*-|If there ever comes a day, When we can't be together, Keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever.|-*
*-|If you live to be 100, I want to live to be 100 minus one day, so I never have to live without you.|-*
*-|We will be friends until forever, just you wait and see.|-*
- Winnie the Pooh
Goals are very important to have in one's life. Goals centralize the mind on reaching a destination that is wanted. All hopes and dreams are driven by the desire to accomplish them, so one could argue that life is an ambition -- a dream -- a hope -- some sort of strange goal -- and that life only goes on because of the wanting to go somewhere -- and anywhere. This could also mean that birth symbolizes the creation of a dream and that death symbolizes the completion and accomplishment of life. If life is a dream, then all we aspire in will come true if we believe enough.


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:: 2005 11 June :: 8.27am

Fill In The Blanks

I ____ Allison.
Allison is ____.
if I were alone in a room with Allison, I would ____.
I think Allison should _____
Allison needs ____.
Allison will never ____.
I want to _____ Allison.
Allison can ____ my _____.
when I think about Allison, I ____.
Someday Allison will _____.
Allison reminds me of _____.
Without Allison ____.
Memories of Allison are ____.
Allison can be ____.
____ is how I describe meeting Allison.
Worst thing about Allison is ____.
Best thing about Allison is _____.
Allison _____.
If Allison was a flavor of ice cream she would be _____.
Allison is my _____.
I wish Allison would _____.

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:: 2005 9 June :: 2.10pm

Greetings and salutations! Summer is here and how glorious it is. Especially that my sister is still in school. I chortle in delight, I do!
My dog smells like baby powder because he's got some cheap anti-flea anti-tick stuff on him.
I wonder how the smell must feel to him. Ick. If I were him and that crap smelled like it does, then I would be sick. Sick doggy.

ACKAPOO POO! I'm in a pretty good mood. That is good and it makes me happy.
..Because I am in a good mood.
I suppose...

I don't even know where the list for my summer reading is. All I know is that we need to read Wuthering Heights. I hear it isn't the most exciting book to read. Not lookin forward to it. What is "wuthering", really, anyway. I wonder what would happen if you used that in casual conversation with someone. Would they look at you funny?

"How was your day, Betty?"
"Oh it was simple wonderful! I spent the day wuthering on the porch. How was your day, Fredrick?"


"How has your summer been lately, dearie?"
"Marvelous! I went to the fair. It was full of interesting people and wuthering rides!"

Wuthering kinda sounds like withering. Withering rides. She spent her day withering on the porch. Now that would be interesting. However I don't think that if I went to the fair I would want to go on rides that were withering away. I think that that would be a tad bit scary.
What a relaxing day at the fair that would be.
My dog is being cute. Just though someone might wanna know...

You know what's weird about summer? There is always so much to do, but then you forget about it and then put it off and you get bored. And then later in the summer, all that stuff that you needed to do piles up and you feel overwhelmed, and you can't really be bored anymore.
I think I'd rather be bored than stressed any day.

Und vith that, I shall depart.

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:: 2005 28 May :: 2.49pm

Please stand clear of the doors

Por favor mantantengan se alejado de las puertas.

We welcome you aboard our highway in the sky and hope you enjoyed the Magic Kindgom.

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:: 2005 18 May :: 10.28pm

Lalala. So I'm sitting here..straightening my hair. I'm deeply in love with myspace. xD

Hm. Let's see. Soon I'm suppose to be hanging out with Maia. She's really hot. :D

I have absolutly nothing to say

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:: 2005 18 May :: 10.28pm

I want a girlfriend. x.X

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:: 2005 14 May :: 10.50am

So last night was DEFINATELY Friday the 13th.

School was fine. After school..

Steph, Chase, Scott, and I walked home from school. We split up by the over pass. Chase and Scott, to scott's house, and Steph and I to the library.

The library was okay. Nothing really happened there. We soon left the library and went to Dunkin Donuts were we had a cigarette. We finished, and went back to the library. Stayed for a few minutes, and when we got out, Andrea was there.

Andrea and Steph went to go change for the show, and I went to my house to change for it.

I put on makeup, fishnets, a skirt, and platforms, and then I called them. They said they'd call back and then I was all eh okay. And then I decided to call andrea 30 minutes later. While waiting for them, Sakura called. I feel bad I just had to hang up suddenly when I saw Andrea's car pull up.

