...I am lost again with everything gone and more alone than I have ever been...


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Forever Alone in a Happy Crowd

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:: 2004 3 September :: 3.06pm

peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly, peanut butter wit a baseball bat

like nobody's


:: 2004 2 September :: 6.32pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Old 80's/90's music

so damn hot but so youngg- ok that's not that 90's music lol
I think my houses is one of the few houses that the windows rn't boarded up lol. I think besides that, we're ready. My mom spent $80 just on candles- she's crazy. She loves candles and flowers- what girl doesn't, I guess? Everything in our house is falling apart neway lol, so I think my parents dont care at this point. But in all seriousness I hope everyone does stay safe and takes the right precautions.

I wonder where we will all be in two years from now ? I guess another chapter in the book of our lives. I really hope I keep in touch wit some of u ppl tho, cuz some of u totally rock. If u dont know how u r, somethin wrong witchu! Seriously, we all have so much potential. We CAN be the people who CHANGE THE FREAKIN WORLD, if we apply ourselves. Everything starts with an intention. And if ur intention is strong enough, God sees it through.

1 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 1 September :: 6.36pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Go0dies-Ciara

ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!..lol..everybody is definately freaking out with francis..pat is boarding up the house too..lol..seriouslyyyy..paranoid people man..lol..neways..no school friday..half day tomoro..i might not even come to skoo 2moro..they're thinkin of leaving to tampa earlier than we had planned..so yupp..by the way a livejournal is under construction for me..my user name is waves_of_hope..just thot i shudd share

1 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 31 August :: 10.36pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: cary brothers - "blue eyes"

i cry get upset for absolutely the weirdest things.

or for nothing at all!
mothereffing heart isnt functioning right.

1 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 31 August :: 8.33pm
:: Mood: in pain
:: Music: Sunshine


i was definately dropped today from a stunt at practice..it was on accident but dayumm that shit hurt..imma be all bruised up now..:(

2 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 27 August :: 6.20pm
:: Mood: giggly
:: Music: This Love-Maroone 5

re-cap of the week..
Monday: umm can't remember that far back but i kno i had practice..lol

Tuesday: lol..me n sam had fun in math..we took our test..n we were just our crazy selves..lol..saw wagums before driver's ed..and he gave me a really big hug..:)..lol..had practice after school..paid for new uniforms that are gonna be soo cute!! can't wait!!

Wednesday: had my lil incident occur..alwaysss me..lol..practice was canceled for whatever reason..???..went to key club...everyyyy body was there..lol..sameen made his lil remark.."u shudd be able to hear with them big ass ears of urs!!"..lmao..wow sameen..it's definately flapping ears!!..played that weird game.."where u at??-IN MY PANTS!!"

Thursday: frickin DBQ in first hour..i seriously had NO clue what i was writing about..but it was a good day in general..i had practice..we started stretchin on the football field where the band ppl were..saw sam n rachel doing there thing..at colorgaurd..lol..then we moved to the other field cuz it was blazing hot!!..so we practiced with the football players..lol..that was funny..niche got hit wid a football and flipped out..lol..the flipping out was the funny part..then i saw wagums and him tracey and preston came over and started cheering with us..that was funny too..after i got home wagums called me up..we talked for about 2 hours!!..about everything..just catching up..that was a good day

Friday: today was a funny day..people had a great time crackin on me..i was in my uniform for cheerleading all day..we did the announcements..i personally think we looked so stupid!!..sam said i had one of those smiles that takes up my entire face..lol..i hadda be spirited!!..lol..so i missed the end of history which was great..me maryellen and amara committed suicide and died in bio..lol..that was hilarious!! u had to be there..u kno how the bio lab tables have those sockets??..we were soo bored...so maryellen was being funny and shoved her pen into the socket..amara thot it was funny and did it in hers..so i was in the middle..and got the "shock" too..lol..yea..that's us for u..lol..in spanish..nothing too exciting happened..failed the verbs quiz..but i dont care..lol..what else is new??..lol..i so hate that class..but sam keeps me sane..lol..lunch nothing too much happened..english..woo..definately went delirious in there no lie..my new word is kumquat!!..lol..sp??..oh well..i love that word!!..i got the we dont approve talk on the bus..lol..i need to work on that..and i finally sent that text message!!

all in all it was a FANTABOLOUS week..another new word..hehe..now i got a shit load of homework to do..lol..err..IB..lol

AMY: i'm gonna go back to my bullying days and kick his ass for you!!..lol..dont worry we all hate him and have ur back..love u!!

