likes/loves you.
10. When you make the biggest mistake ever, 90% of the time
something good comes from it.
11. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a
look: you most likely turned your back on the world.
12. When you think you have no chance of getting what you
want, you probably won't get it, but if you believe in yourself,
you probably, sooner or later, will get it.
13. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget
about the rude remarks.
14. Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will
feel much better when they know. (Remember, you may never
have that second chance!)
15. If you have great friends, take the time to let them know
that they are great.

** I have kissed someone...

**on the cheek.
**on the lips.
**on their hands or fingers.
**in my room.
in their room.
of the same sex.
**of the opposite sex.
related to me. (Well yeah i've kissed my mom n dad...goodbye, goodnight or whatever...)
younger than me.
**older than me.
**with black hair.
with curly hair.
with blonde hair & blue eyes.
with red hair.
with straight hair.
**smaller/shorter than me.
**bigger/taller than me.
with a lip ring.
who was drunk/had been drinking.
who was high.
who I had just met.
who was homosexual. (hmmm...)
**who I didn't really want to kiss.
**on a holiday.
who was going out with someone somewhat close to me.
who was my good friend's brother or sister.
**who had been/is in jail.
in a graveyard.
**at a show/concert.
**at the beach.
**in a pool, jacuzzi, or some type of water.
**who you legally can't have sex with. (haha that's funny)
**with dyed hair.
with a shaved head.
**who was/is my good friend.
who was/is in a band.
who has a tattoo.
who is of a completely different race than me.
in the rain.
**in another continent. (well, he is now...lol)
**with an accent. (from brazil)
with an std.
on a boat.
**in a car/taxi/bus.
on a plane.
**at the circus/carnival/fair.
with a missing body part.
**in the movies.

Random Questions:
____YOUR LIFE____
[x] they call me: shama
[x] also: shama haha
[x] sex: female
[x] my first breath of air: aug 23
[x] age: 16
[x] status: i dunno single-ish but i still <3 him...
[x] occupation: student
[x] nationality: caucasian
[x] best homegirl[s]: jenn & tabi

[x] most memorable memory: tabi's party when we thought we were gonna die!
[x] worst?: probably hangin out with lee...BLAH!
[x] first word uttered: mom? lol i dunno
[x] first best friend ever!?: sarah or jenn

[x] college planning to go: HBC or MU
[x] future resident of: wv? lol
[x] wedding: big and pretty
[x] children: 2 probably
[x] looking forward to: school tommoro kinda!
[x] NOT looking forward to: report cards

[x] feeling: happy, bored
[x] Listening: blue county - hollywood, california <~good song!
[x] Talking: to ben, kevin, kim & tabi
[x] doing: this survey thing
[x] craving: a milkshake =) yum
[x] thinking of: someone
[x] hating: this cruel world...haha no i dunno

[x] love is: depressing
[x] first love: cody
[x] current love: still cody
[x] love or lust?: lust doesnt hurt as bad
[x] best love song: keith urban - your everything
[x] is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person @ the same time: no, that's just retarded
[x] when love hurts, you: cry and pour out my heart to my wonderful friends who listen whether they want to or not lol
[x] true or false - all you need is love: true
[x] have you ever been in love?: i think so...
[x] is there such thing as love @ first sight?: maybe?

[x] turn ons: cute, punkishly dressed, longer hair...chin length or higher, tan, nice body
[x] turn offs: ugly, fat, boring, self centered, bad attitude, wigger
[x] does your parents' opinion on your bf/gf matter to you?: nope!
[x] what kinda hair style?: keith urban/brad mates style...ryan cabrera style too!!
[x] the sweetest thing a member of the opposite sex can do for you?: take you out to a fancy resturant then when u come back u find out he put rose petals all over the floor of ur room and give you a massage...i dunno lol
[x] where do you go to meet new people?: i dunno...haha
[x] are you the type of person to holler n ask for numbers?: nope!

[x] dog or cat: dog
[x] short or long hair: longish
[x] innie or outie: innie
[x] sunshine or rain: sunshine
[x] moon or sun: sun
[x] basketball or football: basketball
[x] righty or lefty: righty
[x] hugs or kisses: both
[x] 1 best friend or 10 acquaintances: 1 best friend
[x] bf/gf or best friend: ?
[x] tv or radio: tv
[x] starbucks or jamba juice: starbucks cause i dunno what the other is lol
[x] mcdonalds or burger king: mcdonalds
[x] summer or winter: summer
[x] written letters or e-mails: written
[x] playstation or nintendo: old school nintendo
[x] disney or nickelodeon: i dunno?
[x] house party or club: house party
[x] sing or dance: sing
[x] freak or slow dance: i dunno?
[x] yahoo messenger or aim: aim
[x] google or ask jeeves?: google

[x] can you swim?: yea
[x] whats your most embarrassing moment?: i dunno?
[x] what are you scared of?: spiders, bugs, death...all that skeery stuff haha
[x] what is your greatest accomplishment?: trying my hardest in schools
[x] what kinda roof is over your head?: umm a house roof haha?
[x] how many TVs in the house?: 4
[x] how many phones?: 6
[x] how many residents?: 3
[x] how many DVDs do you have?: me, myself...about 20 and mom and dad have about 20 too
[x] last dentist visit: about 3 months ago...i go every 6 mos.
[x] last doctor visit: gosh...last time i was sick about a year ago
[x] last phone call: tonight i called tabi