So Andrea's mom drove us to Steph's house where we had to RUN to catch a train and we missed it because I was in platforms. Andrea said it was her fault but I blamed it on myself.

So, I had a cigarette and we waited. I did Andrea's makeup, and then Steph called her mom to pick us up to take us to the show. So she did, and in the car I did Steph's makeup.

So we got to the show, and everything was going great. We moshed a bit, smoked and bit. And then we went back upstairs from smoking to listen to My Only Hope. I got some pictures, but Im way too lazy.

So after they finished...we went downstairs for another cigarette. As we were smoking it Steph's mom walks in. It went kinda like this:


So we put out the cigarettes and run upstairs with her. We had a long talk about it, and she was only there because Andrea's mom found out where she actually was. Steph's mom was actually /cool/ about the smoking thing though. THANK DAVEY.

We drove Andrea to where her mom was and Steph's mom drove us back to the show. We stayed up for the last band and then we went down for another cigarette. This is when I got smoke in my eyes and teared uncontrollably. xD It was pretty funny.

Then we left, got lost and some guy gave us a ride home.


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:: 2005 12 May :: 6.09pm

i'm so stupid and jealous and annoying. i did something stupid today and i feel bad about it. why don't i ever think before i say anything?? thats something i really gotta wrok on. i always tell myself that but then when something is bothering me i just blurt out almost everything thats in my head and then i end up regretting having said half of those things. its really fucked up and i'm stupid. i cant even do well at school or anything i try. cause i'm an idiot and i feel so fucking messed up all the time. uncomfortable being around people cause i think they hate me or that they dont want me there. i blame that stupid ass shawn for picking on me when i was in the 4th grade for some of my stupid issues. i am sad and whiny and dumb.

yea well anyway. my sister and mother are being screwed up again. but at least i get to see her every once in a while.

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:: 2005 4 May :: 12.57pm

i've been sick lately. ._.; it sucks. i thought i was gonna like die last night. but i didnt so yay?

Lalala.. okay. i think im gonna go play video games.

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:: 2005 27 April :: 4.05pm
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: A Kiss to Build a Dream On - Louis Armstrong

Breakaway day, another political statement, and other things
First off, just to get up-to-date, we are finished with Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. It was fun while it lasted, and I made friends with a lot of people. Hopefully I will be able to post something about the experiences later.

Today I went on our freshman breakaway day. It's basically a retreat. I wasn't supposed to go this time. I was supposed to go about a month ago, but because I was sick that day, they let me go this time. The best part was right after lunch, when Sara, Louise, Bethany, and I hiked in the rain. We saw a salamander! I've never seen one of those in the wilderness before. But it was resting in the mud in the trail and then climbed lazily over a mound of mud mush, swam through a narrow foggy puddle, and came out the other side to begin his journey up the hill. He was an orange brown color and very cute!

The thing that was kind of funny was, I usually am not excited to go hiking. But i realized today that that is probably because my mom always makes us go on very hot, sunny days, when all the mosquitos and gnats are out, preparing themselves to begin their purpose of existance - to bother the crap out of you. But I truly think that rain is one of the most beautiful things in the world, so that changes the whole thing for me. Especially when you can do it with friends. Though Bethany was kind of annoying me because she kept making arguments about the smallest things. Otherwise, today, there was no sun to bother me, nor too many bugs buzzing around your head. The forest was just beautiful. The leaves were glistening with droplets of water, which rolled down the leaves and fell in large drops onto the earth, or occasionally, your head. And the mud made fun squishy noises. The whole thing made me so happy. Sara, Louise, and I started skipping on the way back, chanting "I do believe in faeries! I do! I do!". Haha it was fun. But the whole thing seemed so short.
By the time we got back to the main gathering place, Sara and I at least, were soaked.

Thinking back on that almost makes me sad that I feel the need to make another political statement. Ah, oh well. For those that are tired of them, you don't need to read it. Though I would appreciate it if you did.