4 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 22 August :: 6.05pm
:: Mood: crackin up
:: Music: Holla Back-Fabolous

"do u kno the muffin man??"
the muffin man?? THE MUFFIN MANNN!! haha..lmao..funny stuff..that was friday's inside joke along with ma-paches..lol..rachel's partayy was so much funn..i hadda good time..lotz of dancingg..we did a weird version of the cha cha slide tho..lol..didnt like it..but the electric slide..i definately rocked that..lol..it started off wid some rap n hip hop then it went into spanish music then rock..lol..me sam carlos n amara jumping around..haha..that was greatt..then they played some techno stuff..it was a koo party..i left around 11 sumthin..my aunt got lost..lol..but it was fun..the weekend was pretty good..x0x0

1 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 21 August :: 11.01am

Everyone had moved on the livejournal. I feel guilty for not using this. But I like woohu. I think everyone has moved onto livejournal besides Kaila and Sam ?

Well after getting sort of a pattern for school, it feels a bit better. But I don't wanna focus on anything negative in this entry. School's great cuz I get to see all the familar faces... that part is awesome. I have friends in ALL my classes. And even if I don't, I have the ability 2 make new friends and not be resistant 2 change. It'll be ok. There r worse things than this. And I really do like some of the subjects. I like learning- just the test/quiz aspect of it. But u know, life is all about becomin a better person and broadening your horizons, and yeah.. we'll never be finished wit that, but why not strive. If no one's with me, then I guess it's me against the world.. and that ok :D

2 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 20 August :: 11.32pm
:: Mood: energetic
:: Music: breakaway // kelly clarkson

i won't forget all the ones that i love // kelly clarkson
i'm not sure what i want to say, or what i want to do right now, but, yeah.... goodnight.

i'll help u cope with it. i'm nothing. remember that. mean nothing, am nothing for u.

don't u think its amazing how u feel so skinny when u're doing certain things?! lol.

for real now, goodnight ---> u hot people.

like nobody's


:: 2004 20 August :: 10.11pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: finch- letters to you

woohu is in neglect.
i don't really get it.. we all pay to keep our accounts here.. and then immediately stop using this and move to livejournal.
shows how we love to throw money out the door : )
even though it's only two bucks, but still!
yeah, that's the cheap side of me talking.

so school hasn't been that bad. i mean, yes, it's already considerably harder, and yes i don't get to see the people i used to see a lot that much anymore, but i think the change of that is good, cause you get closer with different people. so yeah.

lots of parties coming up, it seems like there's 38749823 birthdays between now and the end of september, so there should be some fun there.

mm yeah.

i like to be around people that make me smile. i'm starting to realize that when i surround myself with those kinds of people i never seem to think about the bad stuff. so keep the good times rolling!

1 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 19 August :: 9.18pm
:: Mood: busy
:: Music: Baby ft. P Diddy- Do That

I think all my entries for like.. a year now r gonna be about how much work school is and how badly is sucks- sorry in advance

I seriously start at 4:30/5 and work until about 10/11 at night. [Obviously wit the necessary breaks..] I dunno, I think it's cuz I have my computer on/music playing. Maybe tomorrow I'll try without the music/computer on- wait, scrath that, tomorrow's Friday, I'm NOT workin that hard on a Friday. Some of the classes rn't that bad though. [English, Chem, and surpringly Bio]. History and Spsanish sucks major ass. History, just cuz it's boring. I have no clue what 2 expect 4 the test ?! so I gotta read this weekend and get up 2 date on everything in that class. Spanish- it's just a hard course. And I'm confused in Pre Cal [not sounding conceited, but..], which I rarely ever struggle in MATH. What's up with that? I dunno, it just feels like I'm runnin a race wit the clock whenever I get home. Can u believe these two girls in my Bio class were like.. DISAPPOINTED/WORRIED we didn't get any homework?!