** the true statements

**01. I have a cell phone
**02. I'm obsessed with new things.
**03. I'm the youngest child.
**04. I am a shopoholic.
05. I love my gauged ears.
**06. I love wearing a lot of black eyeliner
07. I love Daquiris.
**08. I love the weekends.
**09. I can't live without lipgloss.
**10. I can't live without music.
11. I lived in Tahoe.
**12. I spend money I have.
13. I'll be in college for over 4 years.
**14. I love designer handbags (Coach, Burberry, Louis Vuitton)
**15. I get annoyed easily.
**16. I eventually want kids.
**17. I like the Backsreet Boys.
**18. I have more than a couple horrible memories.
19. I'm addicted to Degrassi
**20. I am a person.
**21. My first kiss was unexpected.
22. I start school on August 10 or 11
**23. I love taking pictures.
**24. I hate girls who are fake.
25. I can be mean when I want to.
**26. My dreams are bizzare.
27. I am bisexual.
**28. I have way too many pairs of shoes.
29. I've seen "She's All That" at least 50 times.
**30. I dress how I feel that day.
**31. I love Charmed. (Power of 3...lmbo!)
**32. Sometimes I cry for almost no reason. HAHA tabi!
33. I hate when people are ridiculously late.
34. I procrastinate.
35. Winter is my least favorite season.
**36. I have too many clothes for my closet/dresser.
**37. I love to sleep.
**38. I wish I were smarter.
39. I am the hottest guy
40. I have a lot of drama
41. No one knows my full story of my life.
42. I love my hair.
**43. I always fight with my parents.
**44. I love the beach!!!
**45. I have had the chicken pox.
**46. I'm excited for the future.
47. I can't control my emotions.
**48. I can't wait till Christmas.
49. I love the show 'Rich Girls'.
**50. I love my friends.
**51. Christmas is my favorite holiday.
**52. I can be very insecure sometimes.
**53. I have had a broken bone.
**54. I hate ignorant people.
55. I love my laptop.
**56. I love guys that play the guitar.
57. I state the obvious.
**58. I'm a happy person, most of the time.
**59. I love to dance.
**60. I love to sing.
**61. I hate cleaning my room.
**62. I tend to get jealous very easily.
**63. I like to play video games.
**64. I love John Mayer
**65. I hate when I see animals/people getting hurt/abused. --OMG IT'S TERRIBLE :(
66. I'm a vegetarian/vegan/don't eat beef.
**67. I don't like to study for tests.
**68. I love Play-Doh.
**69. I am too forgiving.
70. I have a good sense of direction.
**71. I like high school, sometimes.
**72. I have a talent of sweet talking my way out of things.
73. I don't drink enough to get drunk.
74. I love kisses on the forehead.
**75. I love the color blue
**76. I don't sew.
**77. I am not addicted to drugs.
**78. I love the Olsen twins.
79. I'm gonna try out for the softball team.
**80. I become stressed easily.
**81. I hate liars.
**82. I like comfy sweatpants.
83. Bam Margera is AWESOME!!!!!!
**84. I love the smell of fresh laundry.
**85. I love my family, most of them.
86. I don't mind getting shots. --I HATE SHOTS!!
**87. I am a perfectionist when it comes to certain things.
88. I always wanted to learn to play the drums.
**89. I hate the feeling of failure.
**90. I am still a virgin.
**91. I would love to have my own fashion line.
**92. I can be quite selfish.
**93. I still act like a little kid. (Sometimes)
94. Above all, I despise dishonesty.
**95. I can stay on the computer forever.
**96. I loVe music.
**97. I wish I was more motivated when it comes to school.
**98. I love getting stuff in the mail. (makes me feel important...lol)
99. I have problems letting go of people.
**100. I hate the feeling of being alone.

perfect guy:

1. hair color: Dark blonde
2. eye color: Blue or hazel
3. height: 6'0-6'3
4. six pack: Ehh I dunno...would be nice
5. long or short hair: In the middle (Keith Urban length)
6. glasses: Contacts...yeah
7. piercings: they're a nice addition but not necessary
8. scars: Umm...? lol
9. eyebrows: Not all beastly, not all girly, but well groomed
10. big butt or little: Medium
11. chest hair: Maybe a little but not A LOT
12. buff or skinny: In between
13. straight teeth, gap: Who wants a gap? lol...
14. funny or serious: Depends on the situation...he's gotta know when to use it
15. party or stay at home: Depends on the mood
16. should he cook or bake: Every now and then when he feels like bein sweet lol
17. should he have a best friend: Yea but not one he's obsessed with
18. should he have a lotta girlfriends: My gosh no!
19. outgoing or shy: Depends on the situation...both
20. sarcastic or sincere: Sincere, and jokingly sarcastic
21. should he love his mother: Ofcourse
22. should he watch chick flicks: All the time...lol
23. would he be a smoker: NoPE!
24. would he drink: Occcasionally...i'm talkin like once a month or less
25. would he swear: Every now and then
26. would he play with your hair: Oh yeah! =]
27. one or more girls at a time: OnLy Me!!!
28. would he pay for dates: He would always offer but I would insist on helpin out sometimes
29. does he kiss on the first date: If it feels right
30. where would you go to dinner: A nice restaurant but not too fancy
31. would he bring you flowers: Awww yeah
32. would he lay under the stars with you: Ofcourse
33. would he write poetry about you: Only on holidays lol
34. would he call you hunny, sweetie, or baby: Yep!
35. would he hang out with you and YOUR friends: ehhh sometimes
36. would you hang out with him and HIS friends: yea
37. will he walk you to the door at the end: yep!!!
38. holding hands: OFCOURSE
39. soccer: No
40. baseball: No
41. basketball: Yeah
42. football: Yeah
43. water polo: No
44. surf: O yea!!!
45. skateboard: Yea
46. snowboard: It'd be okay
47. sing: Yes! =]
48. play guitar: Yea that's hot!
49. play piano: Every now n then
50. play drums: Maybe...
51. clean his room: All nice and tidy lol
52. paint, draw, sculpt: No
53. writes his own music: Occasionally
54. use the word dude: As long as he don't wear it out
55. use the word tight: Naw
56. would he watch the sun rise with you: Yeap!
57. what kind of car does he drive: A BiG! Chevy truck
58. how old is he: 2 years older than me
59. what would his name be: Brad, Ryan, Keith, Aaron...lol named after one of the hot singers that I just Looooove! Naw...I don't really care