Well, I can't find any of the quotes that I wanted to, so this will be relatively short. Anyway, apparently the radical left wing people have gone too far with a lot of this bush hating stuff. It saddens me, that people can hate someone so much. Especially since they are so loud about it. To other countries, we must seem like idiots. It not only shows that our leader is most likely a bad man, it gives a bad name to Americans as well, because it shows that we have no trust in him what-so-ever, when we were the ones that voted for him. We really don't need people disliking us more than they do.
And knowing media in general, when other countries hear about America and their opinion on their leader, that's probably all the news they hear. They hear the bad things. For example, you rarely ever seen headlines in the newspaper such as: "Mongolia Cheers for their new leader, who did this and this and this" As opposed to headlines like: "Mongolians unhappy about their new leader." Maybe it would be news stating that a new leader has been elected, but after that unless the person had a brilliant idea that is affecting our country as well as the other ones, you usually hear negative things about it. And knowing how many protests we have and how uttterly viscious we are towards our own president, other countries will read about how we hate our leader and how bad of a man he is. They then will get the impression that our leader is a bad man and that the people in the country he is the leader of are stupid for putting him into office. It reflects badly on everyone in the country.
I'm hearing things now that they are comparing him to Adolf Hitler, and I am sick and tired of things like this. I think it's terrible to call someone like that when in reality he is nothing like that man. If president Bush were really that terrible of a man, we would have had enough sense to get him out of office. It's despicable, really. I heard quotes from them going off on the radio while in the car, and I truly was disgusted on how cruel and stupid we can be. It is pointless to hate someone so much and be blinded by that hate that everything he does further is a stupid idea and makes him a terrible man, even before the accuser sees the outcome of his plan. Or, they shoot down his ideas and curse him for them without any better ideas of their own. They don't give the man a chance. The guy's plans so far have not been a complete failure. We've liberated over 50, 000 people so far. Different countries have decided to go to democracies.
The man is not Satan. He is not pure evil. And he is most definitely nothing compared to Adolf Hitler.
Not to mention many of the same old arguments are being brought up over and over again. "He made tax cuts for the rich! Is that fair?!" Yes. Yes, it is fair. Rich people pay the vast majority of the taxes in America, while middle and poor classes hardly make up any of it. So, to these people that have worked hard to get a good job and become successful, instead of living off of wellfare and having kids just to get more money from it, yes, they deserve to be given a break. I could go on and on about this, but I don't really want to.

Another thing that is sad that i heard is that there is this sixteen year old girl who was given a date rape drug when she was fourteen and then raped while unconcious. The boy that did it to her was not convicted of anything because a senator or something of whatever state she is in thinks that it can't really be considered rape because she was unconscious at the time, therefore it was not technically by force. The thing is, the boy did it once before. And to a twelve year old girl. He's eighteen now, and his record is clean.

I heard a clip from the girl telling why she wanted him to be punished, and it makes perfect sense to me. She said, through many tears, that it was like a loop-hole. If that rule stays, anyone can rape anyone as long as they are unconscious and not get in trouble for it. It makes me very mad to hear that the woman person that is not letting this be charged as rape is doing something like that. I think that if she were raped, she would want the guy to be in trouble for it too.

My grandpa's been having heart problems again. My mommy is worried. Now I'm worried.

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:: 2005 24 April :: 4.33pm

o_O I want to RP.

..Maybe that's because right now Im redoing that thing I did such a while ago .. "Komoia"

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:: 2005 23 April :: 5.59pm

ask me three questions. Anything you want. Then go to your journal and copy and paste this, allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.

just something i found. please do it. i think it would be interesting to see what people or maybe only one person asks.

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:: 2005 20 April :: 9.23pm

Wow dudes..you might have to go back to the very beginning of my journal life to find 2 entries 2 days in a row. Ok well this is the first time in a long time for 2 entries written within 27 hours of eachother.



ok now I'm done. BYE!

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:: 2005 19 April :: 8.31pm
:: Music: The Monkees

Hey dudes..
Just something that was bothering me that I'd like to write about: Well its not bothering me but its an interesting thought I had.

I wish that I could live on the east coast cause out here in California we are one of the last time zones on earth and I'd like to see what it feels like to be over there and know that when your getting up people on the west coast are sleeping comfortably or that when your just going to bed people on the west coast are eating dinner. I've been to the east coast but I guess I never thought of it until now. All this talking to English people has really got me thinking of time zones now and I obsess over it. Throughout the day I sit there and say "Well..its 2 pm here so its...10 pm in England right now." I'm crazy!