But I'm glad it's Friday tomorrow. Then I get TWO WHOLE DAYS to do homework- just kidding! Rachel's party, and I wanna go 2 the movies.. I WILL go the movies. Good stuff.

like nobody's


:: 2004 19 August :: 8.34pm
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: Dreaming of You-Selena

this year is nothing like what i thought it was gonna start off like..
we've been in school no more than a little more than a week and i've already been hit wid so much crap that i dunno what to do with it all..it's so frustrating and stressful..and it's not only school stuff..family is playing a big part in all this too..my mom and i have talked a couple of times already about getting out of IB..i completely went against everything she was saying..i love ATL..u all kno that..just check out my bag..lol..and everybody's at ATL..so i dont wanna leave...and i was so looking foward to cheering on varsity this year too..but it's all kinda headed the opposite way..my mom said if by the end of 1st quarter..if i have any C's or D's shez pulling me out whether i like it or not..my whole thing about it all is that i dont wanna regret it in the long run and i dont wanna feel like i've wasted the past two years of my life..u kno??..and im thinking i made it this far..why not keep going??..but it goes deeper than that..family issues..blah blah blah..it's hard to understand..i know my mom is just lookin out for me but shez juss throwing all this crap at me at once..so it makes it all even more stressful..if i did get out..i'd have to go to Olympic..i REALLY dont wanna go there..i'd rather go to West Boca..but i dont even wanna get out..i do but i dont..i wanna have a life..i DONT wanna leave all my friends..especially sam amara sameen n amy..i wanna be able to get into UF..i dont wanna stay up really late doing homework every night..i dunno..maybe im making a big deal outta it..but im confused and i need to get my priorities straight

3 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 18 August :: 6.26pm
:: Music: jealous sound - "recovery room"

sometimes i wonder
if people can see the welling in my eyes
if they can sense the tenseness in my face
if they know how much i want to go away
if they feel me drifting far off into myself
if they can hear my heart as it falls to the ground
if they know how much i love/miss them

i wonder what could happen if i could just end it all ? is there a place called heaven, or would i just go be reincarnated and start hell on earth all over again, but this time even worse? my life is great, ya know? it really is. i just don't feel great. so many times in the day i feel more like an outsider than i have in all of high school. you think that wouldnt happen since it's junior year, but its true. i don't see my friends, and when i do, i can't truly enjoy my time with them. the only thing i look forward to during the day is going home with danielle. if not for that, i'd be sobbing into greta's shoulder everyday. but that doesnt sound too bad every now and then either. it's simply asinine and unnecessary for me to put myself down and feel like crap all the time. but i dont know. i cant help it.

just forget everything that i said and wash out the wounds.

4 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 17 August :: 8.26pm
:: Mood: depressed

i am sooo fricken stressed out right nowwww

i need somebody to talk to other than my mom..and either everyonez away or people arent on..:(..guess imma hafta wait..itz no biggie

2 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 16 August :: 7.57pm
:: Music: Hot Boyz-Missy

omg..this week is gonna be maddd busy for meee
today i went to cheer practice..only it wasnt really a practice..we mixed and matched the uniorms we had left..and we decided to go wid the white ones for now..we're gonna buy our own tho so that'll be hott..first game is the jamboree..august 27th..go!!..lol..and we're gonna start selling spirit shirts this friday..$10..they're cute..buy one..:D..tomoro i have pictures for the football program book..and then more practice..im the main flyer this year so look out for me!!..lol..wednesday i gotta take my spanish exam..not looking foward to that one..im kinda doing bio now..err..pissing me off..i cant find the answers..gotta go read for social ant. and history..and i think we have a spanish quiz too..which sucks ass..neways..hit me up laterrzz..x0x0

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