Oh gee....the perfect man...haha

.-Random 16 Questions-.
1. Grab the book nearest to you. Turn to page 33, find line 4. Write down here what it says: He stopped playing polo, too. But I think that's because a horse stepped on him.
2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. what do you touch first?: My glass of pop
3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?: This Stephen King movie...skurry
4. WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what the time is: 10:05
5. Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?: 9:47
6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?: My Blue County CD
7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?: Like an hour ago...comin back from church
8. Before you came to this website, what did you look at?: Random journals
9. What are you wearing?: Pajama pants and green buddy league bball shirt
10. Did you dream last night? What about?: Yeah I dreamed that mom and dad made me drive home alone from Point and I only had my learners permit and it was expired and I got pulled over
11. When did you last laugh? Why?: At church 2nite...Cody was makin fun of me lol
12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?: White paint and posters...pictures of hot guys and stuff with stuff sittin on it lol
13. Seen anything weird lately?: I see weired stuff everyday, I go to Hannan
15. What is the last film you saw?: That Stephen King movie, I think it was called Storm of the century
16. Millionaire overnight, what would you buy first?: A new car for myself lol

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:: 2005 20 January :: 3.31pm
:: Mood: lazy
:: Music: none

Hello! Oh...this week has been pretty cool. Well, blah...at school I retook my Ag final and got a 78 and took Mrs.Pyles final and got a 86 then I started on my final in Speech...it's like 60 questions or more and I only got about 20 of them done. That's cause she puts like 3 questions into one question....it sucks! I have to take my chemistry final tommorow...which really sucks. I'm gonna fail that test...and probably the whole class. You kno it's bad when you're prayin for a D. LoL. But people who have the class with me will understand.....Hmmm. When I got home yesterday mom said she needed to go to town so I went with her. We ate at Subway first then stopped at this big pet store to look around. Then we went to Wal-Mart and we dropped off some Christmas & Tennessee pics...well we saw Bill Murray (from ch.3 news) in there and we were all like OMG! and the people at the picture place were like oh my gosh I know him! haha...it was funny. I wish it was Adam Joseph instead though. He's great! LoL. Bill Murray looked like he just got done joggin...he was wearin sweatpants and skanky lookin shoes, lol. He's really tall too. He's got pretty eyes though...oh well he's just another person. That really sounds like I don't get out much. haha. Anyway! Mom woke me up this morning at 9 and I started to get up and she was like stay in bed just found out there's no school. So I went back to sleep for awhile an now i'm watchin Dr.Phil. I love this show....I can't wait for Oprah to come on...ofcourse, I love that too! haha, Well I guess i'm gonna get off here. Only 1 day of class left until next semester! YAY.

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:: 2005 19 January :: 12.19pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: John Denver-Take me home, country roads

I'm like bored to death right now and I hate to say this but I'd rather be at school right now finishing up my finals. I guess I'm weird but I so want to get them out of the way so I can stop stressing. I wish somebody would get online or call me because I have nothing to do. I've already cleaned the house and there is nothing on t.v. so I'm going crazy. Oh well. I don't really have anything else to say I'm just typing stuff because I have absolutely nothing else to do.

Leave me some comments.

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:: 2005 18 January :: 10.32pm
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: [L i v e T o L o v e A n o t h e r D a y - Keith Urban]

Hey everybody. Guess i'll tell ya all about my weekend! Well, Friday Cody came and got me from school at about 2 and we went to the game @ Gauley Bridge. We won which was awesome but Ryan got hurted a lil' in the process it was sad I thought he was badly hurt he like slammed into the bleachers and was layin on the floor for awhile...skerd me can't have my lil brother gettin hurt. haha. Cody yelled at some fat dude! Pretty funny...these chiks were like askin Dillon for his autograph and gettin pictures of him...haha it reminded me of Emerson Drive concerts, snappin pics of Brad and gettin autographs. Pretty funny =) Then Saturday I got up around 10 and we got ready and left to go to my brothers in Richmond (Kentucky) about 3 hours away. It was pretty boring but it was his birthday so I hadda go. When we got there we had to go to Wal-Mart and have his car checked up, so we looked around in there for about 45 mins. When we got back we went to The Outback to eat...I got this dessert that was sooooo good it was vanilla ice cream rolled in coconut shavings with whipped cream and it had strawberry slices all over it with chocolate all over it...OMG, fattening but AwEsOmE!!! When we got back we watched Mean Girls. Oh gosh I love that movie!!! That's so fetch, biotch! LoL. Anyway...then they turned on I, Robot but I fell asleep, around about 1ish. Then I got up at 11 this morning and we left around 12, stopped to eat and get gas then got back here around 4. I slept all the way home...it was great. I had the back seat all to myself lol. After I got home I called Cody and we decided to go to the girls game and we sat with Bobbi, Tabi, Celeste and Kim. That was quite entertaining, or not haha. Slim jims are great. Right Tabi? haha. Well the girls won...then I came home and watched TV for awhile then got on here and Tabi told me theres a 1 hour delay cause it's supposta be 5 degrees in the morning. That's pretty darn cold! Oh yea I watched this movie on ABC family the other night called 'She gets what she wants' it was really good, it had a Keith Urban song on it =] YAY! and it had Trent Ford in it...whom I had a picture of on my wall - shirtless, until Cody ripped it down. Grrrrr! haha. He looks a lot like Brad Mates, MaJoR pLuS!!! Well I guess i'm gonna get off here and go to bed pretty soon cause it's 11 now. O yea I got a new screen name... shamarie2006, yeah i'm plain I kno but i'm sick of all the preppy screen names like the old one I had lol, I just want a change. Maybe i'll keep this one. LoL. I'm gonna post a lil survey thing I did awhile ago! Talk to y'all later! =] -Shamarie