Anyway, I just got sidetracked with homework and stuff. I had a strange moment. I was working on my math homework which was kinda boring me like it always does and then I felt like my brain wasnt working hard enough so I had to look up other stuff on the internet. I decided to look up the Golden Gate Bridge (Dont ask why! I LOVE THAT BRIDGE I WISH IT COULD BE IN MY BACKYARD) and then the perfect song came on but thats not my point. So as I was looking at it I realized that I'm freaking in love with San Francisco. I mean...really really in love it. ITS SO STINKING PRETTY AND UNIQUE IF YOU HATE IT YOURE A DUMBASS WHO OBVIOUSLY HASN'T EVER BEEN THERE! Its just funny cause I always say how much I wanna move to the U.K and stuff but really I would miss it here. I'd miss being a 40 minutes drive from San Francisco. What sane person wouldnt miss it? Unless of course they got in a car accident on the bay or golden gate bridge and came a few feet away from falling off the edge into the icy water. I could understand that. Or maybe they came on the one day in like 50 years that there was a big earthquake. That also I could understand. It bugs me how people are paranoid of earthquakes. MY GOODNESS PEOPLE! THEY HARDLY EVER HAPPEN STOP GETTING ALL WORKED UP ABOUT HOW BAD THEY ARE! I think I'm going to die in an earthquake. I actually wouldn't mind it. Earthquakes are great and they are so unexpected. If you got killed in a tornado you would know it was coming unless you are blind and deaf person. Tornados are scary. They kill thousands of people in like 3 months of tornados every year no matter what. Earthquakes kill thousands of people on one day or maybe 2 with after shocks and stuff and then thats it for several years. HMM...WHICH ONE DO YOU PICK? Yea I know I'm preaching to the choir here because Jessica is the only one that reads this and on occasion a few other people but I felt like getting my view on earthquakes across.

Ok back to the San Francisco part. (I really think its nearly impossible for me to get tired of talking about it. YAHAHAHAHA!) I was looking it up on the internet tourism sites when I was supposed to be finding stuff about Portugal. I found it funny what they tell you to do. "The Golden Gate is a must see!" Duh.. You dont need a tour book or website to tell you that. "Golden Gate park is beautiful and full of special plants! Visit Chinatown, ITS HUGE!" or.."Grace Cathedral is a large and pretty church that had cool looking stained glass windows." I wonder why they don't have any of the really good stuff in there. You have to go see the stuff they tell you to go see in those books and stuff but you should also see the stuff they don't mention. So many wonderful things tourists miss out on. If I go to New York City I would want to see all the stuff that people who live there get to see. I know the only way to do that is to spend some serious time there though because no one will tell you about it. Someday I'd like to make a tourist book that doesn't just have the shitty regular stuff to go see. I would include things that the locals get to see. Although...that might piss the locals off..hmm. OH well. Everyone should get to see the cool things hiding in cities.


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:: 2005 14 April :: 5.40am

Twenty-six years and seems like I've just begun
To understand my, my intimate is no one
When the director sold the show, who bought its last rites?
They cut the cast, the music, and the lights

This is my line, this is eternal
How did I ever end up here?
Discarnate, preternatural
My prayers to disappear
Absent of grace, marked as infernal
Ungranted in dead time left me disowned
To this nature, so unnatural
I remain alone

Twenty-six years end, still speaking in these tongues
Such revelations while understood by no one
When the new actor stole the show, who questioned his grace?
Please clear this house of ill-aquired taste

This is my line, this is eternal
How did I ever end up here?
Discarnate, preternatural
My prayers to disappear
Absent of grace, marked as infernal
Ungranted in dead time left me disowned
To this nature, so unnatural
I remain alone

Give me something, give me something
Give me something, give me something
Give me something, give me something real

I lay strewn across the floor, can't solve this puzzle
Everyday another small piece can't be found
I lay strewn across the floor, pieced up in sorrow
The pieces are lost, these pieces don't fit
Pieced together incomplete and empty

This is my line, this is eternal
How did I ever end up here?
Discarnate, preternatural
My prayers to disappear
Absent of grace, marked as infernal
Ungranted in dead time left me disowned
To this nature, so unnatural
I remain alone

This is my line, this is eternal
How did I end up here?
Discarnate, preternatural
My prayers to disappear
Absent of grace, marked as infernal
Ungranted in dead time left me disowned
To this nature, so unnatural
I remain alone

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:: 2005 12 April :: 9.51pm


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