Put ** in front of things you've done.
1. Bought everyone in the pub a drink.
2. Swam with wild dolphins.
3. Climbed a mountain.
4. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive.
5. Been inside the Great Pyramid.
6. Held a tarantula.
7. Taken a candlelit bath with someone.
** 8. Said 'I love you' and meant it.
** 9. Hugged a tree.
10. Done a striptease.
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea.
** 14. Stayed up all night long, and watch the sun rise.
** 15. Seen the Northern Lights. (I think, not sure??)
** 16. Gone to a huge sports game.
17. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa.
** 18. Grown and eaten your own vegetables.
19. Touched an iceberg.
20. Slept under the stars
** 21. Changed a baby's diaper.
22. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon.
23. Watched a meteor shower.
24. Gotten drunk on champagne. (Almost there, on wine...lol)
25. Given more than you can afford to charity.
** 26. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope.
** 27. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment.
28. Had a food fight.
29. Bet on a winning horse.
** 30. Taken a sick day when you're not ill. (Many times)
31. Asked out a stranger.
** 32. Had a snowball fight.
33. Photocopied your bottom on the office photocopier.
** 34. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can. (ED concerts! Yeah!!!)
** 35. Held a lamb.
** 36. Enacted a favorite fantasy. (Wink-wink!)
** 37. Taken a midnight skinny dip. (lmbo, Tabz!)
38. Taken an ice cold shower.
39. Had a meaningful conversation with a beggar.
40. Seen a total eclipse.
** 41. Ridden a roller coaster.
42. Hit a home run.
** 43. Fit three weeks miraculously into three days. (School reports! lol)
** 44. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking.
45. Adopted an accent for an entire day.
46. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors.
** 47. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment.
48. Had two hard drives for your computer.
49. Visited all 50 states.
50. Loved your job.
** 51. Taken care of someone who was shit faced. (My aunt)
52. Had enough money to be truly satisfied.
** 53. Had amazing friends. <3
54. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country.
55. Watched wild whales.
56. Stolen a sign.
57. Backpacked in Europe.
** 58. Taken a road-trip.
59. Rock climbing
60. Lied to foreign government's official in that country to avoid notice.
** 61. Midnight walk on the beach. (Me and Amber & Me and Mander!)
62. Sky diving
63. Visited Ireland.
64. Been heartbroken longer than you were actually in love.
65. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger's table and had a meal with them.
66. Visited Japan.
67. Bench pressed your own weight.
** 68. Milked a cow. (Tried it!)
** 69. Alphabetized your records. (CDs)
** 70. Pretended to be a superhero.
** 71. Sung karaoke. (I love karaoke!!!)
** 72. Lounged around in bed all day.
73. Posed nude in front of strangers.
74. Scuba diving.
75. Got it on to "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye.
76. Kissed in the rain. <-- no, but that would be amazing!!!
** 77. Played in the mud.
** 78. Played in the rain.
** 79. Gone to a drive-in theatre.
** 80. Done something you should regret, but don't regret it.
81. Visited the Great Wall of China.
** 82. Discovered that a loser is trying to be your friend.
83. Dropped Windows in favor of something better. (Come again?)
84. Started a business.
** 85. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken. (haha not yet...maybe i'm speakin too soon, eh, Cody?)
86. Toured ancient sites.
87. Taken a martial arts class.
88. Sword fought for the honor of a woman.
89. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight.
90. Gotten married
91. Been in a movie.
92. Crashed a party.
** 93. Loved someone you shouldn't have.
94. Kissed someone of the same sex.
95. Gotten divorced.
96. Had sex at the office.
97. Gone without food for 5 days.
** 98. Made cookies from scratch.
** 99. Won first prize in a costume contest. (Childhood dayz)
100. Ridden a gondola in Venice.
101. Gotten a tattoo.
102. Found that the texture of some materials can turn you on.
103. Rafted the Snake River.
104. Been on television news programs.
105. Got flowers for no reason.
106. Masturbated in a public place.
107. Got so drunk you don't remember anything. (Well...I remember some things)
108. Been addicted to some form of illegal drug.
** 109. Performed on stage. (lip-syncs at school & the fair & 2 school plays!)
110. Been to Las Vegas.
111. Recorded music.
112. Eaten shark.
113. Had a one-night stand.
114. Gone to Thailand.
115. Seen Siouxsie live.
116. Bought a house.
117. Been in a combat zone.
118. Buried one/both of your parents.
[what happened to 119???]
120. Been on a cruise ship.
121. Spoken more than one language fluently.
122. Gotten into a fight while attempting to defend someone.
123. Bounced a check.
** 124. Seen Rocky Horror
125. Read - and understood - your credit report.
126. Raised children.
127. Recently played with a favourite childhood toy.
** 128. Followed one of your favorite band/singers on tour. =)
129. Created and named your own constellation of stars.
130. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country.
131. Found out something significant that your ancestors did.
132. Called or written your Congress person.
133. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over.
134. ...more than once?
135. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge.
** 136. Sang loudly in the car, and didn't stop when you knew someone was looking.
137. Had an abortion or your female partner did.
138. Had plastic surgery.
139. Survived an accident that you shouldn't have survived.
140. Wrote articles for a large publication.
141. Lost over 100 pounds.
142. Held someone while they were having a flashback.
** 143. Had a flashback.
144. Piloted an airplane.
** 145. Petted a stingray. (Six flags!)
** 146. Broken someone's heart. (So, i've been told)
147. Helped an animal give birth.
148. Been fired or laid off from a job.
149. Won money on a T.V. game show.
** 150. Broken a bone.
151. Killed a human being.
** 152. Gone on an African photo safari. (Disney!)
153. Ridden a motorcycle.
154. Driven any land vehicle at a speed of 100mph or faster.
** 155. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced.
156. Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol.
157. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild.
158. Ridden a horse.
159. Had major surgery.
160. Had sex on a moving train
161. Had a snake as a pet.
162. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.
163. Slept through an entire flight.
** 164. Slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours.
165. Visited more foreign countries than U.S. states.
166. Visited all 7 continents.
167. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days.
168. Eaten kangaroo meat.
169. Fallen in love at an ancient Mayan burial ground.
170. Been a sperm or egg donor.
** 171. Eaten sushi. (NASTY!!)
**172. Had your picture in the newspaper. (Many times...)
173. Had 2 (or more) healthy romantic relationships for over a year in your lifetime.
**174. Changed someone's mind about something you care deeply about.
175. Gotten someone fired for their actions.
** 176. Gone back to school. (I guess???)
177. Parasailed.
178. Changed your name.
179. Petted a cockroach.
180. Eaten fried green tomatoes
181. Read The Iliad.
182. Selected one "important" author who you missed in school, and read.
183. Dined in a restaurant and stolen silverware, plates, cups because your apartment needed them.
184. ...and gotten 86'ed from the restaurant because you did it so many times, they figured out it was you.
185. Taught yourself an art from scratch.
*186. Killed and prepared an animal for eating. [fish]
** 187. Apologized to someone years after inflicting the hurt. (Chad)
188. Skipped all your school reunions.
189. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language.
190. Been elected to public office.
191. Written your own computer language.
** 192. Thought to yourself that you're living your dream. (Ah, yes...when I hugged Brad Mates and had my picture with him for the first time. *sighs*)
193. Had to put someone you love into hospice care.
194. Built your own PC from parts.
195. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn't know you.
196. Had a booth at a street fair.
** 197. Dyed your hair.
198. Been a DJ.
199. Found out someone was going to dump you via LiveJournal.
200. Written your own role playing game.
201. Been arrested

Summers come, and summers go
I'll keep walkin down this road
It's alright and it's okay
I'll live to love another day

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:: 2005 12 January :: 8.14pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: none

Oh yea another wonderful day of school...bleh! We had a 1 hour delay and that was all but I guess it was better than none at all. We had a sub in 1st so that was boring! We didn't get to cook =[ I was thinkin bout callin and going home at lunch but I decided I would just try to wait it out. (My throat was really sore) Oh well I made it through the day. Oh yeah! Me and Summer were walkin over to the gym after we ate and she turns around and then looks again and is like Hey, Shama!!! there's Cody! lol and I turned around and he was standin there and I was like ummm what are you doin here? And he was like well I went to my class at Marshall this morning and I couldn't find a parking space so I just came back and along the way decided to stop and say hey...haha I was like stunned that he was there...but we walked around the school for a minute then he left. So then I went to the gym, and found out some interesting information. Gosh people...get a life, get your story straight and quit bein so stupid. For real. =] haha okay. When I came home I watched Oprah...it was so sweet! Then I took me a nap, now i'm watchin The biggest loser. This is like the second time i've watched it and this is the last episode and the girl on here > Kelly looks just like Jesse's girlfriend Tiffany, except she's like 5 times bigger cause Tiffany's tiny. Her face looks just like her...it's scary. I really like this show. I need to lose weight...not as much as them, but like 10-15 lbs. I would be just soooo terribly happy lol. Oh well. One of these days! Ehh I still don't feel the greatest so i'm gonna go! I shall update soon! <3~Shama

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:: 2005 11 January :: 10.46pm
:: Mood: complacent
:: Music: [F a s t C a r s & F r e e d o m - Rascal Flatts]

Today was okay. I duno. We left here around 1:30 and ate at Chik-Fil-A then wen't to the movie at 2:45 We saw Fat Albert. I give it a 6/10. Alright! I was hoping for a cancellation of school tommorow but it looks like we've gotta go so far. Only a 1 hour delay as of now. That sucks! I hate school! I think there's only a week or so until next semester. I have no idea right now! Well this was a retarded update cause that was all I had to say. I gotta go burn Mr.Dewhurst Rascal Flatts CD cuz I told him I would...I forgot to over the weekend. Oh well, i'll get it done. Talk to y'all later <333~Shamarie

I see a dust trail followin' an old red Nova
Baby blue eyes, your head on my shoulder
Wait, baby don't move, right there it is
T-shirt hangin' off a dogwood branch
That river was cold but we gave love a chance
Yeah, yeah to me
You don't look a day over fast cars and freedom
That sunset, river bank, first time feelin'

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:: 2005 5 January :: 12.06am
:: Mood: peaceful
:: Music: none

Hey guys...just updating cause i'm bored. I guess i'd call it yesterday now. lol...I only got a couple hours of sleep and I was so tired at school. I kept wakin up in the middle of the night and I was like burning up. Anyways...school sucks so terribly! I can't even begin to explain how sick of it I am. I can't wait until summer break...omgosh! lol.That's awhile away but it's somethin to look forward to. It seems like it takes forever to get here then when it comes around you're like gosh, already? Hmmm...time flies I guess. That can be a good or bad thing, depending on the situation and the way you look at it.
Yeah, Cody came over today around 5 and we sat around and watched a movie til like 7:15 and then we went to the girls game against Buffalo. We won...yay!! That really makes me happy ya kno to see Hannan kick the crap outta them. I wouldn't say this about much of anything else but, it's a very joyful feeling. haha. I got to see some people I haven't seen for awhile though. So, that was pretty cool. I got home around 9 and got in the shower and worked on my scrapbook for awhile. It is so perdy...I just wish I had more to work with. I need to get my pics from Tennessee developed, eh. Now i'm lookin at cell phones on ebay and watchin Full House...this is the episode where Stephanie and Gia lie about their age and stuff to guys and they go driving all crazy, then DJ won't let Stephanie go later on that night...and they get a call from Gia's mom sayin Gia was in a car wreck. Awww...I love DJ, she's great! lol. Awwwwwww! I love this show, it's one of my favorites. Stuff like that happens every day, and when it does it's gotta be fate...like ya know, a miracle. God works in mysterious ways huh?
Tommorow night I think i'm gonna go with Cody to the boys game at South Gallia. I hope they don't get stomped lol. I love basketball season...there's actually stuff to do. Like at least once or twice a week. Well i'm gonna go to bed now I think. I'm really sleepy! Seein how i'm goin on about 3 hours of sleep right now. I'll update for those of ya who read this when sumthin good happens. <3-Shamarie

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:: 2005 3 January :: 9.43pm
:: Music: Big n Rich - Holy Water

Hey! I had fun in Tennessee...I don't really feel like typing it all. If you look at Shama and Tabi's...I did the exact same things except play monopoly cuz yeah I was talkin to Kim in a different room. I did have a bad wreck. It hurt worse than last years go-kart wreck. Last year Cody wrecked me into the wall so he could pass me and I got stuck...and my hand was bleeding :(. This year I guess Patty wrecked David and so David was facing me head on...and I hit him going 40 mph. That's fast for a lil go-kart...haha. My knee looks depressing. Even tho I had fun I'm glad to be home.
Neways....2day was freakin awful. I threw up like 7-8 times b4 10 in the morning...so yeah of course I didnt go to school. I still feel like crap. Bobbi said I didn't miss much at school...thank God. Hopefully I can go to school 2morrow. If I feel like I feel now..I prolly won't be able to go. Theres an away ballgame 2morrow...I doubt I'll be able to go to that cuz if I go to school...I'll barely make it then. But Yeah...i'm gonna go cuz I feel like I'm having major hot flashes :(...Be depressed for me guys!! Well I love you all...and Happy 2005!! *or not...haha :( *
Bye Bye!!!


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:: 2005 3 January :: 11.25pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: [W i n T h e L o s t A t A n y C o s t - Brett Powell]

1. What did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before?
Fell in love <33

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I didn't keep mine. I may make a few more...

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
No, but a few people got pregnant

4. Did anyone close to you die?

5. What countries did you visit?

6. What would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004?
More time to spend with my friends, and family

7. What date from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
January 1st because me and Cody started dating then

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I started going to church again

9. What was your biggest failure?
Ehh I don't really know

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Hmmm well I was in a go-kart accident and now have an injured knee lol.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
Oh my, I haven't a clue

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
lol what?

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Well Bobbi cause we used to be best of best friends until Chad came along and yeah now we hardly talk

14. Where did most of your money go?

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Well, vacations, concerts and me and Cody makin it to a year

16. What song will always remind you of 2004?
Scotty Emerick - I can't take you anywhere

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? Happier
ii. thinner or fatter? Well I think fatter but I dunno
iii. richer or poorer? Richer

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Hang out with friends

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Fighting with everyone

20. How will you be spending Christmas?
I spent it with my family

22. Did you fall in love in 2004?
Sure did

23. How many one-night stands?
None...that can be gross

24. What was your favorite TV program?
Laguna beach

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
Nope I don't hate any1

26. What was the best book you read?
Alice books

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
The discovery where I decided that's what I truly wanna do...SING!

28. What did you want and get?
I wanted to be with Cody

30. What was your favorite film of this year?
Princess Diaries 2

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Cody, Tabi and Jenn came over...Cody stayed til like midnight and Tab and Jenn stayed the nite...me and Tabi laughed our butts off at Americas funniest videos lol. I turned 16!

32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Winning a date with Brad Mates...lol

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2004?
Well I dress however I feel...if i'm lazy I dress for comfort if I feel preppy and prissy I dress that way. lol.

34. What kept you sane?
Cody always havin my back NO matter WHAT

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Brad Mates

36. What political issue stirred you the most?
The whole gay marriage thing is the only one I really payed attention to cuz they always talked about it in church

37. Who did you miss?

38. Who was the best new person you met?
Em Ranson...I love her to death

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2004:
When you think no one is there, you're wrong cause God is ALWAYS there, no matter what!

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
Hmm I dunno...that's a hard one!!

Gosh I guess i've jus realized a lot in the past few days...seriously. For some reason I jus feel really different and better about Cody I feel like bein a lot more serious than I was. I think we're both gonna make a change to make things better though...so thats good! Makes me really happy. If you're readin this babe, this year is gonna be different. We're gonna make it a lot better. I love you so much!!!
Guess what, I love my puppy. Well she's not really a puppy, she's gettin ready to turn 3 but she's so little. She is such a sweetheart and seriously one of the cutest dogs i've ever seen. She's layin in my floor right now eatin a peice of rawhide she got for Christmas. I was workin on my scrapbook yesterday evening and I cut out two big pics of her to put in it. I'm talkin adorable :) HaHa...i'm obsessed with her. I missed her so bad when I was in Tennessee!
I went to church tonight...some people were there singing. This woman sounded like my guinea pigs when she sang. It was cute though, don't get me wrong. lol. The man came in the audience to have people sing with him and Cody got the privledge of singing into the microphone. HAHA. He sooo broke it down.
I can't believe I have to go back to school tommorow, that really sucks. School bores me, I would be so okay with school if it didn't start til like 11. That would be awesome. I could live with that so much easier! In a couple weeks, we will be changing classes. That's great cause i'm sooo fed up with the ones i'm in. I will be with more of my friends now. I haven't had classes with Jenn & Tabi forever. I'm lovin this new schedule! =] There's a girls game tommorow night against Buffalo and i'm thinking about going. Not completely sure. Hopefully the girls will make up for the boys game the other night. That would rock.
I'm thinkin I need to go to bed pretty soon. Jenn's still on so i'm talkin to her...I guess i'll leave when she does...but someone is on so, that means she may not leave til 1 or 2 lol. Wow. Fresh Prince of Bel-Air rocks. I love this show. I watched Scary Movie 2 tonight. It brings back memories from when Me, Bobbi, Tabi, n Jenn were all like attached at the hip. Well it's still kinda that way cept...minus Bobbi. Oh well. It's more like me and Cody are attached at the hip now. Cause yeah...we are lol. I seriously don't know what i'd do without him my life would be like PLOP, and die. It would be so much different and i'd pretty much be lost lol.
I watched Win A Date with Tad Hamilton last night and I loved it...it's really really good! Then I finished up watchin Dodgeball cuz dad bought it yesterday. I love it too...it's pretty funny.
Oh yes...my knee is at the purpleish green stage now...it looks pretty gross. I feel so sorry for it...lol.
Oh yeah the song i'm listenin to...is my neighbor. It's that great lol. He has a CD and stuff. Just thought i'd let you know that. haha...
Well i'm goin to bed...talk to y'all later. Gotta get up early, it's gettin late. BLAH!

Souls are crying
Men are dying
Won't you lead them to the cross
Go and find them
Help to win them
Win the lost at any cost

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:: 2005 1 January :: 12.55am
:: Music: none

Hmmm! Let's see. Tennessee was pretty fun! Me, Tabi and Brittany spent the nite with Kim Tuesday night and we didn't go to sleep for any longer than 5 minutes lol. We had to start getting ready around 4:30 or 5. The morning was pretty eventful. A few people (including me) got pretty aggravated at some people. So I was upset pretty much half the way there. I slept a lot also...but anyway, once we got there we finally found the hotel and it wasn't very nice. At least I didn't think so! Then we went shopping and this huge outlet mall. I spent a few $'s at B&B works and Kirklands. We went to an evening service thing and some Jeff guy talked to us all. It was so boring...I think that one was the worst, but then the band Third Day was there. They are a Christian Rock band I believe. So I actually liked them. The guitar player...OH MY GOSH! he had long blonde hair and yeah he just looked good. Me, Kim, Tabi and Jenn went down by the stage for a little while and I got a few pictures. After all that we went back to the hotel and Me, Cody, Patrick, David & Tabi played Monopoly and we didn't end up finishin it...we played for bout an hour. Then me & Tabi watched a very interesting show that night. HAHA. I love Sue! We found out a few other ppl watched it too lol. The next day we got up really early to go watch the speaker Mark Cahill which gave a very good message by the way. I bought his book and so far it's really good. After that we went to the Scrapbook store where I got some stuff for my book and then we went Go-Karting (first at a really skanky place!).....Oh my, this is where the madness begins. I wasn't even gonna do it and Cody talked me into it and well, apparently the brakes went out on my kart and i slammed into like 20 kart thingys that were already parked. I was going 40 mph and ugh my knee is purple and red from it slamming into the steering wheel and my neck, back and arms are soooo sore from where I basically got whiplash. It's awful!!! =[ Anyways, I bought tickets for 2 different go-cart places so we went to the other place next and it was fun cuz they only went about 20 or 25 mph and the track was like spiral and had a big hill. The other one was just a big retarded circular thing. Next, we went to play mini-golf. It was jus Me, Cody, Kim, David, Patty and Jenn. Well me and Jenn weren't gonna play and all the others had already paid and the guy that worked there came up to us and told us he'd let me n Jennay play for free. He was so nice....that makes me happy! Well we were at the golf course for about 2 hours, or more, then we had to go eat and then go to the service that evening. This dude named Bob Smiley was there and he was sooooo hilarious. There was not one thing he said I didn't laugh about. It was jus really awesome. I think everyone that was there will agree lol. I wanna see him again! Hmm. Well, that night we all decided to go to Gatlinburg which was great cuz I love it there, we stayed there for about an hour. It's more fun in the daytime, we were there at like 10pm and I was cold and I didn't really feel like lookin around at stuff sooo. After this it was around 11 and we went back to the hotel...ugh! Well no longer than we'd walked in the door and put our stuff up the electric in the whole town goes out. There were a few emergency lights on but it was sooooo dark you couldnt see hardly anything. I had to use my cell for everything I wanted to see. Hm, well. Transformers kept blowin and no one really knew what it was and we all thought it was gun shots and we were like oh my gosh, terrorists. Ugh I hate that, see what stupid 9/11 has done to us, they have us worrying every second!!!!! But anyways, everyone was freakin out and haha, everyone called their moms. I think my mommy got a little worried she called me back a lil after the first time I called her and the phone like ta scare the crap outta Me, Jenn & Tabi cause we were all layin in bed. Yea, I had one of those womanly breakdowns and I cried for like 15 minutes straight. I'm talking sobbing crying. The 18-wheelers were what finally cheered me up...HAHA! The electric finally decided to come back on at 1ish. David called our room when it came back on and I talked to Cody on the phone for like 30 mins then I went to sleep. We had to get up really early the next morning and I only had 15 mins to get ready and I had to take a shower in that time lol. At the service, some australian guy spoke. The voice got me. He was all like Gooday mate! He wasn't hot or anything though. He was just cute. After that, we got in the van and started home...I slept the whole way from there, to bout 20 miles outside Ashland, except for the times I was awake to eat. We got back and took a few pics and then I came home. Overall, I had an awesome time! I talked to mommy n dad for a lil bit then they left to go to the Moose and then me and Cody went to eat then we came back here. Yea. I had an AwEsOmE nEw YeArS!!!
<3 1 year for me and Cody.
That is amazing I can't believe we've made it this far. After everything we've been through, ahh, crazy! but you know what everytime we've had a problem or anything all we had to do is ask God to help us through it and look where we are now. Hopefully things can only get better with us. I really do hope so! Well guys i'm gonna go now i'm gettin a little tired and this is way too long lol. Happy 2005 everybody! Hope you have a great year. Make some resolutions! I know that i'm gonna try. Maybe I can hold myself to them, lol. Talk 2 ya'll later! <3~Shama

"Isn't it amazing that the God who is in total control of this universe will take time out of his day to hear us pray to him?" - Mark Cahill

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:: 2004 25 December :: 10.55pm

Merry Christmas!! I'm so sad that today's almost over. I've been waiting on it forever, and like in a second it's gone. Well, last night I went to sleep at 11...I couldnt sleep at all. I woke up at 2...and stared at the clock til 5:45 cuz Mom n Dad said I could wake them up at 6 so me and Jessi could unwrap our presents. Ok, I'll tell ya what I got this morning...in the order i opened them...haha...

Huge Purple Carebear
Portable CD Player
Carebear Wall Clock
Raising Helen DVD
Sugar Scented BodySpray/Lotion/Wash from Avon
Purple-Clearish Piggy Bank with $50 in it (really cute!! haha)
Light Brown Suede Purse from B&BW with stuff in it
Black Raspberry-Vanilla Lotion from B&BW
Long-Sleeved Old Navy Shirt
Blue-Green Layered Shirt from Old Navy
Another $50
Sexy Futon Bed...haha
George Strait 50 Greatest Hits CD
Pink Sapphire Ring with Diamonds on each side/white gold band
Squishy Purple Pillow
Pink Happy Bunny PJ's
Shrek 2 DVD
White Chicks DVD
Jennifer Lopez "Still" Perfume & Lotion
J.Lo Pink Purse
Pretty Lamp
Eminem CD

....I think thats it. But Yeah...Today was great. I slept a lot of it away tho. I've taken like 5 naps all day...haha. Shama...thanks for my present. Tabi...Kim...im expecting presents!!! :) I love almost everyone!!! LoL...bye bye!!


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:: 2004 26 December :: 10.07pm
:: Mood: content

Christmas brings out the greed in about 3/4 of americans and brings out the kindness in the other 1/4!

Ehh here goes =)

Mom & Dad
American Eagle jeans
Green Rue 21 shirt
Yellow Rue 21 layered shirt
John Deere t-shirt
Glittery pink flannel Rue21 shirt
Striped fuzzy sweater from Aero
Pink monkey Rue 21 PJ pants
White Phat Farm shoes with a pink P
Vanilla bean noel body spray
B&BW True blue spa lotion and body wash
Stepford wives DVD
A Cinderella story DVD
The game Mad Gab
Red Aero winter coat
Curious perfume
Care bear wall clock
Purple & Blue medium size care bears
A yellow & pink care bear key chain
-ehh, body spray, makeup, candy n stuff in my stocking

Grandma Becky
Glow in the dark do your best care bear
A little matching key chain
Little thing of body spray & lip gloss

Grandma Sally, Aunt Serena & Uncle Greg
Necklace and earring set
$50 gift certificate for American Express

Aunt Shirley
Little lip gloss set with 6 different flavors

Justin & Britt
Untamed perfume
Weired lookin flower body washer thingy lol

Gold ring with a pink stone and 2 little white diamonds on each side
Yellow flannel shirt with pink flowers and pink tank top underneath
Pink & brown sweater with a scarf
Win a date with Tad Hamilton DVD
B&BW Winter candy apple lotion
LEI jeans with a buncha holes n stuff in em and they have a scarf belt

Cody's family...
-Jeanie, Eric & Luke- a pretty periwinkle 2-fer Aero shirt
-Becky & JD- black layered sweater
-His grandma & all them- This lil Eeyore and it is dressed up as a reindeer it has on a reindeer head and little reindeer booties and an Eeyore sweater
-Kim & Jeff- A longaberger purse

A picture frame
Pink pearly bracelet with a black ribbon
Anyone else that got me ne thing...i duno yet lol!

I'll update later!

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:: 2004 24 December :: 8.28pm
:: Music: Britney Spears - Do Somethin'

Merry Christmas Eve Everybody!!! I love today...and 2morrow...haha. I got to open 9 presents today...its great! I got $100, Uptown Girls Dvd..and a new VCR from my uncle cuz my old one broke...its great..I love him...haha. My cousin got me Britney Spears Greatest Hits cd..i'm listening to it right now. Jessi got me one of Nelly's cds, and Mom n Dad got me a scrapbook kit thingie. It's depressing that Mom will only let me open one present from her and Dad on Christmas Eve. I'm keeping track of things I'm gettin this year...cuz people always ask me what I got and I can never remember...so yeah...I'm on top of things this year. I can't wait til the morning. Mom makes Jessi stay with me on Christmas Eve...we stay up all night cuz she never stops talking..lol. I am usually playing games with her all night long, and we can't wake the parents up til 6 am. That's sad...well Ima go for now...I dunno if I will update 2morrow or not..I prolly will...bye bye!!!


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:: 2004 22 December :: 8.32pm
:: Music: Mariah Carey- All I Want For Christmas Is You

Hey! Just got back from caroling with the church. It was depressing...I almost cried, there were tears in my eyes. Shama did cry. There was this man that like just lost his wife like 4 months ago or sumthin...and when we were singin there were tears in his eyes...and like he was crying when we left...It was soooo sad.:( Besides that, It was pretty fun, cuz it wasn't freezing. I gave Shama her present...she said she liked it...now if she was tellin the truth...its prolly a different story..haha. I woulda gave Tabi hers but she was a bizatch and didnt come to church like she said she was. She was the one that told me about exchanging presents and she didnt even come. But yeah, after singing and giving out fruit baskets n stuff...we came back to the church and drank hot chocolate n such...Me and Shama burnt our tongues :( haha...

Today at Hannan...we got our yearbooks. It was about time...I was proud...lol. OMG! I got my school pictures...ima just say LOL! They depressed me. We didn't have enough time to get everyone to sign them today. Hughes dismissed every1 like 10 minutes early. Neways...there was no 3rd period today, but we had 4th instead cuzza the yrbook signing...and christmas thing the band n choir was doing. But neways...Linger attacked me...it was scary. He crumbled up a pack of crackers and poured them all out on my head. It looked like I had an extreme case of lice or something..haha. He kept throwing carrots and cauliflower (sp?) at me and I think I have bruises. Everyone is so nice to me..NOT! Like almost every person that wrote in my yrbook said skank...:( Oh well...maybe I'll live up to that potential someday...haha...well ima go cuz Im just typing to be typing and I dont even know what I'm talkin about nemore, besides...I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL CHRISTMAS!! Awww....day after 2morrow = Christmas Eve...3 days til Christmas!! Well...bye bye!!


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:: 2004 21 December :: 9.31pm
:: Music: Good Charlotte- I just wanna live

Hey! 2day was just so great...lemme tell ya. Well, Bobbi gave me my present from her today, that was good tho. :) When we got to Vocational, our teacher was being a buttface and was like moving people to different spots if they said 1 word. In 2nd period, we had a big vocab test...If I had any common sense I woulda prolly been able to get a few of them right...but wait...I dont have that. Oh well...it's just a test...lol. I feel loved tho cuz Shama invited me to the lil Christmas thing her 1st period class was having at lunch...I walked in and I had a lil name tag on the table..and it was a candlelight dinner...it was great...haha. In 3rd...we dissected minks again...they stink soooo bad...blah! Makes me wanna puke. Alan and Tabi do all the work...and me and Bobbi kinda just talk and look at what they're doing every now and then. Neways...I'm so glad 2morrow's the last day of school before Christmas. I'm so sick of school. In 1st 2morrow I have a test...blah. Hopefully we will get our yearbooks 2morrow. I can't wait...I love looking at them...i'ma dork. I guess I'm going to church 2morrow. We are supposed to go caroling and stuff but I don't know if we are going to do that or not. Well...i'ma go...bye bye!!


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